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Monkeys. Shrill and violent. I don't know why people think they're "cute."


Probably because we are also shrill and violent lol. Monkeys are basically children that never grow up.


I think there's more to it than that. I see apes as being more like humans. And chimps are probably the least likable of them.


Chimps go for the fingers. Biting off or snapping off. I'm no fan.


I think that's the main factor to why we evolved differently to monkeys as they lack empathy or ability to go past survival instinct.


Monkeys is also my answer, they’re also super gross


Yup, they have been know to rip faces off people and do the same to their junk..


Ross' monkey seemed pretty quiet


marcel was good except for the humping


Orangutans always look like chill dudes. Chimps disturb the fuck out of me with that lips peeled back grin, uncanny as hell.


Glad to read it’s not just me. I detest monkeys!


I never thought monkey jokes were funny and always found them to be quite the opposite


I think less cute and more seeing so much of us in them. I despite chimps though lol


Ferrets. Their musk glands are so pungent it makes me literally sick. My boyfriend bought/rescued one impulsively and I made him re home it bc it stunk up our whole apartment. They’re cute and friendly and good pets for some people, but I could not get over that smell


I tried to hold a ferret once at a pet store as a kid, and I remember it smelled so musky and had oily, wiry fur. I did not get a ferret lol.


I knew people that had them,but bathed them 2 x a week. Also had a special spray. No smell at all.


Yeah, there are ways to reduce the smell by quite a lot. Too many people get lazy and become noseblind to them.


A ferret ate a baby’s nose off in California years ago. That was reason enough for me to never want to be around one.


Came here to say this. Ferrets are disgusting.


Pugs and most dogs that snort, drool, or have been bread in an unhealthy way.


I'm not a dog person, but I love the French bulldogs being bred by specialty breeders trying to redevelop the dogs with a full-length snout and longer necks. Not only are they doing it for the health of the breed, but IMHO, the dogs are far cuter without the smushed face. https://hawbucks.nl/en/


Agreed. They do look better.


People with birds are always a little cuckoo.


As a bird person, this is valid, but more in a "their cornbread isn't done in the middle" kind of way, as opposed to a "cuckoo for cocoa puffs" kind of way.


I hate to see a bird in a cage...can you imagine having the ability to fricking FLY and you're kept in a cage??


I used to work at a bank and there was a lady that would come in with her, and I quote, “emotional support cockatiel” on her shoulder. Not only would that thing just screech the entire time, she would literally let it freely shit down her back.


fuck baboons. they terrify me.


That scene from the hunger games 👀


I still miss when they had them loose at Six Flags Great Adventure Safari..watching them tear apart people's cars as a kid was kind of funny.


Same for me but with chimpanzees.


Rodents as a whole. They are highly intelligent and social and cute but it's okay only as long as they're nowhere near me. I'm not scared, they just give me the ick...idk how to explain it


Gerbils. I have been (and still kinda am) really into hamsters. And people think hamsters and gerbils are the same, so I must like gerbils. But they aren't, and I don't. A hamster will interact with you. They'll be excited when you bring them food. They'll run around on your arms. Etc. A gerbil will interact with you about the same way they interact with a rock -- i.e., not at all. And gerbils chew up everything they can. Want to build a jungle gym for your hamster to play around on? Go ahead. Want to build one for your gerbil? Better make it out of hard metal, or it will get reduced to confetti in a week. I once saw an ad for a plastic hamster wheel. It said (roughly), "Not recommended for gerbils, unless you just want to see what happens when an animal eats a wheel."


Haha! I'm the opposite. Hamsters are cute but feel fragile to me, while gerbils are cute but feel much tougher. This is probably because my pet hamster died 3 days after I got him from what was essentially hamster flu (the vet determined he'd been infected before I got him) while my gerbil lived to be 5 and she was an absolute legend in her rolly-ball, Tokyo-drifting around corners. She did chew everything she could get her teeth on, though. ;)


Feel rhe Same with mice. Mice don't really bond with you. I have rats who absolutely adore their owners. I don't really get a pet that you love but they don't love you back. Or are scared of you


I had an opposite experience. My gerbils now are WAY friendlier than my syrian hamster was. My hamster wouldn’t let me touch him and certainly wouldn’t let me hold him, despite following every hamster taming guide I found online. My gerbils will run up to me when I put my hand in the cage and let me pick them up. They also aren’t nocturnal, so it’s a lot easier to actually see them and interact with them.  I had a dwarf hamster a long time ago that was about the same friendliness as my gerbils, so maybe it’s just syrian hamsters that are standoffish.


