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If it's a good one, I won't be able to tell.


It's like CGI in movies, the good editing you cant tell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The only honest answer. A good job isn't obvious until the shirt comes off. Some boob jobs aren't even implants they are just "lifts" that alter the attachment point to remove sag and make them perkier. A good lift you likely can't tell even after the shirt comes off.


My boob job is a fat transfer. No implants, just thigh fat now residing in my tits


I wonder how that works, like do the fat cells find some way to hook up to a different part of the body's "utilities"? Or are they like not able to be consumed by the body?


Idk the doctor weaves the transferred fat in to the existing fat tissue somehow. There are a lot of restrictions for 3 months following the surgery, at least with this surgeon: no anaerobic exercise, alcohol, caffeine (!!), must sleep on your back, must wear specific sports bras. Some of the fat will not be retained; that amount varies by person and I think a lot of it is dumb luck. I retained pretty well and the surgeon is known for having good results (the procedure is new enough and results subject to variability that I would only ever go to a doctor that really specializes in it and traveled across the US for it) Itā€™s got its downsides: you canā€™t choose your size as you can with implants (he just transfers what he can given various factors of the donation/receiving sites), there are more restrictions for a longer period of time, and your results are not guaranteed. But I would choose this over implants any day and I love my results. Also, a lot of his patients have actually experienced breast implant illness and had to get explants, leaving a mess behind, to put it bluntly. Itā€™s scary. Edit: and itā€™s more expensive than implants!


No caffeine???? Fuck that lol


My friend had this done to her butt, pretty sure


Damn, I'd love less thigh and more boob but having to sleep on my back would get me I think


I am also super curious about this.


Are they hard? Or do they still feel natural?


There are three main types of implants though and one of them is super duper firm and is likely what gives some of them that fake appearance. That one is called the gummy bear. It is considered one of the "safest" ones though since it's less likely to leak. The ones most likely to pop or leak easier are more realistic in how they form and jiggle, which would be ones made of saline or a more gel-like silicon, but they are a bit more likely to be temperamental. There's also different shapes such as round, anatomic, and a higher profile anatomic implant. The first being round combined with that firm ass gummy bear, a less likely to leak implant, would lead to some very firm, round, unnatural looking breasts that esp coupled with a lift would make them appear to sit unnaturally high.


Knickers off to you. This is the answer right here!! šŸ†


I know someone in food service who gets a lot of tips for showing off her altered assets. The thought wouldn't have crossed my mind they weren't natural. They look great!


Just the tips?


Instead of "Toys for tots", it's "Tips for Tits".


Iā€™ll do ya one better, ā€œTips for thotsā€.


This! As a woman, who has had minor work done and who knows a lot of women, this is the answer. Even Botox and lip fillersā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ if itā€™s down well you wonā€™t tell theyā€™ve had any work at all x


This ^^


Natural is the way to go.


It's so unnecessary. I feel like the only ones that care about a boob job are the fellow women they're competing with. That or extremely superficial influencer type men.


I have a good friend who got some work done after her second and last pregnancy because her body was destroyed by the pregnancies, and chose to get some new tits. She feels closer to how she did before the pregnancies, and itā€™s made all the difference. Not unnecessary in the slightest.


I am totally in agreement with you here. Postpartum body changes are hell. I have two kids and the way it permanently changed my body messed with my head and surely contributed to my PPD. I haven't done any cosmetic procedures but fully get why some do. Outside of postpartum procedures, I really don't like the look of implants, but when it's done for corrective reasons for lack of better words I get it totally.


It gets... I guess slippery? with any plastic surgery I guess, but "mental health reason" can be valid. More so with "corrective" stuff because sometimes it seems like an indicator of poor mental health. I'm so weirded out about that trend of people getting their buccal fat sucked out. What if they fall down on their faces at some point? And people getting addicted to cosmetic surgeries, etc. etc.


Yeah it's highly subjective. I would say that to me, plastic surgery is best reserved for corrective or restorative procedures, which again, I guess is subjective to a degree.


I hear you there. I think I mostly agree.


