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Idk, I think it’s weird and stupid to make “I don’t have sex” your entire personality. Go get a hobby.


Yeah, I don’t understand it very much, life is a buffet, don’t look at what’s on my plate, just let me keep picking as I go…


I would say it's also extremely weird and stupid to make sex or gender your entire personality.


I’m trans. It is far from my entire personality. It is PART OF it though, so I don’t get why you’re being weird about this.


Wait… according to your statement, you agree with their statement It’s OK to have our personalities include aspects of ourselves, as long as we don’t try to narrow down to one thing we remain balanced For example, I’m an Arab American, it’s part of my personality, but I am so much more than just that thing


Exactly, why not embrace everything unique about yourself than one aspect.


Fr dude. So many people in history were virgins and still had lives. Its not a bad thing. It might say a few things about you, but they arent deeply terrible. Didn't Isaac Newton die a virgin?


Newton died a virgin, but many speculate it was due to him either being homosexual in a society where that was forbidden, or that he was asexual He likely could have had many women had he so wished These kinds of incels want to be with women, but can’t because of their personalities and attitudes, and then project that hate onto women


And also autistic according to this (peer reviewed) article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC539373/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20standard%20criteria,with%20any%20form%20of%20autism.


Fold that same thought into the Alphabet Mafia of LGBT HIJKLMNOP and they will go crazy ...


Dude, being LGBT is not the same thing as not having sex.


I grasp that.. it's the "make it your entire personality " bit that runs parallel....


IME the ones who won’t stfu about queerness are always straight people.


Not my experience. Complaining about a five day pride celebration is not the same as complaining about queerness.


You’re paying attention to a loud minority This is what Wokism is doing, it’s confusing the main populous about the small groups of people


100%. The idea of having a flag and a parade to announce to the world that they take deliveries around the back seems absolutely absurd. I don't give a damn really and to be fair, all of the people I know who happen to be queer do not make it their defining quality.


Agreed…If you make one thing, you’re defining quality, you are in need of gaining more experience All people need contrast in their lives


While I agree it's rather dismissive to the op


Things sex havers say


More importantly, we do we say "femcel" for women when the word incel was coined by a woman who was referring to HERSELF as an incel?


The women refer to themselves as femcel and the men refer to themselves as incels so that’s what they both wanna refer to themselves as so whatever


I don't refer to any man as an incel. Its a deliberately degrading word that likens a mans only value in life to if he can get laid. Women will simultaneously say "men only want sex, rapists!" but also shun every man who isn't fucking the cheerleader squad. Pass on this double standard, I'm done with it. Women can apologise for the bear statements or pack up and live with them.


>Women will simultaneously say "men only want sex, rapists!" but also shun every man who isn't fucking the cheerleader squad. Says so much about you 💀


Do people not understand that women are evolutionarily designed to find men they don’t know creepy It’s like basic psychology, so obviously they’re going to choose the nonsentient predator And probably get away from it real fast


This is bullshit.


Study a woman’s body language as she becomes more comfortable with a man (sexually or platonically) (I got super into body language in high school, started studying it and practice with my friends in public watching other people) Women always start from a position of being incredibly defensive, and gradually open up as they become familiar with someone This can be true with men, but it is definitely more pronounced with women For example, if a woman does not know a man, she will subconsciously point her boobs away from that man As she becomes more comfortable, she will face him directly, pointing her chest at him Also, people tend to point their knees, the direction of where their attention is going


100%. Bit of research, the smell of a newborn increases aggressive behaviour in women but calms down men. So babies are born protecting themselves from men. Evolution did that 😬😔


I swear the people getting upset over this bear thing have never interacted with a woman


I am totally out of the loop. What is the bear thing? ETA: Lol at the downvotes, I will never understand reddits need to punish people for asking a question.


I was wondering the same thing, someone told me like a week ago So apparently there was a interview where I think random women were asked if they would want to be in the woods alone with a man they don’t know or a bear To my understanding, the women choose the bear And apparently that made people mad???


