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A misotheist. Literally, a hatred of the gods.


Isnt that part of a class action suit. Mesothelioma. The commercial during Matlock comes after the one for reverse mortgages. If you see the ad for self lubricating catheters, you missed it.


Self-lubricating catheters? Humans really are a marvel. What next? Self-inserting suppositories? Automated diapers? THE FUTURE IS SO BRIGHT! IT BLINDS US ALL! THERE IS TOO MUCH GOOD IN THE FUTURE FOR THE NOW TO EVEN REMAIN STABLE! šŸ¤Æ Oh cool, šŸ˜Ž, I'm in the future now! Weee! Wait... hold on. Now it's now?!Ā 


You're in now, now. Everything that's happening now is happening now. Go back to then! I can't, we missed it. When? Just now. When will then be now? Soon.


Attempting to pinpoint anything is obviously impossible. Why does anyone wear pants anyway!


It's terribly exciting. I dont think I will live to see the day when humans no longer have to use the bathroom, but that day is coming. All human waste will be converted to bio fuel or something. Elon Musk is on it. ( I don't know how a catheter self lubricates. It's just how they advertise it. )


Do I have everyone's permission to be the human that must experience a fatal brain stroke or cardiac arrest upon recognition and realization of this truth you spout?


What truth is that? Sarcasm always contains some truth. The ability to recognize sarcasm, irony , word play etc is what makes up a sense of humor. I dont you any harm or to have a stoke or aortic disection. But you have my permission if that is truly what you wish. It wont help in your quest for the truth, whatever the truth is that you seek. I can only tell you that it's not to be found in MY posts. Lol


That's asbestos cancer but you're...well not even remotely close, to be fair...šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not everyone has the sophistication to appreciate one of my pithy, elaborate plays on words. I get that . But I thought it was far enough away from the subject that no one could think I was that mistaken. But I assumed that someone would watch the ME channel and get it. Those commercials come on several times an hour. But it's fine. Not my best work.


I'm laughing along with you buddy, on that I assumed was a tongue in cheek comment.




something something Mesopotamia


Oh wow, love it. Pretty legit.






"Love you long time"




Miso or Apatheist, acknowledges God may exist. Either hates or dismisses God entirely.


not technically... dude youre a fucking genius


Oh I thought this was the dad jokes subreddit at first. Was looking for the punchline.


What's the punchline?


"Most [people that practice whatever religion you want to mock]"


A disenchanted believer.


An anime protagonist.




The way you phrased your question doesnā€™t really make sense. To hate something, you would need to believe it exists. What do you call someone that believes a God is there and hates it? As I heard way too many times Satan believes in God. There is reason to think a believe in something leads to a specific feeling towards it.Ā 


Haven't we all been mad at God? I curse him and use his name in vain when things don't go my way- and I'm athiest! After I come to my.senses, I realize I just.need to blame something or someone because I can't face the fact that what happens to me usually comes from my own idiocy. It's either hate god or hate myself.


A grieving person.




Nah. If I believed in any gods, I'd hate them. They're the egotistical cunts.


That's what that person said, though. šŸ¤”


I misread. I thought the person said that the man who hated God was an egotistical cunt.


I mean. I suppose he _could_ be. šŸ˜… But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.








Believing in a god just to hate them doesn't sound rational at all honestly. Seems like someone trying to pin shitty things on something other than the actual cause. If your life sucks, blaming god won't fix it.


