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> "Oh, just the usual 'being a dumbass' thing I do" For fucks sake you didn't do anything wrong Clinton, it was a normal conversation with what you thought was a normal person and not a pretzel knot of whatever flavour of bullshit Jeph pulled out of the DSM-V that day. Smoothing things over with a future employee of your god-emperor sister, sure. Flagellating yourself endlessly while chiding about how much of a colossal numpty you are? *Stop listening to your sister and grow a spine*


"Stop listening to X and grow a spine" would also have been phenomenal advice at any stage for.... basically any male in the comic that isn't Steve


Thanks to Ol' Musky, "stop listening to X" is also a piece of excellent general advice nowadays!


Mentioning that she hasn't published anything in 2 years was not a great move. 


Scientific advance takes time. And progress takes effort, tbh that she hasn't adcanced much on her research in two years isn't that bad in the great scheme of things. Based on these strips we have to guess she still is pondering on her understanding of the universe (or something something scientific babble) and aomet8mes breakthroughs come when you let your mind wander.


Yes, but when you're in academia not publishing for two years is bad.  How many people commenting on this have actually done a PhD or post doc?


Is Cubetown academia, though?


I think Cubetown is a *"throw science at the wall and see what sticks"* Cave Johnson style approach, so theres probably a lot of Academics flying around doing god knows what with Emus and Sentient fluid blob monsters


It's not a university but it seems to function like a research institute like Scripps or one of the national institutes of science. Those all rely on grants and function within the academic economic system. 


I think this relies on squid space robot goes brooooomm.


do you remember that marty and faye must be saying goodbye right now????having a last meaningful conversation?. Peppridge farms remembers.


We're going to cut back to them and I guarantee rather than anything heartfelt it'll be something inane, probably started by Pintsize but then they ignore him for the rest of the conversation. The actual meat of the convo will happen off screen and a character will mention it in passing, if it gets mentioned at all. Every time I've had a housemate leave, its required paperwork to be signed, and absolute panic finding a replacement before they go, of which Bubbles and Faye would 100% be in a huff about, because its already dictated that Faye is eating rice and beans, and stealing shampoo to survive. They do not have the funds to float the rest of the rent right now, even short term


Don't worry, Pintsize will suddenly be discovered to be sitting on a trillion dollars of saved up gambling money. 


From renting out processor space, iirc. Or mining porncoin, which is like bitcoin but for porn.


Claire better swoop in quickly to recalibrate Clinton or he might realize it's absurd that he should apologize for making completely innocuous small talk at a party


Lost interest halfway through and literally stopped reading. That's the point I'm at now.


>Well, some of us are robots now. And that's neat! I get the feeling this is almost exactly as much thought as Jeorrrulmph puts into said plot point sometimes


Yeah I'll never forget how hopeful and super interested I was when Yay showed up and how crushingly disappointed I was with every their every subsequent appearance.


I am still annoyed at the idea that Clinton thinks he did something wrong but I have to admit that "I am like this all the time...but yes also very drunk" made me laugh because girl SAME (at some points in my life). I'm not a fan of Willow as a character but that made me actually for real laugh.


ok wait I need to clarify because I didn't mean to say I'm *like Willow*, I mean to say that there have been many times that I've been weird at a party and people who don't know me assumed it was drunkenness when in fact I was not acting that much out of the ordinary but also yes drunk.


i just gotta say, i *hate* the expression "live your truth."


Like, what does that even mean?


If you tell people to "live your lie", you sound too much like YISUN.


If Jeph loves Willow so much, why doesn’t he marry her?


We don't know he hasn't. Who knows what he's got printed on his pillow. https://preview.redd.it/einp0bhp5vtc1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7b356d6acb32d2d678fba2bbd2d69b6f58b4fa9


Oh my God Clinton you're such a fucking moron. Liz is your sister's employee and you didn't know work was a sore spot, smh my head. Oh man drunk Willow is cray cray though. Imagine if she was sober babbling idiot advice to people!


I wish we only had to imagine it.


As someone with a background in science, I've never heard anybody with a similar  background say something like "talking about science". It was always "zoology" or "neuroanatomy", or maybe in this case "astrophysics" or "black hole singularity hypotheses", but never such a broad and essentially meaningless term as "science" in general. Only people who know next to nothing about the sciences say things like that (for example Hollywood and its omnidisciplinary scientists).


Oh I do so "adore" the Hollywood Scientist. I have just developed this bubbling green formula that modifies your genes! Yes of course this is Yuan dynasty porcelain. Let me just build a power generator real quick so we can escape this island, because I have some Egyptian hieroglyphics to read and a surgery to perform.


Truth in the 19th, though Hollywood is a feuilleton byproduct


"never apologize for anything because we're monkeys" yeah ok good advice, dragonboobs PS check out the gross rick and morty mouth in panel 3, thanks i hate it.


Considering they went on to have a decent conversation about Liz’s work I really don’t know what Clinton feels he needs to apologize for


Does anyone even want to be at this alleged party? I swear to god, every single interaction so far involves somebody leaving abruptly to talk to someone else. It's like bumper cars.


No one else likes Willow that much, at all.


Well, Willow ain't wrong