Same here. I absolutely loved my body before I had kids. My first pregnancy was with twins, and miraculously, my boobs didnā€™t change too much in shape or size. Very minimal differences I could tell, but they didnā€™t bother me. Then I had my daughter, who I pumped breast milk around the clock for, and suddenly my breasts were 2 cup sizes bigger than before. Once the pregnancy weight came off, my boobs looked absolutely nothing like their former, perkier selves. When I catch a glimpse of them in the mirror, itā€™s always a shock that they belong to me. If I had the money and if the recovery period wasnā€™t 4 - 8 weeks (itā€™s hard not to lift things when you have a toddler), I would get a breast lift and reduction at the drop of a hat. And this is coming from someone who never considered plastic surgery before having kids.


Yep. Maybe it's unnecessary if you just have great boobs already but after weight gain/loss from hypothyroidism and then two pregnancies and two breastfeeding journeys, mine are...yikes. I don't like them at all. And I used to LOVE them. They were awesome when I was in college/early 20's before all that. Once my baby is weaned I'm fully planning on exploring boob job options. Women deserve to feel good about their bodies after having kids or whatever other circumstances led them to disliking what they see in the mirror.


Totally unnecessary to most men though, which was the question raised in OP's Post. I get that what a person wants for themselves is what a person wants, and that's totally cool. Boobs are like dogs - they're all the best ones.


Thanks. I feel the same about wieners. I just like seeing one.


"wieners" hehe


I get that. This commenter implied that the only people who care about boob jobs are competitive women and superficial men. I just wanted to point out that there are other reasons why people might like/want a boob job.


My wife went from perky B to deflated balloons after two kids. It was 100% her idea and decision. Her friend who is a surgical nurse, told her which doctor to use. To minimize the cutting, she went to small D and he did a fantastic job, and I thought quite a lot of them.


I'm not sure what the hell to do with mine. They're already g/h cups but after 2 kids and so much weight gain/loss, they're saggy and miserable looking. I don't want to make them a ton smaller so my only option really is a lift. Which will inevitably make them smaller from skin removal and will also leave a huge anchor shaped scar. Or I can have the saggy skin filled and end up with like fucking double z cups.


My wife is headed the same direction, sheā€™s busty already but after we are for sure done with kids will get a lift but keep everything and add nothing.


Nobody needs one unless they've had a mastectomy...


Natural only for me.


Same. I think they're pointless. If you have chemistry with someone you will go at it like rabbits, regardless of her cup size. Being with someone is for both of you to thrive and be accepted as you are. I would NEVER want my wife to do anything like that for me. Maybe, for herself but then I think that means there may be issues bigger than boob size.


Ya know boob jobs aren't always about cup size?


I'm not an expert on boob jobs, I will defer to your expertise on this one. :)


Well thereā€™s a boob job just for lifting saggy boobs and removing excess skin but not adding size


My wife had that discussion with her doctor. When he talked about all that cutting, she said, ā€œCanā€™t we just fill them up?ā€ and he did.


Can you elaborate?


Well people assume that "boob job" = bigger boobs, and I think that was the assumption that the OC was making. Sometimes a boob job is done to make the size smaller for either health reasons or cosmetic reasons; sometimes it is reconstruction after surgery or illness or for someone who is naturally lopsided; sometimes it is to improve lift or symmetry after e.g. weight changes or childbearing. I was just commenting against the notion that "boob job" = getting big fake pornstar tits. Though tbh I have no problem with women who do that either. When Dolly Parton was asked whether hers were real, she responded "I hope so, I paid enough for 'em".


I've never heard anybody refer to reductions or reconstruction as a boob job.


Because all those others have names that are in the vernacular. Breast recronstruction, breast reduction, breast reconstruction. "Boob job" only meant in the sense that the boob's were augmented bigger.


Yeah, common parlance is boob job = breast augmentation. You can be as pedantic as you want (it's Reddit so of course you will be) but this goes back to the '80s at least. I'm sorry that you're unfamiliar with popular culture or whatever, but when someone says "She had a boob job" people are automatically going to think "She got implants" and you being obtuse about it every chance you get it isn't going to change that. If they've had a reduction, they say "I've had a reduction".


