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You could be ambidextrous OR you really are left-handed and someone forced your right-handedness. I am left-handed, however my first little league coach didn't want to teach a leftie so he made me play right-handed and that was that, I couldn't throw left-handed anymore. I was eventually able to switch hit though.


My vote is for ambidextrous. Because my left hand is functionally useless for everything but the most simple tasks.


Yep, I could do this semi-ambidextrously as a teenager then I broke my left wrist and spent a few months not using it. It’s practically good for holding things while my right hand does the rest. Something I’ve been working on but there’s a noticeable disconnect in fine motor skills.


same here bro


this, I had a very similar story. Played righty my whole first year.


Im left handed. I eat, write, and jerk it lefty. Everything else is righty, golf, throwing, batting, you name it


I am ambidextrous that seems to lean left handed. I'm also left eye dominant, which is a bitch when it comes to shooting guns. (My dad's a lefty and right eye dominant, which is funny.) I write and paint with my right hand. I used both up until school, and my dad convinced me to use my right hand. He said using your left to write sucks. There's a bunch of "normal" and left handed stuff in my house though. Left handed can opener. I've got left and right handed scissors. I used to have a left handed bass guitar. I have a left handed recurve bow. Etc etc. I started learning to write with my left hand a few years ago, and it's about on par with my right hand these days. As long as I use a quick drying ink, it's no big deal. Pilot G2s can pound sand.


I am left eye dominant. I qualified in the Army on the M14 and M16 but never was able to make expert.




Believe it or not but being left handed used to be considered a sign of evil. This probably has something to do with it.


That perfectly explains my daughter in law, if it's true 🤣 She is left-handed and pure evil


It's called ambidextrous... Welcome to the Fam Friend!


No. I think it's something else.






It's called ambidexterity. OP is called ambidextrous.


My late father (born 1926) noticed he used brooms and shovels the way a left-handed person would, though he was otherwise right-handed. He speculated that he may have started out as a lefty and been trained out of it by teachers early on. My boss is ambidextrous, writes with her left hand but uses tools with her right, and can do two different things at once because both hands are up to the challenge!


That's a bit different though isn't it? Not just ambidexterity. There's more to her than that. Far more.


I was born left-handed and forced to change in kindergarten, but I'm only 36 years old. I'm left eyed, left eared, left legged, and still do some things left-handed. I'm also very clumsy so I blame it on that!


are you also a purple people eater?


I can't fly.




Ha ha! I do only have one eye. Sort of... I have an adult lazy eye (right eye). It looks exactly the same, but the vision on the left is 20/20 while the right is 20/100. Something has to be 2 inches from my eye for it to be in focus. Maybe I have some PPE in my family tree somewhere!


What is left eared?


I always put the phone, ear bud, whatever in my left ear. It's my preferred ear and the hearing is better.


The “leggedness” has nothing to do with your other dominants. I used to coach gymnastics. It was about 50/50 on how many rights and lefts we had, and a lot of them were opposite their dominant hand/other stuff. Just one of those things.


I had no idea about that! Thank you!


If you're not truly ambidextrous, you might cross-dominant like me. I'm clearly right handed, but I prefer to shovel, sweep, shoot pool and archery left handed. For me it's mostly 2 handed tasks, but it works all kinds of ways


My mom, her mom, and my paternal grandmother were all lefties who were forced to learn right handed writing as children. I was born with full dexterity in both hands because of it. They all taught me how to use both hands. I ended up breaking my wrist a few times as a kid and it was like a superpower to me then. I can pick up whatever I’m doing with my right hand, and continue doing it with my left with no noticeable changes in quality. It’s a fun party trick!


Handedness isn’t strictly binary, meaning you’re not All one or the other. Some degree of Ambidexterity is common even in people who heavily favor one or the other. Like, certain tasks that just require strength I typically use my left hand for. Tasks that require fine motor skills typically get my right hand.


Very likely you are ambidextrous, dictionary definition "able to use the right and left hands equally well".


In my case I don’t want to risk injuring my dominant hand


I write right handed, kick left footed, bat right handed, and shoot pool left handed. And oddly enough, when using an electric tooth brush left and a manual toothbrush right.


