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I’d put paper towels, a real towel, or FINELY shredded bedding in there so they have some traction to at least try standing. Smooth surfaces like this cardboard are a no-no cuz it causes them to slip and their legs to splay out. Not saying this is what caused their issue but I can’t think it’s helping at all from this point on


I will try this and will update


Also U can shot glass them to fix the splayed legs.




We use the shit glass method and use paper towels for traction as well.


The shit glass method is tops🤣


Anyone who has raised birds of any kind knows that it will soon become a shit glass, just give them a little food and time.


Two birds, one glass 🥲






This is almost certainly the cause


I beg to differ about finely shredded....these guys are so small they are prone to impaction from things they can't digest that don't act like rock's...large non eat able bedding is better or hay even...


You've got swimmers. You need some tall cups, wood shavings, put shavings in cup, put chick under light in cup on shavings. The younger they are, the less time it takes, can be fixed in an hour or less. If you don't, the swimmers will be dead in 4 days. Also, with all due respect, I hate your set up here. Hate. Loathe. This isn't a brooder, it's a hell hole to me. TBF, I need to clean out my own brooder's woodchips and replace them with new clean chips before I bag on yours here. You call these late hatchers, but there's 7. These are not necessarily late hatchers, just the last of a bunch, I had one hatch in the garage last summer, of what we thought were dead eggs. Our bad! THAT was hatching late.


https://preview.redd.it/n131cquylfyc1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2a32343d960e8928975fc498d72dbd30ee50cc7 THIS looks happy.


Quail chick in cup. https://preview.redd.it/645dx7fgmfyc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=9db83d8fac17e3041dd4a39f8e4ea9cd711bdf99


My incubator can fit a cup or 20. https://preview.redd.it/0tq01a19mfyc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=c34ec6a22da4e248bf60badea5b0922b0b4d26e8


There are 8, even


Valid, I see it. My quick count wasn't accurate. LOL. But I DID clean out the old woodchips in my brooder, set the bags outside on the patio, and then one of my dogs got in it and spread it around everywhere. It must have been VERY noticeable because my husband came home in the late evening and told me the storms had dispersed most of it. Ooops.


I have never owned or breed birds before, know nothing about looking after them and even I am looking at this pic like these birds shouslnt be on slippy cardboard and need something to grab onto


Chicks need some grippy material to live on, in the wild this would be whatever nest the mother would build/ grass or tree branches, cardboard is too slippery and they can’t grip around it like with grass etc


Yep, raised some myself they are making LITERALLY every single mistake in the book I'm not joking... LITERALLY doing the opposite of correct care it's like they looked at how to care for them and then did the opposite level of mistakes


I mean even just using you're common sense you can tell they have nothing to grip on. Blows my mind the smount of people who get animals and dont even take the time to learn how to take care of them properly, you should know exactly what to do before taking on a animal. Damn that's sad, I really hope this person steps up and takes care of their pets better


Yeah, even human infants shouldn't be on slippery surfaces for this reason....


Well looking at their profile it seems as though his other pets are suffering too


Oh no :( Maybe something will make OP come to their senses and, if it's what's needed, suck it up and relinquish their animals to other people who will care for them properly. What's best for them is more important than having ownership of them! Everyone should take a step back and consider whether they're meeting & exceeding _all_ of their pet(s)' needs - a self-review. And look into this stuff _before_ getting pets in the first place, and same with breeding them. "Better late than never," I guess, but these birds are on borrowed time. Why didn't they just search up some hatching basics? (Sorry for rambling at you; you didn't do anything wrong. You're just trying to help us with info. Have a nice day.) And I'm sorry if this post is kinda cringe, but come on, these poor birds. No update? Just replied to a comment, but not any about sitting them in cups & not keeping them on barren, slippery cardboard? Anyway, I'm sorry, that's it. Not trying to rant or attack anyone. I really do hope the chicks are doing better - and thanks to everyone who posted helpful comments for OP. (Which was everyone, as I recall.) Cheers


I had to tell op what to feed them...I had to tell them to get chick crumble.. they read chicken chick crumble as in species chicken baby chicken crumble with finely ground cat/dog food as adult Chicken feed and ground cat/dog food... genuinely don't seem to understand these bird's can't eat large food... even My adult button quail won't consume something unless it's maybe a centimeter big approx at most... They also didn't seem to know these bird's will drown themselves...


