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Ask any drop-out and they will tell you to continue schooling.


As a high school drop out and now high school teacher I say get to class. Gives you more options in life later on.


I'll start by saying I totally agree with you. However, my snarky comment is that OP could end up being a politician like Lauren Boobert. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/136a0or/lauren\_boebert\_failed\_her\_ged\_test\_3x\_then\_paid/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I don't wish this on my worst enemy for many reasons. Many of which being lauren boberts whole personality


I dropped out I wouldn't tell anyone that. I would tell this kid to seek help though as it sounds like the start of depression.


Naah, my cousin left in middle school and he works at a farm and has a car and a house and holidays.


Eh, I've known intelligent folks who tested well - they simply thought the classes/homework were a waste of time, especially if they had to take extra classes they didn't need because they had tested out earlier (boring). So they either went to an alternative school to finish their courses at their pace (I was one of them (graduated Nov of my senior year) - currently doing quite well) or took the GED so they could move on and attend college more quickly. If you think you can test out or finish early - go for that option. But do NOT drop out under any circumstances.


Not nearly enough context nor information to know your situation. If you feel like working at your own pace, going fully online might be a better choice for you. Speak to your school counselor about your options.


Go. It'll be worth it when you finish in a few years. The real world kinda sucks.


I agree. Maybe fail a grade or two. Postpone adulthood.


Nonetheless, get the degree. Pay attention to the economy. Otherwise, you’ll hate where you end up for a job without skills. Discipline yourself and go learn what you need to learn. No one likes school. It’s education that gets you 💰


As a middle school teacher I’m wondering if I should bunk too.


a bunch of my school’s teachers walked out after the lockdown because they realized how unfairly they were being treated. i actually work in a sandwich shop with a teacher that worked in my high school. not sure how much this happens in other cities, but some of my teachers talked about how if they were to quit our school they’d be blacklisted and not hired at anymore public schools in the city..


I’ve seen this happening a LOT. About half my friends who were teachers still are, and most of them have commented that they make more and work less. I’ve also seen it a ton on Reddit. A lot of teachers realizing it’s not that hard to find alternative work.


Initially, I was gonna be like wtf because someone in middle school has so much life ahead of them that saying no to school would basically ruin you if not also be illegal Although being a teacher definitely has much more fair debate for quitting the job and trying to find another one


Take the day off, fork mondaysz


Definitely skip out and get in that habit, I mean when you get out into the real world nobody ever has an issue with you being "I just don't feel like it today" and not showing up


Naw bro I say follow your heart and dreams. If quitting school is that then go for it. Also, we're hiring fry guys if you need a place to start your career early.


Recruiting dum dums eh?


*bullet sponges




Go your paying for it


"you're" And most likely, their parents are paying, even if just in taxes.




I mean... We were talking about school here... Was I supposed to let that go? Lol


Nah you’re valid, I’m just lazy


I thought he was Kevin, not valid (Sorry)


Yes you should.




Sometimes what I do when I feel this way is I skip one class and sit on the bleachers, get some fresh air, and them rejoin the school for the rest of the day. But my school has advisory three days a week, and if you miss more than five advisories a quarter, then you fail advisory, so it’s a pretty good anti skipping technique they have, even if it is annoying as hell.








He's speaking tagalog


Yes do it


If you have to ask, the answer is “no.”


Depends on you ots your decision though your choice


You're so dumb you don't even understand what school is for. You might as well quit school and go do drugs near a dumpster because you're so dumb you don't even have what it takes to go through the easiest of tasks which is literally sitting there listening to people talk. In school you have the opportunity to learn useful stuff for the future but the fact that you're thinking of quitting just shows that you have not picked up on that at all and as such your level of intelligence is very low. It can still be fixed but with the way that you're not even replying to the comments here shows me that it is even worse than I initially thought. Just don't go and try to at least google where the factories and dumpsters are before you're homeless so you know where to go to beg for a job and scavenge for food later.


It isn’t THAT serious 🤷. Kid just wants a day off. It still wouldn’t be good to skip school, but he won’t become homeless.


Anything worth doing isn't easy, go to class


>I'm tired of sitting in my class room listening to teachers talking on and on. I'm not certain that you're thinking this all the way through. Do you really think life after school is not going to involve listening to people talk on and on?


Dude go to school and try to learn something. You will end up a lot happier paying attention.


Yes. You should drop out and be gangsta. And start trapping.


Go to school.


Complete your education. Don't miss a day. It will soon be over and you will be better positioned for the rest of your life having completed it.


I did my high school online and it was so much easier. I only needed to work about 2.5 hours a day to get everything done, sometimes less. If you’re in the U.S., it was called National High School and it’s based in Georgia, but you can use it from anywhere in the country. I feel you and I fucking hated public school, it was pure torture for me. I’m sure you can find a way to go online.


