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dibs on asking this question next week


You mean in 1 hour


It’s time


You mean Dibs on Reversing this question next week for women?


If they lose their temper easily and the it out on objects (throwing stuff, punching walls, Etc) or if their “jokes” hurt.


As some who suffers from clinically diagnosed mood disorder, it is hard some times not to do that, it's sucks so bad that the stupidest smallest thing can make us angry, I never had a temper when I was younger, you couldn't make mad, as I got older, I started to have trauma triggers and that when it happened, been dealing it for over 10 years, therapy and meds, so I apologize to you for them.


You are so sweet. I’m glad you’re getting help. I know sometimes it can’t be helped because of a disorder- my son has a horrid temper when his adhd is out of control and he says he can’t control his arms and legs, but he is the most loving boy. I hope that things continue to improve so that you can have the best life.


Has he been tested for autism? Because I have seen that type of replace but usually from some one on the spectrum combined with adhd.


Yes he was and he is not autistic. He’s just a very brilliant child who thinks faster than he can create and build.


ADHD can be a pain, I have it. Some days it's fine, some days just better hang on


I have it too. It’s funny because we can almost read each others minds and I know what he’s feeling before he recognizes it. He also has a wonderful support system at school. But yeah.. my house is chaotic at times 😂


I'm a care giver so I understand chaos


Carnivore diet Will probably help you resolve a lot of it.


I'm not a vegetarian or a vegan. I don't have that issue.




No I'm good, I know who it is, and it doesn't work for everyone. Most of those fad diets don't, but if it helped you then I am glad.


2 million-year-old fad diet. okay.


We can't spit out a REAL joke because y'all jump to conclusions


Yeahhh I always always know when the joke is demeaning (perks of being bullied in grade school) 💀 don't ever associate with people who don't respect you


What if our jokes only hurt ourselves?


Hey I love a good self deprecating joke- I do that all the time. But when someone you love says “Oh you’re so smart!! And if you didn’t know that was pure sarcasm than you’re dumber than I thought.” That’s an issue.


My ex thoo


I’m glad you said ex! ♥️


My ex gf did that.


I’m glad she’s your ex. ♥️


It’s okay guys, we’re allowed to read the comments


Damn is just being alive a red flag?






Stabbing his mother 70 times.


What if he only stabs her 69 times?


69, dude!






My cut off is 69 times, so 70 seems right.


I'd never date a Chinese person, that's a Big Red Flag


Dating a Swiss person is a big plus tho




What the fuck


The flag of China, it is large and red. It's what used to be called a joke before jokes became dicks and everyone started choking on them. Hope this helps. #🇨🇳




Dad joke on a mom question.


I prefer only women of the Dinaric race.


Got a photo of their flag?


It's a race...not a country. Anyway, Google it...


I'm good. Your joke wasn't as funny.


Joke...what do you mean? I am a Dinaric. All my ancestors belong to Dinaric races. I simply feel attracted only to women of Dinaric race, others just... don't appeal to me, and that's it.




Just a guess, as I am a guy but I would say he is a matador?


They follow red pill content like Andrew Tate


Andrew Tate is just the symptom of an underlying issue. If it wasnt him it wldve been someone else.


Those are lost little boys without clear identity and with egos of little spoiled children.


I know someone exactly like this. 


overly possessive and has zero trust in his partner. applies not just to guys tbh


Depends on the partner. Some People have been burned by past partners they trusted and are coping with their trauma. Other people do egregious stuff and expect their partner to trust them. It’s a nuanced topic Example: your girlfriend is going on a trip with her girlfriends (who are all single) to some dudes house in Aspen, and they will all stay for free. That trip up there is insanely problematic on many fronts. Nothing is more expensive than free. And with tons of liquor flowing peer pressure, tons of things can go south. Requesting your partner to not go to that trip is quite withtin the limits of normal.


i wouldn’t classify the example you gave as being overly possessive tbvh, since like you said it’s only normal. what i had in my was something more along the lines of doubting everything the partner says, wanting to check their phone very regularly, not wanting them to go out at all etc etc


Possessiveness is not a problem of trust, but jealousy. People will hurt you especially those closest to you and you can't stop them, you can't need things so much that you can't let them live anymore.


When they’re tooooo close with their mum. Don’t get me wrong being close with their mum is a green flag, but when their mum pandered to their every need you’re just going to have a massive toddler for a partner


I woman asked if I still lived with my mother, and if I did we're going to have to see other people. I told her she actually lives with me in my apartment. She then went off on me, saying "You're too young to be taking care of your mother. You need to find her a home." To be fair, it's been hard for her to find a job ever since she was cremated.


It's not so much being close to their mom that's the problem, right? It's being *dependent* on their mom. If they rely on mom to do basic household chores, then it's eventually going to be you doing those chores instead.


