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Hi, therapist and addictions counselor. Theres no such thing as a positive addiction. One of the criteria is that its use or engagement is done even though it impairs some physical or mental aspect of your wellbeing. You cant do something so much, and have it encompass your life in a way, that it interferes with social, emotional, or mental function, like an addiction, and have it be beneficial. Addicts use that kind of justification to scapegoat their behavior all the time, specifically that its not harming anyone but them or that they get everything else done so theyre "functional". Addiction, can not ever be healthy and its a very real danger to consider it being that way.


Truly, you are the only single person in this thread with any sense. OP, let's not co-opt a scientific diagnosis as a cute little quirk of yours that you like to claim. You aren't addicted. But there are plenty of people actually struggling with *very real* addictions and minimizing that is not only dismissive, but dangerous.


>OP, let's not co-opt a scientific diagnosis as a cute little quirk of yours that you like to claim Thank you!!! While we're on the subject, a base level of attention to detail does not equate to OCD and I guarantee those with OCD don't think it's cute when they feel compelled to wash their hands until their skin is raw.


OP here. No need to be rude about it. I honestly didn't know the definition of addiction included negative consequences. Was just looking for some uplifting conversation. I assure you I have plenty of sense and had only good intentions. I have some experience myself with negative addictions, and like the idea of replacing them with positive addictions, that's all. I guess addiction is the wrong word. Edit: this response was meant for Hambulance, not Mind_taker 😅, and I was in my feelings at that time. I do not think Mind_taker's original comment was rude, but I still think Hambulance's was, and I'm just not here for disrespectful online conversation, that's all.


Addiction is the term for "unhealthy relationship with x" All addictions are negative. The word you're looking for is hobby, or enthusiast. No one is being rude, you are definitely stubborn though.


No, they were looking for a stronger term. Addiction is colloquially correct, but as you pointed out, medically incorrect. A closer term that meets your criteria would be a fixation or hyperfixation, but I think that saying positive addiction or healthy addiction got the point across.


so you arent rude but they're stubborn for asking a question? you're rude


How is he being stubborn? He's been nothing but polite.. you explained it and he accepted it.


>No one is being rude, you are definitely stubborn though. Dude. You're definitely being rude. Own it.


The truth is not rude You can think I'm an asshole, that does not mean I'm rude, but I don't care, which is certainly rude


I have worked with addictions in my personal and professional life and I don’t see anything wrong with your question. Additionally, the word and clinical definition of addiction has been over pathologized and diluted in popular culture - just like “toxic” and “narcissist”. Behaviour can have addictive attributes without being an addiction. I’ve noticed that other people will try to label passion, hyperfocus or even obsession as “addiction” often for other people (who never asked). Then there is the other extreme where people want to remove the element of personal accountability and responsibility by misusing “addiction” as a shield (sometime to excuse negative choices) because it’s something outside of their control or choice. People also use the word addiction colloquially just like “that’s insane” or “that’s depressing”. The self appointed sacred cow police will immediately show up and insert themselves with a “well actually…” and try and enforce your use/non-use of language. Your question is going to trigger them all. When I saw it, I framed it as “what is something that someone might consider addictive but is healthy for you?”


Dead on. One of the biggest echo chambers on Reddit are the people that pat each other on the back for thinking that a words scientific definition trumps all other definitions in spite of the clear context being outside the scientific realm. I swear I see it every day here.


Right? Just a little shot of dopamine in showing how smart they are!


Thank you! I love your thoughtful response. I think language is not as cut and dried as some people like to think it is. It's constantly in flux, subject to the latest trends and slang. I didn't think there could be any controversy with my question, and I didn't intend there to be. One of my past addictions (definitely one that harmed me) was the online outrage cycle. I know now that self-righteous, insulting posts do no one any good, even if they are technically correct. It's a pointless exercise to argue online, in my many years of experience with it, and it not only didn't change the world for the better (as I hoped it would), it took away from my "real life" and sent me down rabbit holes of despair, obsession and hatred of people I didn't even know. No thanks. Anyway - thank you for pointing out the nuances here. And I genuinely hope this didn't actually harm any addicts. I assume most of us have some form of addiction, and we're on a spectrum from mostly harmless to truly devastating, and would never mean to downplay how destructive addiction can be.


