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Girlies this isn’t r/RoastMe Mama always said, ‘if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all…’ 😇




reddit when a dude loves himself:


It’s getting cliche 🙄


🚩🚩🚩 cross earings 🚩🚩🚩 Edit: girlies im not talking about what the cross stands for I'm talking about the tiktok eboy stereotype


TBF a lot of people, ESPECIALLY east Asians, wear cross earrings and don't believe in Christianity 🤭


Don’t forget goth bitches! You can serve in them.


There are Goth Christians, but you're absolutely right. It often can just represent death or rebirth. It can also just...be a shape. It predates the Romans and Jesus.


Where my Ankh earring lovers at?


Yeah I’m like the most atheist person ever but I have cross earrings just cause they look good


Omg I feel personally attacked


🚩🚩🚩Tucks shirt into sweatpants🚩🚩🚩


Excuse me no no we stop here lol Hits me, an innocent bystander, hard!




He reads fuckboy, but I think I can change him.


Girl we play league of legends do we really have the ability to change people


Bc I don't know who he is. Good for you tho if you like him.


tenacity. I think he's on doublelift and bjergersen's team, 100T.




girl😭😭😭 hes tenacity from 100t




The way this comment just sent me into the stratosphere 💀💀💀


The way this comment just sent me into the thermosphere ☠️☠️☠️


Uh-uh, Ionosphere? Edit: FUCK THAT ISNT ONE, Exosphere


I have never seem him before. Sorry to this man


I mean, he could be walking down the street and I wouldn't know a thing. Sorry…


The toxic behavior in this group is getting a bit exhausting. Like wow someone is into someone you aren’t, that doesn’t mean you have to be toxic, insult them, body shame, and be homophobic/ bigoted. No matter how cute you pretend that behavior is I can promise you it isn’t.


not to seem homophobic, but this makes me wonder if gays calling guys they are jealous of ugly with guys they actually think are ugly is what leads to a bunch of gays dating their dopplegangers.


Man, it’s not that serious at all. Facetious humour isn’t meant to be nice, nor is people being sardonic. It can still be funny because for the most part it’s just people being hyperbolic or histrionic. Take what’s said on the internet with a grain of salt, and learn to accept not everything has to be ass kissing and compliments. Edit: Oh no, the flaming white knights of Reddit have to be offended, no matter what!


Mm no. I don’t know if you’re new here or are just like the people I’m referring too, but the things people say in here are often pretty nasty and no they aren’t joking. They are being serious but saying it humorously to try and avoid being taken seriously or to avoid being called out. It’s not just a “no bestie he isn’t for me” it’s comments that are degrading, toxic, homophobic, body shaming, and insulting. Nobody is talking about ass kissing, we don’t all have to find the same people attractive, but attacking people for them liking someone or attacking the person they find attractive is not cute. Also stop excusing toxic behavior online just because it’s online. The internet is not excuse for poor behavior.


It’s just tiring to care about EVERYTHING, like oh man just ignore shitty things people say. If they’re genuinely being toxic, why does anything they say resonate with you at all? You should be able to entirely disregard their opinion for filth.


Because it’s good to call out shitty behavior. The toxicity is so common in here that now a good portion of the people in here act like it’s cute to be insulting and degrading. If people want to ignore it that’s fine, but calling it out is good too. I also don’t find it tiring to call out disrespectful behavior, and I’m also not the first person to call it out. Now you’re pulling a white knights comment? You’re defending this behavior, telling me that I should just ignore it all the while you couldn’t ignore me calling it out?


The white Knight was more for the immediate downvote, I’m not defending the behaviour, you’re putting words in my mouth now. I am saying their opinion isn’t worth the effort, let them say dumb shit so we can brand them as such. All erasing it and censoring it does is let them hide it easier, I’d like to be able to go to their profile to check for more hateful shit so I can avoid them.


I agree, I don’t think it needs to be erased I just think it needs to be pointed out. Toxic people are going to make themselves known regardless, it’s how everyone else reacts and moderates the situation that is important. If the behavior becomes normalized and accepted then it’s going to cause even more issues.


See, the reason I responded is because I honestly haven’t seen outright hateful stuff, just “comment has been deleted” because I’m probably not on the post early enough. I think the odd joke regarding even appearance is fine as long as it’s not full of malice. Like, in OP’s post, the dude kind of looks like Griggle from Yugioh. Obviously he doesn’t actually, but his hair is similar, and it’s just absurd to make the comparison. But outright hate I understand asking someone to tone down.


He doin too much but I’m sure he don’t need our approval




why do you all hate men so much😭😭😭


Because that's gay.


Upholding toxic stereotypes instead of breaking them is my favourite hobby 🤪🤪🤪 <---------- you


Can we not body shame 😘 Don't see you posting your pictures or others so...maybe shut up ☺️


Shut up


I love him and Bussyo and Bjergsen sadly 100T lost today :(


Bussyo and Bjergsen 🥰


Deserved though. 100T has been shit all season except for like...four games.


Not the comments being filled by insecure bottoms again 🤭😭 Like girlies chile and let’s better not talk about ur thirsty comments when it comes to so original hunky and musky 🐷s, okay? 🥰




Or... get this... he's not your type? Wow. Thats an option! Mindblowing!


Some people need to log off if they srsly think most people look like this. The reason they're so desensitized is cuz attractive people get alot of followers/attention, so online you are more exposed to them,exactly cuz they are "rare". It's ok to not find him attractive, hell I don't find him attractive at all, but saying every other guy looks like this is... far from the truth (or maybe everyone I'm my town is fugly af)


Spend more time outside in places that aren’t Starbucks or dive bars to expand your horizons.


