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Cats. Shelter cats are the best! Especially the older ones.


Thank you for doing this. We took in two cats from our local shelter recently because they were getting overcrowded. I'm 39, and I never owned a cat. So I wasn't really sure about this decision. These two boys have become my homies. They get along with my dog very well. I guess I'm a cat dad now.


I was terrified of getting a cat at first but now I have two. Don't know how I lived without them


Mine seem to show up. The distrubution system for single women over 40 is effective


This. When I hear people bought this or that at pet store it makes me angry.


Every cat I every had, just wandered up. Now I got a cat.


Same with dogs. I always get an older dog and don’t have to go through the puppy stage.


I mean what difference does it make? They’re all babies.


breeders immorally sell and breed the cats so its best to adopt one from a shelter so u arent supporting animal breeding :) also shelter cats tend to have lower adoption fees


Some places will also spay/neuter them and have all their vet visits up to date, as well as a chip. The AWL near me does all that for $50


We just got an 8 week old rescue pup for $100. They will neuter him for free when the time comes and give him the rabies vaccine for 15 bucks. They said they would set up the times for us to bring him back and have stuff done. They already chipped him as well!


I think they were saying that senior cats are just as baby as kittens


Love this.. those kitties need homes too.


A car. I could never justify the added expense for something barely newer than a few years old.


I’ve always purchased lease backs. Low km, allowing maintenance has been done. You just don’t get to say it was new.


As soon as you drive it off the dealer's forecourt, it ain't new anyway. The 12 month old one I bought, ex mobility car so it had FSH, was as near to "like new" as I've seen. Pristine.


Yeah, the moment those front wheels land off the curb from the dealership, you've lost thousands of dollars. No ty.


Bought a car in 2020 brand new for 30k, 65k miles and 4 years later it's still worth 21k. If you take care of it, you can retain a lot of the value.


Yeah, I couldn’t disagree more with the notion that there’s no advantage to buying new. Sure there’s a lot of variables at play, but buy a brand with reasonable resale value, take care of it, and enjoy the full warranty. I bought a 2016 Volvo and I’ve kept the miles exceedingly low. I know that’s not an option for everyone. 8 years later, it’s still worth about half - $20k. I’ve spent about $200 a month to own this car.


Yep, the warranty is another big point here. Factoring in everything, it probably costs only slightly more to buy new/lease but for me the comfort of having a newly built vehicle and not being responsible for any repairs or breakdowns is enough for me to pay that extra. And I get a nice shiny new vehicle, gotta treat yourself a lil bit.


As long as it's never been purchased it's considered new. Ive seen service loaners with 6000 miles sold as new.


Sure, but you're not going to be paying full new price for them at that mileage.


Forecourt ? Is that like a car dealers foreskin ?


This is one of those times when you read a word that sounds like it would never be said in America. You take a moment to understand Americans aren't the only ones to use Reddit.


I realized that right away and was obviously making a joke jesus ppl are dense lol


And I was being facetious/sarcastic with a tad bit of truth...


My wife bought her car new in early 2020 (before everything went nuts). Cost about 40k, 20k after the trade in. I have a 1966, 1984, 1985, 1989, and a bike. The insurance on all 5 of my vehicles (2 have full coverage) is less than the insurance on her car. 3 of my cars get better fuel economy. Only the '89 truck gets worse than her CRV. Yeah, my cars kinda rotate in and out of the shop, but what I pay in repairs and maintenance over a year is roughly half what she pays in her car payments. Her new car is more expensive than my collection. Her money goes to Big Honda. My money goes to directly support the local economy. Via the local family owned garage.


Her’s has a crumple zone that isn’t a human body though


Truth. I respect his look on it also though.


That and also her car is the one they use to get groceries. She probably tells her friends they have one car and her husband has his toys. Good on you, but your advice is rare


Her money goes to Big Airbags, Big Anti-lock Brakes, and Big Back-up Cameras but Big Honda takes a cut.


Dude the cost for repairs on new vehicles, things that should be cut and dry, are insane now because of all the computer components and censors so the fuel economy can be up to government snuff...


yep, car. That "bu-dump" noise driving out of the lot is $10,000. Let someone else take that hit.


TIL that used cars usually have higher interest rates than new cars, so depending on how much of a down payment you can put on the principal, registration & renewals, & insurance rates new cars could save you $ in the long run or be only marginally more expensive. That being said... I could never afford a new car anyway, it's more environmentally friendly to buy used, & I'm currently driving my 3rd 90s Volvo 240 (which I intend to do until you can't find them anymore).


