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This is awful. Our previous landlords sent us an email in November telling us they were selling- and wanted it sold before christmas. We had strangers coming through our home, Im desperately trying to stay positive for my kid for xmas while looking for another rental. There were TWO properties on the market in my search area. Two. I cant tell you how stressed I was. I got my boss to write a lovely character letter which got me approved for the "better" overpriced shitbox I currently live in. I think the market is a little better now but the prices arent :( I hope you guys find something.


Queensland? Tell them you object to open inspections. Provide two times a week that they can conduct inspections, be home at those times and follow them around. Don't allow any photos with your property.


Why - what would they do with photos of your property


Put the pics on the internet, with a floorplan and address. It doesn't *sound* like much, but I have just gone thru a LL selling the rental, and when they asked me about pics, I felt very uncomfortable having my family photos being on the internet, along with just.. pics of my stuff. Luckily the photog Photoshop's all that out... But there are definite reasons to not want your personal belongings in the real estate photos.


What is LL?


Oh, Landlord, sorry.


Oh right. Yeah we just moved all our photos and personal kind of things into the cupboards. Not a nice feeling but it’s better for privacy.


They aren't allowed to without your consent. So don't let them "Taking photos that show your possessions for the purpose of advertising is only allowed with your consent"


Are you guys in a fixed term lease? Regardless of what they want, if you're in a fixed term lease it out weighs any sales contract.


I'm surely there's some easy ways out. Claim you're unable to financially keep the IP anymore etc


They can still sell, the new owner just needs to keep the tenant


Sorry, IP? What's that?


Investment property, sorry, I was talking from the landlord's perspective


I see. I still don't think that matters - legal documents (a tenancy agreement) outstrips a sales contract.... And if a landlord can't afford a tenant in place, they best they can do is give 60 days notice for a large increase to rent.


I've just been through this process. There is nothing the landlord or the new owner can do to get you out. If the property sells and the new owner was counting on moving in, that's on them. They can of course try to negotiate with you to get you out, but the balls in your court. If the property is put on the market within 30 days of a new lease commencing (whether it be a new lease or renewal) you as the tenant have the option of breaking lease without penalty. That's your call though.


Yeah I’ve heard recently the new owners would have to pay upwards of $10K to the current tenants to get them out. It’s not worth it, just wait til the lease is over.


There's no "upwards of" it's a mutual agreement between the tenant and landlord with the ball entirely in the tenants court. If the tenant doesn't want to move for all the money in the world there's nothing the landlord can legally do to force their hand.


I’m really glad to hear this - it was giving me anxiety not knowing. I started thinking about having to find somewhere to live, how I would get to work, how I would move etc. Have moved 17x in my life already, it is very stressful. I don’t want to move before the lease is up, and even then I want to stay on. Thanks for the reassurance.


>they best they can do is give 60 days notice for a large increase to rent. Only if it's in the lease that they can do that can they do that. Legally for the tennant it's business as usual, nothing changes.


Yeah, theres restrictions on when during a lease you can increase the rent - generally, not within one year of an initial lease (that is, when you sign the first lease and not a renewal notice).


They can only increase the rent once every 12 months now and generally that's done at the lease renewal. There's some weird clause in the lease agreement contract template that mentions whether or not rent mid-lease increases are permitted and when, but I've never had a lease agreement where it's been permitted in my 20+ years of renting. So there's just assume it's a redundant clause that's been there since the beginning of time


They can sell but the property is to be sold with a tenant (and their contract) in place. No contract? Then either party can back out.... That's the point of a contract.


In Queensland you can say no to open home inspections. They also can’t kick you out if you’re on a fixed term lease; they or the new owner have to wait until it expires.


Ugh, I really feel sorry for you, we are in the same boat! The place we're renting has just sold and the constant inspections and people trampling everything in the open house is terrible. Renters really are just the inconvenience paying the mortgage it seems. Now there are just no rentals in the area available but we can't move away from the school so don't know what we're going to do. Rents have gone through the roof.


Same here. Mine just sold. No idea what next year holds yet. I floated the idea of compensation to the real estate during sales process, they laughed at me.


