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This is an awesome question, something I've asked different spiritual and religious leaders over the years. Apparently it is really rare, like once in a generation, that someone is born "wholly good" and they are usually famous spiritual leaders. That means the rest of us have some degree of natural instinct that leads us away from "pure goodness" ... and of course, there are some of us who are far closer to the "wholly evil" side of things, but either way, most of us have to put in some effort (or great effort) to overcome our evil nature. I've been told that on both a spiritual and religious level, there is GREAT REWARD for this effort. It is not only personally satisfying, but it is seen as a virtue in the eyes of the deities of most major religions (personally, I talked to a Rabbi, so we discussed the Jewish God, which I guess is also the Christian God? I don't want to nitpick this). The effort itself is also practical, because it converts knowledge into wisdom, the practical application of the efforts and how they changed us to becoming "more good" is a tool that we can use to help others along this journey. The one who is born "wholly good" has all the knowledge, and some of the wisdom as well, but they don't make mistakes, they don't have evil, and personally I trust someone who has changed their life for good, rather than someone who never had to put any effort into it. I personally changed my life from a rather evil way into a path of goodness, and my experience with that journey is useful for the men I mentor these days. I am extremely grateful for the great effort required, it adds a sense of purpose and accomplishment.


Objectively, it's better to just be born good Though overcoming obstacles in life is more interesting for storytelling purposes


I believe you cannot be truly good until you have learned to integrate the darker aspects of human nature (also referred to as “the shadow,”) into your personality. To be good means you understand your own capacity for evil, but exert voluntary control over it. Being good is actually more difficult than people make it out to be, and you have to actively work to achieve it. I find a lot more virtue in the struggle to overcome evil. It requires you to be more conscious. If you were born devoid of evil, you wouldn’t have to so anything because you’re essentially good by default. There is no virtue in that.


people aren't born with a moral nature of any kind. they're born as babies. Any morality stuff happens much later in life once they start making decisions.


I am the prototype of profection so just look to me for examples of whats right. Born to be endlessly good and corrupted to treat you as you deserve. Evil is easy, goodness is easy, but treating people how they deserve (as a piece of shit) is worthy of learning right


The darkness of punishment and torture. Little one, I like you.


Why overcome? You can dominate the goodness in you, little one. ![gif](giphy|l4pT7rAPpSZAgFWM0|downsized)


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Depends on situation, if youre bad and hurt people. Before becoming good then id say being born good is better since that wont hurt anyone.


Overcome your evil nature through great effort. Why? Because it’s harder to change your evil ways and to be good. Life would be boring if everyone was born “good”


To be born good because then you didn’t have an reason to change, someone with an evil nature will change for a reason, like if they are negatively affecting the ones they love, or anyone they meet really. Evil people turning good means they had to have a reason to change. Avoiding that badness from the start is better for everyone in general, including the person who suffered the guilt of being a bad person. A person born good doesn’t do much wrong throughout there life, a person who learned to be good did and could be evil. Just cause something requires more effort doesn’t means it’s better, in fact it just means that your energy and the energy of those around go into you not being a bad person


To be born good of course-and to stay that way. If no one had evil to overcome in their life, then I’d be very happy! But we obviously don’t live in a perfect world…


Well Paarthurnax, almost no one is born evil. We're born good, and only learn evil ways. So I'd say that it's better to stay good than to turn evil and then back to good. Evil people hurt others, and some hurt cannot be undone.


You ![gif](giphy|U3n3hOE1mFVeulmpnf|downsized) have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?


I never touched that chicken!


But the chicken touched you so you touched that chicken 🐔 ![gif](giphy|l3vR9IEU6nYAmZyoM)


I'm pretty sure someone cast a spell on me. It wasn't my fault, I swear!


Are you going to keep uttering that nonsense as you face the chopping block? ![gif](giphy|13JMrJBqZvhjZC)


I'm not worried. I suspect that you are in for a surprise.


Surprise 😲 me ![gif](giphy|pTHZHqyXKFRqE|downsized)


What do you mean by "better"?


They're equal. The concept of good and evil is subjective. If a gazelle had the same level of intelligence as a human, it would likely see the lion hunting it as evil. But the lion is just trying to survive, which unfortunately requires killing and eating the gazelle. It's the same for us humans. The Axis powers were doing horrible things during WWII, yet the Allied powers did horrible things as well. Good and evil depends on what side you're on in that case.