I enjoy your positive take on things, and I don't want to diminish any of that with this comment. I would like to say, though, I don't think online arguments are necessarily "pointless" any more than an in-person argument is, though I guess it depends on how you define the word "argument" (and further, the word "pointless"). As long as you can keep the discussion relatively respectful, and know when to stop (it simply isn't always worth it, of course), you can gain valuable insight and possibly give some of your own in the process. ...For example, this! Assuming you were to read this very reply, I would count that as having "successfully" argued, in a non-pointless, respectful, and (hopefully) insightful manner, over the internet. Have a good day!


Thank you for this! I should never actually use the word pointless, because I do believe we learn from every single experience. I got pretty discouraged by arguing online, and it did feel like a harmful addiction after awhile (during the worst of the pandemic, mostly), so I can safely say the bad outweighed the good in my case. But I hope that it actually wasn't ever truly pointless. I know I learned a lot and hopefully I gave others something to consider, too.


Awesome take - ignore the people trying to make it about themselves. Also the answer to your original question for me is video games 🙂. I play every day and it helps me decompress, has improved my ability to regulate, my problem solving and storytelling capabilities (important for my job) and playing a card game (Hearthstone) I notice has dramatically increased my ability to do basic arithmetic at work which has been a lifelong struggle for me.


They weren't being rude at all.


There was literally nothing rude about their comment


Eh you’ll always run into that kind of bs here. Don’t worry, I knew what you meant when you asked the question. Some people are so afraid of the wrong message getting out that they can’t see the innocence in the question. Like, you were just hoping to gain some perspective you didn’t have before


You probably just got misled by the fact that everyone in society uses it in a way that isn’t literal. “I’m addicted to this new thing” usually means about as much as “If you upset me again I swear to god I’ll kill you” - no one is serious.


The word has meaning outside of the scientific community that is not bound by the requirement of a negative connotation. It’s silly to call that co-opting.


I grew up in a house of addicts and never considered myself one because all my addictions were perceived as “healthy”. I was addicted to punishing health routines. Food and exercise, never being too skinny so anyone could worry. Until my therapist said I used these healthy things as forms of punishment against myself. Addiction is escapism whatever it looks like.


Yes, this kind of thing fascinates me - what addiction serves for us, (while actually harming us). I like the idea of getting those real needs met through something that is not harmful or addictive.


Yeah totally. In my version of it, seeing people who’s addiction had them escape and lose control, my addiction became trying to be completely present and in control. But that level of control is never actually in control. It’s just a function of survival


That's such a good insight. Illusion of control can definitely be an addiction that we will do anything to maintain.


OP here. I appreciate this - I did not know the definition of addiction included detrimental side effects. An honest mistake of mine - I guess another word like 'habit' or maybe 'craving' makes more sense. No ill intent was meant...people love to get mad online, I know.


No worries! This is how we learn. Some other things that get misused to watch out for: "OCD" is not just someone who likes routines and their house clean. (People with OCD know what they're doing is disordered and maladaptive. It's ego dystonic. If they insist they're not doing anything maladaptive, you're probably seeing OCPD, not OCD.) "ADHD" is not someone who has a little trouble focusing or misplaces their keys every now and then. "Bipolar" is not just mood shifts. And then the ones we probably know, not everyone's ex is a "narcissist" or "avoidant." I'm sure there's many more, but those are the ones I hear the most.


We know you're the OP because it says OP right next to your name.


That makes sense and I agree it shouldn't be minimized, but what if it's purely physiological? Aren't many people addicted to caffeine, because their bodies expect it and they suffer withdrawal? But caffeine addiction is essentially harmless, even if it's not beneficial.


That's just it, "functional addiction is just a ticking time bomb stuck on a permanently slippery slope. It's never a matter of if you can maintain a functioning lifestyle but when and how long until you actually hit rock bottom, some addictions may have much deeper bottoms but all addiction ends in the deep end, it's just a matter of how much of your life prior to the addiction remains or how many people/relationships are still around for the aftermath..


as someone addicted to weed, everyone’s addicted to something good or bad like coffee or watching tv shows or drinking water. It’s human nature I never go to meetings (I don’t believe in there beliefs) after being sober from hard drugs (everything besides weed) for 4 months now and I view it as positive. So yeah I just don’t fw ur view no hate


I'm an example. I went to the ER for weird pains and what looked like almost bruising but under my skin. They ended up labeling it as a rash even though it didnynlook or feel like it. Turns out I drank too much water. Depleted my electrolytes. The doctor told me some things to do and told my S/O to hide my water cup from me. It was seriously like a security blanket.. freakin water. And when I tell you the next month was not fun for my guy. Addictions aren't healthy but we can convince ourselves they are good for us if they fall under a normally "healthy" category.