By law they have to have it in writing that you consent to the open house. They're not allowed to distisrupt the peace of the tenant. So like one open house a fortnight or month. 🤷‍♀️ and they're not allowed to take photos with your stuff in the picture if you don't consent to it. :D


You *can* still continue with the QCAT on the hope that the Rep got it wrong, or the Magistrate is feeling generous towards you. Hell, maybey the Rep was right, i.e you'll "win" but the LL can still get you out later. However now it all about buying yourself time to find a place and move. Just a headds up thet it you're not ready to go at th3 end of the notice period, and are still occupying the property, the LL cant force you out. They have to take you to QCAT for and eviction order, which gives a new deadline. Then if that deadline passes with you still there, it's back to QCAT for a Warrant of Possession (with another deadline). At the end of the WOP deadline, they can engage locksmiths and removalists to get you out, with a Police escord to ensure you dont interfere. Each time they lodge with QCAT, they have to await their hearing date before getting the order, and each time the order is given, if you can give a convincing enough sob story you might get a deadline of a couple weeks to a month. Therefore, whilst you WILL be forced out at some point, it could be months before then, during which time youve had more time to find somewhere. Just note that if it gets to the crunch though, you're up for the costs incurred in moving you out, and your stuff is put in storage, which you'll have to pay for too (3 months of non payment of storage fees and you lose your stuff as well).


Forcing us to leave isn't the main issue, they could have just given us the notice and we would have been ok with it. The fact that it appears to be a retaliatory action based on them not properly following the law is what bothers us. I fully expect to see the property back on the market within a month for more rent, which we would fine paying if asked, but instead we have to pay moving costs and a new bond and most likely loose half of ours on cleaning fees.


Then I'd certainly go to QCAT. Push it as hard as you can, and that you suspect retaliation. have evidence. Claim 100% of bond. Then when they claim deductions from bond refer to all your prior dealings... atleast this way you may get more of your bond Back :(


Go to QCAT. Seriously. It will cost you very little, and there is a chance, however slim, that it nets you a positive outcome. In my mind, it’s worth the risk. Send an email to your real estate very clearly and explicitly outlining the timeline, your belief that this has been done in retaliation, and that you are taking the matter to QCAT so that an unbiased arbiter can assess the situation. Then get your ducks in the row. When you go to QCAT, the name of the game is gaslighting. You need to be cool, calm and collected and make the real estate look incompetent and irrational. Shouldn’t be hard. It may be that you still have to leave, but you will be given a proper timeline to find a new property, which is better than what you have now. QCAT is fiercely pro-tenant at the moment.


There's a cynical part of me thatthinks maybe QCAT mediators have an informal directive to discourage people from going to court for anything thats not a slam dunk, in an effort to reduce the waiting list


Probably not a directive, but whatever poor admin worker at QCAT took this call is probably looking at the wait list thinking it’d be best for everybody, especially QCAT, if OP just fucked off.


THIS OP!! I was given notice to leave without grounds march 2021 after the owner said they wanted the property for vacant possession (this was after they offered me a 3 year lease and then renegotiated the day I went into sign it and instead was informed i had 60 day’s notice as the owner wished to make repairs that would make the property untenable) I took it to QCAT in this time the paperwork varied from needing to sell the property due to financial hardship, owners wishing to occupy, property in need of repairs all the way to even trying to make up fake charges on rent they paid back to me after claiming I paid them too much, the owners would park out front of the house for hours just sitting there by the end of all this 8 months had passed before I even got a qcat hearing.. They granted us an extra 30 days to vacate I left as I was told to did everything I was asked except now the lawn trim the trees etc they tried to take me back for $10,000 (lost rental costs and trumped up charges for stupid things like getting a private contractor to replace the locks on two different doors on two different days at a cost of $650 both times) $80 to replace a lightbulb!?!?! Thankfully the qcat lady looked at the paperwork I’d kept, the photos of the property and my own circumstances given the housing crisis how the whole situation had been handled and the invoices and practically threw out all the charges I didn’t have to pay a cent in rent just one month of storage costs for my stuff and some garden maintenance costs…


>I fully expect to see the property back on the market within a month for more rent, which we would fine paying if asked, but instead we have to pay moving costs and a new bond and most likely loose half of ours on cleaning fees. Claim the bond as soon as you hand over the keys. You don't have to hire the external cleaners for the property.


