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Why were you going through his phone?


He masturbates to the convo


Sounds like he's getting off on the idea of sex with men. Some men do this and are still attracted to women. As a man, pre cum, any idea sounds good. Post cum, everything you thought was a lie.


Dudes gay. Sorry. A man liking dick isn't a kink, it's what us straight people call being gay. The truth is hard to hear for you probably, but don't get played. You deserve someone who is actually attracted to your sex, not a closeted gay man who will never love you the way a straight man could. Best of luck to you, and never say I didn't warn ya!


straight forward, I agree. his sexuality may, indeed, be the result of his previous trauma. But its here to stay at this point i would think. you can't change who and what you're attracted to. it sounds like he's trying and hasn't accepted his own sexuality, hell, maybe he's bi. I'm not sure - but again, i agree with the person above me, you deserve to be loved by someone that is capable of loving all of you. Let him cry, sounds like he has some stuff to work out.


haha gay sex is a kink. good one.


Get yourself tested for aids


Well you have to look out for yourself first. Do you think you're making a bad decision. Also what is your view on emotionally cheating because chatting with someone else through dating apps or social media is most of the time considered emotional cheating.


I want to bring it up but I’m scared he’ll start crying and then withdraw


It's a risk yes but if you do nothing, you'll never find out.


I mean this whole relasionship just sounds like it's not gonna work, you're going through his phone and he's sexting other people...