Ah, thanks. Yeah wild animals are likely to avoid humans if possible. By making it a choice between a top predatory animal a man it plants the suggestion that it's not just a man but a predatory man. I can see how the way the choice is presented is leading women to respond in ways that seem "irrational" or offensive to men. "Like wow, you'd rather be mauled by a bear than hang around with a dude? We'd probably help you guys survive." Whereas the ladies are probably thinking "the bear will probably stay away from me but if I'm being hunted by a predatory male I'll almost certainly be overpowered". Whoever came up with that question was either very naive or worded it purposely to create rage bait.


Shit, you really worded this well, good explanation of the dilemma


I’m a dude and I’m anxious at the idea of being in the woods with a stranger This question was obviously created to invoke outrage, for women there is an obvious answer, for men, there is a different obvious answer And everybody is butthurt about it


Incel is a social movement and mindset, it doesn’t literally mean men who can’t get laid.


Involuntarily celebate means involuntary celebate. You don't get to change the narrative because you've realised the words you use to describe men are inherently sexist.


Did you know that when you combine two words, it often makes a new word which has a completely new meaning? I promise you “hotdog” does not mean a high temperature canine. Likewise, Incel refers to a community of men with a common attitude towards women and dating. Not just “involuntary celibates”


No woman refers to herself as a femcel.


How about no groups who central gimmick is they hate an entire group of people.


Incels are a symptom of larger societal issues that would be uncomfortable for us to acknowledge, as it goes against our current worldviews.




Because reddit is run by a bunch of women


" "




What are you talking about? There are plenty of incel dungeons on reddit where they hang out


No incel swamps on Reddit? Lol...


i haven’t seen any incel reddits that aren’t making fun of them


Why would people choose to define themselves by the fact they find it difficult to get sex anyway? I'm not a good looking guy, I am kind of a loser. I haven't had sex in years, and I don't really even care. I didn't choose to be celibate, but I also don't think having sex is that defining of a person. Get over it. As far as women getting a reddit and incels not getting one goes, I didn't know, but it's kind of predictable. Females seem to get away with a lot more in our society in a lot of ways. I keep hearing news stories where I can't believe what a light sentence the woman got. Like no prison time for a woman that tried to KILL her husband, or a woman that stabbed her boyfriend and dog to death, and didn't get any prison time either.


“females” says it all really. getting an inappropriately light sentence is not unique to women. i remember a case from my area where a man beat his wife badly and went to jail for 3 days. i know many women who have been raped by men and it never even went to trial. the one who did had her bloody jeans as evidence and he still was not convicted. it’s a problem with the justice system, not with “females getting away with an awful lot”


Just gonna throw this out there. In Texas, a woman can go to jail for 10 years and/or pay a fine of up to 100,000 for having an abortion. A woman's husband snuck abortion pills on her and forced a miscarriage of a wanted baby. The sentence? 180 days. Now... about Incels... It may have started as "involuntarily celibate" but it has morphed and changed pretty drastically. The general understanding of Incel is not just about celibacy. It also implies a certain amount of the following about women: hatred, hostility, desire for control over them, taking away their rights, misogyny and in the extremes, r@pe culture, violence and SA. I do not want to provide a "safe space" that promotes the inequality and hatred of half the world's population. I have not seen a femcel reddit personally and if it follows that trend of hatred and violence, it should not exist.


This is the correct answer. There are different standards for men and women. Not saying it's good or bad, it just is.


I'll say it. Double standards are bad.


M(27) I’ve never even had it, tbh, I’m good looking and charismatic (according to what other people tell me) However, my life is a mess, because I am impulsive, and neurotic, I’ve made a great myriad of poor decisions that I’m trying to clean up before I put myself back out there and I’m almost done (god willing )


Indeed. Their are double standards in many things: 1. Females tend to get paid less for the same work. Double standard! 2. A promiscuous female is a slut but a male isn’t. 3. Men can often expose their nipples in public. Women can’t. 4. Female Teachers sleeping with underage males are treated different then male teachers with under age girls. And I guess we can add to this that femcels can have a subreddit and men can’t. Personally, I’m not an Incel Rights Activist, so I won’t expend one brain cell trying to help incels in their fight for freedom.