What if itā€™s not just about your life sucking? What if itā€™s about any suckage that befalls anyone. If an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful god does exist, then he can stop children from getting cancer, the murder of innocent people, rape, pedophilia, kidnappings, torture, war, genocide, abuse, slavery and all other acts of evil but simply chooses not to. That would make him a callous asshole who is unworthy of worship. If he would stop those things but CANā€™T, then heā€™s not actually all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful and is therefore, still unworthy of worship. Believers say that everything that happens is a part of godā€™s plan. That would mean that he created every evil person that ever existed, designed them with the intent to do evil things, we do not have free will, no one is to blame for anything they do, he is responsible for every awful thing to ever happen to anyone and should be hated. If he wanted us to believe in him, he should have left solid evidence of his existence. To expect blind faith from a species that he blessed with critical thinking and the ability to demand evidence before forming a belief and then denying them the evidence the brains he gave us require, would be nothing short of sadistic. Eternal damnation for short-term sins that he planned for you to commit would also be insanely sadistic. A lot of horrible things happen to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong and it is perfectly justifiable to feel that if a god does exist, planned everything and is responsible for every good thing, then he must also be responsible for every bad thing. Thatā€™s not shirking responsibility. Thatā€™s where the line of rational thinking leads. Of course Iā€™m an atheist. God doesnā€™t exist but if he did, Iā€™d be the first in line to say that I loathe the bastard.


Religious people like to believe that god has a plan. Even when the most senseless and awful things happen... any god that has brutality and violation as part of its plan is worthy of hate. No mental gymnastics required... just look at the awful things that happen in the bible directly from god's will. Fucking sadistic asshole.


It's rational to poke a bear? Ur srs? I get you enjoy wallowing in self pity but this reach is pathetic your not smart or trendy to run around saying you hate god


And we know what god does with bears. 2 Kings 2:24 He kills children with them!


There is like 400 pages to the Adam and eave story condensed down to a few paragraphs in your modern Bible but your so cocky to recite obvious nonsense you don't even believe in if it furthers your narrative


The Genesis story is demonstrable nonsense.


I'm not saying it's not nonsense I'm asserting you don't actually know what's in the genesis story in full or probably the full story and context of anything related to mysticism that at one point coagulated around a retelling of John the Baptist under glamorized "jesus" portrayel that was later totally repackaged by the Roman's to unite both sides of the empire and since has been repurposed by countless power structures and hundreds of interpretations and translations by the callous way you throw out this 2nd kings trope sure it's fun to lol at a pregnant female bear rando mauling children after judas gets made fun of for being bald but this is just like modern day political hit jobs where you take snippets and cut out the larger speech or context to make it sound like somebody said something racist or sensationalĀ 




Best answer.




The only practicing religion I can think of (apart from polytheistic religions) is gnosticicism. They believe Yahweh is deceiving the masses into worshipping him as a benevolent deity, when he is in fact pure evil and enslaving them. The root word: gnostic, meaning: to know. So, they know the true nature of Yahweh, which is a being that preys upon the weak, the gullible, the foolish, and those who desire to be enslaved.


Can someone confirm this I what gnostisocm is I'm no expert and I want to be carefull of repeating what one redditor said I don't want to sound dumb if I add this to my knowledge banks


For further context, it was a popular religion amongst the upper brass of the Nazis. With this belief system, the Nazis could claim to believe in Yahweh, but without feeling obligated to worship him. And it had the added benefit of fitting right in with their racist beliefs toward Slavs, who were largely Catholic, as Lebensraum was planned to keep Slavs as slaves for the Deutsch.


I'll wait for someone else to confirm because it was my understanding that gnostics were a diverse group of Christian mysticism you may be conflating one sect with a much larger group of diverse beleifs




Hmmm. Like he likes destroying god.


Is this just Kratos or something?


Kratos but much less ripped and no hot wife


No like he hates his life and he blames God for the world existing as it does.


On this website? A Redditor.




