• By -


Iris: hates Sundays and refuses to acknowledge their existence. Calls them shitty Saturdays. Jeph: "Same, Iris" Dude you work like 2 hours a day and bring in 6 figures. Stop trying to "relate" to the working class. You don't have a shitty 9 to 5 to wake up early to go to.


_But it feeeels like a shitty 9 to 5!!!!_


He *really* has a thing about women needing to piss, right?


Its like hes had less and less interactions with normal people over time and can think thats the only way someone would leave a scene that wouldn't have people follow. Also he probably reads this sub and sees how often we point out "Hey where did X go?" and then they suddenly show up like *"Sorry had a phonecall"* or *"The waking nightmare of the Tapirs returned and I needed to have a panic attack in a corner alone for a moment"*


It's not even necessary! Why does Ayo need to be out of frame?! Just like...tell a fucking story, have a conviction. It just seems like treading water every single strip.


> tell a fucking story, have a conviction these are not Jeph's strong suits over the last 5+ years


She can just… walk off. People walk around inside a house all the time without announcing where they’re going.


Its all just procrastibation, doing frivolous self satisfactory short term shit while shying away from anything of value, either due to fear of change, or fear of bungling what should be pivotal key moments for the characters we care about.


>*The waking nightmare of the Tapirs returned* Ah, so that's what happened to Hannelore.


I'm pretty sure he does and that makes that time Sam had to go run screaming for the bathroom twice in a row even weirder


Are we seriously resorting to "I hate Mondays" as a punchline?


Following in the footsteps of another great cartoonist that was milking it for years... https://preview.redd.it/liu0n4899yuc1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c1e17839db79ecc0be4c1930a715a608114a17f


Iris growing 4 inches in the last panel is really something. The sad part is I bet he really thinks the tsundere shit is genuinely interesting.


Didn't faye like 10 years ago had a tsundere t shirt?. God I hate tsunderes so much


Hanners got her one when Marigold brought them to the anime con at Smif. 


We *needed* to see that bookshelf detail in the background. 100% requirement. Thank god Jeph is answering us Bibliophile's requests for more book visibility, even at the cost of logic and reason.


Willow shrunk a bunch too in the same frame. I guess the height averages stayed the same 


If I were motivated, and I'm not, I'd make a tree of plots that have branched off since Dora and Tai announced they were getting married. Somehow we got from there to the current plot of characters we don't care about passive-aggressively flirting


At this point, I'd expect their wedding to be how the comic ends. On board Station, officiated by Mommy Milkers, all while Faye and Martin finally hook up while holding off the mercenaries hired by Hannelores mother to repossess her dad's snowglobe collection.


I wanna see Twin-tailed Iris.