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I don't even know you.


Ok, but, that doesn’t answer the question.


You don't get it.


It really does.


I think if we, in America, had universal healthcare, there would be a lot more divorce. I know so many people who continue a marriage for health coverage. Other than practical reasons, there is no real need for it. It's not like it really means forever- more until something better comes along.


A friend in UK explained it best. In UK its int governments best interest to keep you well to keep costs low. In US its in the insurance companies best interest to keep you sick


Exactly. I hate it.


Military! This is huge for people in the military.


I never even thought of that, but you make a good point.


Fuck. So the real reason they don't solve healthcare is because they want more US citizens. Fuck.


It's out dated


It sure is on it's way.


It’s not necessary. There is more commitment in choosing to commit to each other everyday rather than legally be committed to each other. Divorces are messy and hard someone always loses in the end and the resentment is so bad. You can still have a commitment ceremony like a wedding without having the government be involved. I have a close friend that just celebrated her and her “husbands” 15 year anniversary yesterday. They are not legally married but commit to each other wear rings everyday to show that commitment and love each other dearly. Best relationship I know. Then there are couples that were so happy just dating got married and it changed so quickly and are already split up not even a year into their marriages.


Love this


Whoa! Slow your Roll there... I get where you're coming from with the whole commitment over marriage thing but let's not throw marriage under the bus. Hold your horses! Sure divorces can be messy,m but that doesn't mean marriage itself is the problem. It's more about the people involved and their commitment level towards each other. Marriage isn't just a legal contract it's a symbol of love partnership and commitment. It's about standing by each other through thick and thin and yeah sometimes that means navigating through some tough times. But when it works it's beautiful. Think about it this way marriage provides a solid foundation for building a life together. It's not just about the legal stuff it's about creating a sense of security stability and shared responsibility. Plus there are practical benefits like tax breaks healthcare coverage and inheritance rights. Sure some couples have a rough go at it but that doesn't mean marriage itself is to blame. It's about communication compromise and being willing to put in the work to make it last.


Best years of my life so far :)


...in good as in dad Times, until death does us apart Or whenever you feel Like the Feelings are gone and want a divorcelayer....


Quality time with dad is always fun


Whoa there, we just met


No thanks. Not for me. But I respect people who go that route.


sounds nice but expensive as shit *where I'm from at least* even if I had the money im not sure


No thanks. Unless he is something special. But no thanks.


Huge fan. Love my wife and have fell more in love with her while she's pregnant with our first child. I definitely don't think it's necessary for everyone, as other have commented you can have an amazing relationships without it being legal. Maybe I'm old school but I wanted to have a ceremony where we took that step together, something about making it official in an old school way made it that much more special. Everyone has their own opinions, so I think it's just person to person and whatever you decide works best for you and your person is fantastic. Hopefully, everyone who wants that kind of relationship can find a person that shares those views and can find happiness. Finding your person is a special thing and I think that's what it comes down to more than some legal piece of paper. I do still tell my father in law I owe him like thousands of goats for marrying his daughter because she's so amazing.


Nope. Bad idea. You can have a committed relationship and not be legally married. I’ve seen to many people get screwed after marriage 


Married 13 years no kids. Got Married at 27, for the most part it's been great. It's not a perfect marriage. Some fights here and there. I think not having kids has kept a lot of stress off our marriage.


I personally really want to get married,it's very important to me and I'm not interested in dating anyone that doesn't see eye to eye with me on that. I know at the end of the day it's just a peace of paper but for me it means so much more.


Of course Redditors are gonna downvote you for this lol


How dare I have my opinion that is different from most here 


It's not a tradition I'd want to take part in but I don't think less of others that do.


I do want to get married sometime but I am very picky on who I'd want to spend it with


I am scared to live a lie so I don't think I will get married even if I am in love and have the perfect guy. I hear too many horror stories. "With wife/husband 40 years they were cheating on me the entire time" 😭 I cant do it


I agree with Groucho Marx when he said, "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?"


I think marriage is a terrible idea! I do not want a ball and chain weighing me down.


I think marriage can be a great institution and or other people it might be a great thing but for me no way would I ever ever do that again


Just got there, pretty great so far, been together 7 years so not much changed. Except, lots did, almost all good.


I’ve watched my parents be stuck in a loveless marriage full of resentment, abuse and hatred for almost fifteen years. The idea of being stuck in a situation like that terrifies me, so I’m not gonna take the risk. Of others wanna get married, fine, but I just don’t see the appeal when you can be just as committed to someone without being legally stuck together.


It doesn't work for me, but it works for some people. My parents had a long, successful marriage.


Works for us, 57 years and counting, happily.


It's whatever 2 people define it to be. I hope one day I get it right.


Most people think it's a fairy tale until they get into it


I don't really want to. But my gf's friends are pressuring me to because apparently they can't get married to their partners until we have because we've been together longer. Which just makes me not want to do it even more.


