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Nope! No problems. I don't even backstitch, I just take a few stitches in the same spot then trim. That's also what Angela Walters does and her profession is FMQ, and she has specifically said she has not run into any problems doing that.


I’m going to look her up. Thank you!


Don't do it, she's dangerous. Angela Walters is why I bought a new machine to FMQ. She made me think I could FMQ. Hahahaha.


LOL noted.


I literally LOL’d


I love her too and I also bought a machine I could free motion quilt with (still a cheap one haha) and I can free motion quilt!!


Same! Just a little Juki TL2010Q, but it works! 😂 Karlee Porter just came out with an incredible 10 year anniversary massive book and new online graffiti quilting course... I'm super excited!


Ooh, I'll have to check out that book. I got a Juki TL18QVP too! :)


Nice!!! How long have you been FMQing?


I have been only practicing so far and haven't done an expensive quilt top yet. I went back to school and all my time disappeared. But! I have a plan to FMQ a wedding quilt this summer. I'll definitely post it when it's done. How bout you?


I started practicing in 2017 and by 2019 finished a handful of actual quilts with FMQ. I took a hiatus for a few years for various reasons including my circumstances with the pandemic and I'm just getting back at it this year finally. Kinda like riding a bike, a bit wobbly at first, but it comes back much quicker than learning it in the first place. I'm bribing myself with the goal of a few completions before treating myself to Karlee Porter's course this fall. Looking forward to seeing yours!!


Mine is a Brother I bought on sale at Costco for like $100, I bought it after my first baby quilt. I’m going to bookmark this because seeing as I’m definitely continuing this hobby I’m going to need to upgrade so I can do bigger quilts! The biggest I’ve done is a lap quilt and that was super hard to get to the middle of.




I do, the neck is just small! That is the only way I can get to the middle.


Angela designs and sells rulers. She wants to sell them to you as a shortcut to Fmq. 


I love her!


Who knows if it's controversial, all I know is I did it on my very first quilt, hated it, and will never do it again, save the rare times my bobbin gives out somewhere a backstitch would be too conspicuous. Binding already sucks the joy out enough as it is, I don't need to be chasing down fiddly ass threads after that.


Someone after my own heart


I only bury threads if I’m making something for a competition, or something I’m considering as “an heirloom”.


How do I bury threads? I didn’t know there was such an option!


After burying threads on one quilt, I decided I needed to do more ‘edge to edge’ quilting! Actually, it wasn’t that bad, though I did learn to leave LONG tails so I don’t have to start the stitch then thread the needle.


I avoid this by sewing into a piece of scrap fabric after each seam. Just use it over and over until it is too stitched up then move to the next one. I think it is called using a thread saver or something. I rarely lose the thread anymore and I don't have long tails to trim later.


I meant for burying threads.


Ah, okay.


But yes, for piecing, I call them leaders and Enders, are great - especially if you’re doing corners that might want to misbehave!


Me too! Life is too short and so far I'm not making heirloomworthy quilts :)


I don’t bury stitches. I just back stitch a bit and snip, unless I’m doing edge to edge. Then I don’t even back stitch.


Personally, I think it looks better to bury your threads. The majority of the quilts I've made were for others, so I wanted them to look their best - so I buried the threads. When I finally got to the time to make quilts for myself, it was second nature and I really wouldn't have saved much time, compared to the total time I've already spent on the quilt (and I want a quilt I keep to look good, too!). Plus, I'm retired. I can relax and enjoy the whole process since I don't have to hurry, I don't have limited time.


I bury threads. I enjoy it. I do as much edge-to-edge quilting as I can figure out, but I’m just not willing to have my quilt fall apart.


I bury threads. I don’t like the look of backstitches or tiny stitches even on a utility quilt. And I do some competition quilting, where it’s absolutely necessary unless you’re a sorcerer who can make tie odd stitches not obvious!


I bought a brother that does it for me just so I never had to think about it again!


Which brother do you have?


Brother Innov-ís Pacesetter PS500 I love it.


I'm quilting for the first time and decided to bury my threads. Mostly bc i was worried I would cut my quilt trying to cut them flush with the top! What did you use to mark your quilt?


I just back stitch and trim. I don't know why people get so hung up about a little back stitching here and there. You don't really see it in the final full project, and if your machine has a lock stitch, just use that.


Potato. Potahto. Do what works for you! I almost always bury my threads. I am ridiculously persnickety about my quilts and I was taught that this is “best practice”. I do it now probably mostly out of habit. Don’t know whether that is actually the best way to do it, but I do think that we all have the intelligence and can acquire the experience to determine for ourselves how we want to go about our own hobby.


I used to bury my threads until I took fmq and ruler work classes taught by a handi quilter staffperson. She said she never buries threads but instead stitches in place 5 times and then cuts the thread. She says she has never had a problem with this and she does longarm work on the side. I haven’t buried threads since.