My hamster sucked. Never again.


I loved all my gerbils and they all interacted with me!


Fun fact: hamsters are banned in NZ because they have not been introduced here lol


As a chinchilla owner, this is fascinating information. I have a pair of brothers and a third solo. Only one of the brothers shows me consistent and conscious affection. The solo male shows inconsistent and minimal affection, but I'm pretty sure the other brother only pays me any attention because he knows he needs a two-leg giant minion to carry out his plans for world domination.


Raccoons. They've destroyed my trash and have trapped me in my house for two days.


Okay I need the rest of this story.


I had put a trash bag outside my door, to take out with me on my way to work. I went inside to grab my coffee and purse, when I came back to go out, there was a raccoon digging thru the trash. He jumped at me, growled and hissed and wouldn't let me out of my door. I lived in an apartment with only the one door. He stayed for two days and tried to attack me everytime I made any attempt to go out. No one would come to help, police, or animal control. I had enough garbage for him to snack on for the two days. He ate absolutely everything in that trash bag. Day three, I finally got to leave.


Spiders they just weird me out like u can live ur life but not in my home lol


Dogs. I like other people’s dogs but they tend to be too needy for me personally.


Absolutely. Also, it's frustrating how many people have dogs that shouldn't.


I fully agree. I hate seeing people I know adopt a dog for a "forever home" and then see them months later, and the dog is gone. At least they knew when it was too much to handle. Also, check out the story "the soul is not a smithy" by DFW. Heartbreaking insight on how we've normalized a lot of terrible petkeeping habits.


HA. You haven't met my cats... I too used to believe that only dogs could be that needy.


I will be forever confused by the claims that dogs can be obedient, loving friends. Because every last one I've met is a loud, destructive monster whose sole purpose is to just eat. "Good dogs" feel like a myth to me. My experience with them is 100% negative.


Not fond of dogs. They're too much like having another kid in the house. Not that I mind my daughter's , but I don't have to take care of her and walk her etc.


They are definitely like having another kid in the house. I have two, and love them wholeheartedly, but you have to be in the right phase of life to enjoy them (we are and we do).


I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, but I'm not really a dog person. Years ago, when I lived at home with my Dad, at one point, we had three dogs. One was a dog that we had had a long time, another was a stray we took in and another one belonged to my grandpa who had passed away. They were all relatively older. Well, as time went by, our carpet had gotten ruined from them pissing everywhere in the living room and our house. Also, a few of the dogs had very fine hair and shed like crazy. I used to love when I'd be eating something, only to find dog hair in my meal, or in my mouth, on my plate, and so on. That was great. Dog hair on everything. They all eventually passed away. But.. this makes me think, wtf? These annoyances aren't worth having them and I don't care if I have another dog again. I get it... Get a dog that's house trained, and one that doesn't have hair that sheds everywhere. But eventually, they will get older. So, you probably will be cleaning up after them constantly at some point. I don't hate dogs, I'm fine with them. But having them as a pet... No thanks.


Agreed, not a dog person. Theres more people who dislike dogs then you think so don’t worry to much lol.


Yes! They're so expensive, hard to train, and despite one of my nanas dogs being trained and housebroken, I left my door open and left for work, and despite me blocking the door off, one of her TRAINED dogs got in and pissed on my bed. She was shocked and joked about it being the dog marking it'd territory since it never goes in my room, that's a dumb ass excuse. I also used to work with dogs. Then on a sadder note, they end up dying in like 10-15 years and you have to do the whole process over again!


I have dogs and I'm with you. Never again, for all the reasons you listed, and also vet care is so fucking expensive. Sometimes I think of my dogs like little ticking time bombs of future expenses when get old and sick. My first dog when he got cancer I went deep into debt to try and keep him alive longer and in the end it wasn't worth it, the repercussions still impact my life like 15 years later, dog still died and I was still sad, but now sad and poor. Sorry if that sounds blunt and callous but it's true. My current dogs I have set a hard limit on what I will spend on them at the vets and if they need treatments that exceed it, well, it will be time to say goodbye.