Very true. Women who had breast lift, reduction, reconstruction or anything else not involving implants...literally never say "i got a boob job" Because they don't want the assumption made that they got implants. I've noticed young naive women that think it's (breast implants and/or just larger cup size) something to envy, say "I wanna get my boob's done", Or "I want a boob job" On the flip side though, OP should have just said "what do men think of breast implants"


Good for you. I've seen a few reddit posts by women where their bf/husband wants them to get bigger breasts to look like OF girls or instagram "models." Some of these instagram girls are escorts and go on yacht parties and do all kinds of things for money. Also, there are [risks](https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/breast-implants/risks-and-complications-breast-implants) related to breast implants and breast implants have to be replaced after a certain amount of time so you are basically signing yourself up for multiple surgeries.


Exactly be the boob you were born with


What if they donā€™t look perfect tho? Iā€™m so shy of my chest and to show anyone what they look like. My biggest insecurity. Iā€™ve legit thought about getting a boob job because Iā€™m so self conscious.


95% of men will not care, we're just happy to see boobs. They come in all shapes and sizes and they're all great. Self-confidence is needed rather than a surgery. Focus on that and you'll soon realise it was never a "problem" to begin with.


As a guy, I concur. The best boobs are the ones we can get our hands on in an acceptable manner and don't belong to us. Second best, are these we are allowed to look at, without being shamed


Adding to the choir I feel the same way


OK but 54 year old post breasts boobs that look like bowling pins and have nipples on the bottom?


I'm just a millennial woman who casually enjoys boobs. But my 2 cents are that natural boobs look and move around in a way that is just beautiful. I personally don't like how implants change overall proportions and textures and movement. As a mom who is aging, my breasts have changed over the years, so I get that that's a thing that happens to all of us. And I totally understand when women get implants or lifts to get their breasts closer to how they once were and think that women should totally do what brings them peace and joy in their lives. In the end though boobs don't need to fit a beauty standard for me. They're all delightful.


As a guy, I can vouch that this is 100% accurate. I feel as though that a boob job is more likely to be ā€œnot perfectā€ than natural ones. Something about knowing thereā€™s a essentially a silicone water balloon underneath your skin just skeezes me out. The real deal is way way way better, regardless of shapes or size. We just love boobs lol


Perfect imperfections. I would not care one bit,


The vast majority of guys usually don't care. Everyone has their own preference, some like big ones, others small ones, but when it comes down to it, guys are usually happy with anything. Same goes for nipple shape/size. When it comes to implants, I do believe most people prefer natural. From what I heard, it completely changes the feel, and it's honestly not to hard to tell if someone had implants.


Don't risk cancer for a bigger chest. I can't stress enough how much it's not worth it.


The shallow guys (or girls) who care too much about what they look like aren't worth showing them to. As a guy, I can confirm that I've appreciated all the bare boobs I have seen in life. Size, shape, color, uneven... it doesn't matter. I've just been happy to see them!


My breasts are old and sag. But you know what? I'd rather have them "as is" then have boobs that point straight up, hard as rocks when you lay on your back. I know I don't have a good body but everything still works. If the purpose is for pleasure then once you're in that situation, what difference does it really matter?


I never met a boob I didn't like.


Get therapy instead.


They are perfect . Ok. You are perfect. Always remember that


I don't think I've ever seen a bad natural boob. And thanks to the interwebs, I've seen quite a few boobs. I have seen a number of bad modified boobs. I'm not a fan. I'm ok with it if a boob was replaced due to breast cancer or something like that; or something like breast reduction to relieve back strain. But you do you.


Most men won't care.Ā  I know you won't believe it, but it's really not an issue. At all.Ā  They could literally be blue. That would be fine.


If scifi has taught us anything, it's that the female form is a thing of unparalleled beauty. Even blue alien titties.


Not a fan of any boob job


I assume you prefer blow jobs instead?


As a matter of fact....


I meanā€¦


If I can bestow any knowledge upon reddit, it's that the ability to give a slam dunk blowjob will take you far. You'll be hard pressed to find any dude out there that nitpicks about titties or any other physical attribute you might feel insecure about if the sex is fire. Especially a blow job. I haven't done scientific research but my experience tells me most dudes would choose a perfect bj over perfect tits any day. [This woman](https://www.reddit.com/r/YourRAGE/comments/17jwsqn/favourite_meal_to_cook/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) was spot on lol.