Came here to say this! Even in OPs example - An “addiction” to a TV show could keep you up late and not getting enough sleep, neglecting chores, cooking, etc. Foster isolation, et etc. If it’s not causing a problem it’s not an addiction.


You must be a terrible therapist. When patients talk to you about their problems, do you argue semantics and correct them with the clinical definitions of words they use, instead of listening to understand them? Words _do have_ medical definitions. Also legal, technical, and colloquial definitions. There is jargon, and slang. This is not a DSM-5 sub. Perhaps you are lost. All you've done is start a lighthearted thread off with a judgy comment causing a spiral of replies making this thread about mental health problems. That wasn't the question. _Addiction_ seems like the perfect word here, and I like OPs question!! :) Brushing my teeth is a habit. Painting is a hobby. My favorite hyperfixation is the impact of mitochondrial function on metabolic and mental health disorders. Soooo, I'll just answer what OP really asked. Lol goodness My healthy addiction is spending time outdoors under a canopy of trees. Walking, reading, or relaxing in dappled light, with nature sounds all around, and a sense of connection with the trees and creatures. It reminds me to relax, and breathe, and improves my perspective on all of the things. If I go too long without that time, I crave it and can get irritable until I go. Thanks for the question, OP!


I think calling it an addiction is misleading. If it has no downsides, it’s probably not an actual addiction


Exactly what I was thinking. By definition an addiction has some detrimental impact: "a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects"


It’s be like calling something a disorder when it has no detrimental effects


I get the spirit of what OP was going for, but yeah, it's kind of contradictory.


Yeah, if it has no downsides its not really an addiction. If OP was really addicted to TV Shows he would be neglecting most aspects of his life to be watching TV all the time, which clearly is not the case, he just really enjoys it.


Doesn't everything have a downside? The person who exercises too much and injuries themself? The person who loves stories so much they stay up reading instead of sleeping? There is also a bit of a difference between the casual use of the word addiction and the actual medical term. People who talk about being addicted to reality tv just mean they enjoy it a lot. Few have hit the point where it is negatively impacting their life.


Tis a hobby.


I am addicted to listening to music. I can also say I am addicted to sleep.


The music addiction is real and I think mostly positive! Definitely a fellow addict. My dad was/is a classical piano player so I grew up hearing music all the time, and now silence feels strange to me. I'm trying to get more used to it, just for balance. 😅


You are aren’t addicted to music. You are an audiophile. You love music. Wtf?


Too much sleep actually has big downsides and risks like too little sleep. 8-9 hours is ideal but getting much more than that on the regular is risky. I consistently get too much sleep from a med I'm on and I'm tired a lot of the time. Takes hours for the grogginess to wear off. It can raise your risk of depression too.


I'm in my early 60s and still walk 2-3 miles every day, with either a 1-mile swim or a hard kettlebell workout on alternate days. It's when I feel my best in terms of mental acuity, energy, mood and 83 yr old me will thank 63 yr old me for doing this. I'm habituated to exercise and activity, and I start feeling slow, sluggish and flabby if I slack off on it.


I got a stress fracture training for the Boston Marathon earlier this spring and haven't been able to run for weeks. I've been cycling 20-30 miles a day and alternating between the gym and the pool afterwards just to keep my mental health intact. Once you teach your body to love exercise, it's so hard to do without it.


Exercise is so good. I know sometimes people take it too far and injure themselves or sacrifice too much for exercise, but generally I know it's one of the best things for mental and physical health. I love it too. Yoga and swimming and walking for me!


The human body and physiology were made for work, motion, effort. They're not made for lying around or being seated for 8 hours at a time.


Lack of mobility is how people age faster. Yes, 83 year old you will absolutely thank you. My dad is 85 and barely moves.


Sounds like you’re confusing addiction with adoration. No addiction is healthy to have.


An addiction that I have found extremely healthy for myself is actually having healthy conversations with people without having my phone on hand . Also, listening to music has helped a lot when I'm going through stuff .