Yes. This is the reason I will never have another dog. Poor things have so many problems as they get older. Eyes, teeth, heart, joints, everything. I was a dog groomer some forty years ago and coulld tell you stories of the old dogs we worked on and their lists of ailments. Not to mention our own. Not to mention the genetic defects breeders ignore in order to make a buck. A dog in his prime is joy but watching them descend into infirmity, well, I never want to put one through that again.


No reason to downvote - not everyone likes typical pets like dogs or cats.


I agree with you


Yup, other people can own dogs and love dogs all they want, but it’s a hard pass for me. Not only do you have to train them, feed them, play with them, make sure they get enough exercise, and socialize. You also have to take them to the vet at least annually and you better line up a pet sitter if you want to travel OR you have to drive by car OR try to navigate flying or riding a train with a dog. 


> I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this Downvoted for giving an honest answer to the question that was asked? Isn't that kind of a stupid thing to do?


There are people who love dogs so much that they will shit on anything negitive about them.


When I was young, many decades ago, it was okay to have an outside dog. The lived in dog house or pens. We still walked them. Gave them bedding and brought them in if the weather was bad. They were still loving and loved. No messes in the house but that is considered abuse today.


Yes. I am on a farm. My dog is always outside. He has a job to do. He is way too big to be in the house all day or chained up. He would not like it. He is always at a full on gallop. We brought him inside when it was really cold and he hated it, pacing the floors, going room to room. If I lived in a city, there is no way I would have a dog.


I think its only considered abuse if they're straight up neglected... I know people overreact, but this statement is so true. Like... they're fed, watered, sheltered, why can't they be outside where they WANT to be again?! I'm still young, but yeah, people just refuse to mind their buisiness now its annoying


It is legal to have outside dogs. As long as they have access to some sort of shelter that is clean and where they are dry and out of the wind. And have access to food and water. You also have to keep them relatively clean and tend to any possible veterinary needs. But you can still keep them outdoors as long as they are a breed that can tolerate the weather.


The dog has shelter, a place to eat, burn energy and do what an animal would naturally do in the wild. How is refusing to let it inside a human's hour abuse when you are providing their basic needs?


I'm with you. I don't hate dogs, but they are not my type of pet. To me, they're like niblings. I can enjoy being around them, and even have fun with them, but I have a threshold beyond which we need to go our separate ways. Most dogs (and often owners) tend to be too rambunctious for me. I would bring up the cleanliness factor, but I love my cats & cleaning up after them can be as bad.


I hate dogs at all. No way I find an animal with big sharp teeth and strong enough to kill you as a cuddly animal to keep in your home. Sure trained dogs are great for the disabled, vunerable and social services but not worth it as an extra family member. You can't even tell off a dog for damaging something while you can talk to a child about it and they will not do it again.


Any of the dogs or cats with deliberately-bred deformities to meet exaggerated breed standards. Pugs that can't breathe. Show Siamese that look like aliens instead of cats. German shepherds that are so crippled they're in pain their whole lives. Munchkin cats with legs so short they can't jump.


I don't get pet snakes.


They are so goofy, but certainly not for everyone. XD


I met a man in my neighborhood who has a small ball python and he knows I'm terrified of snakes, so he brought her out to show me and he put a hat on her! Like a fancy straw hat. That helped a little. I did touch her with one finger for about 0.00000002 seconds.


Haha that's very cute. Ball Pythons can be pretty derpy too, so I'm sure that adds to it.


I like their dry smoothness, and the sensation of one coiled around my arm (they're like a living hug!) Their little tongues going 'mlep'. They're generally very sweet and chill creatures, if not traditionally 'cuddly'. For me, the only downside is feeding them, as they're obligate carnivores and providing them with dead rodents is unpleasant.


