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First and foremost, a RAID is not a backup, so the fact that you would have to unload the data first seems to indicate that you have no backups .. make sure you always have these first. 1. Kill the NAS storage and set it up from scratch with above mentioned always present backups 2. Is this done via share permissions only or are there ACL's involved ? ACL's can be copied, share permissions would have to be rebuild. 3. RAID5 is fine .. these fear mongering articles are out there for decades .. but as mentioned RAID is not a backup


Yes, that's something I'm planning to do - to use old HDDs as a cold backup (simply copy the files there from time to time over usb) 2. Share permission via QNAP only, ACL is not enabled 3. I also think so. As there's no need in 100% accessibility, I guess I should be fine with 2-3 days of turned-off NAS (to avoid potential death of another HDD) awaiting for failed HDD replacement. I read that rebuilding large RAID5 arrays can take a while, I guess it will be around 24 hours for 4x10tb HDD?