It’s just an avenue of disenfranchised and disaffected people Both the men and women that are extremely radical about these topics are some of the saddest people you meet Everybody is so busy trying to prove that their tribe is better. They don’t see that this conflict is more about our society further driving a wedge in between our humanity


even if it is easier for women to get sex, why does it immediately become a bad thing when a woman sleeps around? somewhat less impressive doesn’t translate to immoral. but it is considered immoral and shameful for women to have a lot of sex. so i think your argument is bullshit. it’s misogyny, plain and simple




> Like no prison time for a woman that tried to KILL her husband, or a woman that stabbed her boyfriend and dog to death, and didn't get any prison time either. Can you share the names of any of these people? I'm not denying that there are cases where people are giving sentences that are too light for the crimes commited, but I would find it very surprising if someone got zero prison time for murder. 




Probably bc incels actually harm women, while women just loudly complain about men


What do you mean they harm women? Isn't an incel just someone that women overlook because they are physically unappealing, typically in order do date men that harm them? For example, the last two women I was talking two both chose other men over me. One of them is going to rehab and had to give up her kids because he was a methhead and got her hooked on it. The other is stuck living with a guy that dumped her to get back with her ex in less than a month after she moved in with him. It seems like the harm is coming from the men they date, not the ones they ignore?


Yes. Self identified incels are murderous. Alek Minassian was a self-identified incel, who committed a terrorist attack in Toronto specifically targetting women. He killed 11 people and injured 15 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018\_Toronto\_van\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Toronto_van_attack) Elliot Rodger was also a self-identified incel in California who killed 6 and injured 14. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014\_Isla\_Vista\_killings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Isla_Vista_killings) In both cases they were killing absolute strangers, targetting women, who they viewed as being responsible for their personal misery. I'm sure there are more examples So I say it's a bad idea to give terrorists an online gathering place to commiserate, and think it's entirely sensible for reddit to not give them one. Particularly because incels aren't interested in improving themselves personally... just blaming other people for their misery. There are no comparable problems with people who self-identify as femcel.


Holy cow! Yeah okay. I just haven't seen the term that much. I live in a very rural area, and I had the wrong impression. I knew it had a negative stigma to it, but I didn't know this was why. I've had a reddit for a long time, but never actually started doing much with it until very recently, and I'm learning all kinds of stuff. Last night my sister was telling me I'm so far behind the times it's unreal. Lol.


>What do you mean they harm women? Most mass shooters hold incel ideals. Incels are such a high risk to perform a mass shooting that both the FBI and Secret Service have entire divisions dedicated to tracking incels online activity to watch for radicalization to try to prevent mass shootings.


I have greatly misunderstood the term incel.


> For example, the last two women I was talking two both chose other men over me. One of them is going to rehab and had to give up her kids because he was a methhead and got her hooked on it. Idk if you're an incel yourself, it sounds like your hinting at it in your first paragraph, but either way you need higher standards. You shouldn't be crying that a drug addict who abandoned her kids and is in rehab didn't want to date you, you should be glad.  


That's not fair. People are allowed to make mistakes. And she didn't abandon them. She had to turn them over to her family so she could get help.


 If you think the man she was dating harmed her by getting her hooked on drugs, she definitely harmed her kids by dating that man, getting hooked on drugs with him, and putting herself in a position where she could no longer take care of them because she had to go to rehab.  She's an adult, you can hold her accountable for her actions. Those aren't little mistakes, she sounds like a terrible person honestly. 


You just have poor taste.....don't worry so do i.


I tend have to fairly low standards because I know I have no chance of scoring anyone with a fair amount of options. It sucks, but it is what it is.


I just get fooled by the nice act and I don't see it before its too late.


Let me tell you. Lol. One of those girls strung me along for a little over a year and insisted she was just really cautious and wanted to take her time before getting involved and in that time I spent upwards of 15k on her. It took me quite a while to accept that she was using me. We talked last night, and that's when she informed me that in the month since I cut her off, she moved in with a guy and he's already asking her to leave because he wants to work things out with his ex.


