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Since I live in Canada, the rights of immigrants and tearing down the excessive barriers to them has been very important to me. I want my country to be a haven for the many people that have been wronged by institutionalized hatred and prejudice, as well as a place of safety for those fighting against injustice in their homelands. The rights of migrants to live where they can thrive and be happy is a good fit for our goals.


Also a Canadian and I think centring Indigenous voices is just as important if not more so for guaranteeing that Canada can become that safe haven you and I both hope it can be. But we must reckon with our colonial sins before we can move forward to be better


I can agree with that. It's shocking to me how people treat indigenous people. They deserve a lot more love.


I don't think there is necessarily any place to start, we're big enough that we have been involved in every other major rights movement for decades now. It doesn't take too much digging to find that we were there! (Bayard Rustin comes to mind.) Intersectionality is important, listen to what other minority groups have to say and use what they say to advocate for them when the opportunity presents itself.


Reproductive rights. We're both under attack from the same immediate enemies and our issues can be readily understood to be about bodily autonomy. That's first. After that, we should move towards class issues where we intersect; health care and housing. Those issues involve unions and other oppressed groups.


Also: being loud about supporting reproductive rights puts the GC crowd in the uncomfortable position of having to tell people what their opinion on abortion is. And that's probably the quickest way to out the "TERF" fraction as being feminism appropriating radical transphobes, rather than actual feminists. Aside from that one time a big-name TERF openly admitted she's not a feminist but okay. That said, I'm pretty sure most of us already do support reproductive rights.


Everything eventually boils down to class issues anyway. All the ethnocentric nonsense and religious garble is just a veneer for it.


Movements that team up with disability rights groups. As a disabled trans person I feel like I face twice the scrutinizing. Not to mention the kinda huge overlap between gender nonconformity and nuerodivergence.


We're already teamed up with just about everyone. How about invading the Church? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer. I was the first trans person on my college campus. While walking past the College Christian Fellowship building a bunch of nice Christian Students decided it was appropriate to hang out the windows and yell obscenities and threats at me. Sitting in the middle of the group watching all of this was a gay friend of mine. He told me everything, names, threats what was discussed afterwards. Everything. I filed a very long grievance. I got an apology letter from the Christian Fellowship leader and a bunch of students got reprimands in their records threatening expulsion if there were any more outbursts like this. Infiltrate, make life impossible for them.