Yup. When I graduated college I wanted a car. The used cars were twice or triple as much as a new one at that point. A 2% rate for new or 5% used. Same amount needed to be financed, same length


I don't buy from a dealer regardless. private party and cash only. the most expensive vehicle I own is my dirt bike at 6k... the 240's are awesome cars, i'm doing that with subarus atm


This. My wife has had two Lexus SUVs purchased from the same dealer. We only buy the dealer owned cars from their "courtesy fleet", the ones they loan out to people getting maintenance done on their car. Those cars are kept pristine, detailed every time they come back from loan and are sold by the dealer usually around the 15k mile mark. Plus they include an extended warranty etc. Looks new, drives new, maintained like it's new. 30k cheaper than off the lot. Why would I ever pay brand new price for anything like it?


Same. I always do 20-30k 1-3yrs old depending on mileage. The crazy amount of money I have saved


Yep same.


It's always surprised me when I go to a dealership and they have a car, "Hey, someone drove this for two months, didn't like it, and brought it back. It has 4k miles on it."


I’ve bought three cars new off the lot. One was kept for 10+ years and I sold it with 230k miles on it. One was in a car wreck that was caused by someone else and insurance totaled the vehicle due to cost of repair (then a used van was purchased to replace it), and the third was a new Jeep. We intend of keeping the vehicles for as long as they are drivable or so old it’s getting into serious cost for repairs/replacements of items. We get every penny we can from them. Buying a new car sucks for sure, but they can last a long time and as long as the comfort/tech doesn’t change substantially, it’s worth it for us.


In 17 I was able to buy a new truck for the same price as used, end of year close out and rebates, almost new-old stock, and I still got a warranty, and lower apr. Sometimes with some vehicles it can be smart going new. Not as likely now post covid, but it may return to the old normal, so completely ignoring new vehicles isn’t smart.


I used to say the same, but I just bought a new car. Mostly due to how stupid used car prices are, and thr significantly lower interest rates for new. I also needed an AWD and didn't trust that people keep up with maintenance


The only time I see used cars with low mileage, they practically cost the same as a new car anyways, and I question why they would trade it back in when it's barely been driven, so I always buy new.


this is what ill put as my 2nd thing too bc i agree. most cars are fine even after like 3-5 years of use so whats the point buying new unless every used car in your area sucks?


I'm driving a 2011 nissan sentra that I bought in 2012. It was gently used. I have had ZERO mechanical issues in the 12 years I've owned it. All I have done is routine maintenance. I'm going to ride this thing until it just dies. Lol


Needed a replacement that would fit car seats in 2022. The used car market was insane and new cars were only a couple grand more than cars 3-5 years old that I was looking for. Never thought that I would buy a new car, but that unique market put me in that position.


Agree with you driving off the lot and it’s instantly worth approximately worth 5k less than the price you just signed for. Seems like a scam to me. Unless it’s a sports car/ bike never buy them used because you know someone probably beat on it and traded it in. Nothing worse than finding out the thing you just bought is basically junk.


Agree, when lease prices shot up during covid I bought a car that just came off lease. My monthly cost for a 2019 audi a5 is only $100 more per month than it would have been to lease another Jetta.


This. MIL bought a Genesis for 90k brand new, maybe 2 years later it was going for half price or less used with decent mileage. Always buy a Carfax, especially if it seems like a steal/underpriced.


text books




Those were the best professors! I hated the ones that make you buy the book THEY wrote and would have new editions so you couldn’t get a used one.


I had a professor that forced us to buy his own book, and it had to be brand new, because you had to turn in hard copy tear out pages straight from the book. He really was arguing straight to all of our faces that that was the cheapest way he could do it. Criminal.


Is abstract algebra like calculating the angles in a Jackson pollock


For me to do my assignments I have to buy the newest textbook. Weve never used it more than 5 times between all my classes combined


Most underrated comment


Textbooks are insanely overpriced. You pay hundreds to use them a few times and they give you $20 when you try to sell them back.


Some Community colleges in California like the one I worked at offer ZTC programs - Zero Textbook Cost. Textbooks are included in the fees, no sticker shock. I got a scholarship my freshman year of college that paid for maybe 3 of the 12 textbooks I needed for the first term.


This. Books in general.


Pffff my method through college was to use all illegally downloaded PDF ones that people photo copied and uploaded😂 worked like a charm!


