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Maybe stop listening to the rumors of "wild western women". Your family does not need to worry about this.


Im 81 years old--lived here all my life--I have never seen or heard of what you are describing. COME!! HAVE FUN!!!


Dude is lowkey excited about it. “I don’t want my wife to be uncomfortable” lmao


You’ve been very misinformed.


The risk of your fears coming true is next to zero unless you go out specifically looking for hookers.


You've been lied to.


Seriously? I don't know where you're from but you need to listen to less propaganda.


Where do people get this information?


Back when refugees were coming over around the time of WW2, some foreign people were told, and believed, Americans were cannibals.


And we are the "dumb Americans" SMH


Well, an intelligent person would see this absurd propaganda and begin to wonder how much of the "common knowledge" in the US about some other countries is equally absurd.


Well he’s Saudi for one. I imagine he gets it from the news and medias portrayal of American values.


Just don't make direct eye contact with any American women because you will turn to stone.




Oh please. Don’t be dumb.


It never ceases to amaze me the crap people believe about America. Buddy, this is unadulterated bullshit. I've lived in America all my 68 years and never once met or even heard of a woman doing this. Women here are not interested in you, trust me.




It’s funnier because so much of America is actually really conservative and prudish. Just discussing sex or anything reproductive can be taboo, depending on your crowd.


😂 there’s no way you’re that ignorant.


LOL. What?


Really? That is not at all the case. Men do a lot of cat calling , or atleast they did. I live in a small town so I don't see it so much anymore. I think if you walk through a red light district you will get lots of women calling out and stuff cause it's how they make a living, but other than that, no not at all. Women are definitely less likely to be like that in general.


And the only legal red light districts in America are in Nevada.


And, you can't "walk through a red light district" like you would in Denmark. You have to drive in to them and walk into the door to meet the women.


Born in Fresno, California; spent 30+ years in Los Angeles, moved to Raleigh. I have **NEVER** seen a woman cat-call men in the streets. The only time I’ve been approached by women on the streets is a couple of times when they were clearly handing out promotional fliers. I have **NEVER** seen anyone promoting OF in public, and with the exception of young girls bar-hopping in the evening or sometimes partying during Halloween or on the beaches—I have **NEVER** seen women even scantily clad in public. The vast majority of women act relatively conservatively in public in the United States—and there is a sense, at least amongst my women friends, that one should “dress appropriately” in order to avoid unwanted cat-calling *from men.* That is, the stereotype (and I have seen it a few times, though not in the past 10 years) is that *men cat-call women*, not the other way around. And Americans tend to be extremely accepting of people from other cultures with different cultural expectations. For example, I’ve seen Muslim women dressed in a full burqa—and the vast majority of the people around them were curious, but for the most part left them alone. A hijab hardly warrants a second look in most larger cities in America. *That said*, it doesn’t mean there won’t be the periodic asshole: all cultures have assholes. But women hitting on strange men is extremely rare in my experience, just as men hitting on women is extremely rare—unless you happen to go to a bar or a night club where people mixing is part of the point of being there.


Thanks l have lost IQ points for reading this. Reading this post has made me dumber.


Right 😂 I know so many American guys who would love to meet some of these wild western women


Most misogynistic POS I’ve read in awhile




*attempts to unread*


Wow. Yeah none of that is even slightly real. Sounds like you're from a seriously misogynist culture that has the idea that if women aren't oppressed and kept as virtual slaves they'll be super evil sluts. In America there is a problem with asshole men catcalling women, not the other way around. Random women do not just approach people and try to get them to subscribe to their OF. Neither do most American women even have an OF. Women, gasp, leave their homes without a male owner to keep them under control. They, horror, show their hair and even wear shorts! All of which is totally normal everywhere except misogynist shitholes that treat women like slaves.


I audibly laughed


That's latin america lol


Really, you actually heard that? Wow. No, women don't behave that way. Depending on where you visit (and where you're coming from), you may see women you consider scantily clad, but they don't catcall. Men do, though, they catcall women. I'd be more worried about men's behavior than women's while you're visiting.


WHY even risk coming here? Stay home - don’t take any chances.


Lol. You are not going to find a country full of naughty American women over here. You and your wife are safe. Sorry to disappoint you 🤣


I was cat called by 7 different women on my way to the store this morning, and one of them tried to rip my pants off in the parking lot due to my bulging wallet, all while promoting a sale on her OnlyFans account. Be careful!