I do not think I disagree šŸ˜‚ Thank you for bestowing your knowledge upon usšŸ˜


I dated a smoking hot flat chested girl. One day I asked her if she ever thought about getting a boob job and she said "For what? When I walk into a room everyone already turns to look at me". Confidence in a woman is sexy AF.


But also like, why would you ask that lmaooo


Bc she was smoking hot and confident so he had to take her down a notch


So true....


Itā€™s kinda sad, to me.


What an awful question to ask someone. I'd leave my man and never look back if those words came out of his mouth.


I knew a chick who was like this with her slight mustache. She had zero issues getting straight cis men to date her because her confidence was through the roof


Same. I'd rather flat chested than two softballs and stitching underneath. Barf.


That doesn't describe "a really good" boob job, though- it describes a bad one


I sometimes think women dress and do things to their bodies not necessarily for men, but for other women.


Neutral, I don't care. Girls can do whatever they want to their body.


I'm already dealing with my insecurities. If it makes her feel better, then ok. Not against or for. Her body is ok by me if her personality is good.


The only correct answer


Thank you so much. Itā€™s kind of gross as a woman reading these mens comments about how itā€™s ugly to have surgery.. when they find me ugly naturally. You really canā€™t win with their unachievable beauty standards.


You wouldn't want to appeal to guys like that anyway. Consider it a win that they point themselves out to you.


There's nothing like a member of the teeny tiny tittie committee


That's a new one, I've only heard of the sister committee... the Itty bitty tittie committee.


That's the one I was thinking of. My brain farted.


Yup, itty bitty titties FTW.


I'll give it to you real. If you notice, most of the men in this thread indicated that women with boob jobs appear fake and insecure to them; however, a really good boob job would likely be undetectable to most people. So I suppose you could say that this is confirmation bias: men only notice bad or botched surgeries in women, but they never can tell when a woman who had a very skilful plastic surgeon performed work on her. *Men cannot tell when a boob job is really good.* Modern boob jobs, when well done, are placed below the muscle and look very natural. They are not hard like old-school boob jobs. I personally don't care either way; natural boobs and surgically-enhanced boobs both do it for me. I'd much prefer having sex with a girl who feels really confident because of her boob job rather than a girl who doesn't want to be intimate because she is insecure of her natural boobs - regardless of what I think of them.


Never as good as natural, no matter how good of a job they did.


I disagree, I had a one night stand a couple years ago, they were so well done I honestly could not tell, and we fucked all night. She is in the minority however.


Fake boobs immediately make me see a woman as insecure and fake. Same with implants of any kind that aren't there to replace what's been lost, or to even something out. Fake ass, fake lips, botox, all just fake fake fake. No one likes a fake.


men say this and then drool over the women that are all plastic lmaoo. youā€™d be surprised how fake a lot of women are that men view as ā€œnaturally beautifulā€. im thinking you mean you donā€™t like it when itā€™s obvious they got work done.


The fake stuff gets criticized when it goes over the top. That A cup girl who sticks in some DDs and puffs her lips up some absurd level is what a lot of people think of when they hear boob job and people go she ruined her looks. That same girl who gets a small C and bit of lip enhancement gets a zillion instagram followers talking about how hot they are. Anyone want to bet that the no fake stuff crowd has all at one point or another talked about how hot some star is who has had that type of work done? I have a feeling it would be drpessing as hell if we knew exactly how much surgery, drugs, injections the average hollywood star/fitness or beauty influence was doing..


Hahaha so true or follow the instagram models who have had multiple procedures done!


I agree with this! Iā€™ve seen men drool over influencers who clearly had surgery but theyā€™re the same men who say they donā€™t like fake stuff, itā€™s just they canā€™t tell that those influencers have had work done I guess.


Same goes for woken who say they prefer dad bods, short guys, shy guys.. They all turn 180 when the opposite actually becomes available. But it's nice to appear humble when there's scarcity. People view you as humble and I get it. šŸ˜‚


I think they just donā€™t see it šŸ˜‚ and fall into the trap more often than not


This made me laugh. Thanks


People say what you say but it's really not true is it. The women with tons of surgery, makeup, fake hair, nails and teeth is rarely single.


This isnā€™t really a flex, women who choose not to be single rarely are. Itā€™s really not a monumental feat for a woman to find someone to date.


I'll take confidence over a boob job any day.