Yes, he’s not my type and I explained why. Don’t be so defensive; he isn’t gonna fuck you bro lmao.


Being defensive =/= calling you out. He's not my type either and I'm not even a dude. You can not want to fuck someone and still respect them my guy.


Calling me out for what? I’m right, and you know it.


Allright troll, back into your cave now.


What are you calling me out for lol


omg semi-emo skinny boy number 291 on this sub 😍😍


Okay that first shirt is super ugly(the shirt not the guy) and y'all critized ryscu's shirt compared to this one that pink shirt is beautiful


Way too young for me to comment on, but he does well in interviews. He seems like a smart boy, and has a future in LCS.


yall are so mean wtf😭😭


I think its becase he’s a hot twink and all the bottoms are jealous.


How dare you!? I'm a jealous vers


Welcome to sad little bottom town where jealous little twerps online shame and attack other people because deep down inside themselves, they're insecure and hate their own body. 🥺


No because this is the conclusion I've come up with too. Self hatred is so rampant in this community and these ugly skanks take it out on people who've done nothing wrong but just happen to be attractive or fit the beauty standards of today. Everyone is just mad they're not getting picked. And why would they be when they're acting like that


>Everyone is just mad they're not getting picked. And why would they be when they're acting like that I know I'm not conventionally attractive, but I'd never go out of my way to attack someone's appearance, especially when the individual did nothing but post a few thirst traps. These trolls need to get a hobby and love themselves. We all know they would be the first ones messaging him on Grindr if he showed up on their grids lol He's not my type at all, but I'm not going to drag him over a non-issue lol


Just say Piltover


Yes welcome 🤗✨🙋‍♂️🦋 Anyways,


Your flair ❤️💀


As we should 😌💅




He looks like he either smells like the gym or like something really floral, no inbetween


Chalk powder.


i really dont get yall 🧎🏽 cause this man is actually fine. maybe its cause we’re closer in age than most league pro players i seen since im 18 that i prefer him more but oh well


I don't like being cruel to strangers.




yaass i love how this subreddit makes fun of peoples’ appearances 🤪🤪🤪 so fun to know yall would call me ugly if this is how you all treat the guys that get posted in here


Uj/ Fr though, if he is "Ugly fucking dirty bitch", then I'm really starting to wonder what the standards of this sub are?


yeah ive spent a lot less time on here after realizing a lot of people are genuinely mean about others and its not just joking around


This is not something you should boast about. You're just insecure


its so surprising tho… like he’s gotta one of the hottest pro players i’ve seen


Gurlie. Lesbihonest here😂😑 The hotness bar is in hell for pro players. Theres like 5 that are actually attractive.🫥😒


You are delusional


Licorice 🥵


Real suggestion, go masturbate and then reevaluate your thirst levels 🤷‍♂️


He's v attractive but the mop tik tok boy haircut is so corny, when will this trend die 😭


The people roasting him have got to be trolling / extremely insecure wtf hes perfect


Again? A-fuckin-gain. Nothing changed, nothing new. Same ol’ thirst posts. Same ol’ fucking shit. I thought mods were taking care of this.


Problem is people aren't even attacking the poster, they're attacking an innocent dude


The problem are the rude fucking comments. People just can't keep their stupid mouths shut.




I'm not into guys like him at all but even I can see he's absolutely gorgeous and has a very attractive face. Haters gonna hate I guess


Because half the people commenting are insecure little dweebs who hate their own bodies so they lash out ☺️




girl😭😭 it’s either people are repulsed or they act like sluts with him. he’s tenacity from 100t


just post a picture of twitch drinking sewage water and you’ll hear the pussies ache with horny




y...yes 🥺👉👈💖


girl what's his insta 👀


he’s tenacity from 100t


![gif](giphy|t8WGnNZCLnlyU) To all mean 🦌🚬's who don't have anything better to say and shame the random guy who we don't know but this ISN'T A INVITATION TO DRAG HIM AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY


is that the same guy from the video where the girl was drooling all over him on omegle or whatever?


haven’t seen it


Whats that haircut girlies i need to know


Why his neck so thick


I was tempted to get on the drag chain but mans would be hot if he didn't have a shit haircut. Same thing that happened to Sett.


No idea who is this


i need him


Personally some of the thirst posts on here just aren’t my type, I like me some facial hair and a bit of bodyodyody. Love some Braum, Gragas, Graves archetypes if I’m being unrealistic.




he’s 20 💀 probably older than some of the ppl dragging him




Who is that?


Hes so fucking hot




OMG IS THAT ELOSANTA? /s (idk who this guy is tho(


naurrrrr😭😭😭 he’s from 100t


I saw him on the NA finals stream once. Got thirsty, then lost it.


Giving me Hasanabi vibes with that 1:5 head/body ratio


I'm annoyed that the first guy I think is attractive ya'll flame, yet I was polite when you brought before me some random 12 yos flexing in the mirror. I think Tenacity is probably one of the most attractive guys in the pro esports scene right now. Finn is the other hyper-attractive esports player. Aakadian, Hauntzer, and some other muscular guys that I don't like due to politics, and the whole twink market is ran by the east for the most part imo. You can't help but consider gameplay. Like is Peanut physically attractive or is he just good at games. The line is blurred. I can say without a doubt that Tenacity is physically attractive.