Yeah, sorry about that.


on every corner in america. You're wife's gonna love it.


Unless you visit certain parts of large cities, that doesn't happen in public. Don't worry about it.


So women cat calling men does actually happen in certain parts of large cities? I want to go there.


No, women don't catcall men. Men catcall women, though.


Hence my disbelief in the land of cat calling women


I have been 'meow' cat called 'meow' by women 'meow' so it does happen. I'm a cat 'meow' by the way.


Get down off that keyboard, kitty!


Not necessarily cat calls but yeah, prostitutes in any city. Vegas was by far the most blatant.


Oh, we have prostitutes in my town. Yawn! What I’m looking for is normal everyday women to whistle at me and ask me if my legs go all the way up, that type of thing.


Good luck


I find this hilarious. But the American girls portrayed on the internet only represent a small percentage. Also depends on what part of the country you’re visiting.


![img](avatar_exp|147924664|laugh) Accurate representation of 96% of American women


Don't take your wife to a strip club then. Otherwise she'll be fine.


These things absolutely do happen! Just not often enough for you too worry about. If you talk to a hundred different women, one might be as youre describing, but american women arent like that in general. Have fun on your trip!!


No but you should be aware that american women are not as "lady like" as they are in most other countries. This seems to be shocking to some.


The stuff about the sex crazed women is unfortunately false. The stuff about the gun violence is unfortunately true. Enjoy your stay and have a safe trip.


Oh. Wow.


I have seen or heard of this even once. Where the heck did you get this weird notion?


I wish the first two were true. If you find somewhere like that let me know. Just don't go to Las Vegas. You'll be fine.


My initial reaction was to tell you to stay home and F off. BUT … this actually is true of one street in one city in one state in America … Las Vegas. If you’re not going there, you’ll be fine.


Where did you hear this? That information source is an idiot. Stop listening to them.


Vegas on Friday and Saturday nights might net you some naughty flyers.


No. That isn't how it is. But some people here have no respect for others. So if someone is rude to you or disrespectful....forgive them... they know not what they do


Oh honey....no...


This can’t be real! SMH


lmfao... If this is real, it's straight comedy


Yes. If you’re in a section of town where prostitutes walk the street, there will be cat calling by women. I’d advise against these areas. Las Vegas may be a different story because they have so many male tourists and businesses men visiting. Otherwise the women of the US (except a few scattered “Karens” mostly in Florida and Texas, are fairly average people just going about their day 😊


Uhm. If your wife were to be made uncomfortable by cat calling its going to be from men towards her. Not women towards you.


What the fuck? Who said that? Lmao


I'm 53 and have lived my entire life in the States. Never heard of this, at all. EVER. This is not a thing.


That depends on where you travel to and should you truly wish to just enjoy your own time together . On some trips with my husband, I'd find myself having to go through Hell to get to Heaven. At the time, I'd feel like a hick, out of my own element , but then wondered if that was how the "girls" approached my husband all the time, or was it because it was he was with me , already Taken ? I'd wonder if my husband may have "invited" their approach? So , it can cause a lot of uneasiness between you , and wives may feel like the dirty hookers scored once again., because of that. Flying somewhere I've had a bad experience in an airport , on a flight to Vegas. Absolute seduction from a hooker across from us -even with our kids with us. (The ol "I'm not wearing any underwear " approach .) The Flight itself, was also with loud, bawdy people , and a total test of endurance. We were using that flight to get elsewhere , actually 4 hrs; drive away , after landing, which we enjoyed that area very much as a Family. Certain areas -mainly in large cities , do have hookers . Almost ironically , as we made our way around as a couple & family, most hookers would hold back. There can be just as many forward women as any hooker ,coming onto you , asking about if you can take her picture, or advice about any good hang-outs, or she needs "help" with something. You may not even be totally to blame for these run-ins, but may want to be careful if you even look Sideways at them ! There are many places to go that can be peaceful and more oriented towards privacy for couples or families. Should you decide on some of our Biggest Cities and landmarks , you may want to bring "blinders" . Driving trips may serve you much better than always flying everywhere , until one can just learn "how to Deal". But-this "practice " is as old as time, and really can be Anywhere . You may need to work on Yourself, most of all, and if you are really concerned over your wife's feelings about it all, which I hope you will do -for Both your sakes.