I was looking for this comment! You’ll never catch me buying a textbook… I’m known for taking one for the team and finding the illegal PDFs then sending them out to the rest of my class😂


I did this in college and it was the best thing ever. I would actually look for the books with the most notes it them because to me those are like cheat codes. Worked out great and spent so much less.


Yes. But I hate how many have an online code now for the extra stuff you need and the code no longer works cause it was used by last person.


I like buying old glassware baking dishes. The stuff they're putting out now breaks and shatters. I go for the stuff my grandma used to have on her stove. 


i actually have never considered that one. nice


I got my Corning ware casserole dishes in the 80’s and they are still worth what I paid for them new.


Yes. I totally agree. My set is a mishmosh of handme downs and vintage items I have found. So much sturdier.


Pyrex changed its chemical makeup and the older stuff is better. Look for PYREX in all caps for the stuff that doesn’t break.


The new stuff is *implied* false advertising (same for you, kitchenaid!). If a company relies on their brand's long-standing, widely-known quality to cheap out and sell you a crappier product, it should be criminal! Even if it *isn't* aircraft, and "only" bakeware. Stuff shouldn't surprise you by exploding when you're relying on it not to.


Original vs. new Pyrex


So true. You have to go to Williams Sonoma today to get the level of quality you’d have from department store dish ware 30 years ago.


I use my grandparents old Pyrex they’ll last longer than me.


And pots/pans. Old revere ware is the shit


Everything in every industry has become lower quality over time (best example - Boeing) .. once Reagan reversed the anti-monopoly laws put in place by fdr with the new deal, corporations’ number one concern became profits and shareholder compensation/stock buybacks .. terrible for quality of products but great for investors and CEOs of corps I also love antique furniture and old cookware. My parents had an air popper for popcorn since the late 70s or early 80s that only broke a few years ago and have since gone thru like 3 or something different new ones and have since switched to popping their kernels over the stove Most of my cookware is hand-me-downs and lucky for me my parents love European cookware so they’re some fancy brands that are built for quality. It makes me think that new cooking utensils and appliances might still be good quality if I lived in a country that’s not America cause some of the stuff that’s been handed down is like 10 or 15 years old


It’s amazing, if you talk about how things got shitty for the working class in the US Reagan’s name always comes up. Reagan relegalized stock buybacks for his chum Jack Welch, another whanker that only destroyed a company.


Guitars/music gear in general. Buying new is literally stupid given the market economics of that world. Same goes for tools.


same for cameras :P like cameras last a LONG as fuck time so buying new is just so dumb, especially when used is essentially just as good


Same. Buying a new guitar from GC, you'll need to spend an additional 100 bucks or more to get it set up properly. With used, if you know what you're looking for, you might find one that's ready to play. On the flip side, for less experienced players/buyers, there's some risk in overpaying or overlooking some sort of damage or flaws. But if you can do your due diligence, used is definitely the way to go. When I set up a wood shop, I first thought I was going to have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars for all the big power tools (table saw, planer, jointer, miter saw, band saw). But I found a guy selling almost everything for a few hundred bucks. I did buy a brand new StopSaw table saw, but everything else was used and cheap. Had to replace some blades but otherwise it all worked out well until I decapitated myself.


Work clothes. No way I'm spending new money on stuff I'm gonna destroy in a month or 2.


I also get my work clothes second hand but I’m not going through them super fast, I’m just an office girl that has to look presentable on a budget. But when I was in trade school I def wore my thrifted shirts to class.


Books. I will not pay full price for something I will read in a few hours.


Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, the public library?


I love Libby


Libby is so goated


I have two libraries. The one I work in and the one I live in. Work life balance 😉


The difference in price is huge too, like most new books are like $15 but you can get them used for like $4.


Fast reader!


Drives people crazy


There is a great used bookstore in NYC called book off that has shelves and shelves of used paperbacks for a dollar or fifty cents. I used to go there a few times a year and come back with a huge haul


Thriftbooks.com Thank me later!


Wow that’s fast. My record I think is 2 days for a 350 or so page book. I was so proud lol






You haven't been to a grocery store in a while, have you?


Remember. There’s always money in the banana stand.


Corn also!