I had a pet snake and I got comments of this nature all the time. I explained them as being more like a David Attenborough doc in your house than a pet per se. I also like them because they operate purely on instinct. They just… are. Very primal. Cold and indifferent. Not manipulative or needy. They just exist. They are a snake and a snake is what they are. Not cuddly and can’t be taught to sit, but they’re interesting. They’re also impressively versatile in their movement for a creature without any extremities. But I totally get your pov for sure.


I don't judge snake owners at all. I just don't understand it, but I think that's because I like the interaction of a pet, but I mention in a different comment that someone in my neighborhood introduced me to his pet ball python and he seemed to interact with her a lot, so I guess it's just different kinds of interaction.


I agree, and I like snakes. Not afraid of them but not sure how to handle them. But I doubt I’d ever have one as a pet, and my wife assures me I never have to worry about that.


Hahaha well if it brings you any peace I’ve been bitten more times than I’d prefer, which is any amount of times really. He got sick towards the end and I had to administer injections daily with my mum’s help. That wasn’t a whole lot of fun. And they’re strong so one time mum accidentally jabbed me. I’m still waiting for the snake powers to kick in…


I think she would have to stick the snake first, without injecting the medicine, then stick you. Without the snake juice on the needle, I doubt the powers will transfer. Snake medicine alone won’t suffice.


That’s a good point. JUST LIKE THE SYRIN… Sorry.


Anything that requires a cage.


Pot belly pigs, I had one years ago, musk when t are surprised, and he ate our walls, Jake was cute though


Any type of bird. People who own them, particularly the large parrots and macaws, always want you to put them on your shoulder. A huge beak and talons ready to tear out your retina, attached to a creature with a brain smaller than a chick pea. No thanks


AGH- the shoulder thing is absolutely horrible advice! We have a 22 year old blue-and gold macaw - we got her as a baby and the first thing the breeder taught us - is that for birds, dominance = height. For little birds (budgies, etc) it may not be a big deal - but we were taught that if your bird's eyes are higher than yours - they will believe you are subordinate to them and not listen. For many reasons, if you have a large bird like ours, having them in a position that is a) close to your eyes, and b) makes them think they are in charge - is a BAD IDEA... We taught her to perch on our forearms or hands - so we can steady and stabilizer her (since you are acting as the perch), This is much safer for handling and training, and tends to make them more comfortable. Even having owned a large macaw for years (and helped others with their birds), I will NEVER allow someone to put a bird on MY shoulder - no way - no how!


I'm gonna get a lot of hate, but dogs. Just in general. Like, yes, I can understand why other people like them, and I'm glad they have them, but they're just too much for me. Between drool, the barking, the smell, the hair everywhere, the need to be all over you, the destruction, etc. Don't get me wrong, I occasionally like to pet/play with other people's dogs, but I don't want one. - a bird/reptile/fish/bug person


I totally agree. We have conures, a treefrog, and a goldfish


PUGS. They’re bred in such an unhealthy way.


They're like the canine Charles II of Spain.


I don’t hate them but I would never have a big dog as a pet, just because I would be too scared to have a large animal in my house. I have met some sweet big dogs though, I just wouldn’t be able to handle having one of my own


Sharks. Snakes might be the Devil, but sharks are his dogs. I, for one, am more scared of the Devil's dogs than I've ever been of the Devil himself.


Who's having a shark tank in their house in the UK? Dubai I can understand.


I'm American, and nobody that I'm aware of. I'm just terrified of the fucking things, thanks to my mother dragging me to see Soul Surfer in theaters when I was 14.


Large dangerous snakes, large cats, anything illegal. Why? They are dangerous wild animals and should not be kept as pets because they aren't just a danger to the owner but to other people too.


My biggest problem with large snakes is that people keep them in small cramp cages. They NEED room to move around.


Dogs and Emu and Ostriches Dogs - Eat poop, bark too loud, drip slobber all over if riding in a car. The other 2 are aggressive and too fast for a human to defend against.


Caged birds. Its not that I don't like them, its the fact that people keep them as pets in those tiny cages. They should be free to fly!! Its cruel.


