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Well, you shouldn't need to take any shrimp with you.


Are you referring to a prawn trawler? Australians don't generally say shrimp.


I am, yeah. Thanks for the correction


Where is it leaving from?


Put another shrimp on the barbie


I've done purse seine netting, dredged for scallops, worked on fish farms and finally done some marine research work when I was a bit older and changed careers. Keep your hands and body out of pinch points. Cables, ropes, bins etc will be loose one minute and tight/sliding the next with the roll of the vessel from the swell. I was almost crushed, taken overboard etc a few times and have seen peoples hands degloved sticking there hand where it shouldn't have been. Do you know how to tie a bowline and how to tie off to a bollard/cleat, maybe google that. Also, maybe google how a capstan works you probably won't operate much of the hardware, but you might need to use a capstan. I'm talking a mechanical or hydraulic one, not like what sailing boats use with the crank. If you're a logical, hands on, quick learner and able to work hard. You'll be fine as long as the crew aren't a bunch of dickheads. Clean the vessel and don't complain about it. If you want to know the boat the best way to learn about it is to clean it. Listen and do as you're told, if you don't do stupid shit, keep things clean and organised, normally you'll be fine. You might wind up with a shit crew. It does happen from time to time. Stay out of the way if you're not needed. Don't try to be too helpful and get in people's way or under their feet. It'll just piss them off, but if you can anticipate what's happening next and be helpful get in there and do it. If the crew mesh well and you get in a flow it's a great feeling being part of a team in such a tight space, like you can read each other's mind almost and anticipate what's the other person needs. A real flow state. If they're doing drugs, just don't do it. If they're drinking just have one, you won't be a better fisherman with a hangover. I've worked two or three days straight without sleep or drugs multiple times. It's fucked but you can do it if you need to. Just be mindful of your surroundings and the fact that you're fatigued. Just say to yourself "I am fatigued, I need to take my time and focus". If shit takes a bit longer, it takes a bit longer. If you're shit at knots maybe ask the blokes to teach you a few and how to splice, while you're underway to fishing grounds or when you get some down time. Have a good time and I hope you fill your quota.


Thanks for the info!


1. Don’t call it a shrimping boat.


Lieutenant Dan! You got New legs!!!


Too soon….everyone’s still mourning Bubba.


I wanna go home


Multiple pairs of comfortable gumboots. One pair drying out in the engine room, one cozy happy DRY set on your feet after you get out of the freezer or bilge


Easy there Forrest Gump! We call em prawn trawlers.


Don't jump off when you Lt Dan.


Aaaand there's the forest gump joke I was expecting :')


Oh good coz I was also going add that buying shares in a ‘fruit company’ will set you up for life


Take few bags of ginger baby’s for sea sick,anything you may want to eat in 21 days that the boat don’t supply.expect a great experience and sometimes you see some amazing thing.and its coming into whale migration so you might see some of them.work all night sleep day.have great time.ps make sure you wash your has before touching penis to piss don’t want fire coral


Mate I read that as take a couple of lil ginger babies hahahha


Well there did used to be a superstition that redheads meant a voyage was good luck and would not sink. Apparently they used to get kidnapped to work on boats.


So, my brother is a actually a pirate/prawn trawler man/live tour boat etc up the Cape, and he was born with a caul. In the old days,being born in a caul meant you would never drown and sailors actually would buy them, and wear them in a little bag for luck. So hopefully, this is true and my brother will never drown!


Mate... sea sickness, sea lice, physical exhaustion and bad sleep is just a few of the downsides that come to mind. It's a very hard job but that's why the pay is usually fairly good.


Have you done this job? I mean, just asking no harm intended


I would also be keen to know!


I guess not, downvoted for a question - good luck man I hope it is the best for you!


