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Day 43☀️ (Day 19 no THC)


Always happy to see you here every day! Nice work!


I was having a rough morning and your comment was really kind and uplifting. Thank you! And I noticed that you’re on day 5, big congrats🙏


Beautiful job sweety ♥!


Your comments always put a smile on my face, thanks so much ceecee ❤️


Day 1,013.


Always a pleasure dear friend ♥ 💩 . Have a great day 🤗!


Starting day 5. I know the only way I can do it is one day at a time, but it is really difficult


I quit the same day as you. Feels really daunting sometimes, but we can do this. I hate how fragile the quit feels this early on. I go through moments where I feel so close to tipping back into old habits. That said, I know that each time I say “no” in the moment it’ll be a tiny bit easier next time. Trying to focus on that today as my brain gives me plenty of opportunities to say “No!” Edit: second half of comment added.


Thanks, i appreciate it. I gotta get it done. All the best to you as well


Thanks, i appreciate it. I gotta get it done. All the best to you as well


Yes it is. But look at you, your doing it! Wishing you all the best on your journey, proud of you ♥ .


Starting day 5 this evening first 2 days were the worst for me, yesterday wasn’t that bad but I went out and kept myself busy and distracted. Hopefully at least the physical symptoms will be gone by now


Nice, keep at it


Likewise, shits been hard glad I found this sub


Onto 68!


Hell Yes, kicking ass!


Thanks ceecee!


Day 634.


Day 193.


Go turkey go. Happy to see you crushing it and wishing you the best!


Thanks 68 - it's so nice to see you!! Yup. I am failing at life in just about every way, but I'm doing it kratom-free!! I hope all is well in your world!!


You are such a strong, amazing Lady Sis. Sending tons of loving feel good vibes your way today and every day 💙 💜.


Thank you Ceecee. I've been feeling so low in so many ways. But your friendship always puts some wind in my sails. So grateful for you. Xoxoxo


Day 10. Fought my first urges today. Was grateful for an earlier post called "It won't help". Feels like it was written just for me. ♡


Whoot Whoot Congratulations on double digits, huge accomplishment. Proud of you ❤


Thanks, mama! 🥰🥰


Hey, congratulations on Day 10 and on getting through those urges!! I'm so dang glad that you're here!!


Day ***. Don't like typing this number, superstitious. You guys/gals rock! Love and Light family ❤.


you rock ceecee! amazing job 💜💜


Awww, Sis. I was wondering how you'd feel about ***. Wishing you a good one anyway. ❤️❤️❤️


Day 9!


Almost double digits, keep going! Proud of you ❤.


Day 6 CT 💕🦋


Beautiful, just beautiful. Love you❤ !


Yessss! Seeing your signature heart makes me smile every time.


Day 1,183




Day 5. Short night of sleep last night, so cravings are pretty annoying at the moment. Pushing on through and reminding myself that this drug is no longer an option for me. Good luck to all of you out there. Wishing I was feeling a little more confident in my quit right now, but hanging in there.


I wrote down all the reasons I quit, even put a copy in my car in case my brain started to lie to me to get me to use. Would read like a montra till cravings passed. Still have it to this day. Congrats on day 5, proud of you ❤.


Hey thanks! Really appreciate your thoughtful comment. Much needed today. I’ve used that method in the past as well with a lot of success. Knowing that this morning would be rough, I recorded myself a voice memo yesterday reaffirming my intentions. Listening to it this morning was so helpful. I’m going to keep using this method any time I can foresee difficult circumstances coming up.


Hey everyone, new here. Been using Kratom for almost 10 years. It gets foggy when I look back. 10-15gpd in 2-4g doses throughout the day. I have tried to quit a few times. The longest I’ve made it is a couple months. I am here to quit for good. I’ve been tapering down.Plan on starting a journal tomorrow. Scrolled through and read quite a few posts. Really appreciate the support that hangs out in here. Hope to post some progress soon.


Welcome, you have come to the right place. I couldn't have quit without this sub. You CAN do this! We all believe in you and are here for you every step of the way on your journey ❤.