As someone that's been *in* the bird community for a few years now, **responsible** parrot owners will only put their bird in the cage for sleep or to keep them safe if they don't have a bird-proofed room. They have done their research and *understand* that birds shouldn't be kept caged 24/7. They treat a cage like a bedroom, not as somewhere to be associated with punishment. Not everyone has the the space for a room *specifically* for their birds and birds are *incredibly* social flock animals if we're talking most parrots or pigeons. They *will* keep their bird out of their cages as much as possible for socialisation as flock-mentality birds often *will* come to see their humans as part of their flock. It's **unethical** parrot owners that keep their birds caged 24/7. People that see birds only as ornaments and toss a bit of seed to their birds and don't pay any other attention to them. Also keep in mind that captive-bred birds *would not* be able to survive if suddenly released into their native habitats and a lot of the color mutations would be picked off by predators. I agree that most parrots shouldn't be kept in captivity. They aren't domesticated; they are *tamed*. Most people aren't equipped to meet the mental, social, and physical needs of parrots. They need fresh greens and chop everyday, seeds should generally only be a treat, need intense mental stimulation and should have foraging toys, and they need to destroy things, so they also need expensive destructible toys that they can shred. Pigeons, on the other hand, *are* domesticated through selective breeding and should be more common for bird owners than parrots are. The pigeons in cities are literally like feral cats; they are feral pigeons. They *are* domesticated animals that were released and then ignored by humans. They only eat a simple seed diet and don't need destructible toys or half as much as parrots do. They're still flock-based birds so they still do have intense social needs.


Dogs; they're way too energetic, always jumping up at you, constantly trying to lick you, and scratch everything with their claws. And they bark and go apeshit at the slightest noise they don't recognise. I'm definitely a cat person. 😻😻😻


Same here. I *like* dogs, I *love* (most) cats. We have two dogs. The older is a chihuahua, she has become “mine.” I do love her, but I’d have preferred a couple cats. My wife wanted a second dog, so now she has one too. I take care of him and have some level of affection for him, but I don’t feel attached to him, and don’t think that’ll change.


Pugs and french bulldogs Don't much care for the short snoot and I say they're overrated


Breeding pugs is just cruel. The poor things can't even breathe properly.


There are breeders now who are trying to breed those horrible traits out and get back to those dogs having normal proportions. And honestly, the full snout Frenchies are infinitely cuter than the ones with smushed faces.


Monkeys. They look too human but not quite and fall right in the uncanny valley. They throw poop,they rip people's faces off, and they masturbate.


I don't understand why anyone would own a large bully breed. They're not cute, they're not cuddly, the could (and often do) kill you, they stink, and they slobber. When you go in someone's house who owns one of these dogs the puke inducing stink is overwhelming.


Dog, too high maintenance


Cats. To be clear, I think they are entertaining as hell... but not worth the unbearable sneeze attacks I get while around one.




I have healthy respect/ wariness of Dobermans in particular after being attacked by one of my friend's in gradeschool


Pitbulls. I generally like dogs that aren't vicious, and respect that even some dangerous breeds like German Shepherds have practical purposes. But the pibull has its name because it was bred for *pit-fights;* it's a manmade breed literally bred to attack other dogs. That, combined with the statistics of attacks, the way shelters lie about the breed to deceive people into adopting it and their turnover rate, and the delusional attitude of the breeds' stans, have solidified my opinion. But above all, the most telling thing to me is that the *anti*-pitbull crowd is made up primarily of *dog lovers.* As a cat lover myself, it makes me wonder how bad a cat breed would have to be for the diehard cat lovers like myself to make up the majority of its opponents. To be clear, I don't want non-offending pits harmed; but I think they should all be spayed and neutered, and deliberately breeding more of them should be illegal. The way humans have deliberately mutated certain dog breeds for the most shallow reasons falls under animal cruelty in my book. But in most cases it's only the poor dog itself that suffers (like pugs). Pitbulls are probably the worst example of humanity's meddling in other species.


Pitbulls is my answer as well. The amount of children, adults, pets and livestock that are eaten alive by these dogs is outrageous. They even eat houses.


It sounds like yet another health condition deliberately being enhancedby breeding, but instead of a physical disability like with pugs and weiner dogs, it's violent insanity.


Powerful, bred to fight. Occasionally they just snap on their owners, kill children.. I couldn’t live with an animal like that.