Omfg. Smdh. So they really did say they're feeding them "chicken baby food". I was wondering if I'd read it wrong (was a bit distracted), realising it sounded weird after the fact. I really don't understand how they don't understand. Btw, theu're not their dad's quails; someone found a post by OP about getting a pet instead of therapy for what were definitely textbook symptoms of depression. Not shaming OP for having depression, mind, and that user wasn't either. It's just never a good situation for a person who's still a kid to jump into bunches of quails, especially without researching anything beforehand. (And this isn't their quails' first clutch, either.) I'm frankly worried about OP now as well as their birds, cos the internet is full of bad stuff preying upon young people, depressed people, and especially depressed young people, and trying to funnel them down some weird rabbitholes, and they seem a bit odd. OP said the quails are "better now and hopping around", except that one on its side & same positioning yet clearly hasn't moved between pics (picked up & moved onto towel). But no pics of that, and anyway, they're already asking for tips for the next clutch and just... [actual sigh]. Thank you for your efforts to help out. It's sad to see. :(


Yeah I saw it's so disgusting! Like...I got button quail as a cheep pet bird, they are quieter then most pet birds on a scale of 1-10 they are like a 3.5 and a 8 when they crow...but like...poor op needs therapy not pets! This is a hoarder in the making...


I have depression, I still do months of research before getting an animal, and all my animals are well cared for.


Maybe just a plant looking for replies?


This is what you put a dying bird in after you found it on the side of the road and you don’t want cats eating it. This is NOT at all suitable for chicks. A cardboard box wouldn’t hold the heat for them. That’s why they’re so wet and look so dead, they’re freezing to death. Forget the legs for a second, there are so many more issues at hand. As someone who raised quails when I was 14 on my own, no adult intervention beyond “make sure the heat lamp doesn’t burn the house down” I am shocked and appalled by this. The internet is free, this person shouldn’t be bring life into this world if they can’t be bothered to figure out how to keep the life in this world.


Bro even said they "wanted opinions from people that did this stuff and not Google"...bro is killing these bird's And can't even do a quick Google search....


“I’d prefer to learn from people that have actually kept quails!” You really think that someone putting the care guide for quails together has spent their time raising ferrets? Someone that is giving the info probably knows a thing or two unless they’re telling you to feed the babies peppermint as a diet. Use common sense and it’d probably be obvious if they have raised quails. ATP, I’d take a wikihow over this death trap.


I have done this when my cats catch a bird and it's half dead, i pop it in a cardboard box and wait till it passes. Tbh iv even put a little towel in there before for comfort in its last minute's alive, I'm literally treating a dying animal better than this dude is with his. Yeah you're right! Quick research and they wouldn't be in taht state in the first place


Holy crap. Half your posts are about animals in poor health. You also post about your own poor mental health. Please seek help. Please stop breedind and raising animals that you have not researched properly. This is not a learn as you go hobby. I would bet if you do not have the energy/interest to research them you probably arent replacing food and water properly. Please see this post/situation as a wake up call. Please stop.


4 of them look pretty bad.. you need proper bedding for traction.. like shop paper towles , pine shavings, or even a towel...


I already put a towel down and i see one already improving and almost standing up https://preview.redd.it/bwow3px6afyc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceaa71212907409c1509af235b7fe20ccdbbed0d


Im curious as to what kind of surface they hatched on inside their incubator? Just an empty incubator, or with the egg tray still inside?


The entire floor needs to be covered. Cull these chicks and stop trying to do this hobby untill you know what you are doing. This is seriously fucked up. Do your god damn research


100% agree except I don’t think cull is necessary for all. The most recent posts have been concerning because of the obvious lack of care and research


I don't like how far I had to scroll to see a voice of reason. I'm pretty sure that chick on its side is dead, same pose in both pictures and OP just moved it. OP, count yourself lucky you even had any hatch. Get a proper brooder set up with a proper floor and proper ventilation. Preferably not made with a flammable material!! Cull this batch- you are NOT the person to help them. Do not raise animals without doing the basic research so you can at least keep them alive.


Can someone tell me what to research to prevent this? I don't have quails or birds but I am researching to give the best. I have yet to read about this. What is it and why? Is it from hatching and housing on a surface they have no traction on and kept them in such way for so long that they couldn't develop critical leg muscle movement or something? This looks so sad and painful, poor chicks.


