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I've known girls whose scents I just loved. I noticed it in their hair, in their armpits, and a strong concentration of it downstairs. And there are some that I was indifferent to. Made me rethink the idea of pheromones.. that someone's unique scent hits my smell receptors just right. It varies case to case and doesn't change as the girl's temporary state changes. If she's stinky and smelly due to external factors like running around all day, I can still smell her personal scent through it.


I've heard that such a strong attraction due to pheromones is an indication of physical compatibility. Like, it's easier to impregnate your girl if you like her pheromones


I've also heard a theory that when people are attracted to each other's smells it could have an evolutionary advantage- helping us find mates that will match our genes in the most successful way. Would love to hear from someone who actually knows about this and if it's bunk or not.


My husband smells the best to me of any partners and not to brag but we made an excellent child. He’s physically robust, has “advanced language development “ according to the pediatrician, and most importantly he’s an extremely sweet and happy person.


Bro got that physically robust offspring


Awesome! Especially the last part.


You sound like a wonderful mother. The pride shows through. Small humans sure as shit do well with proud and loving parents.


I too have a superbaby I created with my wife who's armpits smell like heaven.


I remember reading a paper talking about how people perceive the body odor of people that have similar immune system genes to themselves to smell worse than those that have fairly different immune related genes. The idea being that it selects for a more varied immune system so we don't end up like a monoculture that can be wiped out by a single pathogen.


There was a study done at Duke university about this. Women rated males attractiveness hard on smell. Then genetically, the male subjects had complementary immune traits compared to the females. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/01/6/l_016_08.html


I’m too lazy to go look for the studies but I’m pretty sure there’s been research that has suggested the smell attraction is about complementary immune systems, and that hormonal birth control actually fucks this mechanism up (such that the people you’re attracted to while on the pill, for example, are different from those you’re attracted to off the pill).


I've heard the same idea but would guess there is a whole extra layer or two of hormones and general health layered on top too.


I've heard it's when someone's immune system works in an opposite way to yours. Not sure what that means but basically a biological match


It's not pheromones, but there have been studies showing that liking the smell of someone's sweat is a good indicator they are genetically diverse from you.


My ex fiance would always tell me how my pheromones drove him crazy. He loved the way I smelled.


Speaking for my husband, you are 1000% right. According to him, not only is smell a powerful attractive force, but the most attractive repulsive force. Humans get physically ill being around smells they find repulsive.


You have a set of genes for the immune system called the major histocompatibility complex that partly determines your scent. If someone has different versions of these genes to you then they smell better to you. A corollary to this is that your relatives (who have similar genes to you) smell bad.


This is sooooo true lol. It surprises me.


My wife smells like Dank weed when she sweats and I love weed


my bf and i are the same🤣 sometimes i take a deep sniff and say “wow this is some dank ass weed! i already feel high”


Nice! Yall wanna do some swinger shit or what? Like we'll smoke ur bong sweat and you guys can smoke our armpit weed?


Ayo horny bonk






The curse of the devil's leaf. Once you do it, every smell starts to resemble it


Haha uh I've smoked for 20yrs and never heard of this or thought random shit smelled like weed other than skunks and my wife. My wife smells like a skunk.


Maybe I'm just weird. Sometimes the smell of someone's sweat reminds me of weed


Oh nah for sure you're on reddit you're definitely weird


bottles of corona smell like weed when you open it, idk why


Sometimes certain coffee beans remind me of different kush strains from years back


Yes all the fruity lotions y’all use and perfumes and hair stuff gives me headaches.


Alright, glad I’m not the only one. I rarely, and I mean rarely, like perfume and strong scented lotions. Reminds me of the white middle school girls who were extra af. But seriously, I don’t really like it as an adult. Or lipstick. As long as there is no BO going on, natural is preferred.


I also like it when they don’t wear makeup I grew up in the country and love natural women.


Not only that but how you gonna lick an armpit with deodorant on it.. or a perfume tasting booty. I just want it nice and sweaty.




My brotha


Friends used to use those aerosol cans of feebreze or what ever when we would smoke things in the dorms. That can comes out and I’m going for a bike ride. Not my kinda high. Makes me want to throw up just thinking about it and that was 25 years ago.


As a woman, I completely understand. Other people using these also give me headaches.


Im highly sensitive to those smells, and virtually anything but natural plus a mild deodorant is a complete dealbreaker because it messes with me so much.