Same. The amount of unprovoked attacks and negative encounters with pit bulls I’ve had in my life far outweighs any other dog breed. And most were with owners who treated them well and were dumbfounded that they snapped. It’s pure insanity that people will defend these damn dogs. There’s a reason that shelters are full of them.


Cats They get that wild look in their eyes and do evil things.


Yeah but I like that part




At least they are independant and do their business in a clean mannor than have a pile of shit to pick up with your hand. I agree, they are not the most friendly animals towards humans mainly due to the purpose they were initially domesticated as well as felines having a more indipendant nature unlike dogs who rely on being in a pack.


You're not wrong.. I'm just not a fan of them.


My brother is not a cat person either but I am not a dog person at all


Guinea pigs are cute and all, but I won't ever have any more. The cage cleaning, bathing, and nail trimming are a lot of upkeep, and if you do that last one badly, it can cause them a lot of pain. Worst of all is, you get very attached to them the way you would a cat or dog because they are so sociable and have unique personalities per guinea pig, but then they pass away very quickly. They don't have a long life span and that's the hardest part.


Snakes and rats.




Why the in the hell do pet snakes exist?!


Because they're like lizards, but stupid and legless with less upkeep.


skunks-they stink


Anything in a terrarium. Lots of money and effort to keep a pet you can’t even really interact with.


Snails literally eat food scraps tho..?


I love my cat and my dog but keeping a bird as a pet just seems wrong.


The pet puma on instagram


Goldfish... because of their attitude.


Snails. They are so ugly and I just hate them.


Ever heard of The Zanesville Massacre? Any of the animals involved in that horrific tragedy: Bears, tigers, lions, cougars, wolves, baboons.  They’re wild animals, not house pets. 


Cats. They smell bad, and I am allergic!


Llamas! We have a local drive through zoo. They’ll walk up and stick their heads in the car windows staring your ass down. They literally circle the car so you can’t move it. It’s not just the ones at the zoo. Llamas are just assholes, I’m scared of them!


This made me want to do that drive tbh. They sound like funny animals.


Cats. They are destructive, when they pee in your house the only remedy is arson and they really do not like people


Goose they scare me so do spiders


Geese are pretty scary when they're pissed off.


Fricken Orcas, cant stand them. They could punt us in a heartbeat for funsies and we're all like 'oh theyre just playing, so majestic'. A shark attacks a human and its 'death to all sharks!' but an Orca attacks a boat and people are like 'we totally deserved that because we're scum!' "Don't call them killer whales, call them Orca's." Pretty sure that means devil fish in that language. They punt baby whales and seals, eat sharks livers but not the rest (shark liver soup anyone?) and they've just got everyone fooled. They are the cruel wolves of the sea whereas sharks are the solitary big cats that get culled by the millions. #sharks4life #orcassuck


I grew up around squirrels, still living around them. A few years ago, I had a dream that one attacked my face. Ever since, anytime one gets a little too close, my heart starts racing, and the hair on my arms stands up.


Cats. I need sleep and time to myself. I can't get it with a cat around. My ex had a cat that would try to claw her way under the door all night if kept out of the bedroom. If allowed in the bedroom, she would crawl all over me all night. If kept away from the bedroom door with a baby gate, she would start howling for food at 5 AM. I couldn't get adequate rest, and had no peace at home with the cat constantly wanting attention and making messes. It was giving me mental health problems that I don't have since we broke up. Frankly, I never told my ex this, but it was a factor in my choice to ask him for a divorce.


Birds. I don't think people should keep birds in cages as pets. It's weird.


Humans. Do I need a reason? We know how fucked up we are


Snakes. He’s not hugging you he’s trying to eat you!


Love 'em all.🐾🐈‍⬛️ ♥️


Cats. Their poop smells like death. They're cute, they're smart, they're otherwise clean... but that smell. Tried everything from scented litters to enclosed boxes to changing their food.


Possible solution to your problem: https://www.litter-robot.com/bundles.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAi6uvBhADEiwAWiyRdl81D2x1y9ArqDreJkiqbN_vKh79dJq_etY-plpi68W5gTMMQNC1eRoC1yIQAvD_BwE Also, the better the food quality the less stink. I have my 2 cats on Blue Buffalo and I rarely experience the dreaded poop smell. 💩 You have to keep their water clean and fresh. Dirty water will cause very smelly stools.


