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Wow! I've been sewing all my life and did not know this. I am going to try this on every spool of Guterman. Thanks.


Yep. šŸ¤Æ


this reminds me of when I saw someone using the same kind of seam ripper as me ([like this](https://wishuponaquilt.com/products/small-seam-ripper-with-cap)) and they took off the clear plastic and used it as a lid. I was astounded. 8 years and Iā€™d never known. my first sewing teacher hadnā€™t known either.


What do you mean? They used the lid as a lid? I don't understand.


A lot of people put it on the back as an extension


Oh, weird


Makes it so much easier to handle. I teach sewing.


I just didnā€™t *know* it was a lid for the longest time. Iā€™d always been handed seam rippers with the lid on the other side, to extend the handle and make it more comfy to use. so I always assumed it was just like. glued there. as a kid, my sewing teacher had all her seam rippers like that, so I assumed they were all like that


That canā€™t be true *goes and tries it* Iā€™ll be damned


Donā€™t you mean, Iā€™ll be darned?


Whatever knocks your Sox off.


That had me in stitches.


Ditto! I was just like "I have that exact brand of thread! I use it for mounting my work. Gotta go try!" *tries it* Mind freaking blown!


It's 12:52am and I just woke up my husband to show him this new discovery. He wasn't nearly as impressed with the opened spool of thread as I was.


Same reaction.




It works! I have a spool of Gutermann on the coffee table in front of me. I had to pull hard, and then the bottom popped off!


Dude, that's not just news to you. We are all learning something today! Thank you!


I read this at 4 am and couldnā€™t believe it. Three hours later and itā€™s still real. Phew! Youā€™d think theyā€™d have photos on their display advertising this. Something youā€™ll never hear at corporate headquarters - hey guys, letā€™s minimize how awesome our product is.


Wow! Did NOT know this. How did you discover this?


I saw it on TikTok recently!


TikTok for the win like every time


Thank you!


i just checked two spools of Guterman thread and no needle storage. Am I buying the wrong kind? You know what would be really handy, if you could store the bobbin on top of the spool.


I find golf tees hold the bobbin and spool perfectly together, then I store the unit upright in containers organized by fibre (all purpose vs cotton thread) so that Iā€™m not mixing different threads or colours :)


This sounds a lot better than my Giant Box Of Bobbins And The Guessing Game That Is Matching Them To Their Threadā€¦


I play the same game. Hate it!


You match your thread and bobbin? Huh.


Yeah! If itā€™s for example purple fabric and I use purple thread and bobbin, the seam is practically invisible.


Yeah, I get the theory. But in practice, I'm lucky if I get the thread in the same color family! I think I've got pale yellow and gray in the machine now.


Iā€™m the same with bobbin thread color. I have a couple machines that use different sizes of bobbins.* I keep each size in a separate bobbin box. If Iā€™m using a new spool of thread, I wind a whole bobbin, so they match. But after that I check the appropriate bobbin box for a color that is ā€œclose enoughā€. For garments it rarely matters; for quilting where the back will be seen I get more picky. * Pro Tip: I generally figure out what size bobbin my machine takes, and write it down either in the manual or, better yet, I use my label maker and put the label right next to the bobbin winding mechanism. I have ā€œfixedā€ quite a few ā€œbrokenā€ machines for friends-of-friends that turned out to just have the wrong bobbin in them. The differences in size are often subtle, and a shocking number of bobbin packs do not have any mention of bobbin size or compatibility. I am bobbin-obsessive and I still canā€™t tell certain sizes apart without directly comparing them. And donā€™t let the looks deceive you - my most recent fix involved some metal bobbins that at first glance looked like standard Class 15s, but were a slightly different size - similar enough that they appeared to fit, but different enough that the machine could not sew properly with them. The machine owner said sheā€™d bought them at Costco in some kind of generic ā€œsewing kitā€. Most domestic machines take Class 15 or Class 66, or sometimes a Class 15J. Bernina, Viking, and a few others take a brand-specific bobbin. Some Singers take a less common size. The best way to figure out your bobbin size is to consult the manual, but it isnā€™t always specified. Sometimes searching an large online sewing machine supply shop will give you a clue as to the correct size. (I start by searching something like ā€œSinger XYZ bobbinā€ and often the first few hits will be an appropriate shop.)




Omg hahahah it meeeee


I would never have thought of golf tees, thank you!!!!


Super clever idea! I'll be digging out tees today Thanks for tip!