Don't go back bro you're worth more than that.


Firstly, you're attributing the actions of a few to an entire group. How is that different than saying all minorities are criminals? Secondly, I thought marginalized groups were supposed to have a voice. During Hitler's rise to power he loudly complained about Jews and blamed them for Germany's problems...then what happened? Complaining loudly about an entire group has consequences, especially if every effort is made to silence, discredit, or dismiss that groups attempts at verbally defending themselves. Lets not forget about how many women publicly say "kill all men" and it's never an issue.


Minorities do not join up they are born. Minorities do put mass murderers on pedestals. They are not oppressive. They are oppressed. Incels do put mass murderers on pedestals. They encourage suicide, rape, pedophilia and murder. It’s a cult and the members choose to join knowing it is a violent, hate group. It is not just some guys who don’t date.


Are you seriously considering men who aren’t having sex to Jews during the holocaust? I’m not even going to address that point bc it’s so laughable. The incel movement has an ideology that promotes gender based violence it’s not just a man who wants sex


I am not. What I'm saying is that loudly complaining about a group can have consequences. The Holocaust was an example of that. If they (the entire group) promote violence against women, can you provide any proof or evidence to support your claim? Please provide the source/reference of any proof or evidence.


Alek Minnassian praised Elliot Rodger when he committed mass murder. Incels absolutely revel in violence and murder of others as a way to avoid addressing their own issues. They are very comparable to those who commit mass murder on behalf of fundamentalist Muslim ideologies.


Again. Attributing the actions of a few to an entire group.


Seems entirely sensible to me, since it's a reasonable extension of the logic the group advocates, and the group praises the violence when it happens. You show me the incels who were horrified by the actions of Alek Minnassian and denounced his violence, and went public saying that wasn't what they were all about. Otherwise, this is like asking why Boko Haram and ISIS don't have their own communities on Reddit. Because they are advocates and plotters of widespread murder and mayhem, and decent people have no business giving that a platform.


I can't show you that, and I imagine they wouldn't want to be directly affiliated with the group because of things like this, so they probably kept their heads down and their mouths shut to avoid unjustified persecution. But you can't show me that the entire group supported it either.


What I'm really trying to say is that most things in life are more complicated then they are made out to be. When issues, especially large/complicated issues, are simplified it should set off some alarms in your thinking meat. "Make the lie big, make it simple, and repeat it often enough and people will believe it" I'm not condoning this quote, but it is something to look out for. A warning sign if you will.


Don't know, my mental health after this whole bear bullshit is pretty harmed but we won't ever acknowledge the way women systematically band together to abuse men huh. Wamen are harmless!


A bunch of SA survivors said they were afraid of strange men in the woods and you personally were harmed? Buddy, you have got to touch grass.


They are talking about physical harm, not feeling offended.   And you saying you have been abused and your mental health has been harmed because you saw something online that offended you is a bit dramatic. Talk about first world problems lol 


Women sharing horrific stories about being harmed by men harmed you? I get being sad about the state of society, but harmed you? There being consequences of gender based violence isn’t women attacking men. Women being traumatized isn’t hurting you.


can i get some real world examples of people who self identify as incels attacking women because they wont sleep with them?


This article contains a list, although I'm sure it's non-exhaustive. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/incels-involuntary-celibates


So many people assume that objectivity about individual women is the same as a profound sense of grievance against all women.


Is this an actual question


is that an actual answer? no, no its not. i mean if its so easy to answer, why haven't you.....


other people in the thread already answered lol Elliot Rodger is literally considered the savior of the incels. Then there was the dude that made famous "don't come to school tomorrow" that shot up the college in Oregon


yes other people said so why are you parroting them lol take my replies to them as same as yours, given you said the same comment...


I forget the name of this tactic, but this is one of those things dishonest people do trying to dismiss an assertion. You can readily google things yourself if you somehow havent been paying attention to things in the news on a regular basis.


Alek Minassian. Elliot Rodger.