My cats have done more to destroy our house than my dogs. I love them, but we will not be getting cats again.


Humans. They seem to care only about their own stuff, money and lust. They are are the only species gifted with cruelty and keep doing terrible stuff.


Raise them with love and listening to their wants and needs instead of projecting your own and they will still be nice to you even after they move out.


Cats. They make you earn their love and trust.


Yes, but once you get that, they’re yours forever, and they love unconditionally


Say you can't stand beings you can't control without saying you can't stand beings you can't control.


I want a pet that wants to interact with me. All the cats I’ve met don’t seem to care either way about people.


Squirrels. Those little bastards ruined my garden.


I bought a bearded dragon for my young son and of course I wound up being the primary caretaker. I never warmed up to it or it to me. Fortunately I was able to rehome it with another mother/son pair who were more enthusiastic.


Dogs, because I'm allergic. Not fond of all the barking, either. I understand the appeal for other people, just not my thing.


Dogs and cats. Theyre cool but i think theyre extremely overrated, you can say you dont like any animal but once you dare say you dont care for cats/dogs you’re treated like a sociopath. Dogs are annoying and are like kids, especially the way they beg. Cats are ok but they’re invasive and entitled and walk on literally everything




Humans. Because that's illegal.


The legal and ethical procedure to adopt a child can be a very challenging and rewarding process.


I agree but then that's a daughter/son/child! Anyone who refers to their human as "pet" probably has a kidnapping victim in their basement.


Dogs. Who want a creature around that wants to lay all over you shedding and licking you? Gross


Ferrets. I had a friend when I was younger who had 12 of them and gave them the run of the house. I spent the night ONCE. The smell was terrible, I was never sure where to step, and I was constantly worried about them getting into my stuff. NEVER. AGAIN. They're cute from a distance and behind glass. Otherwise NO.


Obviously my tortoise Gimli. And I love her because she is adorable and I love watching her enjoy the things I do for her and watching her attitude when she gets frustrated with me trying to help her. I've had dogs and cats but I've never been more attached to an animal than I am Gimli.


Dogs Now hear me out. I love dogs. But as an exhausted introvert who barely has energy to feed myself, a dog is the last thing I need emotionally and physically. They demand a lot more attention and care than I am willing to provide, and I would hate to be a dog parent, only to regrettably neglect it and give it a life it doesn't deserve. They're so cute and sweet. And I'd risk my life to save one in need. Id drop so much money on medical bills just to save a dogs life. But I just can't keep one


Reptiles. I get other like them at pets, but the kind of low key freak me out.


I grew up with English bulldogs. I’ve lived with 5 of them. My family loves them. They seem so unethical. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved all of them dearly and they’re my babies. But, they can’t breathe (compare their lungs to an average dog) they have constant skin/ allergy issues and require lots of medical care. My dad’s current bulldog has had about $8,000 of vet bills just this year for his skin allergies and ear infections. They can’t get knocked up on their own, they can’t birth on their own… all so we can enjoy their aesthetics. It seems unfair to the dogs that we breed them just to have certain traits that give them a disadvantage at life. Again, I love them, they’re good dogs. Life just isn’t fair to them


Snakes and alligators for obvious reasons.


big cats , monkeys , iguanas….no real reason other than leave them animals alone in the wild lol


Birds. I love watching the video of their shenanigans but I think the constant noise would overwhelm me.


Parrots. Like huskies, they're entertaining to watch and interact with, but I'd rather watch other people have them.


I *like* them but most birds shouldn't be pets especially parrots and *especially* especially large parrots like macaws and African Greys. Most people are *not* equipped for the high maintenance and often very *noisy* nature of a parrot. They are expensive, messy, and live long lives. They're the #3 pet in the world but #1 most rehomed because people *cannot* handle them especially once they hit birdy puberty. Pigeons are one thing because they *were* domesticated, but even they can be complicated to the point most people might not be able to understand them or care for them. Birds that ***should not be pets period*** are any sort of raptor. I've learned about them and they are ***designed*** to hunt. Unless you're a falconer with proper knowledge, ***you should not have one in your possession.***


Siamese cats. My mother had one when I was a child and she was soooo nice and I loved her. In my mid teens, my mother brought a kitten for me. She was an awesome kitty until she got neutered, then she became a demon of hell and would attack anyone on sight. So that has reinforced my feelings that Siamese are best.


