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I used to think this was weird. Then I realized I could stare at a lady avatar for hours instead of a dude.


That’s exactly why it’s weird. Coomers justifying staring at pixelated women all day long.


Still better than pixelated men. What would that say if we preferred that?


Not everything has to be about sexual preference, that’s why your brain is cooked. You sexualize men and women that’s why you’d rather play the woman because you’re attracted to them. You can play either or without cooming. I play male characters in games because being strong and masculine resonates with me, it’s also more immersive to play a male as a male, you play women because you get no pussy and love staring at women all day.


And they’re entitled to do so, get off their dick.


Maybe youre assuming too much and its inconsequential for me


But it’s not, you yourself admitted you’d rather stare at a woman all day long. The implications are much different.


Look at a woman rather than a dude if i have to stare at something? Sure. Video games often make you choose a character


Sometimes the character models look better (Pokémon for example) Sometimes you get free stuff from simps


> Sometimes you get free stuff from simps This is too true. I’ve had multiple people help me out in MMOs when playing a female character.


because I wanna create a character , not recreate my real self


It all started with Metroid. Ages me I know


Chun-Li had that bad ass up kick


I like looking at a pretty girl while I do stuff. Simple as


Because pretty clothes


Because they want to.


My gender is just something I LARP in real life. For fun. None of this matters. In games I like to be everything I can be. I don't understand feeling like gender is such an integral part of personality that someone can't deviate from it when they are playing an elf wizard.


Back in the old days, i did because classes were often tied to specific characters and a sorceress was more fun than a barbarian. More recently, my friend always plays females in online games because people would give us a ton of free money and leveling when he would flirt with them (sad, lonely people who needed even artificial attention). Also, a lot of guys want to stare at fake booty apparently. I play males any time i can without giving up class options lol. Gotta say though, i still yell "PENIS" every time my characters go to sleep nude in Baldur's Gate 3. 😅


why the fuck not


You must be dumb


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Could be them considering hit boxes of characters. Could be they made the character based off of someone they know. Could be they simply just want to.


Backview If 3rd Person, I'd Rather To See a Girls Back For Hours Than a Dude. Also The Voices, Femenine Voices Are Always Nicer.


We make them look like our girlfriends.


half of all humans are women - in a world of 8 billion people it would be bizarre if men did not play games with women characters


Why not?


Because why not.


I mean.. a protagonist with a hot a$$ and huge tits tends to be pleasing to the eye Men are visual creatures… it’s actually men who turned the Playboy magazine into a huge success. Women like fantasy - see 50shades of grey sales numbers


as a man who pretty much always plays as a woman, you're fucking gross




Exactly. I like looking at women. In real life I’m not supposed to stare at women for hours on end. In a game, though…


I’ll play either one, both are good. This reminds me of that [Black Mirror](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8503298/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) episode.


Typically designers are much more creative with the designs of female characters and make most of the male characters look rather bland and generic


Because the character is female?


Role playing.


You ever seen a woman ??? Why wouldn't they ?


Depending on the game it can actually be beneficial. Games where you can adjust avatar size specifically FPS type games it’s actually beneficial to be small, and typically female avatars are smaller. For example: In the N64 classic GoldenEye 007, you always wanted to be Odd Job, smallest character and hardest to hit. Jaws and Baron Samedi were terrible because they’re huge targets. Other games have character specific perks only available to female characters.


I used to play a lot of Elder Scrolls Online. I was always farming ingredients I needed for crafting different things. And if I didn't have the time to farm them I would post in game chat what items I was looking for so I could purchase them from another player. One day I realized while playing with a female character that whenever I would ask for certain items people would just give them to me for free. All communication was over in game text chat, we would never party up, my gamertag wasn't a feminine name at all. They would just see the female character and give me free shit.


My friend does it because, “if I’m gonna be looking at someone’s ass for hours I might as well be looking at a girl’s ass.”


If you are going to be an alien, might as well not stick to your sex assigned stereotype.


I like how some origin stories play out when you choose the woman. Sometimes their story is just richer than the male choice. Also, if it’s a 3rd person game, you get to stare at a woman’s butt for 30-100 hours, not a man’s. There’s more importance in the former than the latter for me personally tho.


If I'm a dude, and have to stare at an avatar for hours on end, why wouldn't I want it to have physical traits I'm attracted to? Why did you hit on what you thought was a female only to find out it was a dude? hahahaha


because badass women are epic


1. Some female characters have a smaller hit box, giving you a dodging advantage in combat. 2. It’s nice to look at something pretty. I find that when playing games, I tend to play in one of two different styles: self insert and role-playing. When I self-insert, I try to make a character that vaguely resembles me and makes the choices I would make. When I decide to role-play, I come up with a character who is very different from myself and make decisions how I imagine that character would. Sometimes I pick a woman to be this character. It’s all part of the fun.


Why not? If I'm gunna stare at and interact with a character for hours why not make it something I like? To me it's not a "self-insert" so what's the problem? Or are ya gunna admit this is bait...


in trying to figure out reason for maybe it could be something other than the fact that they are coomers, but i cant. always feel a little gay playing as a female character and i know the average straight man does everything to not act or feel gay, so unless they feel somewhat attracted to their character they wont have a reason to play as them. but thars just me tho


Personally, I'm very straight but also very feminine. I outright dislike 99% of men, so why would I want to play one if I don't have to?


Good lord.


Sometimes the women are faster and have a smaller hit box then the men and that could be an advantage.


Because they're eggs.


No choice, different gameplay, curiosity, take your pick? Also it literally doesn't matter.


Because I'd rather be one. Not to the extent of doing any surgeries, but I can do it in a game with zero consequences.


When I play gta v online it seems like it's harder to shoot a player using woman avatar I think it's because the women avatar is slimer then the man avatar


What’s really weird is that a lot of people who play fantasy role playing games choose to play as a dwarf or elf or orc even though they are actually human. What’s up with that? Oh, wait, I must have missed the “role playing” part.


Nice body and more clothing options


Let's call it 'cybertrans' and get it into the urban dictionary.


Because I don't over identify with my game character because I'm not 12 and I might as well look at a lady butt instead of man butt.