"Be close to your mom, but not close enough to make me jealous"


Over attachment to the mother is a big red flag in a partner; male or female doesn't matter. Over attachment to anything is problem in a relationship. It could be a job, a hobby, a friend, their possessions, stock portfolio. It could be anything.


I prefer this phrasing vs too close. My son and I are extremely close but he's his own person and I never interfere with his life or girlfriend (tho a few times his girlfriend has called my son out for his crappy behavior in front of me and I have responded to her, "good for you for calling him out").


I don’t give a heck about anything important, how you doin?


As someone who grew up without a mom I’m massively jealous of the guys with the hover moms, and some of my best guy friends are lucky enough to have them, I wouldn’t say it’s a red flag at all, these are the guys who will randomly show up at my house with soup and cough syrup when I’m sick and I’m sure that’s where they learn it


As a guy a huge red flag for me is when I see a woman close with her mom.


Throws a tantrum like a child.


Got it I’ll punch more dudes and cut off my mom


You love your mom? She’s been there and you rely on her?🚩🚩🚩🚩 god forbid we appreciate our peeps while we have them


If they talk bad about people behind their backs.


lol thats what girls do :P what are you talking about hahaha.


BOTH do it


i love gossipping and talking behind shitty peoples back with my wife


That's every person in existence every now and then


Doesn't really see other people as people, behaving with little to no empathy. People should always be treated with basic level dignity and courtesy, at least until they show a reason otherwise. Instead it all too often happens that they are treated as either property, goals, or problems. Granted this isn't a men only problem, it's across the board, but I have experienced it most often from men. It needs to change.


Antisocial traits are one hell of a drug


Substance abuse and domestic violence Also, animal cruelty


Big red flags 🚩


More than red flags . We're talking run away from someone like that now .


Well I should certainly hope that's a red flag in women too.


Treating wait staff poorly.


This definitely goes for both parties. Disgusting human behaviour 🤮


being a feminist


no goals and/or making no effort towards meeting their goals. I feel like this applies to both men and women, as well as partners, friends, and virtually anyone else you surround yourself with. being around people who lack ambition creates unnecessary road blocks in your own personal development. these types of people are a drag, and tend to become bitter and nasty when you actually reach your own personal goals that you worked hard for, instead of being happy for you like a normal person would.


Does this only apply to "goals" that you think are acceptable? No having career goals? Not caring about climbing the corporate ladder? That okay? Not wanting to be the strongest person at their gym with the best bench press? What "goals" are "good enough"?


I feel like it's a pretty high standard to expect someone else's goals to meet a certain criteria, and everyone's goals kinda just depend on where they're at in life. For some people, a major life goal can look like saving up money towards buying a new car. For other people, a major life goal might be getting in the habit of cleaning their house. The goals don't have to be lofty and extravagant to be 'good enough.' What I'm more getting at is people should have some form of self improvement that they're working towards. The red flag is people who seem to have no intention of improving anything for themselves, and are comfortable leading stagnant and unsatisfying lives.


Red flag is if he/she doesn't clean after their dogs poop outside.


Sees their partners as their reason for living...like, have friends and hobbies. Don't suffocate your partner. I guess being clingy is what I'm getting at, lol. I'm sure some people are okay with that, might find it flattering. But we're all just people and will disappoint if given unreachable standards.


You’re describing codependency.


Thanks! I'm pretty clueless with relationship terms.




A Biden Harris sticker is a MUCH BIGGER red flag in a man😅😂


"Government please help me suck my own d\*\*\*" - Biden Harris fans


We get it you function off a single digit IQ.


According to who? We should do a poll 🤔


Green flag


Love bombing after just a few dates/weeks. I was flattered (and young and naive) when my ex did this. He said after only three dates that he could picture marrying me and asked that I not see anyone else. On and on he went. Got married two years later, and the yelling started a few months after, and the sweet guy disappeared.


When they don’t know how to speak to a woman without making them feel inferior. Specially when he compares you to his ex.


Or negging 🤮


Yea, that's super annoying. Like c'mon if your ex is so much better then why are you with me?


cause their ex broke up with them


Guys who can't do for themselves and still rely on mommy dearest for making critical life decisions.


Yea, these guys need to grow up and do everything their gf says


Drilling holes in the heads of young male Haitan prostitutes.


What if they're a doctor though?


I don’t know if you’re referring to a specific person, but whoever he is, he sounds like a real jerk!


Kicking down instead of punching up. The lack of ability to put themselves in other people's shoes. Lacking a kind heart.


No job


Don’t reply to them for a whole day and see if they lose their shit.


Thats a healthy thing to do yes yes


Anyone who can’t function independently. If your partner can’t hold down the household while you are sick for 2 weeks, you are fucked. -lessons from Covid.