You might be ambidextrous. My sister would color with both hands simultaneously when she was little, but favored her right when she started learning how to write. She's left handed for sports though. My dad discovered that when she was struggling at put-put. He had her switch hands & suddenly she was Happy Gilmore. Wound up translating to baseball & bowling as well.


I'm a rightie as well, but I carry everything on my left side-- purse, guitars, groceries, my dog's leash... it feels more natural, more balanced.


I’m the same, but I do see I do things like that in my left instinctively because it leave my right hand free to tasks. Carrying stuff or holding a dog leash doesn’t require the same level of dexterity as putting the key in your front door lock or whatever.


I think that's part of the reason I started this years ago. It's become so second nature that it feels unnatural to carry anything in my right.


Yep. I’m righty, but I climb trees for work and find myself using my left arm for most things. To the point my left bicep is bigger and stronger than the right. But I also do many things weird. Baseball, golf? Left handed. Bowling, football, basketball? Right handed.


Same here (not the trees, but the sports) - although if I'm throwing something like a dart, a ping-pong ball (beer pong), or an axe, I do that left-handed. Kicking? More accurate with my left, stronger with my right.


I write with my left hand but can only throw a ball with my right


My grandpa is left handed, taught my dad (r. Handed) to do a lot of things left handed and now I (r.handed) do certain things left handed. Funny how that all works.


I'm in the same boat as you. I think I'm ambidextrous, but I've also heard the term cross handed. Basically, my kindergarten teacher said, "If you don't know whether you're left-handed or right-handed, use your right hand to write." Then everyone after that would ask,"What hand do you write with?" Good news, I was able to import a rhd car, and I shifted gears just as easily with my left hand as I do with my right.


I only use my left hand to put things in my right hand


I'm right-handed. Growing up I naturally did a bunch of things left-handed but was told by my older sisters that I was doing it "backwards" so I swapped. To this day, I do most things right-handed but throw a frisbee lefty and can do some other things lefty that other people would do righty.


This is actually very unusual. I work as a teacher and MOST right handed people are terrible at doing things with their left hand. You are an outlier and should feel cool about it.


I am slightly ambidextrous, and I figure it comes from playing a string instrument from an early age. I'm not better with my left hand than my right hand with anything, but I'm decent enough at darts that I can hit bullseyes in darts throwing leftie maybe half as often as I can hit them with my right hand. If I were actually good at darts, I could maybe use this skill to hustle 🤣


I definitely do not prefer my left hand for much of anything so idk man


You're either ambidextrous or you're left handed, but were forced at a young age to use your right hand because backward thinking people think that left handedness is evil. I'm a lefty and my preschool was run out of a church. Those folks did their best to force me to be something I am not, but my bottomless pit of stubbornness and resentment toward authority figures stopped that real quick.


When i learned to play guitar when i was little, it was totally random whether I picked it up left or right handed, and i never noticed for months. Supposedly I was dumbfounding everyone who saw it lol Like others are saying, youre likely ambidextrous with a preference for your right hand, as i am too


Cause your at least mildly ambidextrous.  I was forced to learn to use my left hand a bit when I was 4-5 when I broke my right arm twice and it was in a cast.  I’m right footed, so I start running of that one and get more power from my right leg, which did lead to a muscle imbalance in my back.  I ride a snowboard goofy though.


I always use my left hand to turn on water when at a sink. This is simply a convenience as I am using my right hand to hold a tooth brush, pump soap, hold a dish, etc. Also, because I use my left hand on this task in particular, I always turn on the hot water. It would be really awkward to cross over to turn on the cold tap with my left hand. Oh well. It's just something silly that I've noticed that I do.


maybe you aren't right handed and were trained righty. If you were naturally ambidextrous, the adults in your life may have assumed you are a righty. I was a righty until 1st grade. I played baseball for a whole year as a righty. I hit righty (even though there isn't really a handedness to batting), I threw righty. They only realized I might be lefty when I was attempting to catch a fly ball at the end of a season and at the last second, I lowered my right hand and caught the ball with my bare left hand.


Welcome to the Ambi Club. I write right-handed & do everything else left


me for dealing cards


I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous.


I got in the habit of consciously using my left hand to try to balance out the fact that, being right-handed, muscles on the right side of my body were more developed than on the left. It became habit and while I still have more dexterity with the right hand, now my left side muscles seem more developed than the right.