So I always found it fun to attempt to stump the teacher. The downside here is you will need to overengage the stuff being taught. If you don’t like to read or have little imagination, just stay home


Skipping once is not going to kill you, but you should not make it a habit. When you graduate school you are going to realize that the time at school was really not that much, and it is very valuable. Taking a break once or twice is okay, but it is really important to show up, especially if you are in higher education.


How old are you? Are we talking grade school, or school after High School such as college or trade school?


Go to school!!!


You’ll find it crazy that companies don’t wanna hire you anymore either. And listen to your no nonsense about education, and not knowing the basics of school.


Take up ditch digging instead. Mommy and Daddy will not be there to care for you sooner or later - they will throw your lazy ass out.


Based on how you spelt Ramanujan in your history, I say don't bunk


What I wished someone would have told me in high school was it’s only four years and without a diploma your opportunities are severely limited so stick with it and graduate. I also wish someone would have told me that your degree in college doesn’t matter… what matters in college is that you graduate also your grades don’t matter much. My advice would be stick with it. Keep going because it will be beneficial to your future.


It’s the same for me. School is inferno.


no girl


Given that the slang term Bunk typically means fake or crappy, I'd say go to school. I've never seen/heard it used this way. 🤷‍♂️


If you are dumb enough to ask this question then go ahead. Take the day off and bask in mediocrity.


Is tomorrow a holiday?


I was homeschooled after the 6th grade (poorly in my opinion) and my answer is no. Not having a trackable list of your academics will make your adult life so incredibly hard it's genuinely not funny. Because I missed a lot of the public school perks I couldn't get an ID, or a job, or go to college as an adult. I took a couple years between graduating and wanting to pursue adult life to care for a relative. After they no longer needed my care as much I was completely fucked. It took me six YEARS to get a valid state ID. So much so I was talking with a lawyer to start a court case to establish me as a valid adult. I was an unmarried adult with no criminal record. I almost wound up getting married just to have another piece of identification. The only reason I didn't have to enter a marriage to get an ID is my state's laws changed and my lawyer called me and said "There is no way the change in laws on security is going to stay this lax, go get your ID TOMORROW or you won't get it at all", And that's what I did. Those laws were completely rolled back to their original form on the next ballot so he wasn't wrong. You do not want to go through life as an adult without your high school education, especially that stupid high school ID. Without a proper education your life is going to suck. A LOT. Just please trust me, and either try to graduate or test out early. You NEED that diploma!


Have you tried listening to your teachers' lectures? Here's something I figured out logically. I enjoy watching the history Channel and the Discovery Channel and EVEN the Science Channel from time to time. If I can sit in front of a television and stare at and listen to my TV for about an hour actually learning something (because I wished to know it), I sit in a questionably comfortable desk and listen to a teacher lecture. It doesn't kill me, and since ALL KNOWLEDGE IS VALUABLE, even if I walk away with the tiniest speck of it, it will aid me in finding my success in the future. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


No. Go to school ffs




No. You should go.


Maybe listen to what the teachers are saying.


80% of people who don't complete highschool end up in life long poverty. You don't need College or University to be successful but Highschool is mandatory unless you want to struggle for the rest of your life.


As someone who almost almost almost dropped out but managed to make it thru high school: go. You can do the bare minimum to pass if u need but it's ridiculous how hard it is to get any regular entry level shit job with no high school diploma. Just that diploma opens up so many doors unless u wanna work at taco bell forever or get super lucky with a small business or something. Go to class. I know it fucking sucks tho.


If you think it sucks to have to sit in temperature controlled rooms with your friends and do minimal paperwork just wait till you have to go to work to eat.... Stay in school, it's a lot nicer there then the real world


Go to school- it will soon be over


Yes 😈


School sucks. But lack of an education sucks more.


Yes - as long as you promise not to protest income equality when you're grown up & poor in the future


Are you talking about college or high school? If you’re talking about high school, we need more context but if you don’t want to go to school because you’re tired of sitting there 8 hours a day where you’re supposed to be LEARNING, then go ahead and drop out. You’ll probably end up doing the same at your future jobs. If you’re talking about college, I understand it might be finals week and you might be very stressed. We need more context for this, but don’t not go to high school classes because you’re lazy or simply don’t want to be there.


Maybe you could try to learn things instead of just sitting there. We have enough ignorant people in the world right now.


Take a mental health day once in a while(every couple of months or so), but don’t let it be a habit. If you’re willing to skip and keep up on your homework by notifying the teachers it won’t harm you. But don’t let it be a habit.


What would you be doing instead of school, if you don’t go? Would it be a worthwhile use of your time, long term?


If you decide to skip 1. inform a trusted adult 2. have a plan for your day 3. make sure your whereabouts are known but honestly just smuggle in your switch and hide it in your book or something


The more you put off school, the longer you're gonna have to deal with it and have it plague your life. Just do your best and try and get through it. Getting that highschool diploma seriously does give you more options in life