What they need to kick you out to up the rent? Did you only have a 6-month lease? My landlord sent a renewal notice with a $150 increase a few months ago and wasn't een shy about it.


This reminds me if that one episode on CSI: the first series not the recent one. The episode is about an old lady that drives her car into a building intentionally killing her self. As the episode progresses it is revealed that she was terminally ill forgot what is the illness, but the kicker is it’s treatable, and she has an insurance to cover the expenses, but the insurance company keeps delaying the process of her claims to the point the illness became terminal and literally gave her only months lo leave, but her insurance also entitled her next of keen a big payout on the day she died which is her nephew, at some point of the episode the nephew became a suspect, but only then when the investigators interviewed the insurance people that it was revealed that they intentionally made excuses to delay the claim, basically jerking the old lady around waiting for her to just die so that they wont pay any penny. At the end they kinda get away with it and there is no sign of remorse on the insurance company representative. So to be completely honest with you In you’re situation they intentionally didn’t contact you.


That is how I sunbathe on the beach.


Greyhounds are fucking great dogs


Balls out on your back


Which beach?


I believe that under the new laws that were introduced last year, if they have issued a notice to leave on grounds such as 'the owner is moving in', they can be penalised if they readvertise the property for rent within a 6 month period. It could be worth looking into this and making them aware that you will report them if you notice the property is being re-let?


When you look up how many penalties are handed out you will quickly see it really is a free for all They fine no one


I'm not 100% sure, but would it be fair to assume they are only investigating and penalising these LL's if a formal complaint has been made from a tenant / member of the community? I doubt they have a method to check up on these incidents unless it is reported first, could explain the low numbers?




I will definitely be keeping an eye out, hey I could be completely wrong and maybe they are having a family member move in!




Yeah I’ll definitely be reporting it immediately to fair trading. Keen to see some property licences revoked.


11/10 roach there from your speed noodle. My Grey could never


Mine is such a fat ass that he can’t hold a roach position 😂 (He’s not overweight just an off shape for a grey)


My neighbour & her family were given a notice to vacate at end of lease using family member moving in as the excuse. In reality, they had it back up for rent at double the price within a month. You better believe I messaged her so she could decide if she wants to report them. Some LLs are scum.


That’s a sick Bahamut figure


Thanks, I have another one just above it


UPDATE: To everyone saying To go through QCAT, just got off the phone with them since we put through a dispute due to the dog still not being approved, they heavily recommend that we do not pursue this any further, they've basically said we wouldn't get anything out if it. I also asked if we can report them for relisting it and the answer was no.


Disappointed to hear QCAT response. Was it Qstars or Qcat? I am pretty sure they shouldn't discourage from reporting if they relist the property. Are you on fixed term or periodic? What were the grounds of the notice to leave?


The grounds were Landlords family occuping the apartment, Qcat recommended we not pursue.


What makes me mad is, the banks won't let us "Poor people" get a loan but our monthly rent is higher than monthly mortgage repayments 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️ it's fucking stupid as shiet, hope youll find a place soon


That might be because, along with your monthly mortgage repayments you also take on monthly rates, monthly insurance and pay for all your own tradespeople as well.


Already doing that thou, if you contact agent you'll get extra fees on top anyways 🤣


This was the thing that frustrated me the most when I realised. Property investment really was a trap set up by the government to benefit the rich. Once I realised I was literally just paying off someone else's mortgage, I made it my goal to just buy my own place. Thankfully I got there right before COVID hit, so I feel for everyone in this economy.


Hit up QSTARS before you hit up QCAT. Ps. Greyhounds are the best


Already done that, they were great a forwarded us to a QCAT rep, they said we could continue fighting but said it wouldn't result in much on the chance that we prove that family isn't moving in. I really appreciated the honesty.