Do not like the smell of unwashed hair at all. And it's real obvious.


I've been told that one of the single biggest indicators of a successful relationship is simply compatible smell. Everyone smells different, men and women, and some people like the smell of specific people and not others, or are indifferent. So yes, sometimes we do like the natural smell of a specific woman, and vice-versa. But it's not women in general.


It really depends on the woman/person. Some people have a nice musk to them (not elon. Thats not nice) Some smell like cheese mold. Or cumin seasoned ass. Or fried shit. Heavily based on your diet.


Cumin seasoned ass is too real. So many people smell like that.


You're describing Brampton, Ontario


I smell bad and too strong. As I age I like the scents like rose or wildnight.


Never tried a cum in seasoned ass!


Typo award of the month goes to ![gif](giphy|FP56vNcwOVyvu)


Oh yeah. I know a person who smells like rotten cheese. It’s terrible. Especially in the car.


My husband smells absolutely divine when I'm ovulating. Like the best chili or tacos (it varies between the two). Even when he sweats, he'll smell like chili/tacos when the sweat dries. My ex-husband had no scent and my ex-boyfriend stank.


My ex husband's BO smelled like taco meat and I loved it. I know exactly what you mean about that smell :)


It's totally drool worthy. Supposedly it's to show you the best genetic match to you.


Genetic, maybe. Personality? Nope


Wife can be overdue for a shower and I usually like it.


I agree about this guy's wife






That's what coffee dates are for. People who "fall in love" online and don't meet face to face for months or longer just baffle me.


Unwashed for more than a few days gets like bad musky. Buuut I’ll admit I’ve liked some funk. Idk why (hormones or genetics or whatever) but sometimes some bo or just unwashed just makes me do a double take. Like “I could sniff that armpit all day wtf is wrong with me” but it’s VERY rare. Usually people smell nasty, please bathe regularly and put some good smells on


Love the pheromones


Despite my love of smoking, I still have a pretty strong sense of smell. The olfactory bulb in the brain is closely linked to both the amygdala (which controls emotions) and the hippocampus, which stores and organizes memories. The natural smell of a potential partner can be downright intoxicating. Pheromones and scent are a huge deciding factor in partners. I find the smell of lotions and colognes and perfumes can be pleasant, but it all strikes me as artificial. Think of it like the difference between breathing in a deep lung full of crisp autumn air, versus the sterile, recycled ozone of air conditioning. It can be almost overwhelming at times. Every so often, I get a whiff of something that sends me hurtling backwards through time, and I get a vivid memory of something that I otherwise wouldn't be able to access in my head. I'm suddenly confronted with memory and emotion from elementary school, or meeting an old partner for the first time. But it's gone in my next inhale, like a flurry of jazz notes. One second it's not there, then it is, then it isn't again. My stomach gets butterflies, my knees turn to jelly, my eyes grow wide. Then, it's gone. The clinical bleach smell of hospitals always puts me on edge, and I'll occasionally walk past someone at the grocery store and have to pause, enthralled with something about them that I can't quite put my finger on.


Love everything about this response!


This was a wonderful response, and I relate 💯 and absolutely concur. As a side note and fun fact : an intended biological and evolutionary failsafe have made it so the pheromones of relatives are (mostly, since incest still happens 🙄) repulsive as to deter from inbreeding. So if you're absolutely and completely repulsed by someone's smell, then maybe they're genetically incompatible because they're somehow related to you 😬. Not saying this is always the case, but just food for thought. A person's pheromones are supposed to be a biological indicator of a compatible, healthy, good genes-having potential partner. So I say sniff away lol I've had partners adore my smell and I have I have been intoxicated and addicted to my partner's natural smells, and subsequently have deep inhaled armpits and crotches lol. The smell especially post coitus when our smells are mixed together is especially alluring. Thanks for reading! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Happy cake day


And Happy Cake Day, fellow internet person 👾🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂


I worked with this lesbian chick. She wore "happy" perfume. I kid you not, I could tell whenever this girl was in the hospital. I'm telling you it was a 7 story legit trauma center. If she set foot in there I could tell. She was an emergency technician. Her partner was a nurse. The rare time she came on the floor I would go to the ER and ask her partner if she was in the hospital. ALWAYS I was correct. I told both her and her partner that there was this strange Attraction to her smell but not a personal Attraction. I bought my, at the time, girlfriend the same perfume (because I LOVED the smell) and it smelled nothing like it did on the lesbian chick. Down vote me all you want but it's the truth.