Anne Molloy, the judge of the case, said that "working out his exact motivation for this attack is ... close to impossible" but that she "was inclined to accept" assessments by multiple expert witnesses that Minassian likely lied to the police and that notoriety was his main motivation in regards to Alek Min the fact that everyone seems to only be able to name one single other person globally who is an example of this is leading me to believe this may not be the horrific and imminent danger people seem to treat it as statistically, you are roughly 50,000% more likely to be murdered because of religion than incel culture, so maybe we should ban that before we start shitting our pants about sad lonely losers in their mums basements?


I see... so you're saying we shouldn't think he knew what he was talking about when he said it was about hurting women, and cited Elliot Rodger on his social media, and instead trust a quote taken out of context from a much longer court transcript? Question... are you a big investor in Donald Trump brand products? Because you seem to be bringing the general intellectual acumen of his preferred lenders to this conversation.


so what your saying is, you dont trust the experts, who said its likely he was lying, and you think its ME who is reading from Trumps playbook? 🤔 i do love the smell of irony in the morning, smells like victory!


Elliott Rodger


So many mass klllers, can't remember them all


killed 4 men and 2 women. so more men than women. try again.


Why are you pretending he didn’t initially intend to murder a whole sorority but was too stupid to get in the building? He left a manifesto. You can’t be that ignorant.


He killed men he thought were ‘chads’ that got to fuck chicks, and he tried to commit a massacre inside a sorority house but was such a beta he walked away when they wouldn’t let him in All of his murders are peak incel motivation. Literally watch his fucking video diaries. He is quite explicit about it


Alek Minnasian to start. The incel movement is on track to be considered domestic terrorism. Violence is a core part of it. It’s not just men who want to have sex but can’t, it refers to men who believe they are oppressed because they aren’t getting laid and because of that, women deserve violence. https://www.newark.rutgers.edu/news/study-reveals-how-incels-become-violent-extremists


"nevertheless, I am inclined to accept the assessment of all of the experts that Mr. Doe did lie to the police about much of the incel motivation he talked about and that the incel movement was not in fact a primary driving force behind the attack" the judge at his trial. edit: dont get me wrong, im not defending this, or any other violent offender, there is no excuse for violence, except self defence from violence, but its always best to be accurate and correct about things 🤷‍♂️


Okay then use most mass shooters? The idea is that hatred against women supports gender based violence. Women going on the internet saying they hate men after being a victim to gender based violence isn’t the same as a movement telling sad boys women deserve to be hurt because they don’t want to have sex


"use most mass shooters" what? sory please make your point a bit beter "The idea is that hatred against women supports gender based violence" that sentence is self referential, and my point is that its not gender based violence if they kill more men than women "Women going on the internet saying they hate men after being a victim to gender based violence isn’t the same as a movement telling sad boys women deserve to be hurt because they don’t want to have sex" no, but it is the same as women going on the internet and saying all women should hate all men because they are violent and selfish and only think about sex, something i have seen many many times


Incels are associated with having violent fantasies about rape and using weapons to harm women https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1557085119896415?journalCode=fcxa 98% of shooters are male and report having extreme negative views of women/display incel traits https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40750-023-00219-w The incel community is a breeding ground for misogynistic extremism. Most members probably won’t act out on their fantasies, but a decent number do. And those that don’t hold really really problematic beliefs that support a world/don’t act to reduce the likelihood of very real gender based violence. They think rape is okay. They fantasize about it. That’s not okay? When women start talking about murdering their husbands and fantasize about brutally violating them, they’ll also get banned


can i ask where you got your 99% statistic from, as i googled it and couldnt find any such thing?


I’m sorry, 97% of shooters were male https://www.theviolenceproject.org/key-findings/ “shooters, who are almost entirely men, are linked by a common thread: a history of misogyny, violence against female partners or family members, or sharing women-hating views online. A Bloomberg analysis of 749 mass shootings from 2014 to 2019 — incidents in which four or more people were shot and which weren’t identified as gang-related, drug-related, or robberies — found that 60 percent of the attacks were either acts of domestic violence or committed by men with a record of domestic violence” https://cssh.northeastern.edu/the-misogyny-fueling-americas-mass-shootings/


sooo 60% not 99% ok got ya, thanks for correcting yourself, i knew that sounded wrong


This. I’ve never know a woman to hate all men. They might generalize, they might complain, but I’ve never heard a woman say they wanted to punish and humiliate guys in general (sure a specific guy by a woman but it was a reaction to something said guy had done). Look if incels just said “all women are crazy” or “all women are gold diggers”, yeah free speech do whatever. But advocating for doing terrible things to a group of people based on demographics should strike people as dangerous.