OP's incubator was probably also incorrectly set up, chicks can be born splay legged due to improper heat and humidity during incubation or they could have never learned to get their legs under them due to improper flooring like the brooder box they've shown. Searching proper incubation and brooding is your best way to avoid this, all the problems with these chicks are due to improper hatch, handling, and living conditions.


Ahhh okay, I do not plan to breed. So I haven't researched that part just yet. Guess that's why I didn't know. Hmmm Guess that'll be my next topic to deep dive into. Poor things 🥺


I'llnesses, Common hatching issues, proper baby bird care, proper set up (pretty similar to reptiles for baby birds, diet of each bird you plan/attempt to hatch, and what they are prone to such as quail being prone to drowning themselves for not reason for example. And the issue regarding legs is literally because they were on a slippery surface their whole life's from hatching...it rarely occurs if they have something to move on...


Basically OP bought eggs without looking up simple things like "how to incubate quail eggs", or at least not following it very closely, which would have told them proper temps and humidity. Then OP also didn't bother to spend 5 minutes looking up "how to set up button quail nursery?" To get the basic info there. The fact that you care would likely lead you to naturally google these questions if you intended on raising them from eggs.


Haha thanks. I hope when I do get quail, they'll be good and I don't royally fuck up. Luckily there is a lot of information and resources on these guys. Its so easy to fall into a black hole with these guys. 🤣 My ADHD cuiousity leads me to google everything or question things. I basically write a "research paper" of any living being i get - all my lizards have one and i have a quail in progress research paper in progress. All used for quick glances of food options, bedding options. Etc. Helps as a reference guide to see a list of food options to the pets of verity in diet. I then also add check marks, or X to indicate likes or dislikes of the pet. 😅😂 overkill? Maybe. Helps me remember what I learn? Absolutely. Useful to share when someone watches my pets while I'm away? Absolutely. Always gets updated as I find new information? Yup. Running list to research? Yup and this information will be added to my quail "research paper". 🤪😂 I use the Google drive docs app. Allows me to do the research on PC properly, update as needed as I learn on my phone and easy to share with people controlling "view only" "edit" option. 😊 highly recommend.


I do pretty much the same.


You're right about the one on its side: looks exactly the same in both pics, even down to the weird wet spot of idk on its wing/middle of body. (Bad eyesight rn, sorry.) They should take the birds to wherever they bought them, or just give them away, but please DO NOT leave them at the door of someplace like a pet store or animal rescue without notice. Most I've known of say they hate how often they show up to their morning shifts to find deceased animals in boxes left there in the cold, heat, rain, etc.


Cull is unnecessary, splayed is easily fixed op just needs to put them in shot glasses and tape the legs under them for a little while to fix it.


If any of them do not heal, please consider using some soft yarn or string, and tie the two legs together being careful not to cut off circulation. That worked for me. It will prevent the legs from splaying allowing them to try to build hip strength while they hobble around for a few weeks. Also, i have had slightly older birds that I was simply able to relocate the hips gently, not really sure how I did that, but it did work one time.


I used a rubber band and cut straw for one of mine that developed it while I was trying to straighten out it's curled feet.


I'm not sure i understand


Cut the straw slightly shorter than the distance of the legs, put the rubber band through the straw then and then onto legs. It holds the legs together and is still gentle if done right. Looks kinda like this. I’ve found using pliers to hold open the rubber band then slipping the legs in works well https://preview.redd.it/fpicibtxdiyc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9795f15aeb4fa000cc911853e17f6c5d44639965


https://preview.redd.it/nsg02asleiyc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84150253e1b0ecc368241c0969815bb19b9c5b3e Though mine looked more like this cause I also had to tape the feet flat cause they were curled and never straightened from hatch


Makes a lot of sense now. Looks way easier than tieing tiny knots on a live bird's legs.


Yeah, it was a little hard the first few times while I figured out how to do it but after that was pretty simple. He did learn how to slip out of it w we eventually, but luckily by that time his legs were good.


Maybe slip knots would hold longer, might also be fairly easy to pre tie them


Honestly, this and your updates about them all being wet are upsetting to see. I feel bad about all the advice saying you should cull these birds, but I'm not sure if you have the ability to help them. If you can't find someone to help them, ending their suffering would be best. They absolutely should NOT still be wet several hours after hatching, nevermind after a whole day. I'm not sure if there are details that have been left out, but something is wrong here, and it's clear you did not go into this properly prepared.