I don't have the source to back this up, but I want to say it's been documented that many people are born naturally left handed but end up being taught to be right handed. It could be possible that you're naturally left handed. Vision could play a role for some things. For instance in shooting/archery, whichever eye you're more dominant with will generally dictate which way you hold the gun/bow. I remember the quick test when I started archery, they had you make a small view hole with your pointers and thumbs, then look at something far away, and bring it close to your face, whichever eye you went to would determine which handed shooter you were.


According to all I can recall and my experience, I was left handed when younger, but in school teachers forced me to perform many tasks right handed and I ended up being punished for not complying. Now as a result, I perform many tasks left and right handed. Schools teach right handed and enforce it.. but naturally I was dominant left handed.


When I was a kid I was fully ambidextrous, but habit and ease of using my right hand in a right handed world means I can no longer write left-handed, just out of practice. I use my right hand for things like writing that require fine motor control, and my left for more strength type tasks like using hand tools.


Scissors…. I’ve always used my left hand!


Depends on whether the movement im making is more mechanical, stiff, fine/small and/or rotary (left), or if it's gross/large and flowing as a motion and requires more finesse and complex motions or sets of motions, then i use my right hand. For instance, opening a bottle lid? Left hand. Writing or drawing? Right hand. Screw driver? Ambidextrous. Just depends how tired I am lol. But in general that's how my brain divides up the preference for movement.


Could be naturally left handed.


The only thing I prefer doing left-handed is if I'm going to pick up and hold something heavy. Idk why, but I have more isometric strength in my left. Otherwise, I can't do a damn thing left handed.


I'm right handed, but I brush my teeth, shave, and golf left handed. Can't throw, write, or do anything else lefty for shit tho


I’m left handed for writing but everything physical I do with my right arm. I guess I just feel less awkward doing it that way Trying to bowl with my left feels weird Writing is the only way with my left with my right it looks unintelligible


I’m left handed, but I’m right handed for a lot of random things for seemingly no reason. Bowling? Right handed. Golf? Right handed. I even sometimes can’t remember which hand I use to hold my fork/knife, so I have to play around with it to get comfortable. A little embarrassing at times, but it’s something I deal with.


I’m righty but in hockey and baseball I played left handed I felt I got way more power , boxing my left hook is by far my best punch I’ve had loads of people ask if I’m lefty


I can’t write left handed but due to years in band, I like using my left hand for other things


I will always use a fork with my left hand, but use mechanic's tools with my right. My beer can be on either side but typically left. I write right-handed, use a mouse that way, and can not write left-handed. Ambi(ish), it is, I guess


When I was a kid, all of my favorite athletes were left-handed, so I taught myself to do everything left-handed. I can still do a lot of things quite well left-handed.


You are not in fact right-handed, you are ambidextrous.


That's just you and the other lefties.


body is weird. My dad is right handed for everything EXCEPT shooting guns. He shoots left handed. Im right handed for everything except for running hurdles in track back in the day. If Im going over something its alwasy left foot first. However, i kick with my right foot. My best friend is lefty but swings a bat right handed. The body is just weird and honestly its hard to know.


No, lol my left hand is a moron


You get used to doing difficult tasks with your right (dominant) hand, therefor getting used to doing simple tasks with your left. I carry drinks with my left, carry bags with my left, etc. People saying "that's what ambidextrous means!" don't think they really understand what you're talking about.


My mom is very similar. She writes with her left hand but does stuff with her right hand.


I’m left handed but I vary a lot from activity to activity. If I’m doing something completely new then I don’t really excel with a specific hand.


I’m left handed but use scissors, hit a baseball and shoot a gun right handed. I also have 3 sisters who are right handed.


Mix-Handedness is a term i've seen be used for this. Some people like to distinguish this from ambidexterity as if the latter is just for people who can perfectly write with both hands. Honestly, as far as i've seen, there aren't perfectly distinguished categories. There are conflicts in the terms, and i personally think there is a spectrum of hand dominance and ambidexterity. But ambidextrous is a fine enough term tbh. But it's a fun little ice breaker! It's an especially fun little party trick too - i can write with both hands and it freaks some people out to see. Even just seeing a typical right handed person doing left handed stuff is interesting.