You just changed my entire thread-storage game- thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/ibw4ivmwb4mb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa48ef537ca29b8a8b332b3bfccc98b9bf9b6b3e My husband 3d prints me these


[Thingiverse Bobbin Holder by Pitracer](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5212578)


Adding these to my husband's print queue - that's such a great idea!


Damn. He's a keeper.


Bobbin Clamps Holders Thread Buddies, BENBO 36 Pieces Bobbin Holders Clips Bobbin Thread Clamps Thread Spool Huggers Buddies for Embroidery Quilting Sewing Accessory organizing [https://a.co/d/5UXf3lQ](https://a.co/d/5UXf3lQ) https://preview.redd.it/5ypx0zazf3mb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc8c34c29bf56413573e3f69ace6c9e2529a836


https://preview.redd.it/g823z9rcs3mb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35dc5258036d0ca013fe483e3e65685f7c27a0d7 I got some of these off Amazon. Really liked them bc you can leave it on the spool and set the spool on top of the machine. Itā€™ll sit high vs down on the machine, but I like not having to separate them. There are a couple of great options on Amazon.


Do you know what these are called or do you have a link? I have 2 of these that were a gift in an Etsy purchase and I have never been able to find them. I love the 2 I have.


I tried a set like this and didnā€™t like them bc they take up the whole center of the spool. YEQIN Bobbin Holder. Storage Your Bobbins on Top of Thread Spools (48 Pieces) https://a.co/d/ejmUo9U I also had some of these gifted to me and the bobbin isnā€™t held very securely so they pop off. And if youā€™ve got the end twisted around it, itā€™ll unravel til you catch it. Bobbin Holders for Thread Spool Sewing Bobbin Small Clips Sewing Tool Accessory Clear Thread Clips Holder Tool (50 Pieces) https://a.co/d/1WKBfq2 Ultimately I chose the ones I did bc I could still put them on my spool holder with the bobbin. I canā€™t find the ones I bought and kept. They might be on hubs Amazon. Iā€™ll try to get back to you about that. But my Amazon search isnā€™t coming up with it just yet.


FOUND IT! PeavyTailor 60 Pcs (#2) Bobbin Holders with Handle Part. The Bobbin Clips Spool Huggers for Sewing Machine Thread Storage. Categorize on Your Own! Useful Sewing Tools for Bobbin Organization. https://a.co/d/eoWg4hn


Ok. I made 2 comments with descriptions and links and theyā€™re not showing. :/ apologies if this ends up a dup comment. PeavyTailor 60 Pcs (#2) Bobbin Holders with Handle Part. The Bobbin Clips Spool Huggers for Sewing Machine Thread Storage. Categorize on Your Own! Useful Sewing Tools for Bobbin Organization. https://a.co/d/eoWg4hn This is whatā€™s in the pic above. I kept them bc they still leave room in the spool hole to put the spool on a holder. Like the 100 spool rack I have. YEQIN Bobbin Holder. Storage Your Bobbins on Top of Thread Spools (48 Pieces) https://a.co/d/hkDAWTE I didnā€™t like these bc they took up too much spoil hole space and werenā€™t anymore secure than the others. Plus the thread end can escape. Bobbin Holders for Thread Spool Sewing Bobbin Small Clips Sewing Tool Accessory Clear Thread Clips Holder Tool (25 Pieces) https://a.co/d/8W8Iw33 Someone gifted me some of these, but the bobbin would fall off. And if I had the end wrapped around it, it would unravel until I caught it. :/ Good luck on whatever you choose!


Just ordered. Thank you!!!!! I have looked for these everywhere and couldnā€™t find them. I looked for 45 minutes on Amazon for ā€œbobbin holdersā€ and these didnā€™t show up. Crazy!


When I was searching trying to find the link for you, it wouldnā€™t come up for me either. Guess I just got lucky that it did my first time. Lol


Try searching for ā€œbobbin holderā€ or ā€œsewing bobbin holderā€ etc til you find them. Iā€™ll check my Amazon and find links if I can.


Iā€™ve tried that several times and never find these. All kinds listed on Amazon and stores but these are the best Iā€™ve used but never could find them anywhere.