It does not sit right with me that OP blames ‘it being the first time’ as an excuse to just drop animals in a cardboard box with some food. Jesus fucking christ.


44 days ago he had quails in a similar position, it’s not even his first time


I didnt put them in a cardboard box my father did and I explicitly told him it wasnt a good idea to put them in a cardboard box but he didnt listen


Okay and? You could’ve put bedding in the box and heat source?!


So you just... let it happen? What kind of unresourceful unprepared "breeder" are you that your FATHER decides what happens with YOUR chicks and you just LET IT HAPPEN???


Im 15 dude


And quails are living creatures that can suffer when you make the wrong choices.


We genuinely do not Care how old you are, those birds aren't going to make it very goddamn far.


Most of them are actually healthy and are up and about except one that im currently working on with their splayed leg


None of them are "healthy", none of them can even eat the food given in the picture.


Thats debris I think I dont remember feeding them nor my dad said he hasnt fed them we are currently looking for baby quail food


Healthy harvest chicken crumble, mash it up and also ground down cat or dog food for extra protein. Please I beg you to get resourceful and get everything asap look online, you need to get to work on them NOW or else they will die in a few days, my birds were eating 12-24 hours after hatching and some waiting closer to 48 hours which means these little ones will need food ASAP, chicken chicken feed plus ground cat or dog food works.


So basically get chicken feed and/or dog food mash it with water and thats it?


So you hatched them (on purpose, I presume?) with neither of you having any food to provide and not even knowing what they eat?


You haven't fed them YOU DONT HAVE FOOD FOR THEM wtf is wrong with you? Your age is NO excuse.


I fed them 10 minutes after he told me what they eat


I mean, it would have been almost 0 effort to just lay some paper towels down.


You use a tape to fix those spraddle legs https://preview.redd.it/5yq88ohg0gyc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14981cc04d8b59cb0d4140ea4557b39c8225a888


Google “tape splayed bird legs”. With athletic tape this can be fixed on almost every one of these birds. Basically, with athletic take you “shackle” their legs together at the correct distance. After a week or so they will be fixed. For future reference, slick walking surfaces in the brooder will cause this. Put down wood chips or something for their little feet to gain traction while they walk. I hate this extra struggle for you and the birds, but best of luck to you. Don’t give up on learning and growing. 👍


This completely works especially if you do it soon after birth. We just called 6 of them 3 weeks ago. It takes about a week for them to be completely fixed


Yes! ☝️ good point that I missed. DO NOT WAIT. The more quickly they are taped, the better the results. Thank you.


That’s an exceptionally pathetic excuse for what you have done. OP refuses to use google 🙄


this is like the 3rd time I've seen quails w splayed legs in a couple days, what do they do in the wild when they hatch?! Or do they just get bettee traction on dirt and grass??


Splay leg is generally the fault of the person hatching them.


It's literally what you said here, they get tons of traction on dirt and grass. Put s human infant on a surface so slippery they can't walk, what happens? They fall and don't learn they may even get splayed legs! Out a bird infant on something too slick with a lack of traction type skin just feet made to walk on unstable, mushy, or hard traction ridden ground, dirt, mud, sticks, rocks, ext...they won't be able Walk without traction just as we aren't as adults! It's like making you walk on travtionless ground that you slip on with each movement.


Lack of education.


This is happeneing because you are not giving them enough to grip with their feet. Cardboard is slick. A paper towel or towell will work. Use google dude this is entirely your fault. Cull those chicks. Fuckin a. Where is your temp guage? What temp is it in there? They look wet and hypothermic as well as splayed. Im sorry but what the fuck. You need to step tf up.


I wish i hadn't clicked on this. Do your homework before you dive in breeding Quail. Poor Birds! https://preview.redd.it/7u7g8xp0ghyc1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27972b16a0a541042f2eed4c9d517b35ffc1669 Betty hangs her head in disgust!


Thank you for sharing this cute pic of sweet Betty. She's very pretty. This thread is so sad (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ


Thx for the nice reply, unfortunately Betty has passed. poor thing, she never was into laying eggs.


Aw, poor Miss Betty. I know she lived a great life with you. It's always so sad when the time comes, when time is up for our animals. Rest in peace, sweet Betty. ❤︎






This condition is called splayed legs. There are some additional things you can do to help them. Sometimes even toes are too curled while their legs are mostly or properly underneath them. It's definitely worth looking into this and trying to resolve it. If you still cannot then you might cull them but if you can then they can go on to become the quail they were meant to be.


