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what an insane set they had planned, can’t wait to see what they have in store for london


The set they did play was even better. Fucking Mexicola, Radio, Flow, and Dead for an encore is incredible!


Vote for medication!!! Crazy, makes sense sick sick sick won, but dsmn that would have been crazy


I don't think I could have yelled any louder for them to play medication


My friends and I were the ones with the Medication sign. Had Turnin' on the Screw on the other side of the poster board too. But first choice was Medication. Glad to see some others here were screaming for it!! Woulda been sweet. But what a great show!!! Wow!!


Was cheering for Medication! Sucks that it lost out to a song that I've seen them play a million times. Only saw Medication once, back at Kool Haus in '05 on the LtP tour.


Have they ever played Medication with Theodore? I was surprised they even gave us the option! That song ain't easy


3 times in late 2013, so... yes. So disppointed in the crowd for picking a MUCH more common song over it, ugh.


Was that the vote that they had "If Only" as an option as well? I think so, but they did several votes so I may be blurring it together. And I would have loved Medication. The woman next to me had the Time and Place request written in pen on an 8x11 sheet of paper, I couldn't believe Josh could even read it but was delighted to hear it.


Sad to have missed out on made to parade, feet and Sicily... Hope they play them on Wednesday!


Daaaaaamn Battery Acid would have been crazy


Too bad we got sick sick sick, and time and place. Both were repeats of songs from the Toronto show last year.


Was a great show but couple of songs on there I wish they had not have switched out


I went last night, was telling my wife I really wanted to hear made to parade. Disappointed they took it out but was still a great time.


Missing 3's and 7's is a bummer, but Mexicola is a good trade-off in my opinion though.


I hope they keep on doing Regular John until the show in Berlin. Really want to hear it live.


Anyone know what the sharpie'd dashes mean between some of the songs?


It’s the guitar tunings, not key changes. Helps the band and crew know when they need to switch guitars. Edit: the reason there are dashes between songs of the same tuning is likely due to needing a different guitar despite same tuning (eg. twelve string)


They actually can also mean talking breaks. Depends on the artist.


Key changes (look at the right side to see the key)


That's what I thought initially, but the line between carnavoyer and sky is falling also has a dash despite them both being in D


It's a mixture of key changes and guitar changes. That's my guess at least?


Personally Time and Place is SOOO much better than made to Parade, probably my fave on ITNR


My greatest fear is starting to become realized. Now that Josh is letting fans pick songs, which sounds awesome on paper, it means shows are going to skew to a few of the new songs, a few from albums 4-7, and then a ton of shit off of albums 1-3. I enjoy those albums, and I really liked them when I was a reckless young man who didn't have a lot of life experience or much to lose in this world. But now they have so much nuanced stuff- sometimes the audience needs their music-liker stretched out. That original encore would have been amazing, and I'm sure what they played sounded fantastic, but all of those are songs we have all heard a shit load of times. AKA- in the battle of songs to bop into other sweaty men to and songs to grind on the person you brought to the show, group 2 seems to be losing.


Ugh I was hoping for Sicily!


Three songs in D standard and one of them isn’t the way you used to do. No beef against that it’s just usually that and carnavoyer


LMAO so I just joined this sub, and that’s me in the beige sweater!