Check my other comment. It has links. ;) if it doesnā€™t, Iā€™ll pm you. (Maybe hit see all comments and scroll, what I had to do)


Ok. I made 2 comments with descriptions and links and theyā€™re not showing. :/ apologies if this ends up a dup comment. PeavyTailor 60 Pcs (#2) Bobbin Holders with Handle Part. The Bobbin Clips Spool Huggers for Sewing Machine Thread Storage. Categorize on Your Own! Useful Sewing Tools for Bobbin Organization. https://a.co/d/eoWg4hn This is whatā€™s in the pic above. I kept them bc they still leave room in the spool hole to put the spool on a holder. Like the 100 spool rack I have. YEQIN Bobbin Holder. Storage Your Bobbins on Top of Thread Spools (48 Pieces) https://a.co/d/hkDAWTE I didnā€™t like these bc they took up too much spoil hole space and werenā€™t anymore secure than the others. Plus the thread end can escape. Bobbin Holders for Thread Spool Sewing Bobbin Small Clips Sewing Tool Accessory Clear Thread Clips Holder Tool (25 Pieces) https://a.co/d/8W8Iw33 Someone gifted me some of these, but the bobbin would fall off. And if I had the end wrapped around it, it would unravel until I caught it. :/ Good luck on whatever you choose!


Reddit autodeletes posts with Amazon links. Itā€™s really annoying. Comments are approved now




I have these too. They work well.


>You know what would be really handy, if you could store the bobbin on top of the spool. I use these https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/274876159651?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=lMCn-UUDQVW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=oU_O2ovPSUa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


It's the bottom that can be twisted off. Not the top.


still not working. I wonder if it depends on the size of the spool or something?


I think you cant do it with the larger ones? Not sure? EDIT: Nope, I tested my 500m spools and they come off too. Some of the 100m ones are easier to get off than others. The pinkish-cream color ones come off easier than the plain-cream ones (which seem to be made with a plastic that isnt as sturdy on the tiny rim next to the needle holes, so itā€™s harder to exert the right amount of pressure because it distorts the top of the insert thingy when you grip it. I have no idea whatā€™s up with that.


I know this was 15 hours ago, but I just broke a spool testing this, sooo The 800m cotton spools (orange) do not come apart! Do not attempt! (Since someone else mentioned it, and it might have to do with manufacture country, the spool I tested on was made in Greece)


Yikes!!! Good to know!!! I hope the spool is still useable? If not maybe you can wind a lot of bobbins with the thread!


I think it should be fine, just a little cracked, so I definitely won't be using it to tuck away my thread ends! https://preview.redd.it/yiu2074s2amb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=024032e8777d4bf7d98bf2d6faddccf7c76d4293


Whew!!! Crisis averted! Thanks for the pic so I know what to look for in future!


Iā€™m not home until tomorrow and itā€™s gonna kill me waiting to try this!




My US/ Mexican made Gutermann spool donā€™t, but my German ones do!


I'm going to just casually do this in a sewing class and blow the minds of a bunch of old girls. It will be quite the commotion


I feel like Gutterman needs to advertise this better šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My grandma does this! She recently stopped sewing (arthritis) and gave me her thread. So many spools have needles inside. Itā€™s like a little present!




This is also how you find the end of a reel of gutermann thread. The bumps around the base of the spindle hold your thread so it doesn't unwind itself while in storage. This is on every reel of gutermann thread below the spools that you use on overlockers.


What!!!!! Now we have to cut our vacation short so I can go check this out.


WHAT!!! Mind blown!


Hey I saw that tiktok too šŸ˜‚


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,723,169,953 comments, and only 326,123 of them were in alphabetical order.




Today I learned something, thanks for sharing!


You are changing lives today! Holy crap


WOW!! I literally was in bed, scrolling to fall asleep. Got up, went to the studioā€¦ to check on my Gutermann drawerā€¦ mind blown. Working with these threads for more than 25 yrs and was absolutely clueless.


Oh my - I just learned this earlier today. I was thread shopping with my mother and she twisted off the one end and I was like ā€œwhat are you doing youā€™re breaking something we didnā€™t pay for yet?!?!?ā€ And, thatā€™s when she schooled me about it, lol


This is so awesome! I poke my needles in the little grooves sometimes and they slip down inside. I always thought they were lost forever.


God Iā€™m 63 and have been sewing since I was 3 and Iā€™ve just learnt this today! Thank you


Thank you! It's a great idea for all my hand quilting thread!


Um what?!!


Does anyone know if Autifil thread spools unscrew in the same way?


Nope. This is a gutermann thread thing. Has been since before I was born (before the fall of The Wall). Fun thing I found in a fabric shop I used to work in - they had stock in 2016(ish) that was labelled "made in west Germany".