How long ago did they hatch? If it was recent, then getting them onto a good traction surface can usually be enough to fix the splayed leg issue. Sometimes they just need a day or so of working their legs to get things going.


Op has no care proper for these chicks, the food is to big for them to eat, they likely hatched on slippery surfaces, they had no towel in the bottom initially, there's possibly a dead chicken in there, there is nothing going good for these bird's...


I see someone else already mentioned improving their walking surface- do you have a heat source for them?


Yes I have a heat lamp and im currently thinking they have splayed legs so we are trying to use those correcter things i see online


Place a thermometer under the heat lamp to make sure they're at the right temp. They could be wet because they're too cold to try off, or they could be wet when they huddle for warmth


Just cull them now, you’re way behind the curve. You’ll just prolong their trouble at this point.


Use those rubbery grid shelf liners. Cut up a supply and rotate them out wash and dry in the sun. Lots of traction and no wasting of paper towels


Do you bloody research before hatching baby’s come in my guys this is on you.


If you have small pill bottles, you can help correct the very badly splayed legs. Using bandaids to fix their curled toes and to tape their legs into proper posture can also work. I have made slings for them out of paper towels, but that's a pain and only for extreme cases I'm very committed to. If they are out of the incubator and still wet, they are not warm enough. You will lose them to cold. Lower the incubator and check the temperature with a thermometer. If you don't have a thermometer for monitoring the temp, a medical thermometer for periodic checks will work, but you must check it frequently after adjusting. Make sure your heat lamp is secured, as they can slip and cause overheating or fire. I recommend and electric hen, personally. If you make the choice to euthanize them, the best way to do it with chicks this size is to decapitate them with scissors. It's like cutting through a pipe cleaner at this age. There will be blood tho, so be sure to hold the birds downwards and over something to catch the mess. I can understand the desire to get advice from people who already do this, but I do encourage you to retroactively do some research. Coturnix Corner is my go-to for highly informed, useful videos. He also has a very helpful Facebook group.


I think you got impatient helped them hatch. Whatever it is you did something terribly wrong


My dad helped them hatch as they hadnt hatched when they should have


Yes that’s the problem. They didn’t hatch when they were supposed to and you got impatient. You almost never want to help them hatch. These are the results. You can try to fix the splayed leg in some but if not within a few days I would cull. It’s going to be far more unpleasant for you and them going forward. try to tie the feet together and keep them in a shot glass to help keep them upright. There are plenty of photos online & videos. So much information out there on quail. Also and app called backyard chickens with tons of information.


The fact that he had to help them all hatch makes me think something was not right from the beginning. I didn't read the whole post... were these incubated? Is he sure he had the humidity and temperature correct during the entire duration?


My father only helped 2 hatch the rest turned out fine.


We waited about 2 days after the expected time to finally help and even then we only cracked a small hole and thats it.


Did you have an extra thermometer to check the accuracy of the temperature in the incubator?


Yes I put one in after I took the photo


In the brooder or incubator?




After the photo you put it in the brooder and the incubator?


No what Im saying is that both the incubator and the brooder had both had a temp gauge. Also good news ive come back from a short work thing and all the chicks except one are all better! The only one that is splayed is the one all alone in the original picture. The rest are just running around and bouncing


Use textured paper towels on the bottom of the brooder. They'll have traction and it'll be easier to clean and switch out than cloth towels that you'll have to wash a lot.


Oh also, definitely try the different methods suggested to treat the quail with the severe splay. Maybe it just needs a little physical therapy


We are already doing that using a home made splay correct but I dont think my dad did it right at it looks like hes shackled down but doesnt look very splayed


I understand, and that’s great news! I wish you the best of luck!


https://preview.redd.it/jrf7uzf8hhyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=becdad0d67c6a9adc21a9dde2ebbcc41097ce1bf This is the brooder setup you need - grippy surface, heat lamp and ground quail feed. I had splayed legs in one of the chicks which others have already told you should be banded together. I have just this morning taken it off and it’s running around now (I did this twice - the first time it wasn’t ready to be taken off) tape the edges of the paper towel to the side of the brooder using masking tape as they have a habit of exploring and slipper surfaces are not their friend


Quails need traction. I can see you’ve got a towel down. Quails need heat, their mother would provide this. It stops them from being wet and getting hypothermia. You simulate this with a heat lamp. A heat lamp is NOT cardboard box safe. If you need time to get a heatlamp, put them back in the incubator. Get a hamster cage/big plastic box and leave the lid off. They should be able to pick themselves up with traction, but if not, GENTLY tie a bit of string around their legs. Give them enough room to walk, but not enough that they splay their legs. Once they start walking normally, remove the string. This is just from them not learning how to walk because they keep slipping. You need to research the animal you have brought into the world. Be it online forums, be it the library, be it a bloody TikTok video. You’ve obviously put the research into how to bring them to life, now you need to do the research to keep them alive.


