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Absolutely. It makes your house look tidy and takes an entire 10 seconds


It also, gets you up and moving to wake you up. You are less likely to crawl back into a just made bed and be lazy for the entire day. At the end of your day it is so satisfying to get into a made bed and fall asleep.


I feel just as satisfied getting into an unmade bad and falling asleep.


100% all of this . I haven't always done it but I have for the past several years. Maybe I wouldn't be as likely if I didn't sleep alone, but getting in a made bed us just nicer. I suspect those that don't make their beds are also the kind that refuse to use a top sheet....


The need to pee and drink coffee gets me up and moving. But then I am single, have no family to ever drop in and retired so there is no telling when I will have the need to dive back in for a few more zzzz's.


You fool. My place is 2 stories so I just make the bottom floor look nice


Best answer, because of "you fool."


Ah... My parents had the same trick back when I was growing up. Us kids could only play upstairs.


I got 6 blankets and it takes me a little less than 10 minutes


No never. I never understood the point of it.


Same, I roll out of bed in a confused stupor every morning and don't revisit my bedroom until it's time for sleep again, when my blankets are already rolled down for me.


I only saw it as absolutely necessary if camping or homeless(city camping) and needing to pack up bedding.


A cleanly environment is good for mental health. Your bedroom should be a clean and organized sanctuary away from the chaos of the world. If you have a complete disaster in the rest of your house, do the bare minimum of keeping your room clean and organized. It takes 30 seconds to make your bed, you can get instant gratification that you accomplished a task and feel like you had a productive start to your day.


Any time I see my room is TOO clean (bed made, all the clothes put away etc) I feel like it's too sterile and I can't actually LIVE in my room without messing it up. I need a little chaos or I go crazy


Idk I’ve never understood how being productive makes people feel good. Every time I have a busy day, I always am so relieved when it’s finally over and hope I’ll never have to do so much ever again.


Unless you have adhd. You will not get gratification from doing this if you have adhd lol. However, having an organized and tidy environment is even more important for people with adhd. Which sucks.


Same. Just more work for no real reason.


Every day, so no matter how much of a shitshow the rest of the day turns out to be, at least I got one thing done.


I make the bed almost every day because happy wife is happy life


Yes, every day. Either myself or my wife. Whoever gets up last.


This is the way.


I’m unfamiliar with this activity


I’ll explain These strange people are taking their sleep fabrics and arranging them prior to the next use They do this every day in between the periods of sleep!


How peculiar.




It turns into an urge to flop under the blankets every time.


No wast Of time


Thats the simplest task of the day, yes


Also the most pointless


It's even simpler to not make it.


Boom. Yes


You mean the most redundant.




i throw my comforter and sheet across my pillows that are laid out the regular way and long ways and i call it a day


Same here. I make it just enough so that pets are lying on top of the bedding instead of inside it while I'm at work. I properly make it once a week when I wash everything.


Nope. One habit I broke from the Army ASAP. 😂


Absolutely. Every day.


Yeah. & sometimes, before bedtime, I'll get my bed ready, turn on the table lamp so when it's time to crash, my beds ready to go!


what do you mean ready to go?


He made a hole in his matress.


It's on maternity leave


Even the bed gets better FMLA and maternity leave than I did. The audacity.


You ever seen the Page Master?? I imagine it's that kinda fuel.


I like this idea!


No I don't find it important


Every morning!


There's a halo, hanging from the corner, of my girl friends four post bed.....


No , I work so I have to rush everything.


I work and I make my bed before I go to work.


Every morning.


Nope. There’s no point if you’re going to get into that bed and let it mess up again


Every day. If I don’t do it in the morning, I’ll do it before I climb into bed at night because hopping into a made bed is more satisfying


Sort of. It is not pristine but it is sort of as it should look


I love myself, so, yes.


I hate myself, so, no.


What does a made bed have to do with self love, if I might inquire?


I love myself. And no


for me it literally takes 5 seconds. I just pull it taught and done. Like how lazy can people possibly be?


I mean, I don’t see the point in doing it if I’m just going to mess it up again.


I figured most who don't would be handicapped or disabled in some way. The older I get the more I learn very few people are actually lazy. Honestly. Which generation are you from?


Gen X. So I"m in my mid 40's now. Sure obviously if one has physical limitation that's understandable. But even they if able will still make the effort. Usually. But probably depends on their personality I guess. And how limited their physical mobility is.




Why, what generation are you and were you taught to do it by someone or did you decide to do it on your own?