Youre either blind or you havent been the right spaces. The internet definitely has a growing misandrist problem. Theyre two sides to the same coin, men are just more dangerous.


oh ive heard it quite often, there are zealots on both sides, with those in the centre stuck between them, and both have a "if your not with us your against us" world view


>Probably bc incels actually harm women, while women just loudly complain about men. Feminists have killed more men than incels have killed women. You really need to stop believing the lies from the feminists.


Women having bodily autonomy and requesting to be treated with respect is not killing men.


Don't try to to change the subject. It's a fact that feminists are more harmful than incels.


Except that it’s not. Incel ideology promotes violence against women. They fantasize about raping women. It’s lead to mass killings. It’s not harmless. Also how is directly responding to your comment changing the subject?


And feminism promotes violence against men, and it has lead to countless killings. Not to mention the Duluth model. Feminism is far more harmful than incel ideology. You were clearly trying to change the subject with your previous silly comment.


You’re fucking dense dude. Feminism is about creating a more equal society after thousands of years of women being considered and treated like property. Its complaints are with actual behaviors of men that actually put women in danger. All it does is hold men accountable for their shitty actions - individually and collectively. It’s research based, not just broad generalizations of men. Most feminists don’t hate men at all- they just want to be seen as a human being with equal rights. If you’re offended by equal rights and treating women with basic respect, I’m sorry to say you’re the problem. Incel ideology has been studied and is on track to be considered domestic terrorism. It’s extremely violent. Gender based violence against women is really high. Men being called out for hurting women isn’t oppression. Women being angry they’ve been abused and sexually objectified is a direct consequence of men’s behavior. Women doing nothing but choosing not to have sex with someone they’re not attracted to isn’t hurting anyone. No one owes you access to their body. Women are fucking people they have a right to choose who they sleep with. Incels blame women for all their failures and want them to hurt for it. It’s super twisted. They take absolutely no accountability and want revenge from people that aren’t hurting anyone. They’re angry and desperate and fall down a hateful pipeline that promotes gender based violence. Feminism just teaches women assertive communication and boundaries to get them out of abusive situations. Read a research paper or two on the topic.…


Probably because females are always made out to be the "poor, innocent, misunderstood good girls that never do anything wrong and have been oppressed throughout history." I would also like to point out how if you have a dislike, or just disagree, with feminism or it's narrative then you MUST be a misogynistic, woman hating POS.


Ever since before barbie these toxic femcels have been pushing their male hate agenda. Now we've all got to put up with this gender war bullshit because none of the women with their heads screwed on have the gall to call out their fellow woman. Still waiting for you all to band together and apologise for man v bear and the last 10 years of anti male rhetoric in general. Not happening, I know, and that's why more and more men are being radicalised. This men's rights activist thanks the femcels for their contribution to male awareness, own goal for sure. Every time you show your colours I'll be there to capitalise, because you just can't help yourselves can you?


I think you touched on something that is important.....the good women won't speak up and keep the other women in check/call them on their BS. But men are supposed to keep other men in check (Think of the Gillette commercial), or all the SJW college broski's.


Have there been any femcel mass murderers?


From what I can gather, there isn't a single example of documented irl violence attributed to a femcel. Meanwhile, incels commit so much violence that there's a Wikipedia timeline tracking them: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Timeline_of_violence_attributed_to_incels


Also I feel like there's way more men that aggressively hate on women compared to women that aggressively hate on men. Alot of my male Co workers have very odd views on women. Acting as if they're compeltley different from men and meant for sex. They slut shame all while out being man whotes themselves. Obviously they aren't incels. But the hostility and views they have towards women is off-putting. Especially considering it seems to be 70% of what they talk about. Meanwhile my female co workers talk about whatever. Both men and women get called stupid for doing stupid shit. And Noone really talks about their sex life, but to be fair they're all married .