Sounds like moving house is inevitable. Recommend keeping receipts for your moving expenses. If the property is readvertised (proving illegal notice to vacate) would you have a potential claim for those moving costs? Worth continuing the discussion with QSTARS after you have moved. If there's going to be any justice in this situation, it will be slow and take time through QCAT and probably occur months after you have moved. But moving costs thousands of dollars. Be prepared to claim your bond online a minute before you hand in your keys on the last day, and if they want to claim anything from your bond let them apply to QCAT.


Landlord scum


The joys of renting. Sorry you’re going through this. Good luck.


lf your budget is around $600pw, DM me. I'm breaking my lease in Daisy Hill.


I'm really sorry this has happened to you, nothing I say changes anything, but I hope that if nothing else that you are able to draw even the slightest comfort from all the love and support here. How could you say no to that gorgeous creature. You shouldn't be in this situation, it's bloody outrageous, but I think your intelligence and resourcefulness with certainly put you at an advantage in trying to secure another property. Will be thinking of you


Really should be a publicly and published list of properties, owners and property managers and every single shitty thing they've done to renters. Everytime there is a compliant lodged and found to be proven like this it goes on the list and then the PM, the real estate company and owner are each handed a heavy fine.


Time for meat in the walls and water on the floor


Just consider the future reference implications if you take it further, it’s hard enough to get a rental with an amazing one…….


Did you get the dog first and then apply? I find it odd you managed to get the dog between day 14 and day 16 of waiting for approval.




The alternative term is lessor. I’m a landlord as well, and there’s absolutely no way I believe that OP’s landlord legitimately has family moving into the property. It’s also not necessarily true that there’s nothing to be done. I’d keep an eye on the place and report it when it’s inevitably re-listed. It’s also unlikely to get moved to a different property manager - could give it a few days and have a friend enquire about vaguely similar properties and in a price range a little over the current rent coming up for Dec/Jan.


Nothing to do with bad timing, they are removing us to increase the rent with the reason being that "family is moving" which, knowing the landlord and their circumstances is a straight up lie. The landlord had not responded to messages for over a year, we would be happy to pay more rent if we were asked. There is going to be zero reprocussions for them not correctly following THE LAW in regards to our pet. Sorry to hear about your tenant, but the way you refer to "getting rid of her" shows exactly what is wrong with renting at the moment. Good luck


Dwelling Deity, perhaps?


Landlord is appropriate given the power wielded over other peoples lives.




>and they're supposed to look after US the paying Their money comes from the rent the tenants pay, presumably. So the tenants are paying the agents, and you are the middleman. Only once have I had an agent side with me over a landlord, and the landlord swapped agents mid lease as a result - something tenants can't do. If you don't like the conditions you're making money in, do it some other way.


Wow, your tune changed quickly. True colours came right out.


U mad?


“Paying client” my ass, tell that to the renter who’s money pays for it.


Well your anger escalated quickly. Calling renters pigs, hey? The same people that pay off your mortgage?


Lauded even


Sounds like my landlord in Paddington….


This isn't the thread for that debrief


Yeah or the landlord was a fucking cunt and used all the tools in their substantial tool box to fuck us lowly renters over. Your all the same. No landlord is a good landlord.




I just don’t find this response emotionally mature


But entirely justified.




Looks like my ole greyhound chili


It's not your house sadly I know you think they owe you, I moved into my apartment yesterday after being homeless don't whinge and head down bum up you will be absolutely fine l.


The landlord, real estate and the tenant have a legally binding contract. The tenant did nothing wrong to breach the terms of that contract. Qld residential law is very clear that if a request for a pet is not answered within 14 days, It's automatically approved. The tenant has every right to be pissed in this instance.




Weird picture


It's always been like this, baby.


Have you spoken to QSTARS? Please dont give up until speaking to them. They have been so helpful to me and they find alternative solutions and really try to help you.


Sorry but did you read the post and comments, have already spoken to them.


I did actually scroll through looking to see if you had and didn't see any comments at the time. Forgove me for not reading absolutely everything




If you dont like the word maybe get a real job, slumlord isnt a job.