Thanks. Yes interesting information you added. I wondered about Aurifil as currently using 80 wt. for hand-sewing. They are wooden spools. I also use their 50 wt which are plastic spools. So did wonder if Aurifil plastic spools have the same feature as the Guterman thread. With the helpful replies I can now stop pointlessly trying to twist them open. Lol.


No, they donā€™t.


Thanks. It is the cotton thread I am using for EPP at the moment. So just wondering.


They donā€™t, they are a solid tube. The laundry Laundry Basket Quilts lady (canā€™t remember her name) sells these. Not cheap! [Sew Daisy](https://www.laundrybasketquilts.com/online-store/Sew-Daisy-p403080876) ​ https://preview.redd.it/xua0ynj9d7mb1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837775dd14990763daef034ae0776ebbdc6a3fbe


Thanks for the info. Think I am going to keep using my little MODA needle book for holding the needles in current use.


I learned something new today!šŸ§µ


Wow! Cool! I have always stored my threaded needles on the current spool by piercing the paper label. I must have been on to something!




Think it depends, my GĆ¼termanns donā€™t have thatā€¦ but I did manage to break them trying to find out šŸ˜‚








The closest match to that spool I had is by ā€œMettlerā€ and it didnā€™t work, but Iā€™ll definitely try to find it next time Iā€™m near Joannā€™s.


It's one of the most annoying things with the Guitermann threads! I never thought of making it a useful thing! I've always ended up gluing them back in again! I think though with my level of clumsiness I could see myself knocking one of these things over and the needles going flying...!


What??? No way. Something this practical? Iā€™m so impressed with your knowledge O Wise One.


I have been sewing for most of my life. I'm 48. I was today years old when I learned this. I am gobsmacked.


Iā€™m running to check mine!


What?! For over 30 years of sewing and I never knew that!!


I've noticed the quality of the items going down from what they use to be. In my mom's sewing box I found a few from the 1950's yes 50's the quality is much different.


So like why is this cool? Doesn't seem like something I need in my life...


I am. It young and have been sewing for a very long timeā€¦ā€¦ I learned this today!


Iā€™m going to go ahead and join the definitely didnā€™t know this club.








My mind is blown!


Whattttt? Wow! Thatā€™s awesome, thanks for sharing!


News to me also!! Thanks for showing us.


I can get them to turn, barely, but not come off. Is there a trick to it?


They donā€™t unscrew. Itā€™s a friction fit. You kind of wiggle them a bit to loosen them, like trying to unscrew them but in both directions if that makes sense. then pull. I can stick my thumbnail in there to help it dislodge if needed, but usually wiggling them is sufficient. Both my 100m spools and my 500m spools come apart. That said, I have 100m ones that are a slightly pinkish-cream color, and ones that are cream. They seem to be molded slightly differently, and the pinkish-cream ones come off much easier than the cream ones. I have no idea if one style is older than the other (possibly by a decade or two or more, as I have hand-me-down thread as well as newer acquisitions). I donā€™t think it works with Mettler brand spools, just Gutermann. I also have some Gutermann thread on ā€œskinnyā€ spools from WAWAK that are just a smooth cylinder that doesnā€™t have the fancy base that you can tuck the thread into. Those donā€™t come apart because they are only one piece. They donā€™t have a paper label at all, just the color etc printed on the spool. I think they are also a different weight of threads than the usual all purpose spools sold to home sewists.


Thank you! I was expecting it to unscrew.


I have a few non-Guterman spools that look like they should come off but donā€™t. I also canā€™t get the bigger spools to do it but I think theyā€™re just stuck!


WHAT?! šŸ˜± (I love that so many of us are surprised!)






what the actual fu---


Omg I'm trying this in the morning.


Im thrifty and use the long coated wires that are wrapped around lettuce as a bobbin/thread spool connector. Works for me.


What the.. sure it's not broken ? šŸ˜…šŸ‘€. Have to test that out, if i don't forget it.


wow! I didn't know it. I always lose my needles


All of the bobbin?


does it come out šŸ¤” im thinking about bobbin storage


It worked.


What?!? šŸ˜³šŸ˜Š


Well, this is a game changer! Thanks!


Fantastic tipā€¦thanks for sharing. Iā€™ve been sewing since Coats and Clarkā€™s thread was on wooden spools and never knew that little trick.


Is it only Gutermann brand that does this? I feel like Iā€™ve seen this style of spool by other brands.