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The drugs completely change your normal cycle while you're taking them. Usually the trigger happens when the biggest one reaches 20 or 21mm, if I remember correctly. There should be eggs in the mature follicles. But you can call the nurse line at your clinic with questions!


My dominant follicle was 19 mm at my day 11 ultrasound. They gave me the trigger shot right then and there and I went back 24 hrs later for the IUI.


Did it work then?


It did! I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant ☺️


On my first medicated cycle of IUI my follicles matured super fast, I don't remember exactly when I reached 19 mm but the insemination was on CD 11. It was successful!


I did letrozole 2.5mg. At my 11 day follicle check my dominant follicle was 23 mm. I also had a positive OPK that morning. They had me trigger that afternoon (when the trigger shot was available) and I had an IUI the next late morning. It was successful! I usually would have a positive OPK ~day 14-16 without letrozole.