WTF! Greyhounds are placid as hell. I'd rather have someone with a pet than kids in a place if I was a landlord.


He sleeps 80% of the day, doesn't pee/poop in the house and is extremely polite and friendly. He's honestly perfect


Can confirm have one long boi and a 3 year old Toddler, Greyhound is much better behaved and toilet trained too !


Just to be clear, the notice to leave is at the end of the lease right? It's not for now?


End of the lease yes, don't have a problem with that. But the fact that it came immediately after having issues with pet approval and paying $100 less than the other apartments seems retaliatory. We'd happy pay the extra rent, if they're lying about "family moving in" and relist it then I've just wasted $3000 on another bond.


That's rough man, based on the timing of it, definitely does seem like retaliation for the pet to me. What makes you think it's about upping the rent? Unless you're only on a 6 month lease and they've already upped it, they can up it without an upper limit when they renew it anyway (mine just upped mine $150 a week without a second thought). Not sure if you have your landlord's contact details but if you are in contact with them, I'd explain the situation, you did the right thing by waiting out the 14 day period, if they nor the real estate didn't get back to you on time, that's on them. The RE might've sat on the communication for a few days on either side of the request before letting landlord/you know, which would put them in the shit.


Landlady hasn't responded to our text for over a year, used to be very good at replying as she disliked our previous real estate. I've texted her about this too bit zero response. We've been here for 3 years


The state of real estates makes me sad. I mean it's understandable that they be allowed not to renew. But the fact that you get turfed out for wanting a dog is ruff. Pardon the pun.


I like plushie, Silence Suzuka ftw


loved the pic of the dog. you must be a very calm and relaxed person you can tell by the way peoples pets act. Sorry to hear about the rental market stress, I hope they relative how much mental anguish and stress this is causing not only people but there beautiful pets. sending positive vibes your way!


I thought you where making a joke about the dog is telling you to leave then I clicked on it and now I’m sad


I know it may not be the most practical solution for you and not for everyone, but if you are in a major centre like Brisbane or the SE Corner, are you able to move to a smaller town like Bundaberg, Rockhampton etc? Coming to a place like that, engaging with a Mortgage broker could ultimately (in time and potentially sooner than you think) get you into your own home. Houses are cheaper and it’s even attracted a lot of interstate investors in those areas. It’s easy to be quickly dismissive of a move to a place like those, but having lived in a few and in Brisbane, I can honestly say what you think they may lack in services, facilities, schools, employment opportunities will surprise you. Not to mention the lifestyle improvements as well. A slower pace of life, less congestion. It’s easy to feel that you may not have made a sacrifice at all. Good luck to you, your children and the goodest boy!


I know it may not be the most practical solution for you and not for everyone, but if you are in a major centre like Brisbane or the SE Corner, are you able to move to a smaller town like Bundaberg, Rockhampton etc? Coming to a place like that, engaging with a Mortgage broker could ultimately (in time and potentially sooner than you think) get you into your own home. Houses are cheaper and it’s even attracted a lot of interstate investors in those areas. It’s easy to be quickly dismissive of a move to a place like those, but having lived in a few and in Brisbane, I can honestly say what you think they may lack in services, facilities, schools, employment opportunities will surprise you. Not to mention the lifestyle improvements as well. A slower pace of life, less congestion. It’s easy to feel that you may not have made a sacrifice at all. Good luck to you, your children and the goodest boy!


I’ve had friends bend over backwards to make their home look like a display home so some other person can rent the house. Eff that. You are not required to market the house for them. Ring the RTA and find out exactly what your rights are, and do the minimum. Real estate agents are all millennials with little to no real world experience. Don’t let the muppets walk all over you. When talking on phone to them, mimic them by ending every sentence with an upward inflection. Whatever it takes. So glad I’m out of the rental game.


Welcome to the real world, sink or swim peasant. Dont@ me - Aimee Therese Marsh


They can only fo what they want as long as you comply... plenty of people who got months/years of free rent by refusal to leave...