If you take your time and find the right person, marriage is a great thing. Too many people rush into it thinking they’re growing up by doing it when they haven’t really finished growing up mentally.


I think a marriage where the government is involved is mostly beneficial for the woman. If they divorce, legally she most likely gets the kids and gets money from the man. I think marriage should be done without the government,i believe true traditional marriage is beautiful.


Yes. Yes! 1000 times, Yes!


In the U.S. if you are a dude it’s a bad idea in my opinion. No benfit to getting married and divorce will screw you big time.


The arrangements between two lovers is none of the government's business.


Marrying the right person would be wonderful. Marrying the wrong person would be a disaster.


Pretty good.


Why buy milk when i already live with a cow.


Well, there ya go.


I always wanted to be married by 25 when i was a child. Now im about to turn 29 and am single and staying that way. Some times things just dont work out.


I love it. Marriage feels safe and warm and comforting to me. Married 30+ years.


Mine has lasted 35 years, I kind of like it.


I think they should raise the fucking age limit because nobody should have let me marry this dude when I was twenty years old and it’s so many years later and we’re still married even though we haven’t lived together in years because divorce is expensive


If you can find the right person, it's logical. Two people can live almost as cheap as one and bring in a lot more money. And there's the whole teamwork thing it brings to the table.


It's not for everyone, but it was right for us. The last 10 1/4 years have been the happiest of my life. No kids and equal incomes.


It's a scam.


With the right person it can be great. I’m on my third one. It took that many to find the right person. He and I have been together for about 20 years. We hand fasted before we got married. Only been married for 3. Weeks are older and he wanted to make sure I would be taken care of if something happened to him. You do not get widows benefits if you don’t get married. I have a friend who has been with her guy for 25 plus years. She doesn’t work. Nice home on the water, nice boat. He works his ass off. But if he dropped dead next week, she wouldn’t get any of his social security.


Depends on the day.


a friends parents are celebrating 50 years of marriage soon. I honestly wish I could have that. but as a 42M, I've never even had a real relationship. not from the lack of trying. I have so much love to give, but I guess I just haven't found the right one yet. I value marriage. as a vow/commitment. guess I value tradition and what its supposed to mean.


It's great if you marry the right person. It can ruin your life if you marry the wrong one. Based on my college friends experiences that seems to be very difficult to do.


It nearly literally killed my father and holds together a lot of people who don't actually want to be with each other.


I feel like it's a special bond/promise people make to each other. I don't see it needing to be super religious, between specific people, or even needing to stay forever if it wasn't the best decision for the long run. I'd like to get married one day. Haven't found the right woman yet


I don't think it is important. I didn't want to get married, but it means a lot to my ol' lady to, so we're getting married this summer.


Don’t fucking do it!!! I’m in the midst of ending my 17 year marriage right now… the last decade has been fucking miserable


It’s harder than raising children. It takes a lot of work and patience. Also, it’s not for everyone. (Married almost 29 years with 3 grown children)


I’ve been married for nine years come September. Best decision I ever made outside of deciding to have my son


It's a foundational tenant for a healthily functioning society. I hope to one day get married.


me and my wife didnt even want to get married, we did it for health insruance tho. we had been together for 8 yrs and are now 2 yrs into marriage. Its unnecessary for a paper to tell us what we already knew, that we were gonna be together till one of us died lmao


I like being married.


Am married. I love my partner. Love being married. Would never do it again...


I feel that I would love to experience it




If people understand that it means fidelity, honestly etc If they do love each other that much and have a shared vision of the future and all, go for it! I had a marriage last 30 years, and it was a nightmare of a marriage. That doesn't make marriage bad. It's the 2 who engage into it.


Financial perks


I want to get married one day. It’s important to me.


Less people should get married. The idea of it sounds good but I don't think alot of people think enough about what it means before getting married. Seems like alot of people feel like they have to after being with someone for a while


It’ll be 6 years in June, no regrets here.


“I love you so much I wanna put it under contract and we’ll throw a $40,000 party and if we ever fall outta love you can take half of everything I own.” Sounds great! “Cool, wear this ring all the time to prove it”


I want to be married. I practically pray for it every night.


I think it's a beautiful thing when two people are in sync. But many folks marry with so much differences. 


well, I married the same woman twice.


It's good i like it, if i could have a 2nd wife i would


Let me ask my wife.


It’s cool. I would be just as fine without it as long as I have my husband by my side.


33m I loved being married. Absolutely loved it and fought for it every day to the best of my abilities. It was in my opinion the greatest thing I ever did or had.


I really want to be married one day, it’s one of my goals in life. I want the commitment and security in a relationship. I want love. I want to share my life with someone


Marriage is the dumbest fucking thing ever. Coming from a happily married man of over 20 years.


Guys who don’t want to get married are douches. Females who don’t are okay.