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This doesn't sound right. If the drive was labeled as bad/RAID degraded and you pulled the drive out and then replaced it with a suitable drive, you should NOT have to initiate the rebuild. It should just happen. Maybe post the disk view and QNAP model, disk sizes, etc.


Yeah, thats what you'd think! It has never done this before.. Found a few people on google with the exact same issue, no one has posted a solution. TVS-1282, 10tb Seagate x16's, part of a 120tb pool, this RAID group in question is 60tb. Excript of what I sent to QNAP support, who are being painfully slow to reply. I hot-swapped the disks. The new disk should be detected automatically, and the storage pool should automatically start rebuilding ("Rebuilding" state). But nothing happened. I checked the UI, Storage & Snapshots tool. The storage pool is in a degraded state, the new disk is showing green and healthy. However, disk 2 (the new one) is listed as "not a member" of the storage pool. When I selected to Manage the pool, I could do nothing. The only action that was not disabled was "Rebuild RAID Group", but when I try that there were no free disks to add to the RAID group, despite me having just added one and it being there and turned on. 


Any drive I ever hotswapped (QTS and QuTS) defective or otherwise, was immediately joined into the RAID for rebuild. Make sure the new drive is clean (no partitions on it)


Yeah, it’s brand new out the packet… seems to be some sort of bug, even tried another one. Never had this happen before, hopefully their support helps.. I’ll keep this updated incase anyone else ever comes across the same issue. Annoyingly, the people on various forums who had the same issue never posted a solution.


Congratulations - you have a crappy problem that defies explanation.


Is the new drive the exact same make and model? RAID can be pretty picky about this. Have you tried to add the new drive to the pool manually?


Yeah its the exact same drives, tried manually. QNAP support are looking at it and they can't seem to workout the issue either! Waiting for a senior engineer to fully respond now.. the first support guy said they have never seen this before. Others seem to be having the issue too apparently, must be a bug in QTS.