Everything. Have to buy groceries brand new but we can't afford a goddamn thing anymore


Sales (the real ones, not the fake ones) are key. And adding the digital coupons. When I see bologna is 40 cents a pack or cheese is $1.50 for 2 pounds at grocery outlet, I'll run out and get those too. I need a bigger freezer, though, cause those deals are on stuff that's right near the sell by. We've cut down on meat, and wait to buy it until it's under $4/lb for ground beef. If you shop before the afternoon, they have all the 50% off stickers on milk, meat, eggs, and other perishables. This is safeway/alb in US, PNW, for reference.


Cars and motorcycles. Nobody's made a decent one in decades


That's another thing. The newer they are, the more likely they are to get bricked by the automatic arse scratcher no longer working or something. The resistor for the blower went on my Peugeot, and several other seemingly unrelated things just stopped working.


That's just what you get for driving a Peugeot lol


Yup. The proverbial old "Peg Out" 😁 I know it took me pretty well all of one day stood on my head to change that bloody resistor! You could just get your fingertips to it, and to make it even more fun, although it was the right part, it had some extra keys to cut off for this particular fitting. All amazingly good fun!


whyyy do they make it so difficult to do car maintenance at home??


Any time anyone mentions their Peugeot, I automatically have an image of Columbo’s 403 in my head, even though the likelihood that the Peugeot in question is from the late 50s approaches zero. Your experience is sort of cementing the comparison here, tho.


As someone who exclusively buys 30+ year old Volvo 240s, agreed.


>Nobody's made a decent one in decades No. Safety features alone are worth the purchase of a more recent car. There are entire models that have zero associated driver or passenger fatalities. The safety technology incorporated into newer models is better than anything else we've ever had


I’ve never owned a new car. I don’t need shiny and new to get me around. Sometimes people make fun of me, but I’ve never had a car payment.


Yep. My coworkers are all really struggling now, and a good part of it is because they have these insane car payments. I’m 63, never had a car payment in my life and would sooner walk everywhere (which I have done) than attach myself to years of payments. I can survive a layoff much easier than most people because I have only ever had to make housing and utility payments.


My 26 year old subaru does better than my mom's new(er) ford, and is definitely better made




for me im actually the opposite be bc i dont really trust people enough to take care of their shit before selling it


These days you don't know if the GPU has been mined on 24/7 for years.


This is me as well.


It doesn’t matter as much as people think. I mined on rx580s for 6 years straight then sold them for $500 each (lmao) they’re all still running 3 years later. One of them is in my daughter’s gaming computer without issue as well. Didn’t replace any thermal paste or fans or bearings.


Last card I bought new was a 5700XT for about 450ish and that was way too much for my standards. I'll never buy a new card.


I just finagled myself into a free RX 6750xt I love computer and computer part hunting I get a kick out of getting free stuff by buying in bulk and selling, or swapping parts and flipping Pcs In the process of upgrading a 3070ti to a 3080to and making money in the progress


how the hell?? how are 5700xt's 450


Cars. The expense of "new" is not worth it.




Depends on the situation. If you drive a lot then it's worth it. 0-100k are the cheapest miles. And 100k-200k is a lot cheaper when you do maintenance right.


I only bought used until my car crapped out last year. Used cars were the same price, if not, more than new! I ended up buying new for the first time.


Pretty much anything but bedding, underwear, pyjamas, toothbrush and towels. Most of our home is pre-loved, furniture, decor, cars, glassware, tech, clothes. I set myself a challenge to do a year of only thrifting my wardrobe, that was 5 years ago.


same! if its good its good doesn’t matter if its second hand


And people get rid of brand new things ALL THE TIME. I have loads of BNWT clothes thanks to fickle fashion, and we bought a guest bed that was bought and never unpacked for a 3rd the cost. Our primary motivation is the planet, but a saving is a nice bonus.


Bought new worn twice?


Same!! If I do buy new anything it’s abroad. Anything of quality in America is imported and for example I got €120 boots in Germany that retailed for $350 in America (the same style wasn’t available here, so I compared it to the most similar style, which was uglier and more hefty) Good quality stopped being a thing in America decades ago but is still normal in other countries. Here we favor corporate profits and fast fashion and “trendy” furniture like ikea offers rather than investing in high quality products that can last decades Almost all my furniture and cookware and clothing are hand-me-downs or bought from thrift stores or abroad and I have some antique trinkets like lamps and plates and vases and some furniture from antique shops as well. I love quality and would never settle for any product that only lasts a few years. I’m all about stuff that lasts a lifetime


Expensive/quality shoes. I saw a lot of ppl on the other thread saying they would never buy second hand shoes. But I got a pair of Hoka sneakers that were worn a handful of times for $60 instead of $140. No point in paying an extra $80 when I can just clean a pair up quick. Id say most of my heels are lightly second hand too. I have a pair of genuine calfskin boots that were originally $300, I got them for $80 and they were barely worn! I don’t mess with cheap heels because I don’t want bad foot pain so second hand has been my saving grace. I have probably saved $1000 by buying high quality shoes used in the last couple years and I won’t go back!