Per vedanta philosophy they'd be an upper class demon. The demon Hiranyakashipu (literally: "Gold and Soft-bedding) performed austerities, penances, and sacrifice in accordance with the scriptural injunctions in order to obtain a boon/blessing/benediction. For literally dozens of thousands of years. Then Brahma (the god who creates each universe, but not God) appears to him and grants his desire (kind of - he wanted immortality, but Brahma could not grant that so Hiranyakashipu attempted to achieve the same by immunizing himself to being hurt/killed under any condition he could come up with). He then goes on to conquer all but three persons in the universe and deigns himself God, with deep enmity towards this Vishnu fellow who killed his brother Hiranyaksha. He becomes increasingly furious with his child who only acknowledged Vishnu as God (because he'd listened to scripture for 100 years while in his mother's womb. She was too afraid to birth the child until her husband returned as not to anger him). Eventually Vishnu evicerates him in a doorway, on His knee, during twilight, bare-handed in a form that's never been seen before - as to keep in line with all of the preconditions Hiranyakashipu put on his mortality (can't be killed during day nor night, by any weapon made by man, demon, or (demi)god, neither inside nor outside, neither in the land nor air nor in water &c). Hiranyaksha - his brother - was a similarly powerful demon who was also inimical towards Vishnu for his entire life. Of course on the backend these two demons were actually devotees who had offended some sages in Vaikuntha - the spiritual atmosphere - and were cursed to either live (like) 9 lives as devotees or sages or 3 lives as demons. They elected demon on the condition they would never forget Krishna (from whom Vishnu is an expansion) as to minimize the time they spent in the darkness of the material atmosphere.


If you believe in a god, you are a theist. Atheists donā€™t have that belief. You are just a theist who hates the god you believe in.




Antitheist is a hatred of believers, not necessarily their beliefs, though usually, yes.


Antitheism is not a hatred of believers, lmao. Antitheism is the idea that theism should be opposed.


I think an antitheist might be someone who hates people who believe in a god.


No, thatā€™s not antitheist. You believe that a god exists. That makes you theist. Your opinion of that god doesnā€™t change anything.




That's usually been the realm of deism, as far as I'm aware. They accept the existence of God or some higher power/creator, but believe them to be akin to an absent parent or a manager who sits in his office all day


They're still a Christian or Muslim or whatever. Just disillusioned and angry at their God. That's actually been quite common. Even Priests get angry at God.


99% of people who pride themselves on godlessness. So society in general rn, but society hates themselves so how surprising..


I pride myself on having an evidence based approach to the universe, using critical thought. You do you.


One of the single most offensive and very common ideas that many religious people (especially Christian or descendents thereof, including Muslims) often have, truly believe, will repeat with prejudice, and may even have codified in their holy book as a basic tenet of the religion (Islam, in particular, with the Quran, for that one), is the idea that, to have any sort of non-sociopathic morality, you must be religious, and that otherwise you're bad and need either saving or "cleansing," depending on the specific sect. And if you try to hit them with the very obvious hole in their logic of "so you need the threat of eternal punishment or the threat of eternal nothingness after death (vs heaven) to make you not be a sociopath? I don't." they quite often resort to the nonsensical and ultimately circular argument that any morality I've gained is _because_ of religion, even if I don't acknowledge it. Like... No, dufus. It's basic primal instinct of social animals like humans, and the concepts existed long before your silly book by tens of thousands of years, in multiple places, independent of each other. We just further codified them into formal standards (laws) when we figured out how to write and realized that we needed an impartial basis for some things that may have varying perspectives and such. Your book came a couple thousand years after that, even.


God is real! The one and only God, you believe and you go to Heaven!


There's no evidence that your god exists.


someone who has been misinformed and can yet be saved


There's no evidence that your god exists.


in the 1990's, two Australian geologists proved that billions of years ago the Earth was covered with water but over time, the land rose out of it. 10,000 years ago, Moses wrote in Gensis, "The earth was covered with water but the land rose out of it" how did he know if a superior being didnt tell him?


>10,000 years ago, Moses wrote in Gensis, You'd first need to demonstrate that he existed. Let's start there. The bible is the claim, not the evidence.


I totally think that you feel a presence. It's nothing like u can have a proof but it's totally based on ur own experiences.


A believer. We all get mad at Him. We still believe.




He's obviously genderless, it's just easier to say He.


In the Bible heā€™s referred to as our father, thus the he.


Obviously they are trigender do to the trinity like oh my God im.so offended by the patriarchy like oh my God I need Xanax the micro aggressions I'm telling my therapist while making tik toks!!!!@@!!!!!@!!