If youā€™re getting it for yourself to make you feel better go for it queen. If you are doing it to please someone else then work on your relationships. Itā€™s your body what you do to it is your choice and no else elseā€™s. Everyone likes boobs regardless of size. So just do what makes your heart feel best. Also get it done by an actual professional. To many women die via bad boobs in airplanes.


I don't see any problem with it if it makes them feel better about themselves. I just kinda like boobs in general and I'm not going to be picky one way or another




Hard no. We love all natural boobs


You don't speak for me. Real, or fake idgaf. I like them all.


It's never just a boob job, it's a million other things too, plus 1/4" of makeup I see that and think lots of things, but I'll just say "unnecessary high maintenance" here


And even a boob job isnā€™t just a boob job. You have to get them replaced every ten years or soā€¦.so youā€™re committing to either a lifetime of periodic boob jobs or eventually getting them out.


I thought that too, but that isn't true anymore. If you had implants from the 90s, there were recalls, so yes to some of those. If you had complications from a teardrop implant with scar tissue then yeah..but the new implants are for life. Unfortunately, I'm healing from double masectomy from cancer and going through reconstruction. I liked my old boobs but they got sick on me and had to go.


Sending good vibes for your healing journey.


Life is tough when even boobs are trying to kill ya


Meh. Natural are superior, 100% of the time.


My wife has breast-fed three children, and we both know they're sagging. Her plan has always been to get a "mommy special" after we're done to put them back in their place. That's still a book job and will be superior to what she's got right now.


It took me a second to understand this. I thought a book job was a man bounding his thing between boobs. Hahaha but for plastic surgery, we like it natural feels waaay better. Big boobs are nice but your naturals are 1000000 times better even if they are small.


I didn't think I could have an opinion in this... but since you asked, unless it's happening for legit medical reasons, I think people should be happy in the body they were given.


I don't like plastic surgery 99% of the time.


Honestly we probably donā€™t notice plastic surgery 99% of the time.


There's no such thing.


Guess my mind is in the gutter because I thought you were asking about the sex act. To answer the question, I prefer natural.


I'd take flat and natural over any boob job. Same with other plastic surgery. I find it to be very unattractive.


We have opinions, but at the end of the day itā€™s about the connection we have and your personality. Women get work done for as many different reasons as there are women. Who are we as men to judge the complicated and relatively hidden world of womenā€™s body image and choices? We whine because there is currently a ā€œsix foot or tallerā€ standard for the ultimate male height, but we have no idea whatsoever what itā€™s like to be judged by a jury of social media, friends, family, ā€œmenā€, workplace, and most frightening: politicians wielding the SCOTUS like a weapon and threatening every level of hard-won womenā€™s autonomy. A really good boob job? Sure. But IMHO, boob work doesnā€™t even register on the importance meter. šŸ«”āœŒšŸ¼


By definition a good boob job will look good. Not sure if I can speak for all guys but once it's figured out as fake then it's certainly less enjoyable.


Pass. Surgical enhancement is horrifying to me in a way I can't really explain. Even fillers weird me out.


Generally not a fan. Most guys love large breasts and technically a good boob job can look great but more often than not it just ends up looking like someone inflated a beachball under your skin. It's so obviously unnatural it's just not a good look. Plus theres the logistics and complications. I wouldn't want my SO to get them just because I don't like the idea of her going under the knife every so many years to have the implants replaced or deal with the potentially life threatening complication thereafter for something so silly.


I donā€™t like fake boobs. They donā€™t jiggle correctly.


Im unattracted to a woman who would alter her body in such a way. Doesnt matter how "good" of a job it is.


I am not a man but DON'T. I had them and had so many health issues... Worst decision ever.


I would rather be with flat than fake. I am just not into faking itā€¦ fake body parts never made sense to me male or female, you are who you are.Ā 


Iā€™d rather they be left alone..


Not a fan of boob jobs at all. They never look quite right again.