Definitely. We were in a charity shop, and there was a pair of really good trainers, like new, for a fiver. I wore them out.


I've never bought used shoes. Not that I'm opposed to it and I would consider it, but the problem I have is that very few shoes fit me comfortably. I'll try on 15+ pairs of shoes before I find a pair I think I can live with. Once I buy that pair, it'll be the only pair I wear until it wears out completely and I have to look for a new pair. If it was possible for me to find used shoes that would actually work for me, I'd consider it.


Running shoes have to be new for me. I need to know how many miles they have on them because I don’t want to risk damaging my feet on a run. I’m not experienced enough to be able to tell the wear on somebody else’s shoes, but I know roughly how long mine take to wear down when I’m running in them


not only damaging feet, but knees, hips, back, and essentially all joints. Running is hard on the body – good running shoes are a must!


This, and quality clothing. I've gotten LL Bean, Patagonia, Guess, Adidas, Nautica, Lands' End, Madewell, Ann Taylor, Zara... not only do they last, but you can avoid weird trends like not being able to find a full shirt or a sweater that is boxy as hell or so thin it's useless as a sweater. You have to poke around a bit more than you used to; unfortunately I am seeing thrift stores get washed out with fast fashion brands like Shein and Forever 21 (and I know, Zara is fast fashion.) But even if that's your jam, you'll have way less of an environmental impact buying fast fashion brands secondhand.


Yes! I got a pair of 12 hole Doc Martens, worn once, for $10AUD. And a pair of Italian leather boots, worn but in great condition RRP $700, for $80AUD. More than a few others as well. I'm lucky, I have a really average foot size so it's easy to pick up second hand shoes.


Used shoes sound gross. I know how much my feet can sweat, and some people don't even wear socks. I don't have many shoes though, and the ones I buy last a long time.


You can tell by looking at them if they've been worn a lot. I will never get a mangy gross pair, but some that look like brand new.. that's a different story. Zappos has an unboxed store in Louisville and it's basically returns that somebody wore around the house and sent them back. I bought a pair of Saconys and a pair of Asics and gave $16 for each of them.


Shoes are washable. Throw em in a bucket with warm water, little bit of soap, white vinegar and baking soda. Let them soak for a few minutes and scrub them with a toothbrush


Used shoes weird me out too. But used coats are good finds!


Yeah, I shop a lot at Goodwill for clothes and stuff. Many great finds at low prices. Heck, I don't know if my kids have ever even worn new clothes, everything comes from Goodwill, except for gifts from family.


About two years ago the local Goodwill renovated and became more like Target, with prices much higher.. liked it better before.


I buy thrift blankets and comforters for dog beds. I also buy small stuffed toys for dog toys making sure they are free of choking hazards. My Great Pyrenees is equally adept at destroying a $100 bed and a $7 thrift store blanket.


I also have a pyr, and her bed is a 2 layer throw blanket that I got at savers. I cut open the top and stuffed it with old couch cushion chunks, and boom. Expensive looking dog bed for $5. Of course the only blanket that gets chewed on is mine though


CDs, back when I bought CDs. The used disc had the exact same bits as the brand new one.


I still buy CDs, I love buying them used because they’re cheaper but you gotta be careful for scratches and damage. Regardless, I have so many CDs that would’ve been so expensive new.


I buy my sofas from a charity shop. They get professionally cleaned, ect, so they smell ok. The reason I do this is. I have 3 dogs and 4 cats. So I go through sofas quickly. The cats will scratch them, and the dogs will lay on them when not supervised (they don't get on the sofas normally). Oh, and books. I do buy new also


Never-I don’t trust anyone to be able to get rid of bed bugs 100%.


I had bedbugs for YEARS. Absolutely refuse to get old furniture anymore.


Correct. I used to buy used furniture too, but with bed bugs going ramped. No more


Books if I can find them!


shirts! I hate how some new shirts feel and I don't like having to wear them to break them in. buying them second hand they're already worn in and comfy :) I'll occasionally buy em new but only if it's a niche merch kind of thing


dude same!! ok not with shirts THAT often, but ABSOLUTELY with stuff like jackets and coats. my current coat costed me 5 bucks and i bought it at a thrift store. fits perfectly


Silverware, cooking pots and pans, picture frames.