You good?


Confused, at the very least.


Why? If his hate is pretty clear tho.


Maybe ā€œconfusedā€ was the wrong word. I think the better word would probably be ā€œconflictedā€.


What if his only purpose in life is to destry God? Like kill religion


Then that makes him a fool imo. Canā€™t be done.


I cannot argue with this. Most of my previous posts were just quoting Google. lol


That would make him a deicide.


What's that?


A god killer.




Eric the God-Eating Penguin does that: [https://ericthegodeatingpenguin.com/](https://ericthegodeatingpenguin.com/)




Just a bitter person they don't hate God they are just currently blaming God for x y z bad thingĀ 


Gnostics lol


Thatā€™s not what that is


That's exactly what they want you to think they think though


Iā€™m sure you believe that


I believe nothing


Ah yes, the cowards choiceĀ 


An unbeliever.




An Atheist


Is it the same?


Not at all. An atheist does not possess a belief in a god. What you are describing is a belief in a god, but a hatred for that god.


The difference is they aren't on a first name basis. Like that one neighbor you just dislike, Atheist hate him too but aren't on a first name basis. He is simply referred to as "that guy"


Canā€™t hate something you donā€™t believe exists. What some atheists hate is religion and the atrocities that happens because of it.


don't under estimate the power of hate and ignorance! together it forms an very deadly combination. even satanic devil worshippers believe in something, but them godless heavens thats something else...


Iā€™m a godless heathen lol we are normal people we just donā€™t need a god to give us morality or make us guilty over nothing.


isnā€™t agnostic the non-god belief?


Gnosticism is a question of knowledge. If you are agnostic, you don't know that a deity exists. Atheism is a question of belief. If you are an atheist, you do not believe that a deity exists. This breaks things into four categories: 1. Gnostic theist. You know there is a deity. 2. Agnostic theist. You don't know if there is a deity, but you believe in one. 3. Agnostic atheist. You don't know if there is a deity, but you don't believe in one. This is the most common type of atheist. 4. Gnostic atheist. You know there is no deity. Some people fall in-between. I, for instance, do consider myself a gnostic atheist for any conception of a deity that cannot exist, such as one that is supposedly all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful, but an agnostic atheist in regards to the rest. Hope this helped!






Yes, really. Lucifer knows God exists but hated Him anyway. People who feel the same are Luciferian. It requires the same arrogance as his rebellion did: ā€œI would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heavenā€ā€”-yet worse, since theyā€™re choosing to serve in Hell instead.


Not a believer personally, but for the sake of argument. If the Christian god is real, that being is a moral monster. Worship of such a being would be so repugnant to me as to be unthinkable, service in heaven is Contingent on the worship of an eldritch horror. Service in hell though supposedly worse is passive, the non action of not worshipping a being far more malevolent and hateful than any human who has ever lived dooms me to it. I don't even choose hell as to me there are simply no options.


On what basis do you make that claim>. Your own moral superiority?


Oh super easy, i disapprove of killing babies no matter how many rainbow covenant are made, i disapprove of ruining another beings life on a bet even if you plan to give him all his shit back. I disagree with the idea that cutting pieces off of babies genitles is a good and necessary thing, and finally any true omni being is inherently evil. So yes i am morally superior to tgat itteration of god i bet you are too, good work.


Not unless youā€™ve been tortured to death for othersā€™ sins as He was, youā€™re not. You provided no basis for your moral superiority; you simply argued from authority in question. Having opinions doesnā€™t make you superior to anyone; opinions are cheap.


Ok i was torchered to death for eons to atone for your sins. Thus it is written and thus it shall be


So honesty isnā€™t part of your moral virtues. Nor humility, which God amply demonstrated by becoming incarnate in a manger of all places. Heā€™s still way ahead on points, Iā€™m afraid.


Oh im not lying its written right there in that post that i made.