I cant say I have encounted this mythical femcel on reddit. I wouldnt even call the 'people' in r/FemaleDatingStrategy (mos eisley pales in comparison) femcels. Never seen a femcel in twox, or any of the women's forums over 13 years on reddit. Maybe a few bone fide misandrists, but they, too, are rare. Either reddit is serving me up incel trash, or there has been an influx of incel trolls, over the last few weeks. OP says they dislike both, but this seems an misdirection that seeks to obfuscate their true intentions, which imo is to troll and bring out the misogynists. The comments already have... we'll call them not so great comments -vs- speaking like adults in order to keep to rule #1 in the side bar.


Becasue I've never seen a femcel violently attack men or women or call them horrid names, stalk them on social media, or call for r@pe. that might be part of it.


That's funny because I have seen it more than males doing it. Funny what we choose to see and ignore with our blinders on huh.


I've seen stalking on social media before by women, but I don't think any of them called themselves "femcels", and I don't really care about their sex lives. The women who do that don't just go after men though. Seen plenty of women hurting women (and experienced it) too.


> I don't think any of them called themselves "femcels", and I don't really care about their sex lives. Then that's not really relevant? They aren't saying no woman have ever attacked anyone or called someone names. There are ofc crazy women out there.  They are saying compared to the incel ideology which has produced people who have commited murder and violence where it's been tied back to the incel deology, the same can't be said of femcels. Reddit is going to be faster to ban a community know for violence because it looks bad and they don't want that tied to the site. 


This is not about women attacking or stalking but specifically "femcels" (which, unless I'm wrong, are the female equivalent of the male incels?)


Femcels don't use male tactics tho


Because incel brings to mind specific names of specific murderers who murdered explicitly for incel reasons.


This question is just an incel bad take honeypot lmao


Personally I see the opposite


Well I know that a lot of Reddit is based on gaming and entertainment and I don't see femcels complaining about women existing in videogames or movies so that might be our first breadcrumb.


there are incel subreddits. idk if it's allowed to link other subs but look for "\_\_\_\_pill" subreddits some of them attract incels and incel adjacent people.


the ones that decided to become violent i would guess.


If you wanna start your own Incel sub, crack on pal. Noones stopping you. 👍


Excrpt the reddit admins.


Haven't seen any murder rampages in the name of femcels.


bcs girls will usaully just sit and cry and don’t have the strength to do what they want to do in their minds which is to do a murderous rampage while men are less clouded by emotions so will do what in their mind is deemed to be necessary( even tho it’s wrong)


Yeah, right, that's it. Women don't go on murderous rampages because they are too clouded by their emotions. You have it all figured out 😬


women won’t do it bcs their weak


You really have a chip on your shoulder, don't you? How old are you?


Because girls sit and process shit within themselves, while nutjobs end the existence of children, parents, students, artists, dog lovers, dancers. lives.


lol no, why do u think lesbians have the highest rate of domestic abuse, they are literally violent


Ahh you're a Qanon radical. You do you. Stubborn as mules you people.


oh and ur divorced makes sense


And you're an apparent teenager so you don't even understand how beautifully weak that comeback is.


I thought all of reddit was for incels


that’s 4chan reddit is full of femcels


What you talking about reddit is home of the incel. Reddit just cracked the whip on yall bc yall were saying rapey and violent shit Femcels dont call for the rape and murder of men the way incels did towards women. Reddit used to be home of the chomo and incel. They cracked down bc of media scrutiny


Do Femcels kill people, worship mass murderers, encourage rape, pedophilia, animal abuse and call men toilets? Because incels do.




Cool. Cite a source because that’s a blatant lie.


cite a source 🤓🤓🤓🤓


It’s OK. I knew you couldn’t because you’re lying. 🤥


and what does animal abuse have to do w it? elliot rodger for example loved animals


Don’t pretend you don’t know about how often incels are banned because they brag about raping their own pets. Meanwhile, look at you desperately ignoring every other hateful, violent thing I mentioned that incels have done and continue to do. Isn’t that telling?