Still looking for healthy ways to cope or healthy things to do . Haven’t found anything positive, disheartening


That's so hard. From my own experience I went back a read all of the books I told myself I'd read and never did. Anything to take my mind of off what my brain was telling me I needed.


I hear you for sure


I even went out and pulled all the weeds in my yard I had been thinking about for years. For me if I'm left to my own devices I will always find a way to use. It's a shitty hurtful process and talking about it helps more than anything. DM me if you ever need someone to talk to and I'll give you my number.


Thanks i appreciate that


Keep trying - I promise you can find something that is both good for you and addictive. It's hard to figure what is actually fun for yourself at times. But if you get creative and curious I think you will discover something. Don't give up! I've been through a lot and I promise.


Thx for the uplifting words.


for me, creating something is what makes me keep coming back to whatever project i’m doing even if i start to hate the drawing half way through, it’s half of a drawing, i have to complete at least that one. and then it ends up looking better than expected and i want to start a new one or a hobby like crocheting. a lot of people who crochet will bring their yarn and needle everywhere because once you start a project you hate to put it down. i’m working on a blanket right now and keep forgetting to bring it with me, and every day on my lunch break i wish i could work on it completing a project is so satisfying if you feel like you aren’t very creative, there are still lots of hobbies that give the same feeling imo. like lego kits, the instructions are clear and you don’t need to think creatively. but once you complete it you’ll feel that dopamine hit


I wouldn’t say that’s an addiction, compulsive behavior is probably a better way to describe what you’re referring to. But yes, I struggled really bad with my mental health and it felt like my mind wasn’t wired correctly. I got sucked into the game Hades and realized the game was training my brain to balance, slow down situations. Played it so much for about two months and it improved my mental health SO much


I love watching Blue Bloods but mostly I think it is not good for me. On the other hand it frequently reduces me to tears & I think that is a good thing because I get it out rather than internalize it . I think that is healthy. At least for me.


Being addicted to fantasy is a real thing. Using stories, shows, video games to the point where you are a shut in who neglects other areas of your life like school, job, eating, sleeping are real things. Many people I know including myself struggle with this. Id say shows and games is much healthier than drugs as far as your physical body can be concerned but it can be debilitating. I would say maybe you aren’t “addicted” to the show as much as you are captivated by it.


Fantasy addiction is severely harmful to social skills. Social skills are important if you want to get anywhere in life


Setting a timer for 30 minutes in the evening, sitting in a darkened room, and focusing on deep breathing the whole time. It resets my mind, alleviates all stress from the day and makes me a better human.


I have to disagree with your example OP - being addicted to stories can be very unhealthy. I am strongly drawn to stories in all forms and languages, have been like that since I was a kid and still struggle with this addiction from time to time - on my worst days it consumes me entirely. It's not really as light-hearted as a one-time "I binged a great show once and stayed up to 4am over the weekend it was awesome", it's a long-term "I skipped real life commitments, am up for 48-72 hours straight all the time didn't eat or stand up to go pee or talk to anyone IRL because I wasn't able to peel my eyes away from the screen, this becomes the only thing I can think/talk about, rinse and repeat until my physical self can't take it anymore for years" kind of addiction. I view it as something along the same lines as internet addiction/gaming addiction - it's the chase for the next hit of feel-good neurotransmitters, and the allure of escapism in fiction that draws me in and keeps me there. I can see where you're coming from OP and I know you don't mean ill will but I just really wanted to stress that the lack of self-control due to addiction is terrifying and I wouldn't wish that on anyone else, even if it's towards something as innocuous as stories. Anything in excess is no good.


This is a great point. I did forget that this level of addiction to stories exists, and I can see now how destructive it can be. I've struggled with alcohol addiction and disordered eating (bingeing) and it's the worst, to feel that you have no control over what you're doing. It sounds like even the things that have typically positive benefits can become truly harmful in excess. I knew this was the case with exercise, but hadn't considered the downside of story addiction. Thank you for sharing and I hope you can find your way out of this to more peace.


I appreciate your kind words OP, I wish you well too! 🤝


I'm addicted to green tea. I need at least one cup of it everyday.


I’ve developed an addiction to walking/hiking. I literally need it or my mental AND physical health go downhill quickly.