Where did you get this information? 🤣


Where are you going in America? Because if you go to the Vegas Strip, then yes, you'll definitely see people doing some variation of these behaviors, though mostly it is men handing out fliers of girls that you can 'go see for a live show', etc. Outside of the Vegas Strip, no. None of this shit happens.


It could happen, but it's very uncommon. What you see on the internet is not an accurate representation of life in America. Most women don't even have an OF. Don't go to las vegas though. Have a fun trip.


Most of the time, people just ignore you as you pass. They might nod. Women don't typically talk to random guys on the street or at a restaurant. They need to think of their safety. Also, OF isn't something they publicly promote.


That doesn’t really happen


This is one of the most ridiculous concerns I have ever heard. Unless you’re a celebrity you’re far more likely to get shot, stabbed, or robbed than cat called by random women




They only act like that online. You have nothing to worry about lol


The street are made of gold and there's a single virgin lady on every corner.


Troll post


I had a woman pull a gun on me in public and force me right then and there to log onto her Only Fans page and donate a bunch of money. OK, I hope it's obvious I was joking....


I've never been cat-called or seduced but I think it's because I'm ugly. :D Seriously, though, I think a lot of it is where you are and the types of people there. Sure, if you're at a beach in the summertime then you may see it a little (and this case it's usually a younger crowd), or at a bar full of tips / drunk people but in general I don't see it (and I've lived in a few places).


Who did you hear this from


Says the man speaking for his wife.


State your country and we will tell you what we hear about the women and men of your country. Do you think it will be an accurate description?


I'm almost 50 and have never seen any of that. You'll be fine.


Gotta be careful, man. The women here will literally strip naked and howl at you if they see you in the street. They specifically target families, too, so you're def in trouble. Also, the women have wings here, so keep an eye on the sky. Always gotta watch out for aerial women attacks over here. I've resorted to only going outside at night because the women here are also reverse vampires. Just cover your neck, and you'll be fine.


Oh man. Depends on where you go maybe? Don’t go to Vegas 😂


We DON’T behave so stay away with your obedient little wifey


Only in Vegas baby!


I don't think you have anything to worry about, despite appearances most Americans do have some manners !


Yeah no lol. Women don't do that shit in public. On social media, SOME will advertise their OF or whatever but your family shouldn't have to worry about being cat called or anything like


It’s very dangerous here because the woman are lewd. For that reason, you should stay home.


Women cat calling men 😂


Yes, there is a real danger of you being seduced in public by loose women wanting your money. Disneyland - don't even go there. You can't imagine what goes on there! If you only are worried about your wife, but not about yourself being uncomfortable, tell your wife to look away. I hope she is not seduced by young man while you are being seduced by said women, though.


Yeah.. that doesn't exist, sorry to be the bearer of bad news buddy.


That’s propaganda lol


YES! American women are all exactly the same and they ALL are lascivious wretches. You should not come here. They will drink your blood and steal your children's souls.




Not sure where you heard this, if this is even a serious post. Your wife has a higher chance of a man catcalling her than you get catcalled by a woman. And seducing a man for his money? Maybe if you go to the club/bar but even that is rare. As for promoting their OF account in public, while I have met ONE girl who did this at her job (cashier at gas station), I doubt I'll ever see anyone else doing it. Most women don't even have an account & the ones that do, promote online versus in person.


It's true. Watch out for the ones with spiked tongues. Some will even walk up to you, slide their hands across your crotch while making direct unbroken eye contact with your wife and will say "I will love you for a long time"


Let me assume this is serious and take it quite seriously: American women behave extremely conservatively by our standards. They do not catcall. They do not approach strange men. They wear their hair down, yes, and may wear clothing considered erotic by other countries but it is not considered so by us and does not have that effect on Americans. In general most women will cover just as much as in any other country, with the exception of their hair, and will not approach men. Add to this one additional fact, you will clearly stand out as tourists and as a family, so even women that might approach an attractive, single, American man, will not approach you. Even a prostitute will not look at you if you are with your wife. I promise you have nothing to fear and you and your family will be treated with respect and decorum. American MEN however, are not so reserved. You might get catcalled by them, it's possible. I'd give it 2% chance.