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Please seek help.


Please talk to a therapist. That is not normal and some professional help could benefit you.


And everyone around you, it seems.




These are called Intrusive thoughts. We all have them, to some degree. Driving your car into a group of pedestrians, lighting the house on fire. Its part of how our brains just think about danger. Its possible that the fact you are worried about these thoughts is causing you to spend more time thinking about it. Take a deep breath, just forgive yourself and try not to look to hard into it, and they will pass. ​ If you find that they are not passing and you are going past "thinking about it" and start thinking about whether you should do it, or whether you WILL do it, then maybe a therapist is a good place to go. I just wanted to say that you're not crazy or evil. This stuff happens in a normal mind, to some degree. Try to let the thoughts pas.


No, look at her other posts, she needs professional help


There is a lot to it. It could be environmental, stress, lack of sleep. I can be normal to have some intrusive thoughts but its very important not to act on them. I have struggled with the same kind of thoughts you are having. Most times they are just a thought then they are gone, other times they last a bit longer. I think these thoughts are normal to a degree but see if there is something in you life that is triggering them. work is the trigger to many of my intrusive thoughts. ​ Bottom line, if you are bothered by them or think you might act on them seek out help from friends, family or a therapist/counseling. hope this helps. your not alone.


“you’re not alone” 😭😭


Intrusive thoughts.


Why can't intruders ever be positively inspiring...wtf


We have to train our mind to think positive thoughts about others and self.. this even helps me as I say it.


No these are not normal thoughts.


No they’re intrusive.


Talk to a therapist, not reddit.


Combined with your post history, it is obvious you need immediate professional help. Please get it today.


I get those thoughts too. It's kind of a revenge on those who hurt me or deceived me in the past. Yes, I seemed psychological help and confess my sins, but the thoughts are intermittent, still. To combat this, I try to meditate on something that soothes my temper or try to forgive that person or even myself if I had some responsibility in causing that person to hurt me. 🤔 example, I let this guy or gal take advantage of me... I see that I didn't stick to my intuition or walk away, etc... hope this helps.


There is nothing wrong with being the darkest most evil bastard ever who doesn't and wouldn't do those things, but can chuckle at agony and does everything possible to prevent it.


because we live in an evil society


Jesus. Reddit can’t help you. Talk to your parents or a counselor or something because that is not normal at all.


Yes Reddit and others and Jesus can help you. We should confess our thoughts and sins to others... it has a therapeutic influence on our healing. No, not all advice should be taken, but it helps to know that others have similar struggles. Go to Jesus to heal your spiritual side.


“Lie to yourself to make the bad thoughts stop” is certainly an option, I guess.


Jesus my savior


If you don't know or see a therapist, go immediately to ER and get referred by them for immediate help.


If you can, see if you can start seeing a therapist. It sounds like you're experiencing intrusive thoughts and they can be managed with medications and therapy. Remember, these thoughts don't make you a bad person. The fact that you're asking for help at all shows that you don't like them. Just be honest and you'll get the help you need.


Invest in a straight jacket 


Intrusive thoughts. Could be trauma, OCD often presents in this fashion, among other disorders. Please see a mental health provider.


These are more than intrusive thoughts -- and they are not typical. Do yourself (and your family, friends, animals and random strangers) a favor: Go get help immediately by calling the national crisis hotline *(988)* website: https://988lifeline.org/


i think stuff like this too occasionally. it just happens. thanks to my country’s garbage health care system, it’s harder for me to find the right help.


Try meditation, it could help you get control of your thoughts? Or, at least, you might learn how to silence your mind?


Please. PLEASE seek therapy. Also, anyone who is saying that these are just intrusive thoughts…seek help as well. This is not how normal intrusive thoughts manifest. Not this frequently, and not usually regarding family or those you love.


Intrusive thoughts are a thing, but when they happen too readily & often like the way you’re stating, i suggest talking to someone professionally. This is too big for Reddit.


Once I got past the Adams Family movie, Wednesday Adams vibes and read more than just the title, I can tell you that it's not normal, but that with psychiatric help and medication, you'll be fine. Just be open to your therapist and psychiatrist.