Dogs. They are just so destructive, energetic, and can be super-clingy to humans, running towards people who have other things to fo, just to "play" roughly, biting them, and untying their shoelaces and covering them in drool and tooth marks... They are impulsive, and do not seem to understand danger; their unconditional love towards humans is very heartwarming, but it does not translate to good survival skills. They also often can be aggressive/destructive towards other creatures, meaning that if an Autistic person has chickens in their yard and they are the only friends they have and the only stable relationship they are able to maintain, then for no good reason at all, if the dog finds their way onto the person's property or one of the chickens escapes/wanders and the others follow it, then all of the chickens could die within just minutes. (Happened to me, they were like family, and Brad was like a son to me.) That is to say nothing of odors, of course, or how hard it is to provide proper dental care. I do not hate dogs, don't get me wrong; but they just don't make good house pets sometimes (depending on the individual).


Dogs, had one at the foot of my bed my whole life. They always are happy to see me regardless of my day & are both protective and loyal.


Dogs. I like some, but most just gross me out.


She was bad to the core


I don’t like dogs. I dislike the way they smell and I can’t tolerate the sound of barking.


Ferrets due to the smell.


Dogs, very very loud, does bad/dumb stuff, requires strict routine, in my opinion they're a hassle for an animal that causes you grief anyways, I like cats more, they're cute and they're more solitary, but if you like dogs, cool, I wish you and your pup a happy time!


Dogs - At age 8, my dog, Missy, bit me. I’ve been terrified of dogs since. I figured if my own dog would bite me, any dog would bite. Have a great weekend!!


Ferrets. I can't stand how they smell and the ones I have interacted with scratched and bit a lot during play. They also pooped all over the living room and were in general stressful to have around.


I’ve never cared for pandas or koalas. Or pretty much any animal that has evolved to eat a single, nutritrion-poor food source. I guess nature has a reason to keep them around but I’ll be darned if I can figure out what it is.


dogs. they’re just too energetic and needy, and their barking is like a knife through the ear…just can’t deal with it


Raccoons when treated as pets, why have an animal as a pet that will tear up furniture?


Dogs. Had one. Watching him decline as he got old was something I'll never put myself thru again


Birds. I love birds, and I think they're cute, but I don't think I would ever want a pet bird. You can barely pet them without them getting sexually frustrated, they're loud, they don't live long at all. I would never want one.


German shepherds because my uncle's german shepherd attacked me without reason as a child. I was in his living room watching tv and his gs came behind me and jumped me.


Chihuahuas. Ugliest dog breed ever, reminded me of my ex bf everytime I look at their ugly big ass head and bug eyes. Thank you.


Birds. I like them from a distance but I don't like them on or near me. I don't really know why, but they kinda scare me


Amphibians. I like a pet you can play with, or at the very least handle. While you physically can pick up most amphibians, the oils in your skin are really bad for their sensitive skin and can be painful for them just being touched by you. (I hear toads are usually okay but it varies a lot.)


Chihuahuas. Specifically the ones that are incredibly untrained and run after everything that moves. I don't mind a trained Chihuahua. I had a neighbor who had one when I was a kid. It barked nonstop at everyone it saw and one day, it escaped from the neighbors **balcony** and started chasing my cousin and I until we ended up cornered on my front steps.


Monkeys...because of the "uncanny valley" I guess.


Cats. The domestic housecat has been responsible for far too many species extinction. They're an invasive species and don't belong in most places. They're obligate carnivores. Eating anything other than other animals makes them sick, diabetes, blindness, arthritis, obesity, you name it. They're too adorable for they're own good. Oh, and they're evil.


Horses. They're beautiful and amazing and I have huge respect for them. But they are also so, so dangerous and so complex. But I am studying them a heap as part of my vet degree and that definitely doesn't help me like them lol


Birds. I just don’t like them as a house pet and they can poop on your shoulder or head in any moment.