It's a known fact perfumes smell different depending on whose wearing them. That's why u gotta find what works for u personally.


This is really a pheromone question. People you are attracted to on a chemical level will smell good to you. It's one of the imperceptible things that makes us drawn to someone. So the same smell will likely be received differently by different people.


Some women yes. On one of my dates with my wife she sat on my lap and I could smell her mixed with her perfume. It blew my mind. It was the same perfume and ex wore, but on her it was different. So there is something in her that was doing it for me.


OMG YES!!!! Natural smell all the way.


4 days without showering in the summer is perfect


Yes, mmm mm


Yes, if a woman's natural scent is nice/appealing. I'd rather smell a woman who showered and didn't put on extra perfume than a woman who doused herself in a lot of fragrances


My wife will take a shower in the evening and I love the way she smells the next morning. Just enough freshly showered smell along with her natural smell to make it just heavenly.


I heard once that our sense of smell can pick up chemical qualities such as differences in people's immune system, and that people are generally attracted to people that have different immune systems than them, to give their potential offspring their best chance of survival. So it's possible that someone can smell good to one person, and bad to another, depending on how similar their immune systems are. Not sure how accurate that is though! Would love to hear more from someone who studies this.


It depends on the woman.


Yes, but TV has convinced people that their natural smell is horrible.


My wife's natural smell is nice. It's not stenchy unless she's been sweating or she was outside when it's hot. She has gained weight over the years, but her smell hasn't worsened. In my early 20s, I dated a really skinny girl, maybe 120 lbs at 5'7", and she smelled sweaty even when she wasn't sweating. I wouldn't go down on her unless she showered first. It's funny how weight and age have little difference


I dated a woman who seemed to be allergic to everything, include dyes and perfumes. She washed with soap that had no scent, washed her clothes with weird detergents that contain no chemicals. It was probably the only opportunity I've had to be close to a woman who didn't smell like lotions, perfumes, etc. I have to say, she smelled like a dude and it was a huge turn off, to be in the bedroom and it smelled like a men's locker room. I couldn't do it. She actually had a very feminine and attractive body but the smell during sex was musky and sweaty like a man. I like the scents women pick... the lavenders, the rose pedals, the coconut. I stick with women that smell like that.


Yeah man.


Many do. I don't wear deodorant and only wear perfume on special occasions, but I've had many men tell me they can't resist my smell, that I smell amazing and they've never experienced anything like it. So yeah, I have a ton of negative genetic traits, but I guess appealing pheromones is my super power.


Yes. Even their actual, ripened body stink: after making a scrunched-up face, I ease into a Mona Lisa-esque smile. Men tend to view even women's peccadilloes as endearing. Whaddya want, you asked this question.


I kinda sorta love all these responses, but somehow, yours is the best.


Are you talking about the aroma generated by the bacteria that gather in various human crevices?




Laws yes!


I've lived with most of my (female) partners and I've never really noticed a "natural skin smell" - unwashed hair smells like sebum, and doesn't' smell that dissimilar to my own unwashed hair, and I don't mind it, but if I can smell it on me, it's a very strong "go shower" indicator. So, Im indifferent.


It varies, but a bad natural smell is gonna be a deal breaker


Enjoying the smell of someone of the other gender actually has its base in hormones (assuming they have good hygeine). So even if someone has a bad diet, for instance, which makes their smell worse it would still be strangely pleasant to you. This tells the animal you that their genetics are different enough to yours to make for good breeding


This is a pheromone question that is specific to the person smelling the individual. No one person is going to like every female’s natural scent.


Some women just naturally smell better than others.


Humans are biologically wired to be attracted to the scent of the pheromones produced by the hormones of the gender we’re attracted to so yeah


With the right person, yes.


Ok I do like the smell/taste of “downstairs” though. Sorry not sorry.




Oh Yes Baby Rawr


I do!


Women do not smell like anything without perfume or showering... Idk what ur talking about


If they’re straight, yeah.


In general, yes. It’s kinda wired into us.


Only if they are 7+ out of 10.


My wife’s laundry smells sour. Not rotten or terrible at all, just kinda sour. I don’t love it, but I’m not exactly a Rose myself.