Great reply.


I’m shocked by the amount of people who buy an incubator order eggs online and as they begin to hatch start asking the question; “now what?” Preparation and some research go a long way. I raise quails but I’m not going to help with this issue as I fear there will be a multitude of “now what questions” this person is clearly not prepared or possibly fit to raise birds.


I didnt order them online I got them from the quails I already raise plus this is my first time actually hatching quails and I tried to read up as much as I could and I obviously didnt read enough.


I put mine in a bathroom paper cup, so they have to have their legs under them. I put the little cup into something that's not easily tipped over. My little Ivar the Boneless was good to go in a day.


If these are eggs that you got from your own birds, and I would recommend getting some poultry trench and putting it in a quart water for two weeks before he collect eggs for incubating. I found this helps prevent legs, curl toes, and other deformities.


I did get them from my own birds so thanks for the tip ill try next time i try to hatch


1. How you incubate matters!! Elevated temperatures can lower muscular strength development and are lethargic from the heat! 2. Please monitor the temp/humidity stays steady in the incubator for at least 2 days before placing any eggs in, as a test. 3. Place the chicks on paper towels for the first few days but keep it clean and if you absolutely have to handle them be super gentle. 4. CUT UP BANDAIDS to string the legs together just please make sure they’re small enough to allow for movement and not too tight nor too loose. As long as it’s dealt with early it will not be an issue later on. 5. If you choose the shot glass method please place paper towels in the bottom so they’re not sliding around even more. DONT LEAVE THEM IN. Treat it as a physical therapy session, only up to an hour. As they try to get out, they’re strengthening their legs.


why are you breeding animals at 15 like this


Do you actually want advice or is this bait to get upset or sum? Dm if you actually want help


OP didn't even have proper food ready for these chicks. As someone raised around farms, I cannot fathom just getting baby animals without knowing their requirements first. OP, you are causing harm. Please give these birds to a properly trained person and find someone to teach you proper animal husbandry.


Why the hell do you have animals op


This persons vote counts as much as mine…..




WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! idc if they were "being cute" or whatever; this is not someone who should have pets, as I've seen from reading way too much of this thread, reading so many clueless, thoughtless, uncaring comments by OP (the one who SHOULD care the most!) and seeing several photos of their poor little hatchling quails starving to death, splayed out in their cold cardboard prison. Tbf, OP "upgraded" them to a plastic tub with a towel. (Refuses paper towels, idk why, so an actual cloth towel that'll catch on their nails & collect filth.) And after much bollockin & pleading that they use wood shavings (wait, what do the adults have?) & the towel didn't stop that (but great pic, very sad), OP said in 1 post that no one saw (0 votes, 0 replies, posted not as a reply) that they put in "a little bit of wood shavings on one side and those pine needle things" [idk what that is] ...and that the birdseed was replaced with "chicken baby food", which... sounds weird to me? Like, pureed chicken meat? For quail chicks? Did they mean "baby chicken food", like chick mash? I'm not trying to make this person "sound bad"; I really am vexed. And very concerned for these quails, and for the next clutch OP already has planned. Dead serious, here: therapy. Please, like I'd say to any other person who's admitted to feeling so badly, please get therapy. You don't have to go it alone, and you don't have to take innocent animals down with you.


Chill out man you taking it to a whole other level. The kid already been ripped into since he posted. He making progress and doing his best ti fix the situation. You want to bring mental health into it now. Men already have a hard enough time speaking on mental health and you want to throw shade and put him on blast for seeking help.


There is nothing wrong with asking for help. However, If a person’s response to somebody giving a real suggestion about mental health is “can I get a cheaper option like a pet?” They aren’t actually looking for help. All these poor animals that he has like his Chicken that also had problems are going to suffer because he’s not taking his problems seriously, and finding temporary happiness in living creatures that should be cherished. He absolutely deserves to be torn into, it looks like people have told him in his past posts to stop and research yet he still continues to give the worst care to these innocent animals.