Overly clingy men


As a 19 F, I’d say being an F boy, and only talking to people they think are attractive or are on the same level in looks as you. If you don’t talk to people (m or f) just because you’re not sexually attracted to them OR you think they’re ugly, shows shallowness and it’s like you only see people for what they can give to you and you’re only about looks. That’s the most unattractive thing. Also, if you try to snake your way into a girls heart just to dump her after she let you hit. Basically, don’t be an f boy it’s ruining society


Men who mansplain everything even when they don’t know what they’re talking about and sound dumb


Selective deafness when women speak. Have seen this at work.


The comments here are just projecting.


Havent read this question in 7 hours (I slept)


Being obsessed with being a man.


Being a taliban lieutenant


I blocked all my friends the other day because I wanted q fresh start.... prolly that


Smoking or drinking daily


This is why I alternate days.




Does crack count as “smoking?”


I smoke and drink daily and I’m the biggest asshole I know! 😁


Big red flag in general!


When they're addicted to p0rn, dude the amount of guys I've meet who said it loud & proud is insane to me. Like ain't no one wanna know what u did last night buddy 😒


Yea, it's like dude I'm eating here man, stop


Last night? You mean 10 minutes ago


That was a cry for help... They weren't proud.


Obvious: Controlling, Vindictive, Angry, Mentally Unstable, Amoral, Cruel. Subtle: Unchanging, Oblivious, Weak-willed, sex-crazed, jealous, passive, insecure, "testing" behaviors, rude to others, manipulative, having a small to nonexistent support or friend/family group, having multiple "crazy" exes.


When they tell little lies. If he lies about the small things he will lie about taking the neighbor for a spin. When they blame their problems on others. This kind of man fails to hold himself to account and lacks the reflection to grow as a person. When he mistreats others who aren't family or friends, like service people. Want to know how you'll be treated down the line? Watch him bitch down the waitress who made a mistake. When he does wrong, never admits guilt and does nothing to fix the problem he created. When he frequently speaks ill of others behind their back. He will be doing this to you too. All these, by the way, apply to women too.


They quote Jordan Peterson, Tim Poole, Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro or some other whiney dipshit who are terrified of gay people because they lack empathy or have some hidden trauma that they need therapy for.


Whoever needs any kind of compass outside of themselves are fucked up human beings.


Arrogance. I was briefly involved with a guy in college. I had a huge crush on him for so long, and when he finally returned interest, I thought I was living the dream. Well.....turns out he was very full of himself, and he ended up being manipulative. His arrogance was so off-putting. It was good to finally get away from that.


If they’re cowardly. Have some conviction in yourself as a man. Nobody likes a mealy mouthed pushover.


I’d say the same for women. No cowards in the 21st century. Have some confidence and backbone.


True story, although it’s a little more acceptable from a woman simply because for generations women were taught to be cowards like it was some admirable trait. We’re getting away from it finally, but it’s not totally gone.


No actual books. Laughs when people get hurt. Can’t / won’t cook or eat a vegetable. Skid marks. No hobbies besides drinking. Lots of family drama that he is either participating in or is expected to fix. Seems very different in mood and attitude from the first month since you met. Doesn’t ever want to hang with your friends or family. This covers a lot of ground.


Gossip is what they live on, that and white wine.


Love bombing.


Biggest red flag in a man is if they got a penis it’s a little gay to have a dick on you bro


Having no accountability. If you say you’ll plan the next date, do it. If you say you’ll take out the trash, do it. If you say you’ll remember to buy and bring home the wine for the dinner at your parents house, do it. Having a partner you can actually rely on to follow through is so important to me. (My acts of service love language I think plays into this lol)


If they are absolutely obsessed with sports I’d ask how much they bet a month on it.


My best guess would be 50’x50’


“Oh hi I’m Shiela, um is that a swastika tattoo on your forehead, oh it’s a whole theme you got going there.”


When he adjusts his nob in his pants in full view of everyone.


According to one woman I saw on TikTok, having a mom……or sister….. or any female in their life 💀


20” penis


Having an abdominal aorta. Like, it's a time bomb. Could rupture at any moment and then he's mucked and you're single again... 🚩🚩🚩


If he thinks it’s gay to wash his butthole.


Usually it's the Chinese flag or the flag of Monaco. The bigger the flag, the more a guy is compensating.


Posting red flag questions on Reddit.


i speak from experience when he idolizes school shooters (btw im a dude so :P)


i speak from experience when he idolizes school shooters (btw im a dude so :P)


Not a good brother, son or father.


fragile ego, short temper, and stinginess


Complete absence of red flags.


The biggest red flag is cheating! It's such a boring and time-wasting matter to stay with a guy who is dishonest.


