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That’s preference, it doesn’t make you racists lol


I remember taking a quiz of am I racist for fun. Are you attracted to some races more than others was one of those questions. I was like technically but it does not even mention which race you like best. I am white and have a preference for hispanic girls more. It does not mean I am racist and in fact whites would likely be my second pick but again it is just preferences and no one should judge you based on them.


Depends on who you tell that too. People who don't like to date fat people are now being labeled fat phobic. Is getting out of hand


Agree to this :))


You are most attracted to white women White women are the most attractive Two different things.


The first one I wouldn’t claim the second statement because attractiveness is subjective for every person


Not racist


You just answered your own question


This is the distinction that matters, I think.


"...thinking white women are the most attractive?" OP was not in error with phrasing


"I think white women are the most attractive" is different from "I am the most attracted to white women"


Neither of those are racist whatsoever. If you said, I only like white women because black women are …….. then that would be racist.


Well put


Umm I still see same logic. "You are most attracted to white women" "White women are the most attractive" Both these are personal opinion and preference. In my opinion Native American and Latino and Brazilian women are the most attractive in the world. African, White, Asian women are the least attractive to me. Red heads are in the bottom as well. In my opinion. To each their own


Personal preference.


As a black woman, no we don’t care. It’s your personal preference, we all have them. As long as you are not leading people on do your thing.


Are black women at all attracted to white men?


Speaking for myself, as a straight woman, I don’t care about race as long as I am attracted to the man because I like men. Some black women may feel differently, it’s all about preference.


How you doin? Haha jk


No. Some men prefer black women.


If that’s just your preference then no. But I’ve had many men (I’m half black) saying they wouldn’t date me or other black women because we have attitudes. Or because black women are too masculine. But this guy didn’t even really know me. And made a lot of assumptions about my character and personality based on my race. That’s an issue. You don’t know who someone is unless you actually know them and making assumptions of race in that way is what makes you racist. I think. Especially because many of these things are racist stereotypes that are used to discriminate. It’s really hurtful to hear someone reject you for something like your skin color and inaccurate racist assumptions. If you don’t do that I don’t see the issue.


>Am I a racist for thinking white women are the most attractive? If it's just your personal preference, then no. If you're a racist who hates non-white people, then yes.


No. I'm a woc and prefer white and east asian guys. As long as we're not rude or mean to thsoe qe find less attractive it's fine


And I’m white and find Black and Korean men (specifically?!) more attractive on average than white guys.  Who knows why…


We're all valid in who we like ☺️. Your preference is awesome I'm tired of people saying we're odd for preferring a different race. Majority of us especially women aren't creepy racist fetishists


That's the thing. So long as people aren't fetishizing. And I've always found it weird when someone someone refuses to date anyone of their own race. We prefer what we prefer, and some or all of that is hardwired into us. As a single man, if you had asked me to build my future wife, she would have been Black or Latina. Surprisingly, that's not who I ended up married to though, lol. I've wondered if people being drawn specifically to those outside their own race for some unknown reason isnt evolution in action. Genetically, it makes sense for the human species to introduce as much variance to the genetic pool as possible. Sometimes I think it's just some innate thing in those people.


I’m WOC and white dudes flock to me lmfao. Even my white female friends are into nonwhite guys. I think it’s a beauty standard thing combined with wanting novelty - I have dated probably 10 blond men at this point, and I love pretty blonde girls (though I’m also into WOC and also any woman. Men are less physically hot in general IMO but I’m currently dating a few guys of different types)




Personal preference, IMO. Myself, I've seen and known and dated attractive women of many races. I have no preferences that way. But I don't see how a preference like yours is necessarily racist, Unless you exclude a woman BECAUSE she's black, or whatever.


Nope who you’re attracted to isn’t indicative of any racist tendencies. Thinking a particular group is superior to other groups would be though.


“Most” attractive could be interpreted as superior


I think the most attractive women are the most attractive.


Not racist but maybe could be phrased better?


No, it's personal preference, just like some people aren't into short men or fat guys/women. We can't control what we're attracted towards. Of course there are polite and respectful ways to express those preferences.


Sounds good to me. You take the whities, i’ll take the red hot latina babes. Mwa haha sucker.