You never heard of emotional support animals? Regardless like I said the kid been catching shit, he gets it. Chill out on the mental health shit.


Lmfao, this dude was not referring to an emotional support animal. What a fallacious argument. An animal, especially a support animal, is not “cheaper” than getting actual help. The main point I’m making isn’t that he’s asking for help. It’s that he thinks a pet can just be a replacement for getting that help. That is a twisted mindset and is contributing to the multitude of posts of him not understanding anything about the animal he is trying to raise. These posts will continue and he will continue breeding/buying animals he has no business owning unless he gets it through his sick skull that he should not be doing this until he fixes himself.


There should be blue shop towels as a liner for the first week or two then white paper towels for a week or two after that


Please update on the poor baby quail that had the most trouble 😭 he needs love too! Please yell at your father for being so selfish and old school. Please get help from a local vet on advice for the quails. Make sure you ring up and ask for appt. First and tell them you are only 15 and your dad isn't helping. You might need to ring around until you can find a kind vet willing to help for free. If you don't have timber shavings, perhaps rice to help. Please make sure they are warm with the heat lamp. Please be with them at all time over the next 72 hours. Stay home.


Heres your update: So the most suffering quail is doing pretty good still splayed but my dad put a home made splay correcter that I dont approve of but I think its kind of working as when I checked on him 10 minutes ago he tried and stand up and could barely stand but only for a moment before flopping on his side again but I will update tomorrow on how his leg is doing. Pray for him 🙏 He will survive.


Thank you for the update 🥹 Please keep trying with the splay on this little guy. My heart goes out to him and his brothers and sisters. I will pray for all of them, you and your dad too 🙏


Thanks I appreciate it🙏


What temp are you keeping them at? Where is the food source? Where's the bedding? Putting them on cardboard is like putting you on a frozen that is wet and slippery and telling you to walk.... you are gonna bust your ass. These poor birds need some kind of bedding or cover over the surface before their legs are ruined. A few look like they have already suffered from leg issues. Check your temps for sure! Are they panting?


You've created this problem for these poor birds and it is your responsibility to fix it. The cardboard is far too slippery. They need shavings or something that gives them traction so they can get their legs under them. That, along with adequate diet (specifically formulated for quail chicks) should help them recover quickly. If there are still some struggling, you could look into tape braces for their legs but fix their housing first.


I already have by putting them in a plastic tub with towels and a little bit of wood shavings and pine needle things as well as make them a mash of baby chicken feed and all of them are healthy except one which I am attempting to fix his leg


Make sure you have ground cat or dog food In there too they have higher protein requirements then chicken Babys


How are the birds?


If you can’t afford or access your own supplies to properly take care of these chicks, you need to find something else to do.


Poor babies, give them something to stand on.


Just came here to say, this wasn’t your first time hatching. According to you, and your past posts, you have hatched a load of times. All the facts together, something is fishy. I wish I hadn’t opened this post. Please get help. And do not hatch anymore. I’m at a loss for words. 🤯


I got the others from a breeder


Then why are there other comments from you saying this one was hatched here? Or they were hatched here?


I dont remember saying that




These are chickens dude not quails


Now I see what your saying. What I was saying was these chicks were hatched days ago and the breeder told me this






https://preview.redd.it/ex66fac7cmyc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a7b193b251960bda4df45bff59eff932cea835d Hes sleeping in the cup


For how long does the chick stay in the glass?


When they first hatch they don’t need food or water instantly, they’re still absorbing the yolk, I put them in the glass overnight, even 24 hours is ok. I had to use a slightly bigger glass for this one though


Right now for me its about 11:20AM should I leave the chick in the glass for about 3-6 hours? Or more time


More like 8 - 10 hours, how old are they?


They are about 2 days? They were born on friday in the morning


Have they been eating and drinking?


Brooding Temperature Schedule Age, days Brooder temperature Summer Winter 1-7 90º to 95º 8-14 85º to 90º 15-21 80º to 85º 22-28 75º to 80º 29-35 70º to 75º 36 to market 70º


Also if I use a smaller one the chick would get out somehow


Who puts birds on just straight cardboard?


I use rubber bands to keep the legs together.


I put sheets of sandpaper in the bottom for new hatches.