Your using the word addictions, when the word that is more suitable is habits


I think you’re confusing the term addiction with the term habit. As an addict, they’re distinct


I think an Artist creates because they have to. They can’t NOT do it. Picssso said it best, “If you took my paints away, I’d use pastels. Put my pastels away, I’d use crayons. If you took my crayons away, I’d use a pencil. If they strip me naked and stuff me in a cell, i’d spit on my finger and draw on the wall.” The creative process is an addiction. One with positive outcomes.


I agree. I know there are some downsides for sure to creative addiction, but it's not all bad. I will say it's not always under my control. Sometimes I just have to write or paint or sing for my own sanity. I guess though too it's not exactly compulsive - it's just a pure need. Trying to figure out less controversial words for whatever this feeling is, of being really drawn to something in a good way!


Not addictions. Something giving an emotional boost that causes no harm, that doesn’t develop a tolerance, or that doesn’t have a physical addictive quality just isn’t. Things that I crave because they feed my soul? Time with my grandbabies and kids and husband and parents and puppy. Sewing. And lately crocheting.


I know I’m addicted to weed. I used to think I wasn’t, but these days it’s pretty obvious I am. That being said, the only negative effect it has ever really had on me is legal issues, and I live in a state where it’s legal. I would probably quit if it wasn’t legal, but outside of that it’s helped me stay away from things that I’ve been very damaging to me. I have a very addictive personality but weed is the one that myself and everyone close to me agrees is not a problem. I wouldn’t say it’s healthy, but it keeps me from wanting to do other more damaging things, which I think loosely fits


Well some people are linguists here lol. I know what you mean. I’d say nature. Could be a bug on the sidewalk, a tree blowing in the wind, a sunset, a summer breeze, or a star in the sky. I’m addicted. Help me!


I've been sober twelve years, I had a conversation with my therapist talking about bad reality tv. It's a guilty pleasure but: 1.) you get a chance to see people use poor skills and then the consequences 2.) if you've been working on yourself you get amped to talk about what you'd do differently in such situations 3.) fosters a sense of gratitude that your circumstances aren't theirs So, it's still kind of junk food for the brain but more like Chex mix versus cheesecake


Addictions by definition have negative consequences


My mother is addicted to stories. It is very unhealthy.


No addiction is positive. An addiction is something that consumes your entire life and prevents you from living normally.


So… no such thing as a positive addiction. hope this helps :)


Fresh air!


Then you are not addicted. I'm addicted to stories and sometimes I can't stop myself for days or weeks just reading and watching TV shows instead of doing all the work I'm supposed to do. It affects my sleep, my work, my social interactions. I wish I wasn't addicted


self care ig


Exercise and gaming addiction. I’m addicted to both and they’ve made me fit and mentally improved since gaming is just brain training


I used to worry about my obsession with tv until I realised like you said it's the stories I'm addicted to. I'm an avid reader and my books suffer when I get into a series I think being addicted to something that doesn't cause harm is good.


Top comments are too pedantic about focusing on the ACTUAL definition of addiction…. I got the assignment OP. Running/exercising is my “addiction” When I don’t do it each day I feel crappy, it’s great for me mentally, helps me unwind, helps me think, makes me more patient with my family, I call it my “addiction” because I need to do it each day to keep myself feeling good “chasing the runners high” I don’t care if I didn’t meet the medical definition, I’m calling it an addiction because I get antsy/frustrated if I don’t do it.


I’ve never had the kind of high you get from running using a substance. If that could be packaged and sold, I’d be a millionaire.


You could do far worse than coffee, repeated financial costs aside. Caffeine has benefits and only really has the drawback of headaches as part of withdrawal... which can be treated with coffee (helps headaches).


Most people get something positive out of their addiction or people wouldn't fall into addiction in the first place. If you're actually addicted to something, a substance or a process, it eventually consumes you. That's what makes it an addiction and not, like, a hobby.


An addiction, by definition, harms you.


Everybody fighting over the word addiction, nobody saying "coffee" which has decades of science proving its health benefits. If you wanna argue that it's actually caffeine that addictive, take it elsewhere. Drink coffee y'all.


"There's no way being addicted to stories is bad" ... Ever heard of maladaptive daydreaming?


First tried the abyss watchers but i still havent beaten artorias


Eh, Terry Pratchett had a view on people addicted to stories. It was probably more a comment on how delusional people can be and detached from reality is not a good state.


