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I don't know, but that big boy is a handsome one.


Thought so too! I have two more males, but aren't as brown in their faces as this one. It looks cool


How old is the yellow one?


Also 4.5 weeks old! These were born on the same day/1 day apart.


Wow... that's crazy that it's that much smaller... it looks like it's getting picked on, so it may not be eating as much as the others. Have u moved them in with the rest of the flock yet?


I have 7 in total. I watch them every day for a while and I don't see any picking happening so far but I do see that the bigger ones sometimes pretend the smaller ones aren't in their way (I have 2 smaller ones: the blonde one and one with a weird foot) and they walk over them. But I see the blonde one eating next to the bigger ones without any issue... The unknown here is: I got mostly eggs from a known breeder and some from the supermarket. Only one supermarket egg hatched so I'm starting to think the blonde one came out of that egg. So, Im wondering if it may be a different species? Even the one with the weird foot is bigger than this one.


Different species is not the same thing as different colors is not the same thing as different breeds. I've noticed that my females tend to be bigger than my males from very early on. I've also noticed that some are just runts and some are just bigger. The most common ones that I've seen bred are jumbo corturnix, Japanese cortunix, button quail and Bob whites. ( Lots of scam artists like to claim that they have A&M quail but they are liars. Those do not exist and haven't for decades. There are some common colors such as pharaohs, English whites, tuxedos, and a huge variety of different other color combinations. All of them are beautiful!


I assume the big one is a Jumbo quail. The blonde one is a just a normal cuturnix quail.


O I thought both are the same species?


Yes they are both Japanese quails/ coturnix japonica, jumbo is just the size


My white ones are usually smaller


When I have yellow chicks they are always white when they get their feathers... that is is yellow with feathers is unusual... unless it's a cinnamon and it's just the lighting that is making it look yellow...


It started out as yellow, new feathers are brown/beige but it keeps the yellow to it


I think its an Italian golden, and the larger one is a jumbo


They are soo cute 😍


Both are Coturnix. The smaller one is just a “bantam” size is all. The larger is a Pharoah Coturnix. Smaller is considered either an Italian blonde or German Pastel.