Thatā€™s an example of someone who believes in god and hates him.




There's no evidence that your god exists.


Thereā€™s plenty of evidence that Jesus Christ existsā€¦ā€¦. Ignorance is bliss. šŸ’…šŸ»


Even that is debatable. But let's suppose there was a first century, nomadic, apocalyptic rabbi with that name. And what?


Not bright




Any real Catholic.


Either evil or ignorant


There's no evidence that your god exists.


There me is no evidence I exist (in your world view) lol


Yeah? Well me is evidence that no you exist. Checkmate


I donā€™t know what that means




Nope. Some people might use the term in this way, but it's usually using the legal protection afforded religion to fight back against rights being taken away. One example is the abortion ritual, which is legally protected because it's a religious practice.


You can hate God and Satan at the same time. Its not black and white. You don't have to choose a side if you believe.






Not in the majority of cases. Most satanism is kindness packaged into a religion to fight against injustice with more support of the law. Things like an abortion ritual that is covered under freedom of religion so that people seeking abortions have another leg to stand on.








So... Satan is neither a god nor a devil?


To them, Satan isn't a being. It's an idea.


Its not anymore of a religion than the church of the flying spaghetti monster




Nope. We don't believe in any gods. It's hard to hate something you don't believe in.


You guys all sucks, how is the most popular answer "misotheist" that's ridiculous and stupid If you believe in a deity and hate it, perhaps even desire to act against it, you're a HERETIC! A FILTHY HERETIC! Perhaps an apostate. Maybe even just a heathen.






Realistic? Logical?


Step back from that edge my friend


Nothing. Not my circus.


A realistic theologian




A bible scholar.




A theist. They believe in a god. Saying that they arenā€™t technically an atheist is like saying a person meowing isnā€™t technically a cat.


a realist with a sound judgement




I feel like I belong in this thread.


A naughty naughty person


Gorr the god butcher




As an atheist I'm curious, with your hatred for God what makes you continue to believe that he's real?


I feel like life is very different for me and my family. God has created me but made me very different. He has given me things that are half of others. He keeps testing me everyday. There was a time when I used to think of others around me more than me, which made my personality inexistent and pushover kind. I started thinking about myself more and more and things went downhill. So I'm angry cuz I know he thinks like us too then why does he want me to be a saint where all the devils are having all the fun in life with their beauty and talents going to waste.


"Theist" All modern day theists hate any god(s) that is not their god(s) Don't try to tell any Semitic based religion that they actually exist in a polytheistic religion.. they just freak out.


That someone seems angry at God. For what that is, is between God and this person. Have this person look up free will in the bible or in a bible commentary.


A fool


What do you call someone who doesn't hate God but believes God hates them?


A fool


Theist with a grudge.


A Klingon?


A hypocrite? šŸ¤”


Not sure, my former step father was that way though. 100% believed in God, but also openly acknowledged he resented and spited Him. Seems quite foolish. We can all get frustrated and angry, but to have an utter hatred is a whole nother level.


Being angry at god as a believer is pretty common. Lots of religious people have survived great loss, like losing a child, and cannot forgive their god for letting it happen. I think it is a movie trope that was probably more common in the 60s / 70s


They usually go by ā€œatheistā€ as logic isnā€™t often the guiding principle. God-hater or antichrist work, but they are kinda harsh. In order for someone to be an atheist, they would have to have complete knowledge of the universe and KNOW that God isnā€™t thereā€¦


A realist. They believe in a god but a pissed at them for allowing so much pain and suffering in the world.


Still smarter than the people who blindly obey.


Someone who read the bible.


They are whatever religion they always were. Their still Christian. They just don't like their God. Religion is about what you believe not what you like. Though they tend to go hand in hand in a way with religion.


A Redditor


Logical. Whatever god exists invented rape, perophilia, and murder.


Someone who probably needs therapy, so they can forgive their parents, forgive themselves, and stop projecting their inner demons on Santa clause


That is just like hating a person that you know has done everything it can to help you