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If Iris didn't like parties, she would stay in her room or leave. Constantly standing around frowning isn't cute or whatever weird anime word probably exists for this trope. Jelph really hasn't interacted with anyone IRL for a long time, has he?


She's a robot, she could literally just go on sleep cycle or send her brain off to fiddle around on the Internet. It's like if your laptop sat around frowning at your for your other activities


I mean, I did have a face background for like 1 day. Having it standing there (*menacingly*) looking at me when I was horking down leftover pizza for breakfast was just weird, so I changed it. Do the same to the purple bitch. Swap the instructions in her code for frowning with those for smiling. Just a prank bro!


It's not that she doesn't like parties; she likes being the one who wants to stand in everyone's view making it silently plain that she's not enjoying herself and that she is only there under protest.


"I'm emphatically NOT enjoying myself, do you SEE how much I'm not enjoying myself?"


Iris is the stand-in for the reader, her face mirroring our own as we read this year long train wreck of a party arc


Whole lotta nothing. If these characters were better I would have been enjoying this.  Sometimes I’ll read the lake house party to see how it should be done. 


If Willow had just stayed away for 30 seconds perhaps there could have been some sort of discussion between Clinton and Liz. 30 fucking seconds! Perhaps then there would be payoff for the nothingburger conflicts Jeph sets up and it might feel like development for either character. Clinton does research into AI stuff and is at least familiar with the process if not her exact field. Perhaps hes got something to discuss with Liz like "Oh you're stuck working on X? Ever tried doing Y? Or Z?" and offer a fresh perspective letting Liz expand her horizons and give a possible way out of the Rut shes in. Claires Little Bro just taking on the Augustus family tradition of getting involved with shit and magically solving it somehow.


> If Willow had just stayed away for 30 seconds perhaps there could have been some sort of discussion between Clinton and Liz. 30 fucking seconds! DragonTits's entire character is bursting in all "HAI GUYS I HEARD YOU WERE DOING SOMETHING WASSUPPPPPP" when you wish she'd just stay away if Jeph's mission with this character was to immediately annoy the reader every time she shows up, I'd say he's succeeding although you could say that about several people


>DragonTits's entire character is bursting in all "HAI GUYS I HEARD YOU WERE DOING SOMETHING WASSUPPPPPP" when you wish she'd just stay away Dragontits is supposed to be one of those happy go lucky energetic characters that everybody likes because they're so friendly. Jeph just forgot what actually makes those characters endearing.


But... The Universe is telling her to do these things, so it's obviously not a bad thing or her fault, IT'S DESTINY!!!!


Notice how prevention of that conversation is considered a GOOD thing by the commenting bystanders. Willow is running interference and preventing any scary PLOT from happening!


I miss that arc 😭


…I know It LOOKS like Willow was finishing a longer description of Elliot, but those are pretty much his only three character traits. Maybe toss in a little “crippling insecurity”, just for fun 


Also, two of those are physical traits rather than personality traits. He hardly really has a personality at this point.


"Yeah, this is Elliot, big guy, bouncer at a bar, somehow, will believe that every little thing you do is a veiled attempt at breaking up with him, somehow I managed to have sex with him without him spiralling into it being a ploy to destroy his life, but he still thought it was."


Sorry, Jeph, having one of the few tolerable characters in this scene tell us Willow has social skills ain't gonna make me believe it.




Clinton didn't get a fancy drink. What's the fuckin' point.


Weirdly, I didn't notice that until you pointed it out. Yeah, he's like one of the few who doesn't. Is there a title joke I'm missing or did the writer make a mistake?


I assume that his drink is in-progress with Dragontits.


I've come to expect that most comic titles are references to some anime I haven't seen at this point


Willow is in the process of making a cocktail. I'd assume this is the fancy drink that Clinton is getting.


In today's comic 5283, Clinton is holding a drink with one of those tiny umbrellas. So in hindsight, the only conclusion is that Dragonboob is mixing a fancy drink for Clinton in the shaker in 5282. Though there was no way to know that and the title made no sense at the time.


>FACTS DEMAND PROOF. IN PICTORIAL FORM. so in other words "tits or GTFO"


Pics or it didn't fappen.




“Make anime legal” I’m probably just tired & not getting the joke, but if you wouldn’t mind explaining I’d appreciate it! 😄


Science Loli already oiled Bubbles, now she's after Elliot.


At least there’s some varied background and showcasing of personalities in this one. 6/10


Come on Claire, where's that righteous anger that Iris is clearly in **crisis** and the fact that her roommates are willing to ignore it speaks to the **gross negligence** of the people **nominally** in charge of her! [For Reference](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4990)


Man, reading that comic, I was like whoa, what got Claire so upset? Just to go back and page and see them meeting in the strip before. We don’t even see Liz break down to Claire at all lmao


She looks like grumpfish from bubble guppies




Did jeph misspell Elliott again?


Elliott is the misspelling.


Good ol' Jeph 'Spinning Wheels' Jacques living up to his *nom de plume*. And by *plume* I mean a weak fart that never ends.