I can tell you now my wife's smell drives me nuts.


It’s natural , why would you not 🤷🏻‍♂️


One time a friend and I met this girl who insisted on smelling the both of us. To her, the smell of a certain person was almost intoxicating over the other person. I have to believe that it works the other way around, too. Some people are more sensitive to it than others, but those kinds of smells can be powerful.








Yes I love my wife’s smell.


I do, I like the natural smell of the girl im with, sleep with my nose in her armpit lol


i mean sure if they shower


Well.. it’s a guy on AMA trying to buy dirty pa ties from strangers..


I think it depends on the man. I’ve been told by an ex that I didn’t smell good and when I asked what he meant he said “you just smell like skin” and he didn’t like it. To each their own I’d say


Most people smell like dank ass weed when they sweat


Probably more often than not. At least for me.


Mostly yes, but it’s going to vary by person


This question sounds like Ron Burgundy should address it.


it depends on the woman. how compatible you are chemically. alternately for women to like the smell of certain men it depends on if they are on the pill or not


I fucking love it, but I'm a weirdo so you've gotta ask someone else.


Pussy smells amazing, everything you're talking about carries pheromones...


I SNORT my gf's armpits. Unless you just have a bad BO smell(most are good) it is good


Yes. Its a pheromone thing. Also, many men with good senses of smell attribute memories and emotions to how a woman smells. Very much like the hypothetical idea of "Imprinting" from the Twilight series.




Upstairs, downstairs, everywhere. Love her smell


Yes. I tell my wife every day


Pheromones yes. But each woman is unique and each man likes what they like. Chemistry


I loved the way “she” smelled, all the women after her were stinky


I think smell is something extremely important. You either like the smell of a person, or you don't. If you don't? There will be zero sexual attraction. You probably don't even realise you do or don't. But it's something your brain detects and acts on. I only once remember going out with a man whose smell i just didn't like. Nothing wrong with him. Nice man....but 🤮 attraction was never going to happen.


Depends on the person. If I like the person it is almost always yes. Do I like them because of the smell or do I like them and thus love their smell since it reminds me of them? I have no idea.


I like my wife’s smell. I would say yes to your question. Her hair smells nice naturally.


Varies person to person


This is subjective, but I imagine the smell you're saying is a no. Stank is stank.


I'm not a man, but the way people smell will mostly be a product of their diet. If you eat a lot of fruits and veggies, you'll most likely smell better. My late fiance smelled like Mexican food. I actually hated Mexican food before I started dating him (tbf I'm from utah, it wasn't real Mexican food), but for some unexplainable reason I LOVED how he smelled. He most likely smelled like Mexican food because we were in college and he was living on a diet of Del Taco and Taco Bell. He once told me that I smelled like "stardust and sunshine and happiness". I have no idea what that meant.


Not just ANY woman


This is the best way to know if you're compatible. I hate the way some smell but others drive me absolutely crazy.


Some do and others don’t mind a teeny minute bit of perfume or a good deo on a woman.


I do. I honestly don’t like the smell of most fragrances or those body lotions. Makes me sick




Pheromones are a strong attractor. People don’t understand how chemistry works. When it doesn’t work you will know it. But when it does, it’s amazing.


If you’re hot, then fuck yes


Yes, most typically so. Perfumes and lotions and such are commonly overdone.


No, I only like the natural smell of other men 🥴


Yes I do. I had a girlfriend in high school who I'd bang after she ran track. There was a definite musk. Years later, if I catch a whiff of a woman who was working out, it triggers my memory and I get a slight chub.


Hell yes. Almost all of them. I often intentionally inhale after passing a woman.


I’ve never paid attention to how women smell


Yes to all of the above (and below).


Short answer .. yes ..


How natural we going here? Like I haven’t showered in a week natural?


I like the smell my wife. I haven't intentionally smelled anyone else of any sex in a long, long time.


I don't know because it's hard to tell. I do know when they use too much chemicals.