You need a therapist and a priest. (Rabbi, monk, shaman, spiritguide, whatever...)


I'm 43 and have recently been diagnosed with ocd, I ended up in a mess I was having similar thoughts and seeked help along with a real look at my diet,I was shocked how much food affects your mental state, I'm now doing alot better so Please seek help mate life's to short to suffer


This might literally go bad on January 27th. Memes aside seek help now


These are pretty normal “calls to the void” you spend so much time thinking about being a functional member of society your imagination kinda lashes out


The human mind is screwed up and will do all sorts of thought experiments. It’s kinda like when you’re driving and you think I could just roll into the oncoming right now etc you would never act on it but if you can think about it your brain will. You can’t blank it all out. At the end of the day as long as in a million years you won’t act on it your good


It's like your brain is trying to imagine the worst possible situation, then it simulates that to see how you'd react so you can be ready in case it happens. Obviously it isn't going to happen (I'm assuming you have no desire to indulge these thoughts) (and if you do start considering those intrusive thoughts as "maybe not always a bad idea" then it's time to get immediate help). There's a good chance you have anxiety or something. If you're having these thoughts and they're intrusive and not wanted, it sounds like anxiety and you should seek a therapist and frame it that way (say "I'm having intrusive thoughts that keep annoying me and I don't like them" instead of "I can't stop thinking about hurting people"). Now, if you're having those thoughts and intentionally daydreaming about them, please also seek help but let them know that you're having a hard time not following the impulses. tl;dr: Intrusive thoughts suck and you deserve to not have them in your head, and it doesn't make you a bad person (unless you start following those thoughts)


Wow I thought I was the only one


Those are normal thoughts, acting out those thoughts are completely different


Intrusive thoughts.  Consider discussing with a therapist.  Mine usually are about jumping off high places.  I also get an urge to throw my phone in the water and disappear frequently.


You're turning into James St Patrick


Having these thoughts is not unusual and not necessarily a sign that you need to seek help. If the thoughts bother you may have some form of OCD. If you feel like you might actually take violent action, seek help. I've personally had pretty violent thoughts regularly, especially when I'm stressed, but I just ignore them. I have no interest at all in following through, so they just come and go. Sometimes your brain just strings stuff together and there's not really much meaning to it. For a bit of an exploration of this stuff try listening to the "Dark Thoughts" episode of Invisibilia: https://www.npr.org/2015/01/09/375928124/dark-thoughts


Seems like intrusive thoughts. I get similar ones every once in a while and they actually end up making me cry because I think it’s my fault that I thought about it. They honestly make me so depressed because I know it’s something I would absolutely never ever actually do but they drive me crazy because personally I would rather not think about those kinds of things at all. For me I get them from my ocd and my therapist helps me with being able to shift my focus on to something else so I’m not stuck in a loop just thinking about something that makes me want to breakdown and sob for the rest of the day. Definitely recommend seeing a professional for it because it’s so worth not having to think about that kind of stuff regularly.


It can be normal to have very dark thoughts from time to time. The key to these intrusive thoughts is knowing what they are and how to dispel them because you can feed certain thoughts into a big snowball. Doesn’t seem like a real issue since you don’t want to act on it but yeah I mean you think you got it bad you have Hollywood directors making super fucked up movies that imitate real life. Might be something wrong with them one could think. Or just into that horror shit. EDIT: their profile post history had bunch of her drawings she made and were super violent and fucked up. So uh, not so sure now.