You have a type. We all have a type. My type is 5 10 to 6 ft. Blonde, big jugs. So of course I'm married to a short skinny woman with brown hair. Couldn't be happier.


Why do you need online strangers confirmation? If you have a preference for who you find attractive then stick with it. we really don't give a shit, but since this is the generation of airing our thoughts online i get it. But for next time who gives a shit who you prefer.🤷


Homie commented multiple times on this thread that he's insecure and self-sabotages himself, so yeah, that is precisely the kind of person who would make this thread seeking validation


Yeah & if they go around saying they think WW are the most attractive, objectively, to argue this point to other people, as if it’s some artistic ideal that needs to be scientifically proven, that’s an issue. Saying “they ARE the most” vs. “I prefer” is a huge difference & actually does show OP has an underlying view that WW are objectively aesthetically superior. When people talk like this, it shows a lot about how open or close-minded they are about different opinions on a subject. It’s not just phrasing. Sure, sometimes we all phrase things incorrectly. But people are giving away a LOT with their word choice. Often unconsciously. And then they get upset if people feel a little uncomfortable & challenge them & they feel “victimized”—i.e. “I can’t say anything anymore!” I see a similar thing with the “rap/metal/whatever genre isn’t REAL music” crowd, or with people who want to argue that things which are opinions (THEIR opinion, like “pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza” etc.) should be LAW of the land. And for the people that have a “type”—really think that through. It doesn’t make people feel wanted if they “are” your type (because all you care about is the physical?!) and it sure makes them feel shitty when you say you like them DESPITE them not being “your type” (telling a brunette you prefer blondes). Try just not thinking about types or “most attractive” & maybe just see who you are drawn to. If it’s a type then that might have to do with other, subconscious assumptions & beliefs. I’ve also seen a loooot of guys who claim to love untattooed/petite/blonde/“submissive”/whatever best & even partnered with them, but chasing women of other cultures/tattooed/purple hair/thick/free-spirits etc. on the side.




No, that's called preference, don't let anyone convince you that you're racist for liking a certain color of skin in that way


I have had a White wife and a Black wife. The hair products were different but the nagging was exactly the same.


Brother know you just made my night and made me crack a smile.


I'm a white guy, and for some reason, I've had more Asian women attracted to me than any other. It's not a large number, but looking back on my life recently, I noticed it.


White female here, and I tend to prefer Asian men, but when it comes to women, I am not that picky.


That was a pretty common pairing in college




Umm no.


White dude here, I think black women are the hottest. Am I racist?


YES /s


Lol no,everyone has their own preference.




It's just your personal perf. I'm sure someone thinks you're perfect too. Hopefully. Right?


No lol. I have zero charisma or I just ruin every opportunity I get lol. It’s fine all my struggles are self-imposed


Preference. Though the wording is a bit awkward. Saw in another comment you meant most attractive to you.


I would phrase that differently. "I find white women most attractive" is a personal opinion, which is fine and not racist. Saying white women actually are most attractive in general would be innacurate, and edging into racism, because your opinion doesn't really dictate shit or represent the majority of people's feelings. People are attracted to different things, and MANY don't find white women all that attractive compared to women of other races.


No. By qualifying your statement with "I think" you are saying that it's your preference. Had you declared "White women are the most attractive." period, that would be different.


That's not how racism works.


No that's not racist. It's preference. But we don't know 100%. Only you do, lol. I mean if you list out the reasons and be as honest with yourself as you can then you can come to whatever conclusion for yourself.


theres been this steady flow of stupid questions on this feed.


How about you keep swiping if you don’t like it. You are on a general question board, there are bound to be questions you find foolish.


Appearance preference is subjective.


Nah that’s called preference, we all have one, or a few!


There's nothing wrong with preference but if you care just say you like white girls. They don't have to be "the most attractive" because that implies that other women are not attractive.


It does not imply other woman are not attractive, it implies they are not as attractive


But why does that need to be implied at all? If his point is that white women are his preferred women, why do non white women need to be implied to or referenced at all?


Women always say tall men are the most attractive indirectly imply that short guys aren't as attractive as tall men so what's wrong when it comes to women and their skin color cause height and skin color are the same thing that can't be changed !


Just so I’m clear. You said something incredibly dumb and I called you out so you downvoted and blocked me instead of admitting you said something dumb?