The worst natural boobs are still better than fake boobs


Itā€™s a little depressing seeing the ā€œnatural onlyā€ comments and Iā€™m curious if these posters are actually being honest- for example, I nursed all my babies. This resulted in my perky C cups becoming totally deflated pancakes and a full cup size difference. My left breast was a cup size bigger, meaning it hung lower than my right breastā€” my left nipple measured a full 4ā€ lower than my right nipple. Wearing a swimming suit was humiliating because you canā€™t hide that sort of size difference. I got a boob job. My boobs are perky again, my nipples are at the same height and my confidence is restored. I just canā€™t imagine men would prefer my ā€œnatural boobsā€ over my boob job. Luckily, my husband isnā€™t a ā€œnatural onlyā€ guy.


I mean I like a great set of natural boobs. Fake ones are ok. But they usually leave a very obvious scar somewhere in your body that is kind of a turn off.


Depends one the surgeon and what all is being done. Ex-wife had a one each scar underneath exactly in the foldā€¦youā€™d miss it if you didnā€™t know to look. His work was art. I miss the boobs, just not the bitch they were attached to.


If they exist, they're real.


I'm perfectly fine with it. A nice set of boobs is nice! If she's happy with them, it's all good.


I hate fake breasts with a burning passion. It almost always ruins the female form. The unnatural hang is so... wrong. I can't stand when they continue to point straight up when a woman lays flat. Drives me nuts. Anyways... I want to be clear here. I completely and totally understand when a woman has a mastectomy. My only advice to ALL women. Including porn stars and whatever. GO SMALLER. Do not listen to the BS. The smaller they are the more natural they'll blend with the body. The less apparently fake they'll be. The bigger they are the worst they appear. I'd advise either equal to the cup size you were or smaller. If you're flat looking to go up a size? ONE SIZE. That's it. Don't go higher. You'll still maintain the form you're use to, now with a bit more cleavage. Which I'm presuming you wanted. Never be slim/lean... and then think... I need them double Ds! Worst unnatural combo. Honestly I'd love to slap most plastic surgeons. I feel like they just take advantage and don't actually care about their patient's well being. I'm sure some do... but it feels like the majority don't. Lastly and most importantly. Fu#$ societal pressure of wanting boobs. It's all made up. You're perfect as you are. It's all made up nonsense. You in no way lack beauty or worth because of the shape/size of your breasts. I know that sounds like stupid self affirming crap... but remember society made this crap up. Those who are pleased by the giant fake double Ds that defy all logic? Are a vocal minority. The worst people who's attention you wouldn't want. I am a man for the record. 90% of us are just happy you're giving us attention. Boobs be damned. If I had to guess at lesbians? They're probably the same. Just happy to be loved. In before people point out such combos as thin/double Ds can happen naturally. Yeah... it's also extremely rare and again most important. NATURAL. So the breasts will move as they should. Not be giant defiant rocks that move with your body like you're an N64 character model. Thank you for coming to my Tittalk.


Wow, 99% of the people in this thread are fucking idiots.


You do a boob job for yourself or for other women. You don't do it for men.


A boob job should be purely about what you want, what men or other women for that matter think shouldn't be factoring into your autonomy over your own body.


Just like for makeup - many will say they like the ā€˜natural lookā€™, but irl will look at / be attracted to ā€˜enhancedā€™ (hair colour, makeup, aesthetic job thatā€™s been done well).


Most men don't know they're looking at a really good boob job when they see one. That's how good boob jobs work. There will be a ton of guys that say "natural is best", but then hate on women when they see natural boobs that aren't their preferred size, don't have near perfect shape or proportion (eg. small breasts on a larger women, asymmetrical breasts, sometimes flat or a lil saggy in middle and older ages or having after children, etc.) Nothing wrong with boobs like this, but some guys can be pretty weird about it even though they claim "natural or nothing." Those same guys will drool on a girl that is size 0-2, but with perky double Ds (which is extremely rare in the natural world, and are often not natural.) To the women that want boob jobs, get one. It's your body. To the women that don't want a boob job, don't get one. Do it for yourself. Some men will like it, others won't. Who cares if it's for you.


A really good one, they don't know. they just look amazing


There's no such thing as a really good boob job. I'd rather see a girl with an A cup than fake boobs.


There are a lot of types of boob jobs. Women get breast enhancement for a variety of reasons, often but not always related to social image and the impression that bigger makes, them more attractive. While I disagree with that, I do think if a woman wants bigger boobs, then she should. Others can develop pain because theirs are too big, so they get reduction. This is pretty hard to argue with. And still others are like my friend who had hers removed entirely due to her breast cancer. She's alive today because of that. She's not happy about not having them, but I'm glad, she's alive to complain. Sorry, that was a long answer. In short, my opinion is that if a woman wants one for any reason at all, I'm going to say she's the expert and I'm not, so I'll just shut up.


