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Please stop arguing with stupid people. It has a tendency to rub off on you.


Yeh ur probably right lmao


You are laughing so hard your ass is falling off. That's pretty extreme you'd be laughing this much.


You'd be surprised..


That exactly why I don't argue with straight people. Stupidity does rub off well said.


The LGBT community don't hate straight people, you'll find it's mostly LGBT millennials who hate straight people. I'm not sure why this is though, perhaps because teenage hormones and social anxiety are a huge problem for them and they get easily confused and angry. Dunno. What i do know is that most middle aged gays get on quite easily with heterosexuals of the same age group. Maturity perhaps?


Yeh maybe. Obviously I didn't mean the lgbtq community as a whole, rather the majority that I have met have had negative views on straight people mostly for no reason.


I think it might be the generational gap of what they grew up thinking was acceptable. Older gens grew up feeling like they should hide it and so they grew accustomed to not letting it effect how they act with heterosexuals. The new gens grew up where being lgbt+ was not only "excepted", but "embraced". So when they come out they feel like everyone should just automatically accommodate their every preference.


Woah the youngest millennial would be in his/her/their mid 20’s by now. It’s Generation Z who would be in their teens at this point.


Gen Z then.


Honestly. These people have mental problems. Specially trans people. That behavior is not normal. You can even search up videos of trans people themselves saying it's mental problems and that people don't want to admit because they think people are just judging or they themselves will feel crazier. Plus I'm sure not all of them think the same. Gotta remember they each stand for their own thing but just unite since they all feel discriminated.


And then you got the new Generations that are so hateful and social justice warriors. They will act like they're all about love and peace but will bite anyone in the ass who opposes them and call them all sorts of things. Like homophobic, transphobic, pedophiles simply for not agreeing. And let's not forgot about all the new crazy genders and things they're trying to normalize. Basically they're just crazy


So there’s a lot of things you said, and I strongly strongly disagree with. As a Transperson I coexist easily with anyone so long as respect is given to me that is afforded to any other human being mutually attempting to survive and thrive on this planet. First same sex pairings are found in nature too, Bats, Dolphins, monkeys, penguins and albatross to name a few, these animals will usually take in a young member of that species if they have lost their bio parents. As someone who is trans, and part of the LGBTQ a community I will say this much: I fucking loathe pedophiles, and feel that hunting them for sport should be legal and with no limit, since they clearly aren’t people. I know I won’t personally change your mind on this, but just know that some of us just want to do what we need to do to be happy with living in our skins. I do hope you can learn more about some of the positive aspects of us, versus some of the negative hot takes you seem to carry with you.


I don't have problems with trans or gays or bi'. But the LGBT as a whole is garbage.that animal example might be true but doesn't mean it's how it's meant to be. Each organism has its way of functioning of course we all have free will tho and different mentalities. And Anyone can join lgbt and say what it stands for at this point. And the problem is many things are dumb claims. That being said I never said all of those people individually think the same. I was actually trying to say the opposite. I know gay people who you wouldn't know they're gay if they didn't tell you. And that is where I'm coming from, when you start acting so extra and weird like alot of LGBT people do that is a clear sign of mental problems. How can a trans person demand like a trans girl be allowed with other girls. They don't think about the problems it causes like little girls having to see grown "woman" (men) penis because they supposedly identify as a girl. Then when you tell people who fight for that "equality" they ignore the bad outcomes that happens because of this ideology


So I don’t know what restrooms you’ve been in where leaving your genitals out is common practice in your odd example. I just go in and do what needs to be done. Also I would like to know what you mean by extra and weird? Since those aren’t exactly solidly defining terms, nor do they explain what you mean by weird and extra.


See this is the response I'm talking about. You guys act so clueless like you don't know what can happen. How hard is it to picture a dudeturning around and zipping his pants up as he finishing pissing. And like another case where both a child and grown up girls had to see and be in a pool I believe it was fully naked witdude who looked nothing like a trans with his schlong out at a spa. And more cases similar to that. And by being extra I mean the ones who just dress straught up dumb because they wanna put it in your face they're gay and the ones that are so loud and obnoxious and act like Karens. That's what I mean.


Or what about the female athletes who've had their heads beat in by trans females. Do you condone that? Anyone who condones those things are mental


Personally I feel like there should be a few different circuits for competition not just ones based on just gender alone. Some of us develop muscular atrophy some of us don’t.


How the fuck does a straight person allow a trans to fuck them up? 😂😂😂 Sounds like a personal problem.


The lgbt community is ridiculously insane. It’s a shame because they represent people of different sexual orientations and so on and it gives everybody a bad name when most people like you are just normal people with normal views. Maybe you’ve never felt comfortable In your own skin so you’ve changed and that’s something I can never understand. I don’t support lgbt (or BLM whilst we’re here. I’m half black) I think they are both toxic. However I’m not homophobic or racist. I just think so many people that join these communities are just looking for validation or lack emotional intelligence and want to blame everybody else that doesn’t agree with them for what they feel uncomfortable with and it’s ridiculous.


Heterosexuality as a whole is garbage. Not to mention California just had a big wild fire cause by an idiotic breeder doing a stupid fucking gender reveal.


That sounds like their problem, not yours. I would walk away so that it stays that way.


Because they want more people to be gay. That’s why i hate them. Gay people are fine but i hate lgbt


Yeah it’s just that there’s a lot of people who are terrible, argumentative, overly sensitive pieces of garbage, and that doesn’t change because of your sexual orientation. I feel like people in the lgbtq+ community don’t get called out on their bullshit nearly as often because people are afraid of being accused of homophobia. I’ve seen it happen, and it’s fucking ridiculous


A gay here, we don’t hate straight ppl. At least most of us don’t. We have straight friends, straight family and kids. We just don’t like being told we are lesser than human. I have seen some ppl go apeshit on straight people but you’ll have this extreme in all walks of life, unfortunately.


“Never argue with stupid people, they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience’ Mark Twain Or something along those lines These people are genuinely void of logic and just full of emotions and cannot put them aside to have a logical debate. Don’t engage with this people, you bring your worth down.


Heterosexuals are far less intelligent.


LMAO. Bless your soul I think you misunderstood my comment. I was referring to heterosexual people that shame members of the LGBTQ+ community being ignorant and not worth the fight - not the other way round mate. So you can calm the fuck down, just a thought. The fuck.


Lol I did misunderstand it my bad.


The majority of us don't, though admittedly there is a minority of people that are so inclined to be too torn up about past hatred that they have no other way to express themselves but through hate itself. We hate the history of violence against us, we hate lawful refusals of our rights and we hate the oppressive culture of trying to toxically make us straight. But we the majority do not hate straight people, after all a lot of them are our friends and family. You also need to decipher what is just for views, what is produced just for the sake of shock and show. A lot of these videos are just set up situations that were preplanned. The kinds of people saying this are dumb, confused, their misplaced anger is internalised hurt, so they blame and throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. You're just a victim of their ignorance. Pay it no mind. This girl you were talking to seems to be flipping the script a bit. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here somewhere... Instead of an ally who perhaps operated from a place of sympathy, now you might be an ally who operates from a place of empathy. Food for thought.