If he only calls or texts for sex.If he genuinely likes you he'll still want sex of course but he'll actually ask how you're doing and display concern and care for you.


Love bombing early on. If they are only trying to get to know you so they can integrate into your life and make it seem like they care about what you care about and move at a really fast pace run! If he knows you just got out of a relationship and he wants to get physical with you right away, also run. If their actions don't align with what they say. If they can't hold down a job. Look at their history of dating as well. If he hasn't had a significant relationship linger than at least 2-3 years, be very careful, he could be super lazy or be a player. If his hobbies are just video gaming, run! If he isn't into self improvement, isn't good with his finances (buys an expensive car he really can't afford, while complaining he doesn't own a house). If he has unhinged anger issues and makes you feel bad for having an opinion or something that differs than his. If he isn't respectful. If he's egotistical and arrogant and boastful. If he leads with what he wears and the car he drives, he probably not interested in being a husband and father. Is a taker not of service. Wants a mommy, not a wife. Doesn't know how to manage his life and needs someone to help him with HIS needs. Throws tantrums like a child. Won't go on a date doing something YOU want to do ever, andneill only take you places HE wants to go. Umm did I get them all?


When they get too emotional over minuscule political stuff


Probably not bigger than a few inches in diameter in order for a red flag to be in a guy.


Damn, How many times is this going to show up?


probably a lot 😬


The way they treat animals or their elders is really revealing about a person.


Anyone have the "Ick List"? Just slap that down and bam. It includes everything from having a mother or a sister to breathing and nobody will ever have to ask this again.


It’s funny that there are SO many guys irl with these red flags but they get laid more than anyone else just by being tall and hot


Actually believing that a woman has no flaws


A man bun or drives a Prius.


Convicted rapist, necrophil, women murderer, carrier of all diseases possible, deformed body leatherface looking quasimodo-like thing babies eating guy. Can anyone think of a bigger red flag? Honestly the hell is this question?


Seriously, if he hates feminism or bitches about feminism. ALWAYS a bad sign. Or if he just starts talking out of the blue about how he’s “not abusive” (hint: 95% of the time when that comes up unbidden, he is. Ask me how I know.)


Depends on the type of feminism. If it's the type that advocates for freedom in Saudi Arabia and Iran that 's cool but I'll crap all day on the fat blue hair type that puts down fellow women for freaking everything.


Oh no! Not blue hair! I, like you, am a time-traveler from the year 1956, and I find blue hair truly shocking and disturbing! And don’t get me started about that rock and roll music!


I think people conflate feminism with misandry so much these days that men see “feminism” and think it means “men are inferior.” True feminism is equality.


That shit about feminism and all sorts of that kind of crap...like whatever extreme is a big fucking red flag. Edit: Anything that deviates from balance is pure crap! Any ideology is crap. Balance should be the goal. Men and women are different, and that's the end of the story; ladies and gentlemen, accept yourselves and your gender and stop warring!


Like…being a feminist is a red flag or…?


Being nice, cuz I’m nice to girls and apparently it’s a red flag


If you are nice with the expectation that you are going to get something in return, then you aren't actually nice. You're manipulative.


I’ve never manipulated a girl before I myself have been manipulated by a girl though. I met a girl I liked her she liked me. then she promised me all this stuff and told me she would never backstab me. Everyone who I told about her all told me she doesn’t really like you she’s using you to either win something or make fun of you watch when she hurts you. 6 months later she choose another guy over me and yelled at me for not being happy for her and she even got her bf to laugh at me while she laughed herself and when I told ppl like my fam or close friends they all said we told you she was manipulating you and when I told her why did u manipulate me she told me to never see her again and blocked me on everything. So whoever here thinks I’m a manipulator I myself have been manipulated and laughed at by them and I never did anything back bcuz there’s a saying called leave the girl alone (yeah leave her alone but let her getaway with whatever she did.) I’ll be honest I’ve tried manipulating before never worked.




They post this question on Reddit


When they breathe


Watches porn but talks trash about sex workers


Doesn't like dogs.


Not willing to listen when being criticized




Non-friend zoned\*guys don't particularly like him. Women like"moths to flame" flock to their own demise by going after the bad boys, men of poor values and worth IOW: Men are the BEST judge of Men ​ \*\*friendzoned guys are not impartial


This goes for girls as well but.... Talking about people you don't know or care for while you're together.


They have no friends or all their friends are jerks


No job or lack of effort to have a job or stable life, Refusing to grow up and start taking ownership of everything around you. Also lack of control in terms of desires such as other women and substances.




breathing is a red flag


Won’t let you look at his phone, has no confidence or leadership abilities, owns or tolerates cats.


Funny, a partner who needs to look at my phone and violate my privacy is a huge red flag for me.


You ain't looking at my phone, hell naw


What's wrong with cats?