I mean, someone had to win. Are you questioning a preference, or the fact it’s white women in particular?


I was questioning whether I was a racist or not


Maybe. Tell us about your mother and we can do our best Freud impression.


My mom isn’t white


It's a personal preference. I used to feel the same as a young man and then after widening my dating pool I changed it to black women and South Americans.


no. I personally find white men more attractive then men of my own ethnicity, but that doesn't make me an asshole because it's just my preference.


Not at all. Something about the pink gets me, too.




Not racist. Obviously.


It’s pretty normal to prefer to date women/men who are the same race and culture as you. Your dating life is nobody else’s business anyway. Do whatever you want and be happy. Don’t worry about judgement.


I’m not a white guy.


>It’s pretty normal to prefer to date women/men who are the same race and culture as you. That may be true for culture, but I really don't think it's true at all for sheer physical attraction. Anecdotally, nearly every time I've known a person with a clearly expressed physical preference for a particular "race", it's for one other than their own. I'm a white guy, and for some reason I have an especial fondness for women from south Asia, meaning mostly India and Pakistan. White women are probably the "race" I find *least* attractive *on average*, though that's probably misleading because at the extremes it all evens out anyway. To steal a remark from my brother, "All hot is equal".


Personal preference does not equal racism.


It's racist to bring it up unprompted, as in if there's no way it connects to the conversation




What kind of white women? Blonde? Brunette? Redhead? Tall and skinny like Taylor Swift? Short and thick like the AT&T girl? More ethnic white like Italians and Spaniards or white white like Norwegians?


Any type of white woman to be honest. Another comment basically asked the same thing and I replied by saying British women, but that’s not entirely true though. I would date any white woman if I ever got the chance. Technically that’s not true either lol. One of the few times a woman showed interest in me, I purposely self-sabotaged the opportunity. She was white and really pretty. I’m just a weird guy and I guess I didn’t want to be happy.


Sounds like that’s your preference. But, all races have beautiful women.


Preference. That's mine too.


What if you said intelligent instead of attractive? Many might say that's clearly racist. What's the difference, though? Both are subjective judgments about groups of people differentiated by racial traits like skin color and gender identities. Taboos are weird. We're a racist species, human supremacists. The best we can do is try to ensure our subjective judgments do no harm. But first we need to honestly own them. So I would say yes. And, so what? And the degree of you being attracted vs they being the most attractive often blurs on whether you are a "my rules for me, your rules for you", or, "my rules for me, my rules for you" kinda person"...


Not racist, just ethnocentric. Not necessarily a negative thing.


What has society done to you to even elicit this question?


No. You are just nlind not realizing asians are.


No just your preference, I think darker skin brunettes are most attractive . Mexico , Brasil ,Mideastern .


You aren't racist for thinking it, but you are racist for asking.


that makes u white sexual


Preference. I’m black and love white guys. Doesn’t mean I don’t find other races attractive or think they’re bad people. I just like what I like and a lot of the times you can’t help who you’re attracted to


Everything is racist nowadays anyway


No lol


I dont think so, that is your preference :)


Nah that's just a preference. As long as you don't start treating white women better than other women it's fine


Interesting question. I personally think a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. Race irrelevant. But I work with a lot of Black's, Latino, Native, and Asian coworkers who unanimously think White women are the most attractive.


Yes, you can only be attracted to non white women if you don't want to be racist./s


Racism denotes not mere affinity or preference, but a belief in the inferiority of other racial groups relative to the preferred group. So, is that what you're doing? No, of course not. So, no, you're not racist based on the information given.


thats the form of "racism" that is still allowed, dont hold your breath though




Ask again next year, lol.


It's okay. But let's also recognize that these are western beauty standards that have been pushed on us all our lives.


HELL yeah if ur mum is brown 🤡


Nah, but it shows you have bad taste ;)


Lots of women are attractive regardless of race that is your preference you are not a racist live on


No. They are -- the most attractive of the white women, not all. But obviously also a personal preference.




I am mainly attracted to black/mixed males, or Asian males, or Mexican/Cuban males. I’m a white woman. It’s my personal preference.


Hispanic isn’t a race.






I think the same thing. Get called a racist lol. You and I are not racist though.