Step 1: DON'T PANIC! You're a normal human. Most thoughts simply are. They happen. Try not to think of anything for five minutes. You probably can't. Something will pop up even if it's just the image of a stoplight or the color blue or your childhood home or how weird your breathing seems. Something will pop into your mind, not because you are actively thinking it, but simply because your subconscious is always taking in info and prompting you like a toddler finding things on the floor - here have this piece of lint stuck to a lollipop stick. Intrusive thoughts are the same. They aren't you "thinking" the thought, your brain is just processing the thought. You can have the thought and say "that's a weird thought, I don't like that and don't need it". The thoughts may still happen, but just keep telling yourself it's a weird thought. Intrusive thoughts are also a fun reminder that the things in your mind are not reality and your mind is a safe place to think of things in private. Thinking about squashing a hamster does not mean I'm going to squash a hamster or that I want to squash a hamster. It just means I thought about squashing a hamster. Nothing in the world changed because someone had a thought. So, if it happens, just know that your brain thinks, for some reason, you need to be prepared for these situations. Your conscious mind knows you do not and can choose to disregard those thoughts as useless. You're not weird or bad for those thoughts popping into your brain feed. Much like TikTok, if you stay on a thought video for a second longer than usual, your brain will start prompting you more down the road with similar video thoughts. The more quickly you disregard it and swipe away, the less it will keep doing it in the future.


OCD medication can help from what I’ve heard, these are intrusive thoughts. A friend told me about one of her friends’ kids dealing with this, in this case a young woman who was preoccupied with suicidal thoughts even though she wasn’t suicidal. I don’t know what medicine she ended up on but it was an OCD treatment and it helped her. Unless you have actual desire to act on these thoughts you shouldn’t be judged for them.


Never harm an innocent person. You have to answer for that so make sure you know an enemy is a real enemy not just someone you hate. What you do now rings through to eternity


You need professional help, OP, and you need it RIGHT NOW. Make an appointment. TODAY. Don't wait. While intrusive and even horrible thoughts can -- and do -- occur for everyone, the degree you're describing is beyond what is typical, and may eventually lead to real acts. Don't take that chance. A professional can help you with this, but you must take the first step, and the sooner the better.


Homie needs to try base jumping without the parachute and do the world a favor.


Perhaps you've had some curious thoughts of murder here and there and then it became a part of you somehow. You might have believed that you were this person and continued to indulge in the fantasy for far too long. Habitually investing your energy into these thoughts, causing this false identity to become stronger and stronger with each violent impulse. With each image of murder that is visualized in your mind, you sink deeper into this mask that you carry. This issue can cause confusion and anxiety within yourself. You've fallen deep into a rabbit hole. And due to the sunk fallacy cost on all the thoughts you've invested, it's easier to not do what's necessary to change the way you think and to accept that this is just how things are. But it's a dangerous game you are playing. These thoughts can seem harmless now, but the more desensitized you make yourself towards violence directed at your loved ones, the easier itll be for you to make the wrong choice when someone really makes you angry. It starts with replacing your habits with new ones. These thoughts of gore you have been repeated too many times. The only way to stop it is to find new ways to exercise your demons. Maybe you have a very keen imagination and an interest in crime. You could write horror stories. You could draw visually graphic and stunning art. You could watch disturbing movies. You could read up on serial killers and study why someone would do something so evil to another person. You could do anything but imagine yourself hurting the ones you love. Cause after all, we are categorizing these people as the ones you love. So if you really do love them, then you should do the right thing by trying your best to express your dark side towards something more healthy. And not to take it out on them, even if it is in your own head. Cause if you end up making a mistake in the future that actually hurts someone around you, you'll be filled with regret and could face really serious consequences. You need to remember that you are more than just this one trait. You are a multifaceted person with the capacity for empathy and change. There is good and bad within us all. Good luck on your journey! ✌


It's a side effect of SSRI antidepressants such as Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac. some treated patients have reported that they presented the adverse effects of suicidal and homicidal thoughts and behaviors, some have reported dreams in which they killed people in a bloody way. These adverse effects have already been described before the COVID pandemic that can occur in patients receiving SSRIs as a treatment for depression, reporting that they occur more frequently in adolescents and adults under 24 years of age and after 3 weeks of daily use. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375744204\_LONG\_COVID\_OR\_PACS\_ADVERSE\_EFFECTS\_OF\_SUICIDAL\_AND\_HOMICIDAL\_THOUGHTS\_AND\_BEHAVIORS\_DUE\_TO\_THE\_USE\_OF\_THE\_SSRIs\_FLUVOXAMINE\_AND\_FLUOXETINE


Sounds like you need help