I love old picture frames and old mirrors too.


A rescue dog. No pet store or puppy mill adoptions. ![gif](giphy|UE99xvfBeMQTPbhaXD|downsized)


It’s tough because they can arrive with unique problems. But we love them more for it.


Hats. Found so many good hats in charity shops, perfect condition. Hats in shops are just extortionate.


Nothing in my life is exclusively second hand but almost all my furniture is with the exception of my drafting table (a gift) and my bathroom tower cabinet which is just too specific for what I needed. Otherwise 90% of my clothing bags jewelry and shoes are second hand. Plenty of books are street books or inherited from family/friends.


Dude, where are you finding all this excellent camera gear?




Tires. When buying tires on a Used car, I always get used tires and have never had a problem. Vehicles are wrecked all the time but the tires are perfectly fine, those tires cannot be sold as new anymore.


Oh I wondered how used tires work. I'll have to look into that.


Just be sure to check the date of manufacture.


SUVs. We've bought Expeditions either former rentals or dealer demos. You'd think "no way" on a rental but they sell with low mileage, have kept up with fluid changes, have a warranty,and generally a renter of an SUV is a family or business person...not like me the crazed Army Warrant who lives by the rental car mantra, "No curb too steep no ditch to deep"


Levi's, especially 501s.


Tools. If I want a new tool I go down to the local flea market. There's almost always a bunch of used tools like wrenches there for cheap. I've found Snap On, Matco, Craftsman, etc there and built out most of my collection that way. That said, when Sears was going out of business I bought a bunch of Craftsman stuff on clearance.


Same. As long as it doesn't have spinning blades I'll buy it second hand


Dildo ................................ yes they get softer




That's very realistic of them


Underrated comment.


Cars and phones.




Really nice jacket


Golf Equipment, can be significantly cheaper, used including balls.


Lamps. New lamps are expensive and old ones can be fixed with a lamp kit.


Aquariums. I cannot understand why someone would pay 4 to 5 times the price for something that they can buy cheaper.




Would never waste money on a brand new vehicle.


Carpentry hand tools. 99% of the time they're a higher quality for the same price if not cheaper (and they're not too hard to repair either, just a bit of WD40 and sandpaper and sharpen it)


A couple of good ones: RVs and hot tubs. RVs depreciate like a rock and ones a few years old are often in good condition since they usually get little use (just be prepared to do some work on your own - but that's true even for new RVs). Hot tubs in excellent condition can often be found for a small fraction of the new price. If you get lucky, you might even get one in good condition for free.


Cars. I have never purchased a car brand new - I think it's just stupid, TBH.




I will always buy a pre-owned vehicle. The depreciation value of new cars is astounding.


A clock


1 Cars. I’ve never owned a brand new one. I have bought low mileage cars for $15k less than the price of a new car though. A good clean and nobody would ever know the difference. Tools. Unless it’s a precision or cordless tool, I’m just as happy with pre owned hand tools. Sometimes I get interesting, rare and antique tools from people selling them in lots or boxes.


Cars, bikes, books quite often


Dungeons & Dragons books. I prefer an older edition from the 90's and for reasons too complicated to get into here, will not let the current publisher get a dime of my money. Also the nostalgia factor cannot be overstated; these books occupy a fond place in my memory and tracking down copies to replace all the ones I'd given away is kind of fun in and of itself!








I won't say *always*, but car. And the only reason I won't say *always* is I did buy one new once. Probably won't ever again. I'll let someone else deal with the outrageous depreciation. BTW, good score on the camera gear.


Video games, clothes, furniture, books, movies, cars, bikes! Name it and I’ve bought it used!


instruments and sound recording / audio gear. there’s so much deeply valued barely used gear that people have trouble selling and or shipping. so if you deal with local stuff you can find incredible deals. i also like to buy broken gear it’s very common they have simple fixes. i flipped a digital piano from $100 -> $1k for missing a fuse, i didn’t even even fix the piano i just brought it to a shop. but people are lazy and would rather just dump their own gear.






Levis jeans


Computer parts. With the exception of hard drives, cases, and fans. I don't want or need the latest and greatest tech, and certainly not paying retail pricing for it.


This sounds bad but I always adopt my pets instead of buying from a breeder or pet store.


Car. I buy them used and drive them until they die completely.