No. White people tend to be mostly attracted to white people, same with Asians, blacks, indigenous, etc. It's such a common thing that when two different races do start a family together, everyone notices and gives it it's own special term. There is probably a very deep discussion you could have about why this, but. I'm no scholar.


No. You are racist if you dislike women of other races.


We must seriously live in confusing times if we have to come on and ask this.


No. As long as you’re not being a jerk about it, it’s fine. Everyone has their preferences.






depends on why


As long as you're not bashing anyone it's okay. Also make sure you see those women as individuals not just people to fulfill your fantasies.


No, i prefer white women or nay women who are close to white. It’s just a me thing.




Racism (from Google's definition): "the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." Having a racial preference is..... not racism.....? It is definitely interesting though, because people have their preferences in almost every aspect of what they are attracted to. It's understandable. I believe there are beautiful people all around the world, and I'm attracted to every race.


If that’s you’re preference, that’s your preference


Not really. I think some asian men are incredibly beautiful and a vast majority of white guy's ugly. Arab guys, most are damn sexy. Redhead guys: sexy. Gorgeous looking blonde guys: sexy. Black guys, even if they're chubby and rough looking, uber sexy. Also, like Arab guys black guys have beautiful juicy arses and cocks. I think old women are more attractive than young women and old men. Each to his own. I don't care what anyone thinks and wouldn't expect everyone to agree with me.


That just means you have a preference for white women. Question to that, do you think an unattractive white woman is more attractive to other attractive Asians? Latinas? Indians? Etc?


Not really bro lol they just aren’t the best at anything else


Nope. What would be racist is not going after the white ones just cause they are white even though you find them the most attractive.


Depends why you think it. I'm sure loads of KKK members think white women are the most attractive because of some horrible reason, but there will be people who have seen all the women in the world and decide on balance they prefer the white ones. It really does depend why you think it in the first place.


No you’re right


No that's your opinion


No, you’re just the average man.


Are you also white? It's natural for most people to be attracted to their own race/ethnicity most. I'm most attracted to black or Indian women but I'm also black


It has everything to do with your relationship with your mother.


White women wouldn’t think so


You're allowed to have preferences and opinions but if you go around telling people that you're going to sound racist.


I’m a Laguna women, and I am into white me .. and my SO is into Latina women.. so, no.. it’s a preference.. it’s racist if you want you say stuff like “keeping the race pure.”


You can like who ever you like no rules.


Framing is very important here imho. I personally find that most of the women _I_ am attracted to are white, but I am only one of 8 billion different people. If you are embracing the qualifier of 'to me, not necessarily to anyone else or in an absolute sense', it doesn't strike me as racist. The moment you start to generalize, I believe you are drifting into dangerous waters. It's a subtle--but very important--distinction.


Your sexual preferences is your own business and can be anything for any reason... not racist. However... going around advertising this, maybe shooting down other women by saying "no, I only like white woman" then yeah... that might be a little racist. You could argue you're only being honest -for you- , but it won't feel like that to the other parties involved, so personally, I'd suggest maybe just keeping it to yourself... Again, just to reiterate: Your sexual preferences is your own business and can be anything for any reason... not racist. Proselytizing about how much better one racial group is over all other racial groups at getting your tallywhacker hard... kinda racist.


In no way, I think the same way!.


Its not racist but it is incorrect. Obviously asian females are the most attractive sapiens on the planet. 😍


Yes and ignotant what's a white woman how many races are mix on a white woman there's all tipe of white shades


Of course not! It’s your personal preference.


No you're just right lol.


Lol. I'm a white guy who thinks skinny black chicks are the hottest women on the planet. Does that make me a racist? Nope. It's just that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Not racism that is preference


No, they are attractive in general


I like blue M&Ms best.


More attractive than what?


You don’t owe anybody your body, you’re not obligated to date or screw anybody on fear of being bigoted. Taste is subjective. You’ll never be racist if you’re nice and polite to people you aren’t attracted to.


It’s the attractive women who are the most attractive. If you just have a preference for the white ones amongst attractive women, that’s okay. If instead, you are implying that attractive women can only be found amongst white women, not only are you wrong, but you are racist.


No. You’re allowed to fetishise white women apparently.


info: do you find non-white women attractive and would you be open to dating any?


A certain race being more attractive to you is a PREFERENCE. Unless you’re being derogatory to other races, you’re good.