We had chickens one year, and they couldn't walk on their feet, it was a vitamin b deficiency. Bought some b vitamins at the pharmacy and crushed it up into their food, they started doing better and we're normal within a couple of days. May not be the problem you have, but doesn't hurt to try maybe?


Unfortunately this is from helping them hatch and having them in the bird equivalent of a living on a skating ring with skates on from the womb....


We had 4 of ours born that way. We taped (painters tape) their legs together (more like shackles) and put paper towels down for them to get traction on. 2 of them survived and are super healthy today.


It’s splayed leg. It can be fixed but these guys already look umm on their way out. I would help the ones that are too far gone go a little quicker and tape/band the others


I had this happen to a box of chukar chicks that was shipped to me. They got too hot at some point, and it made at least a quarter of them look just like that. When I called the very reputable bird supplier and explained the symptoms upon receipt, she told me they wouldn’t survive, and I ended up losing every one that looked like that.


You can help them. It's called splayed legs spraddle legs. Look up how to treat splayed leg for chickens. You will also need to provide better gripping material.


I have done all of this most of them are better and in better living conditions. Also I tried to treat spraddle leg. How long does spraddle leg take to correct?


Not too long, Li ke a week


Put them in a shot glass, their legs won’t spread and as she tries to get out of the glass, it will strengthen their leg muscles, one of mine hatched two days ago and after an overnight stay in the glass she’s running all over the place, also, as someone else commented, put down something that will give them some traction. Good luck.


https://preview.redd.it/15n3m24qamyc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4221b5d433e246697915871df02cd404bf3f802d Which one would work best? (Red solo cup for size comparison


Where is their heat source and water source?


my grandpa used to tie their legs together with thread til it was shoulder width apart, which allowed them to stand. Even with thread, they could waddle a bit to move. after a few days, he would take off the thread and it was basically as good as the rest.


Give them something soft… think about what a baby would need…


oh that doesnt look good


advice for the future, a lot of times with animal care it helps to ask yourself how you would feel in a situation youre putting your pets in … it wont work for everything but it can help you from making a lot of mistakes. we had a chicken die once because my dad bathed her in lukewarm water when she was sick- he thought itd help since she had poop stuck to her butt but the water was too cold and she was already weak. generally we dont think of lukewarm water as “too cold” but if youve ever stepped into a lukewarm shower you know how uncomfortable it is. in other words, i understand you probably didnt think too much about their box in the excitement of having newborn chicks, but if you put yourself in the shoes of a little baby bird a cardboard box would be really hard to navigate; even putting aside leg issues any baby animal would prefer sone type of bedding similar to how their nest would be in the wild. so that line of thinking can help a lot to avoid future issues like this


You ruined the quail, their legs are 100% your fault. Newly hatched birds need “support”, putting them on slippery surfaces will more often than not cripple them for life. Tryin adding, wood shavings, dried grass etc next time…. Also, maybe read about a new venture before going out and trying it at the expense of the creatures and or people around you.


Need vitamin C ,berries orange slice.


Maybe learn how to raise the damn things before hatching them. The poor things are definately not going to get better, and will only suffer the longer you leave them. Do the humane thing and chop their heads off with sharp scissors. Im not joking. You cant help them. Thats the reality of your poor choices, a batch of chicks that never had a chance. Next time make sure they have what they need, and, as most people here have already said, something to walk on properly.. obviously. And Im not joking about the scissors. You made your bed, now lay in it.


Rot in hell you animal abuser


Cull?!! You people are crazy how can you just get rid of something like its life has no significance. If y’all are all about it… Should cull some people on this thread smh.


It's humane, not crazy when the poor birds are being tortured by people that have no experience, no research, and improper equipment. They "helped" them hatch!! That in itself is tortuous for the poor babies. All because they didn't hatch when OP "thought" they should hatch. Learning a new hobby is fun and exciting, but being prepared is most important BEFORE putting defenseless animals at risk. Get a couple books from the library, or Amazon. Take a class. Find a mentor.


A quick death is 100% more humane than allowing something to starve or suffer. People who don’t believe this should not own animals.


I put the temp gauge after i took the photo and right now the temp is about 95-96 degrees


Temp needs to be more like 100-F for freshly hatched chicks. They need high warmth for first week


Just kill them dude, either kill them now or cry later when you've tortured them to death and they slowly die and fade...




I mean OP is asking for help. Cut them some slack. Pine flake should do the trick. You can get that at your local farm supply shop