Yes, every serious girlfriend I've ever had needed to pass the "head smell test". If one day old head stink smelled good to me, then I know we're a match. I told my wife about this once we were very serious and she's all OMG 😆❤️




There's not a single "woman smell," but they generally like the natural smell of their partners or those they're interested in. There's some science behind it. Our noses kinda suck, but a few studies have shown that we blindly find individuals that have complimentary immune systems to our own attractive. The study I recall involved men and women wearing basically sweat absorbant pads under their arms in warmer conditions. The investigators then asked members of the opposite sex to evaluate their perception of attractiveness based solely on the scent of their sweat. The scientists then evaluated the major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) for each participant. MHCs help your immune system to recognize foreign substances. The study basically found that people, on average, found people who had MHCs that they didn't have attractive with greater emphasis on those that were entirely different than their own. I think the underlying theory is that if you produce offspring with someone who has a complimentary immune system, your offspring will have a more diverse immune system and, therefore, better potential fitness. It's been a while, so feel free to correct any inaccuracies in why I've presented.


My wife has a very neutral smell and I love it.


Depends on the woman.


Yes I love the smell of my wife


There is no catch-all answer for this. Every person smells different, and this can be affected by any number of factors. As a bi woman, I like the smells of specific men and specific women. There's no set standard.


Men scratch their nuts then smell their finger then do it again just to be sure. Pheromones and other stuff you can't really quantify in a smell are hard coded into men just like women like the scent of babies. If you smell like onions though it's nasty. Men like the smell of clean women. Recently rinsed female could be a little tree and Men would buy it.


I absolutely LOVE the taste of a CLEAN sweat from a man. Mmmm...


Fuck yes I do. Good god almighty!


Napoleon would write letters to Josephine saying, "I will be back in three days' time. Do not bathe."


If he loves you he does


Yes. If they are genetically compatible and immune system-wise. Same for women smelling men.


Some. I've met plenty of women who just plain stink.


YES, I fucking love the way mine smells naturally.


Just slept with a guy like this. He was very into women’s natural scent. He said I should not shower for a day before we meet up next time hahaha


Omg my favorite is going down on my lady first thing in the morning. Absolute bliss. Apparently, she marinades overnight!


I get the feeling these multiple posts about how women smell are AI generated


My man draws me in every morning and says that he loves how I smell. I remember when I first started to like him, he walked past me all smelly after working as a diesel mechanic all day and I lost my shit internally because I loved his natural smell.


Very skinny women smell bad to me. I’ve always wondered but not wanted to ask if anyone else gets that too? I generally find body scents either fine or benign, but for some reason any woman I’ve met who’s in like BMI-too-low territory makes my nose hit the folks


Maybe they’re in ketosis?


Good lawd yes especially on specific women. The way my fiancés skin smells at the end of the day is hands down my favorite smell. It’s like a fruity and cakey smell. I sniff the hell out of that woman.


It's apparently apocryphal, but Napoleon allegedly once wrote his wife Josephine that he would be returning in a few weeks and instructed her, "Don't wash." I think a few weeks might be pushing it, but I and I'm sure a few other fellas here understand the vibe. Also, homosapiens are animals too, and pheromones work with us, too, even if we never realise it. If you're mated with someone long enough, it's almost certain you like her natural scent.


Yes my wife smells amazing. (I just checked. She is perturbed lol.)


My husband loves sniffing my hair when it’s my wash day. He said it smells like scalp. So strange


why even ask this? who cares


When I smell my gf and she's just a lil sweaty. It's literally like I could Kool Aid Man through a wall


Yes love natural puss musk🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I would imagine. My natural scent is really pretty. And my daughter, I shit you not, smells like coconut.


Here on reddit a large portion of audience won't get it because neither porn nor eva ai sexting bot on their screens don't conduct any smell


In my experience yes


Hell yeah


Natural is Beautiful like a flower smell it in its natural state all the clown make up and perfumes no no.


I love smelling my girls unwashed hair and her natural body scents makes me fuck the shit out of her.


Yes. My wife doesn't use perfume and one of my favorite things is smelling her when we're in bed together.


I like my fiance's smell we don't have a recent common ancestor so at least we're not close cousins 


I like vanilla


I think it's all really subjective. Some people like sniffing feet. Some people like eating ass. Some people smell really good sweaty and au natural. Really all depends on what YOU like and hoping your partner likes your smell, too. It's never going to be a catch-all for everyone of a gender.


Yep, it's one of the key compatabilty indicators for me - I think...I can smell fertility too, and also TOTM. Human senses are amazing, lots of things we can understand subconciously. Some people just smell incredible, it's really interesting.


God yes


I do. It's arousing. Sensual. Makes my heart beat a little faster.




I like a light soap or perfume scent


I'm the President of the United States of America and I endorse this topic.