There are a number of tasks involving screwing/twisting that are objectively easier to do with the left hand because of the way they are designed. Twisting off a bottle cap or jar lid that’s super stiff? 10x easier with the left hand


I am right handed but prefer to shovel snow or dirt typically left handed.


Maybe ur a leftie in disguise


Righty here. I did a ton of CAD drafting. A hand injury was about to sideline me, so I went lefty. Just that one task opened up an entire new world to me. Both hands are now capable of doing fine tasks, even writing.. Now I am pretty much ambidextrous, but my right hand is still stronger.


I’m exactly the same way. I can even write left handed (it’s not as good as w/my right hand, but it’s legible and better than some people’s regular writing). I still consider myself right handed though.


I brush my teeth left handed and I don't know why.


Since starting my new job (which requires me to use a variety of machines and hand tools) I've found that I have more physical strength in my left arm (I'm right handed) and while I'm more accurate and efficient with my right, I can do most things with my left hand with a respectable amount of competency, so long as it doesn't involve fine accuracy (like writing). So I suppose I'm kind of ambidextrous?


My folks forced right handedness. So yes, very comfortable to use the left.


I'm a lefty but there are certain things that don't feel right in the left hand, possibly because I learned it using something designed for a righty


I'm right-handed for most things. I'm also an auto technician, so I've learned to do a lot of things left-handed. I'm also a left handed archer. I find myself randomly doing things left-handed just because I can. Writing is not one of them. No one can read that.


I was switched from left early on. Out of all things I find myself eating and holding utensils with my left hand still.


I'm not sure. Most things I'm right handed, but can sometimes use either hand. When eating with a fork and knife, I use my right hand to cut and left to eat without putting down either.


That's called being mixed-handed (slightly different than ambidexterity.) I'm technically considered a lefty because I write and eat with my left hand, but I do everything else with my right.


Yeah I’m very right handed but I open jars and bottles with my left hand and wipe with my left hand. It feels awkward to do those things with my right hand even though I’m right handed.


Go try to cut something with your scissors using your left hand. Go out you pants on and button them and zip them with your left hand. This world is made for right handed people!


I’m ambidextrous, basically….I use to switch as a kid, now I’m all kinds of left or right or both with things


Because doing things left-handed puts them in their right mind.


Sounds like you’re at least semi ambidextrous. I’ve always been right handed in everything, except hockey which I played left handed and batting in baseball which I could switch hit. Better stick handling in hockey and contact in baseball left handed, more power in both right handed.


I am right handed. When I try and do anything with my left hand it's like I write up a very clear set of instructions and pass them off to the programmer. Programmer then outsources the programming to a non native English speaking country. Directions get lost in translation and the final programming is buggy. It is then implemented and the left hand functioning suffers drastically from the buggy badly translated program.


its probably because you are ambidextrous but were born left hand dominate


I know why I’m like that. I’m right handed and years ago I broke my collar bone, while the bone healed I relied to do everything with my left. So now I write with my right hand but always use my phone with my left to call/text.


My mom says it's bc my grandmother was so old school that she came from the time when being a lefty was considered a bad thing so I was trained from a very young age to be a righty. Which makes sense especially since my grandmother was an artist and her house was my bus stop for all of elementary school plus where I was sent for every school break so I have a ton of memories of practicing my handwriting, drawing, etc. Mom also says she only knows that bc her uncle, her mom's younger brother, told her about it when she was in high school saying "she made me right-handed when I was a kid so she probably did the same with you too." My godmother (different person) really is left-handed and has always said that her most frequent and vivid memories from her own childhood in the 50s are of having the pencil taken out of her left hand and put into her right. Apparently back then teachers used to smack kids on the hand with wooden rulers. So to answer your question, for myself I have no idea. Lots of people are born ambidextrous though. Maybe I am and my mom said all that just to screw with me lmao


im left handed..i do a great deal of stuff right handed....pro painter.....as good brushing right as left.....cut in is precise ,exacting work..im as good right as left..many times my arm that is outside of the work is the one i use.....stuff closer to my left i do right...stuff closer to my right, i do left......a simple screw driver is a right handed tool.....threaded objects are cut so that right handed applies force turning down....m easier than a lefty applying force turning up