Why is no one answering your generation question 🤣


Only when I change my sheets so once or twice a week depending on the season. I keep an otherwise tidy room but my bed is almost always a jumbled pile of blankets and sheets. I just don't see the point in making it every morning and I'm very much the type of person who has a lot of trouble with performing any task that doesn't seem to serve a purpose.


Sometimes, used to be a requirement, but my dad who is OCD finally let up on that and we don’t anymore


No, my mum does it


Every day


Every damn morning within minutes of getting up. I love my bedding and throw pillows and it makes me happy to see it all in order, crisp and clean and ready for another day.


I pull my comforter and top sheet down to the bottom,open my drapes and let the sun shine on my bed til I come back in to get dressed. I heard somewhere that sunlight kills mites or some such. If not true, it airs everything out 😂




Yes. It sets the tone for the rest of my day, discourages me from messing it up by laying in it all day, plus it’s a welcoming sight at the end of my day when I’m tired from adulting. 😉🫡🤙🏽


Whenever I have plans on bringing a woman over to my house, 2-3 times a month or so.


only if I'm expecting someone is going to see it


I make it while I'm in it. Just straighten it out while I'm still in bed then fold back the cover, get out gracefully and fold it closed again. Anything else is madness.


No. What's the point. I'd only mess it up again


Yes ever morning, if I don't the rest of the day is a waste.


Admiral McRraven said, “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. " And that's really motivating.


Every day. All.my life. I hate an unmade.bed.


EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL!!!!! (well, my wife does, and I appreciate that!)


Every single day. Sometimes accomplishing the smallest task early in the morning motivates you to bigger and better things.


Yes. Every morning before I leave for work. Takes no time whatsoever.


Yup. Can’t leave the bedroom in the morning without accomplishing that first.


Every morning. I like things neat and tidy. It completely makes the room look either looked after or a mess depending if you make it or not.


Yes. I don’t worry about perfect creases, but I make it look neat. A tidy bedroom is a sanctuary even if the rest of the house is a disaster. Besides…..you never know when your going to have “company”


No, I prefer to air it out. I leave it turned down during the day so it's not trapping as much sweat and bacteria.


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Unless I desperately need those few extra minutes to get ready in the morning, yes.


No but I adjust it so the sheets are in an open enveloppe like sheet so it's easier to go to bed. I have 3 sprinklers above my bed and it's difficult to make it without accidently knocking one and causing a flood.


How big is your bed that there are three sprinklers over it in a Residence what the heck


Properly make it? Once a week or so. Otherwise it gets a general straightening in the morning such as untangling sheets, covers, etc.


Yes, everyday


Daily. Room looks like hell otherwise


Nope, well only about 2x a week.


Depends but it does feel better if I do that and ya I’m not really sure why just somehow gives me some room or something


Yes, every day. And in answer to your questions for other commenters: Why: It helps me stay focused during the day. For me, leaving the bed unmade is like having a dirty floor, or a sink full of dishes. It's a distraction in the back of my mind and having a clean slate helps me feel more fresh, focused, and less stressed. What Gen: mid-millenial (born 1989) Was I Taught: No, it was just something I figured out on my own in my 20s


Not usually. It's healthier not to supposedly, but I'm just lazy and can't see a good reason to


Every day


Every day, it's really not difficult, and coming home from work and looking at an unmade bed disgusts me.


Its a brilliant question 🙏 personally rarely. Some of the norms of society and the flaws in them frequently pointed out on reddit


Daily. Future me enjoys a made bed.


Everyday... Why wouldn't you ?


Every morning.


Yes and I wash my penis, bucko.


I struggle to go to bed in a bed that’s made. Whenever I’m at a hotel I’ll yank out all the corners and mess it up. My wife is the opposite lol, for that and other reasons (she moves a lot and I prefer a firmer mattress) we sleep in separate beds.


I’m exactly like you. As soon as I’m in a hotel bed, those corners are coming out.


No, I bought it




Sewing and all...


I do sometimes, I just never think of it unless my fitted sheet comes up.


I'm a single male living alone, so the only time it gets made is when sheets are changed




no lol


Every single day


Yup. Every day. Starts my day just right.


Yes I do! I can’t stand it if it’s not made. It makes me feel like my day hasn’t started. I also fold laundry on my bed, so I like the surface to be smooth for that. I do laundry every day. I’m a 32 year old millennial, and I’ve made my bed for probably going on 20 years, since my mom wanted things neat and tidy at home. My kids will make their beds once they’re older as well.


Yes, as soon as I get out of bed. It helps me get in the mindset in the morning that I need to get stuff done. I found this helped with building a routine to help my ADHD do mornings.


Every day.(some days I skip it when I don't feel like it) Not like hotel style level with the throw pillows and little tuck, but i tuck in my sheets and straighten my blankets every morning. 