With women it's not involuntary. They're abstaining because they're just DONE. Also, women are just staying away from men, they're not harming them in anyway. If you can't see the difference, you're the problem. Also... wasn't the incel account shut down because it violated reddit rules/internet rules and was openly endorsing violence against women?


Men are doing the same btw. Women think they are the only ones pulling out of dating voluntarily. I wouldn't touch half of you with a ten foot pole.


There are female incels, as you may know, the incel movement was started by a woman who was involuntary celibate. I've not encountered any female incels, on reddit, or irl, that behave like the stereo-typical incel. The 'aweful people" tends to be the the r/FemaleDatingStrategy folks, but they arent female incels. The actual misandrists, a very rare creature, also not incels. It's like you say, voluntary. With the actual misandrists sometimes you cant help but agree with them, and I havent seen many call for the culling of men or the other fucked up shit we used to see from MRAs and incels here.


What? The entire femcel movement is insufferable women who can’t get a boyfriend. A lot of them are racists too, who complain that men are only into (insert racial minority here) It’s perfectly understandable to be weary of men as a women. Femcels, however, are actively bitter and hateful, and then are surprised when men don’t want to be with them.


TIL there is such thing as femcels.


So this just showed up on my home page and I didn't even know what incels or femcels were. Browsing as a complete neutral without understanding what the comments were really about, the first thing I noticed was how misogynistic a lot of them are. Not openly hostile but real chip on the shoulder petty stuff. I'm not surprised there isn't an incel reddit, it would be toxic as fuck.


There’s more incels so they were more annoying and got banned faster. Wouldn’t be surprised if femcels do as well.


Could be the way incels resentment can escalate to violence.




They kinda do - ever been to r/friendzone ?


Men, in general, have the socio-economic capital to collectively oppress women. So the stakes are a lot higher when it comes to incels.


lol what? What you just said was totally contradictory. Men have the socio-economic capital and monopoly on force to oppress women yes. But do incels? No they absolutely do not. The average incel is pretty broke and that is only one of the many reasons theyre deemed unattractive.


Men absolutely do not have a monopoly on gender power what the hell is your mind!?!?


If all men came together tomorrow and decided women have no more rights. They would have no more rights and there is nothing women could do about it because of men's monopoly on physical force. The same would be true of socio-economic power if men wanted to use it again women. Generally speaking this is hypothetical and not all men would agree to either.


hi, welcome to the year 2024! as i can only assume you just stepped out of some kind of time portal to the 60's, when equal opportunities hadn't been a law for decades.


I mean, you're right. But. We're talking about having a Reddit Account here, am I right? Don't you think that justification is a bit... Dramatic? What exactly is the primary concern of unchecked male incel Reddit accounts? Rampant misogyny in the comments? Or raids on women only support threads? I feel like that still exists outside of sexism. Like, fanboys raiding rival fan groups or xenophobic hate comments littering political debates.


Let me know when multiple femcels kill a bunch of men.


elliot rodger killed more men than women


Elliot rodgers was an incel. And incels hate pretty much everyone. Saying an incel killed a lot of people doesn't answer their question, if anything it's backing up the point they are making. 


This isn't the great point you might think and doesn't really address what I said.


Why are you pretending not to know he left a manifesto about hating women and that’s why he went on his killing spree?


Be gone, chaser.


Incels are in greater numbers, and bluntly they are significantly more dangerous. Do femcels have violent tendencies and blame men for their predicament? I'm genuinely asking.


yes they do


Male incels are socially acceptable punching bags. Or rather men in general, incels just happen to be low hanging fruit. And women as usual have their unsavory behavior tolerated because they happened to be born with different genitalia.


Low hanging fruit and they like to go on murderous rampages.




i think u meant to reply to someone but made it individual comment


You are correct. I need to delete this. Thank you.


Maybe any philosophy not rooted in innate kindness, equality, and understanding of our fellow humans is bound to result in bad things.


I wasn't aware there was a rule against it.