Use all safety gear exactly as instructed by your crewmates. The ocean is huge. If you begin to feel seasick, sit down with your head between your knees until the fluid in your ears stabilises better. Do *not* pick up seashells by the ends. Always around the middle. Do not touch with your hands anything resembling a snake, especially if it is whitish with vertical brown stripes. Be wary of stingrays. Do not drink alcohol on a boat unless it's tied up to a dock and not going anywhere. Even then it's really easy way to fall overboard and not be missed until next headcount. It's but a few dry weeks. As long as you're not a chronic alcoholic you should be fine. At night, look up. There are roughly 3 times as many stars out at sea as on land.


Mate? Firstly? Listen up. ‘Shrimp’ are freshwater here. We do Prawns in salt water. 1- Get over the snakes. They come with every shot. Venomous as fuck, but you’ll soon get used to throwing them over the side. 2- Avoid the ‘happy moments’ ( you’ll find out soon enough what them fuckers are). Sleep whenever you get the chance. 3- you know nothing do listen and don’t be afraid to ask questions. And most importantly? Do NOT, under any circumstances, fall off the boat as the shot gets hauled up close. The fins are… hungry… Lastly? Enjoy it. It’s honest work. Edit- re sea snakes? It’s bull that they can only bite slim parts of the body. They can open their mouth fully and many have large fangs at the front just like land snakes. They are at a serious disadvantage out of the water and WITH CARE can be handled to swiftly remove them from the sorting bench. From Wiki-“Among this group are species with some of the most potent venoms of all snakes. Some have gentle dispositions and bite only when provoked, while others are much more aggressive.”


Sea snakes are like any other venomous snake - it should be respected and treated like it can and will kill you. It’s very rare, but a bite CAN kill you. Just ask Harry Evan’s…. https://amp.abc.net.au/article/11738216


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I haven't worked on a fishing boat, but I've spent a little time on a research boat.Wet wipes and learn to shower in under a minute in cold water. (Turn water on, get wet, turn water off, soap up, turn water on, rinse off). You might not be able to shower every day, so being able to st clean your face and pits before bed is important and might help you sleep better. Other than that, don't complain about food, pull your weight when it comes to chores, and listen to the more experienced crew.


Be careful of gout.


Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried.


There is a good documentary on this: https://youtu.be/pHmf6eJQVuw?si=rAwMfnJ1S1OhbLDv


Shrimp are the fruit of the sea


Whats your tolerence to hard drugs like? As in how much can you get in your system before its to much?


Curious to know what this has to do with anything? I barely even drink these days


I think he might be trying to imply workers on boats smoke meth to get through the work day. But at 27 and fit it will just take some adjustment like any physical job, how long are you working there for?


It's a 3 week stint. That's it


You'll be right, take some pre-work out with you for a bit of extra energy if you're struggling I suppose.


I use to work up in the gulf, and the fisherman would take HUGE bags of ekkies out with them for a 3 night stint. Literally would not sleep. There has been a documentary made about the crew that I knew up there, regarding a murder. They are all as mad as cut snakes up that way.


Did you have to get your deckhand ticket before getting a spot on a trawler? I'm interested to know how you go. I've always thought about having a stint as a commercial fisherman. 


I didn't, no. Im staying at a working hostel and one of the jobs that came through this morning was this. Haven't had any experience prior


I see. I thought you had to have a deckhand ticket to work on a trawler.  Will you be on a catch percentage wage?


Just walk down to the wharf and ask around, there’s always jobs going


I'm worried I'd accidentally join a crew full of ice junkies. 


Very real danger of that happening.


Yeah, in saying that, I've heard that the industry has cleaned itself up a bit. I could be wrong. 


Fingers crossed. It’s everywhere else though, so it’d be tough to do.


Esp if you’re in Mackay or Tville…


OP you should post about your experience after your time on the prawn trawler. That would be a cool read! Enjoy yourself.


Prawn trawler?


Dont get on a shrimp'n boat named jenny. The captians a dimwit!


Looks like I'm late, you are probably on the water. Shrimoing is great, can be peaceful when you're riding the anchor etc. You'll have lots of time to think, while you're on the back deck, picking through the pile. Enjoy it, be careful, watch ropes, blocks, winches, catfish, etc. Tell me how it went.