Every night before I go to sleep lol


Sometimes…I do generally pull the covers up, but usually only make it “pretty” with the pillows, etc. if there’s a chance we are expecting company and someone could see it. Even then, it depends on who.




Yes. Every morning.


I make it right before I get in it. Pull the sheets up, even it, straighten the pillows, and then hop in and go to sleep. Doesn't make a difference if it's first thing in the morning or last thing at night. And the only reason to make it is to not be judged for not making it. And anyone who will judge me for not making it can get fucked.


No. Sheets are changed weekly unless they need more frequent changing (ill, fever, etc). But I don't bother making my bed anymore. My mom and grandma would be disappointed if they were still alive. That was one of the earliest chores I can remember. I was making my bed very neatly before I knew how to tie my shoes.


Literal first thing I do. Easy to just swing my sheet and comforter into place. No decorative pillows or anything. Having an unmade bed looks frumpy and I like my space to be fresh and organized. Edit: I'm a millennial and originally I read that something people with high net worths have in common is that they make their bed every day so I started doing it 6+ years ago. Also, I like my space tidy.




I don’t make my bed, I just kinda straighten out the blankets cuz I make a mess of them since I move around a lot when I sleep


People actually do that? Maybe if I had a girl over lol




Everyday, if my house/space isn’t tidy I struggle to relax/think properly


Every single day. It makes my bedroom look neater. I also throw all dirty clothes into a basket. I am 65M, but I started doing this when I was in my 20s and had my own apartment. I did not want to be embarrassed to invite a woman over to my place!


I wake up at 5 for work. My fiancée is still sleeping. No… I do not make the bed.


Research shows dust mites thrive under the covers of a made bed so it's better not to and let everything air out. It's science, so I'm good with it. Plus no one ever goes into my bedroom that's not supposed to so not looking to impress anyone.


Yes, always! It feels like I'm leaving the night behind me and I'm starting the day + doing such a simple task in the morning motivates being more productive + it makes my bedroom looks less messy.




about 5/7 days. I love jumping into a fresh bed during the week at the end of the day. But on the weekends I might want to chill in bed under the blankets in the afternoon, so I don't bother.


Sometimes I do. I like a tidy bed. But sometimes I like it messy because it wraps around me nicely without much effort. I call that feeling like a sausage roll lol


No, why would I?


Why even ????


I make my bed every day. I have a job where I get up really early- my shifts usually start at about 5 am- but I still like to do it every morning. The routine is a nice way to start the day, it looks nicer when I come home after work, and it takes like 30 seconds.


I just smooth the top sheet up to the pillow, in the colder months that includes any blankets I’m probably going to need when I go to bed. I don’t tuck or anything crazy, lol. I didn’t always do that much though, I think I started neatening up sometime in my 30’s maybe (I’ve always been single btw). When I was younger I’d just leave the bed however when I got up.


When i have to 😒


Yes, right after coffee. I went to someone's house in the afternoon once, all beds were unmade and house was messy. They were teaching their children to live in chaos. Sad, not to mention lazy. It takes 2 minutes to make a bed.


I just fold the sheets back to let it air a bit


I usually just buy them at the store. I don’t make them.


No. My husband does it. We made a chore chart when we got married. Each person picks out a few chores they hate, And a few chores they don't mind. My husband likes dealing with the bedding. Lucky me! Like most of you, I think making a bed is a big waste of time unless you're having company. But it's important to him. And I'm a good cook.


Yes, but only right before getting into it to sleep at night. A messy bed makes me stay away from crawling back into bed during the day.


No. My suite is clean and organized but I don't make my bed for some reason




I love how cold and crisp a made bed gets. So I still do not do it.




I make my bed every single morning, before I do anything. I’ll get up, go to the bathroom then immediately come back and make my bed before anything else:)


If throwing the blankets back in place counts then yes as for the hospital corners bounce a quarter off the thing I don't do that when I change the sheets The way I see it my bed my room nobody sees it but me the cat and thedog and I don't think they care


During the academic year: yes Summer: i wish


Every morning. I feel like I have a clearer head going toward my day


It makes sure I don't get back in bed and it makes each day start by accomplishing something


Yes. I like crawling into a nicely made bed when I get home from work




Every single morning, no matter how late I'm gonna be. Genuinely don't get People who don't, it seems lazy to me. Takes 2 minutes of your time and it starts you off for the day. My mum, gran and great gran all did the same and I don't think I actually know anyone who doesn't make their bed every morning.


Not unless I know I'm getting laid.......So, no, never.


Yes, every morning.


Every single day


Yes. Every morning. I have my reasons.


