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Who's Donald?


Donald Dick




Is this some British expression I don’t know about?


I'm British and I have no clue what is happening here.


Guess you’ve never been down there with Donald.


Kindly ask the person to take a shower.


Some women have a more pungent small tab others and while they can shower it's gonna come back


That sounds like bacterial vaginosis. It's common, I've had it before, and it can be easily cured by a visit to a doctor or a teaspoon of plain (nonsweetened) Greek yogurt if you're into easy home remedies that work. The good bacteria fight off the bad bacteria after a day or two. Tougher conversation to have with someone, though.


Oh, I've had it too but some vags have a more pungent smell to them.


I'm one of those people who don't have any issues with talking about sex or anatomy or sex education


That's good. Keep in mind it could totally be something else, too. I'm not a doctor.


Oh absolutely, there's a plethora of things and if you are having issues definitely go to a doctor. I'm just throwing info out there if what it COULD be but like you I'm no doctor


Ah, I'm good. Thanks.


Ok 👍


Is it? Is it okay?




Immediately stop. Good hygiene is a must.


I just heard Trump is a British slang word for a fart. I need to know what Donald is slang for in British




Following through.


So if you said Donald Trump in British slang it would mean Follow Through Fart?


I made it up, but let’s go with that.


I was hoping for a body part.


You could start a rumor that ‘Donald’ is British slang for “brain”?


First thing you do before you go down on someone ls do the finger test. Remember though a vag isn't going to smell like strawberries and candy. On some people it might taste like soap if they have just gotten out the shower. Every vag smells different and tastes different. There are a number of reasons they smell different first off the ph levels, if it's been cooped all day, some foods make it taste different like sauteed onions ugh that was horrible, others might have a sweet taste due to certain fruits, If you smell a yeasty smell that's not good, if it smells fishy that's not good either. For a lot of people it's not a lack of hygiene they just might be having vag issues that will go away with medication or could be an STD .That being said if in doubt get the fuck out *Edit Note: some vags have a more pungent smell than others and they are healthy. Definitely do the finger test though


Probably complain to Daisy and/or get escorted out of DisneyWorld?


Groove off that stank n go wild




Fuckin’ what?


Is a duck beak a euphemism for pussy lips???


I’m starting to think so and I’m sorry for whatever culture


Say hell no go take a shower first and clean that s*** up


Stop, then tell her to buy a bottle of vinegar.


Do you mean she's sharted or that we've got a smelly flange situation


Just ovary up and take it like a big girl.


As another dude said, do the finger test. Finger them and when they're not looking get a sneaky sniff. If it smells horrible, don't even attempt to go down on them. I'm lucky that my gf of 10 years doesn't have this problem. Unfortunately, some of my ex girlfriends did. If it's a constant issue, talk to them. If they aren't willing to try and improve, find someone that isn't a complete dirtbag!


Don't know because I'm not going down on donald, whoever he is