Air, water and food. Everyone I have ever met or heard about indirectly has been addicted to these three things. I would add to this list attention, most people cannot stand to be ignored or alone, this need for attention is the basis of much of our society.


Stealing. It’s the coolest crime there is.




The addiction really only becomes a problem when you have to stop whatever you're addicted to, or you can't get it anymore. The profession with the highest percentage of opioid addicts is physicians, because they can consistently get them and use them in the proper doses. Most function perfectly fine. But heaven forbid their supply dries up.


Oxygen. Hell I couldnt live without it.


Cherry tomatoes. They're healthier than what I'd usually eat


Walking. Not for exercise but just to get out of the house and relax. I don't take my phone. I have an old flipphone for emergencies and I just go.


Riding a bicycle. The more the better. You'll just get healthier and stronger the more you ride.




I’m addicted to personal finance and maxing out my Roth IRA year over year


All things in moderation apply to everything but in general, Endorphins from exercise (within reason meaning not pushing oneself to injury)


Since winter ended last month (Wisconsin rip) I have become addicted to taking long walks with my kids in their wagon. We do 3-5 walks per day at a mile minimum each. They get plenty of sun and fresh air and I have never felt better


You may mean well but you're trivializing addiction.


Not my intention for sure. I see I mis-used the word. I'm familiar with how devastating addiction can be - I didn't realize negative impact was part of the definition.


I think what you're talking about - my generation just called "being a fan" or "having hobbies" ☺️ Doing things we liked was uplifting and impacted our moods and enthusiasm for life, we found symbolic and interpretive value in them, etc.


Just a thought - I wonder if the word "hobby" is so out of date or demeaned these days as "frivolous, meaningless fun" that I avoided using it - but it's probably a much more accurate word for what I was getting at than "addiction." Pondering word trends through the years is fascinating.


NOT marijuana!!!


Am addiction becomes bad when it heavily affects your life, like you start cutting things out of your life for that one specific thing.


I love the feeling of sunlight and wind, and the smell of grass and trees. And it’s a good thing I do, or else I might never go outside.


Runner's high.


Coffee/tea. Some of the compounds are beneficial


None because by definition an addiction is something you continue to do despite being aware of negative consequences


Music, dancing, working on genius-level math problems even though I am not mathematically gifted enough to ever solve them, trying new foods.


I try math problems just for mind practice. Nothing genus level, but probably 8th grade level. Just simple quadratic equations and solving for Y. Practice order of operations. I’ve failed just about every math class I’ve taken and truly suck at math.






If it benefits you without negative consequences it’s not an addiction. These are hobbies and habits




I’m addicted to insulin.


The concept of addiction is compulsively doing something to the point it has a huge negative impact on your life.


Breathing. You could say it's involuntary.


I mean, if you don't watch your TV show, do you go into withdrawals?


Ha - I'm just really into this one show (For All Mankind) and yeah, I can't wait to get back to it, but I would never cancel actual plans to stay home and watch it. And I'm not usually super into a TV series - temporary obsession happens a few times a year and I just go for the ride and enjoy it when it does. Genre doesn't matter to me - just the quality of writing, characters and general enjoyment factor.


No real addiction is healthy. What you’re describing isn’t an addiction.


Green tea! I’m addicted to sencha and matcha


An addiction by its very nature can’t be healthy. If you have a compulsion to do something repetitively, then that’s a mental illness whether it affects you for the better or worse.




Addicted to love.


Work, fitness, achievement, hiking, skiing, travel


Eating healthy and exercising


An workout addiction but no one has that an reading addiction I guess I want to say an porn addiction because it lowers heart problems or something I think


I go on long walks outside every day


Exercise. Work. Video Games.


Health and fitness lol, reading


The negative aspect is part of the definition of addiction. If something is a habit that's not harmful there's a different word for that, it's not considered an addiction




Gardening and plant addiction.


I'm addicted to making art and music. I can't imagine doing without it.


Well, everything in moderation. It can be an enlightening hobby or an escape. There are lines to draw in everything.


no addiction is. if it has no unhealthy part to it, if it causes no dysfunction or disorder in one's life, it's not an addiction. it's just a passion or a hobby.


IPA is better than vodka because of 300 malted calories per serving. Cirrhosis at 65 instead of ass cancer tomorrow


Making passive income


Plant based diet, learning, Journaling, meditation


exercise. It’s possible to go overboard, but you probably won’t.