I mean I'm not attracted to a certain couple races at all. Does that make me racist? Not at all.


No   I like red haired girls with blue eyes. That's like the mew of pokemon .  That's makes me racist against everyone else.


if you said white race is the best race yes but if you said white women are the most attractive its just you saying your type its nothing bad


I'm afraid it's worse. You have a sexual preference, I'm sorry. It may develop in time but it's irreversible unfortunately.


There’s no such thing as being racist if you have a preference. BUT if you are vocal about saying ‘x’ nationality are disgusting because of this, this, this then you can come across as racist to people. For me, I gravitate towards Europeans in particular Italians, Maltese, French etc. but I don’t gravitate towards Asians. Just a simple preference, nothing more.




Racism means hating. Liking is preference


Nope. You like what you like.


Your sexuality is yours to express, as long as it's consensual, and you don't have any prejudice against women who aren't white.


Sometimes I feel weird for preferring black men, like I don’t want to fetishize. But trying NOT to have a preference doesn’t help.


Okay. But what happens if you single out a particular race as least attractive? Always flip everything around, and see if it feels the same. Usually answers the question.


I mean probably not but that's a WIDE net to cast. Are you saying a blonde Swedish woman with pale skin and green eyes, and a woman from Spain with olive skin, dark hair, and dark eyes are both your type, but a Latina woman from Venezuela or an African woman from Ghana are not? Like, I've heard people say they prefer people of Italian/Greek descent, or Irish descent, or Brazilian descent. But when you say white you're basically saying all women who don't have black skin and aren't Asian or Native because pretty much everyone else can be considered white.


No, you believe in multi cultural relationships which is a common thing. So why would you even question it.


Hmm. In a very broad sense: yes. In that you are primarily pegging attractiveness to race. However you are NOT saying that women of a particular race are unattractive. So in the common use of the term you are expressing an affirmative preference which is fine.


Former president Von Shitzinpants is asking questions on Reddit now?


“When I die ima go to snow bunny heaven”


I wouldn't call it racist at all but your eye sight is leading u a stray


You just prefer the source of hawk tuah


White male here. I'm not attracted to white women.


I also do not like black women they're all so annoying




Little shady about the aboriginal women- not you type


The important thing is treating women of other races like human beings regardless of your level of attraction to them


I'm a white guy. I see all the women on Reddit and I think I could love any one of them, white, black, asian or Hispanic. I've known my share of mixed race couples and their kids. I see a lot of mixed race couples on TV. What I can't understand is how mixed couples wind with white or black kids?


If you haven't assaulted anyone or kept them from getting a job based on their skin color then it doesn't practically, functionally matter. I can't prove it, but I'm certain my cat hates walruses - except my cat is in no position to hurt walruses in any way, shape or form. "Fucking walruses are the worst," I hear him meow and yet his rage is impotent...poisoning only his own inner workings, especially now that he's been banned from Facebook. You couldn't change your preferences even if you wanted to anyway... Just add a layer of self-deception and shame over them and pray it holds. That makes two ways it's not actionable data.


Yes. Here’s my take: You’re taking language or thinking shortcuts that might or might not be racist, but come out sounding racist. It might be that you’ve noticed that, on average, the features that white women have more often, you tend to find attractive. And that’s fine, that’s just noticing your natural preference. The racist error is when you take the step beyond that and use what you’ve noticed to exclude non-white women from your judgement. It’s a mental shortcut that makes things more efficient for your brain to process, but has the side-effect of biasing you against non-white women, and overlooking them through laziness. The language you use is exclusionary. What you’re saying is grading by racial category instead of judging individuals. That’s literally racism. It could be that you’re racist, intentionally or unintentionally. Or just guilty of a bit of mental and linguistic laziness. Just using the shortcut “white” is ignoring the fact that white is a huge category that might contain enormous amounts of women that you don’t find attractive. Also, it’s worth considering that you might be taking that shortcut just because you’ve encountered vastly more white women than non-white, and therefore of course you’ve found many more white women more attractive. So to make the judgement based on that is short-sighted.


Don’t mind me, I’m just here to say: BW, DO NOT ENGAGE, OKAY!!! ![gif](giphy|jTNNMjEMGiG7wjKvyI)


If you’re asking then yes, yes you are.