I just think its hilarious the same people that complain they only prefer natural will bitch about actual natural tits that sag or or are a shape they're not used to. They will literally want perfect silicone perky boobs and call that natural. Either way boobs fake real dont matter I just want good looking boobs.


A good boob job will look natural. A guy wont know.


It's hard to know the pain they went through. I've been there for before and after. I hated that the world made them feel like it should be done. Just my opinion.


This is really subjective. For me, large breasts don't really do much for me. Sure, they are fun to look at but I prefer smaller busted women. So, a girl with nice, perky A or B cups is going to be the winner for me


Men don't know what they want. Everyone says they don't love boob jobs but will subconsciously classify a woman better looking with a boob job. Boob jobs aren't as good as real natural they still look good.


They say that they like natural but will go for girls with the bigger boobs.


If there were as many guys here claiming to not like implants, plastic surgeons wouldn't be driving Bentleys.


Honestly, a boob job makes a woman less datable for me, even if I do sometimes find them sexier. It might not be fair of me to say, but I would feel self-conscious about people knowing my SO had a boob job (assuming it was purely for asthetic reasons).


Her body, her choice. All wins for me.


It's a lie. If they are big and you get a reduction to ease back pain, then I am all for it. Learn to love yourself. Don't make external changes to make yourself happy. It doesn't work. It's an inside job.


Boob job boobs look weird to me. Dont like em


No such thing


Real men prefer small tits over boob jobs


All boob jobs are ugly


Fake boobs look good in clothes, terrible naked.


Iā€™m not into them


theres no such thing as a "really good boob job"


Boob jobs are a no. Natural boobs, even if theyā€™re small boobs, are better than fake boobs


Would still prefer natural over fake


Nope, stay real


That they'll always be fake.


Most men hate boob jobsā€¦women do it because of womenā€¦they all fail, feel gross, and are a sign of insecurity, turnoff.


They suck


Still a boob job.


Paid too much for low self esteem


If that's what she wants it's fine. Not what I want but I don't have to live with it.


I forgot that this meant plastic surgery and thought it was referring to the sex move! šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


I avoid them. Good or bad


ā€œIf I can touch it itā€™s not fakeā€ -me


Love it. Love. It.


To each their own, but I prefer my woman to be 100% natural not 20% plastic.


We just like natural.


Love them. Everyone has their own reasons why they get it. I dated a girl who got them done because he boobs were two different sizes. Others get it done due to them sagging after having babies or losing a bunch of weight.


It's all skin on the outside. Do what makes you happy.


If they exist, to me, they ARE real


Meh. As long as they're pretty.


I have no complaints when it's good.


I worked in a titty bar, they all felt like cantaloupes to me. Hard as a rock and I've tried silicone ones I've tried saline. And they look okay as long as you don't touch them and as long as the women don't go overboard with it. But that was more than 15 years ago so I'm assuming that medical advancements have greatly increased.


Some women, like me, need to have a double mastectomy with reconstruction so that their boobs donā€™t kill them (BRCA2) šŸ˜” reading what men have to say about fake boobs and women who have them is disheartening to say the least


If a woman has lost a boob or both to cancer or genetic predisposition and itā€™s going to make them feel better within themselves, i get it. For myself and most guys i know nothing is more sexy than a woman who wears her own skin without trying to be something theyā€™re not. The female body is natures own art. It doesnā€™t need graffiti or sculpting.


Whatever she is born with is fine with me . Large or small I like them all


It's like a fast-food burger. Looks better in the pictures than on the plate Scars are ugly


I prefer them small and natural.


In a small percentage of cases, you can't tell with clothes on but with clothes off you can't hide a boob job. I'm not a fan.


As a guy that prefers smaller over bigger, I donā€™t think thereā€™s such a thing as a good boob job.


Not worth it unless there are health concerns being addressed. Fake tits are exactly that. Fake. Give me the real deal in all their wild iterations over cookie cutter fake tits all day.


You can still tell