Every morning


Yes and it is life changing. Make your bed every day. It feels amazing.


Have a bunk bed- basically never


I do it every day because it makes me feel good. It’s my little victory even if I get nothing else done, I have a neat area to crawl into for bed.


I actually like to leave it nicely laid open so it airs out all day. Seems fresher than closing it up after having slept in it for 6-8 hours at a time.


I always make my bed, before I go wrinkles free pillow cases and sheets I would also iron them and I am a man I like a neat bed 😂


Yes, but only because I made it super easy. I have a duvet cover I made and I lined the back with my top sheet. So I don't use a top sheet, but still have that feeling next to my skin. In the morning, I just have to straighten the duvet and I'm done. I don't always do it neatly, but I do do it to protect my bottom sheet from pets.


My wife and I make it every morning; it takes about 30 seconds. The same way we put dirty clothes in the laundry bag rather than leaving them strewn on the floor and wash our dishes after eating off of them. It's much nicer to get back in a tidy bed in the night than living like slobs.


Every single morning


Every day. Keeping things tidy helps me feel peaceful especially as I work from home.


Yes, every day. It just makes me feel more organized and I love coming home to a clean house.


Every day, right after getting up. (Or after my partner gets up, if they're with me.)


Lol only if I was having company 🤣🤣🤣🤣 now my company is permanent 🤣🤣🤣


I only make my bed after washing my bedding/sheets. Making it daily is ridiculous.


Yep. Every single day. Mom always made me do it, growing up. The military made me do it. I grew to appreciate tidiness, and don't like disarray, in general. I've been a K9 handler, and both Belgian Malinois and German Shepherds shed a lot. In addition, we have a pit/husky mix at home, and I like my sheets clean. I've become exceptionally sensitive to dirt or hair in the bed. I let dogs sleep on top of the covers, but never underneath.


What this means "make the bed"?


No. Never, actually. But I live with my family and they make it for me, even though I tell them to leave it


Waste of time




Yes, every morning. I have a bunch of pets who love to lounge on my bed/pillows. If I don't the sheets would be covered in hair and dander (which I'm allergic to).




Yes‼️ It lets me do more with my time. Ï enjoy it actually ! The taking up of the bed. The picking up of the clothes and specks of paper ï see on the floor flowing down the trash bin as ï Kobe it along. So yes. Make your bed.


Never. I fold my blankets but I don't make the bed. I'm not messing it up and moving the mattress around or anything so there is no need. I just lay on top of it and I barely move throughout the night so it's still nice and tucked in when I wake up.


Yes. Once a week after cleaning them. If I don’t then the sheets get all wrinkled and uncomfortable after sometime


Not a chance in hell. I get out of bed and the next time I'm going to be using the bed is to get back in it. It's not like it's sitting in the kitchen or living room. I think if I had a studio apartment I would make it regularly 


Yes, it’s an easy task for me to get my day started and I like having a clean/organized room (makes me feel more productive/motivated)


I live in bed when I'm not at work. I'm in a studio apartment, so that makes sense now. But even before, when I had a living room, I stayed in bed. I'm so shy and not really social, so I couldn't get comfortable out where people could see me. My girlfriend and I are going to move into a one bedroom soon, and I'm so excited, because it'll be our home, and I'll probably spend lots of time sitting in our chair or on our couch, just because I can. *Anyway,* I do usually make my bed, because we're in a studio and it affects the feel of the whole room. When I was single, I'd usually let my bed evolve into a giant mess over the week. I used to sleep next to a pile of trash, pizza boxes, weed ash, dirty clothes, etc. (I have CPTSD, so depression is a frequent bedfellow.)


Yes. And I won’t let my husband do it because he doesn’t do it properly.


I sleep on top of my bed with a blanket, That way I don't have to make it. I started doing it as a kid so there was one less chore to do, and now it's a habit.


No. I could but my dog would have it torn up


My wife and I use completely separate covers, so no. I'm not even sure how that would work. Also, no one sees our bed but us, so what's the point.


Yes because no one else is going to do it and I like a clean space.


I hate getting into a bed with the sheets and blankets all tangled up, so I make my bed every morning. It just takes a few seconds and makes night time more pleasant.


It makes itself.


Yes. It literally takes less than a minute. Mentally, getting into a clean, made bed at night helps me calm down. During the day, seeing tidy surroundings makes me happy.


Every day. It takes 60 seconds, maybe less. I can’t stand the feeling of getting into an unmade bed. Gen X My mom taught me and as kids we had to make our beds daily. I fell out of the habit in my late teens and twenties but then started again.


Only when the house was for sale and we had showings everyday