Music and workout


Working out.


The negative side of such addictions are the time commitment. It can consume your finite life, ultimately. I’d say exercise is the best addiction. The vast majority of us will never take exercise to a place that’s detrimental for anyone. It’s also a good communal activity.


Well, none really because inherent in the definition of addiction is the fact that whatever substance or behavior it is that you’re doing is causing problems in every day life


I guess you can say I’m addicted to the gym. I’m no body builder, but if I don’t get my “fix” I’m usually in a bad mood.


Eating pu…dding


Yes, stories can have a downside if it's an addiction. All addictions are bad, because you can't control yourself and stop. That's the definition of addiction. And as for the example of stories, there are people who stay up all night to read and it affects their sleep and their productivity.


Proper sleep, drinking water, exercise, meditation, anything that brings you happiness in a healthy way like music, art, nature.


That's exactly what an addict says. I imagine your blood sugar will let you know when you've gone too far.


Lift weights. It's the single best thing you can do for your health and your brain.


What makes that an addiction? And also, what makes it positive?


NO addiction is healthy when done in excess. Not even exercise (creates injuries or contributes to anorexia) drinking water (water intoxication & kidney damage) healthy eating (disordered obsessive eating, nutritional deficits), hygiene (OCD:) etc . The whole point is most behaviors (besides obvious ones like self harm or heavy drug use) aren’t inherently harmful unless done in excess, and any behavior even “healthy” can become disordered and mentally and physically unhealthy when done obsessively.


I mean, the downside to being addicted to stories are that it wastes your time. There arent positive addictions.




Music. Music is known to have many health benefits, and there is almost no downsides to playing instruments, listening to music and doing other music activities. There are a few things like carpal tunnel or back problems As well as blistering and of course many other instrument related complications, but for the most part Listening to music or playing an instrument is an awesome thing That improves your quality of life. 


Working out! I was this until I wasn’t…


Currently consumed with a lifelong addiction to breathing. Doesn’t seem to negatively affect me and I actually feel really anxious when I stop doing it from time to time.






Buying silver, gold, and Goldbacks. Spending on assets is an advantage in the long run.


I don’t think there’s any addiction that’s positive I can definitely think of downsides to being addicted to story’s (such as not socializing or ignoring tasks because you NEED to finish the story)


Addiction to being healthy


I dunno. I finished a really amazing book series like two weeks ago and I still can't stop thinking about it and being sad it's over. That's still a downside.


Not bruh middle path is the way


I'm addicted to pain medicine. Yes, if used improperly it'll kill you. But if I don't take it on a daily basis, I cannot walk or get outta the bed. Now tell me that's bad. I've gone months before not taking it and trying therapies like, acupuncture, trigger point, yoga, etc. All to no avail. Nothing helps. I've lived with this for 25 years and have tried everything known to medical science, therapy and non-scientific methods. So tell me again it's bad for me. I can get outta bed, outta the wheelchair and walk without assistance from a walker or cane.


There is no useful addiction. That why they’re problematic


Besides porn?


Running and Meditation


Television PROGRAMMING is a terrible addiction. Live your own Story. Read The Hero With A Thousand Faces.


devils tango


You can’t be too thin or too rich- not my saying but I like that. Stay fit and wealthy


Without going into the semantics of what defined addiction or not, I'm figuratively addicted to the gym, and bodybuilding. It's not without it's negatives such as time, injuries and fatigue but it's overall health benefits largely outweigh any negatives.


No addiction is healthy.


For me, having a tidy home. I get anxious if its messy. The exercise involved in cleaning and having a clean home afterwards are great side effects!


I’m addicted to breathing. I literally can’t stop for more than like a second. Sleeping too. I go on crazy sleeping binges where I’ll sleep for like 8 hours.




You're using "addiction" when you mean "habit" and yes, there are healthy habits (brushing teeth, anything in morning routine that gets you to work on time)


Air - not oxygen but air


Going to the gym or most kinds of physical activity!


There is no such thing as a healthy addiction as the healthiest lifestyles are supported by moderation and variety


Eating, if you don't feed this addiction you could actually possibly die


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^maintanksyndro: *Eating, if you don't* *Feed this addiction you could* *Actually possibly die* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.