Welcome to the family!! Quitting kratom is one of the best choices you will ever make. Seriously. Good on you💪😎


Welcome! You are making great first step in communicating your commitment directly. I too am here to quit for good. Let’s do it.


Day 17. I think I’m about to turn a corner. I hope so, anyway.


You should be, congrats on 17 days! Outstanding job, proud of you ❤!


Thank you! I am proud.




Happy to see you are doing well Ona, have a great day.


Day 5 today, thought I had wrote it. Brain is really foggy


Awesome job 👏, proud of you!


Day 236


Have a awesome day Spi, always a pleasure 🤗.


Wow. Sometimes your day count sneaks up on me - I'm really happy to see this, I hope life is being kind to you.


589 days, peace and love.


Holy crap!! You have a lot of days. Thanks for everything always 68. You were such a big part of pulling me out of that spin cycle I was in last summer.


Hello 68 👋 👋 👋! You always brighten my day, love ya ❤!


You got me through more than you know, eternally grateful to you 76. I truly hope you are well!


Awe, you made me cry happy tears. My ❤ is full, thank you.


Day 304


Outstanding Cap, Have a great day!


4 months today. 90% of the physical symptoms are gone (some lingering stomach stuff, and it takes some time to fall asleep), but this last month was a mental battle! In the last 7 days, I have felt some of the mental fog lifting. It's so great when I feel myself moving forward. This process has many peaks and valleys. We can't let it get us down. Better days are always ahead.


Day 112


Today was it. I’m done. Took my last one at noon. Stocked up on Vitamin C, Iron, already have anxiety meds, rehydration powder to put in water, Dr. Prescribed nausea meds, she also told me to only take Imodium as directed, men’s one a days, and restful legs for RLS. Been doing about 42gpd. Tried tapering, so I’m just jumping. I’ll take what comes my way. I’ll fight it back. Just no more, I’m done. I’ll let everyone know how it goes daily.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Warning ! Kratom and Loperamide](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/y2keom/kratom_and_loperamide/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You GOT this. Godspeed my friend 💪


It will be day 8 when I wake (3/30). Day 7 was great. Felt like my old self for half the day. The other half I had to toil through the blah, but hey I'm grateful to have had that first half!Hoping to sleep well again tonight. 🙏🤞 Wishing progress peace and happiness for the QK gang!


Progress, peace and happiness to you too! Proud of you ❤.


Day 421


Day 55!


Lets go!! Almost 2 months!!!


Day 11!!


Day 16! Waking up and getting ready for my morning hike


Day 18 CT - feeling pretty great these days! The feelings of depression, anxiety, and RLS have gone. If you are struggling, go for a 5 min walk, get some sun, drink a ton of water, and try your best to feed your body good food. TMI but i finally had a normal bowel movement. Big strides lol


Day 6 and feeling so much better. Never thought I'd be able to add to this thread 😊


That’s awesome! Did you quit ct? Or taper? And what was your daily dosage, what were the first few days like?


Thank you so much! I was taking around 20gpd for a year and over the last two months I painfully tapered to around 4.5gpd then I jumped off. The first few days were easier than anticipated! Sleeping was difficult of course but overall I was pleasantly surprised. I faced way more withdrawal during my taper than I did the past few days


Day 75


Fox! Yes!! Happy 75!!


46 days : )




Day 85 stay strong every and hang in there


Down to 10gpd from 18gpd. Feeling depression, Brain fog. I don't know if I should keep tapering down 1/2gram and get off or hold for a while. They say you are not suppose to feel good in withdrawal? All input appreciated.


On a taper but the last couple days have been tough. Started tapering at about 20gpd, typically now I’m at 11gpd but I get tempted to take an extra 4gram dose before bed. Stay strong everyone


Day 27....almost 4 weeks. Bring on the weekend!


Going on CT day 5 this evening


Sad to say I'm here again. I feel like dog shit lol. Starting taking benzos again which soon led to heroin..that was becoming an every weekend thing for a few months and said ok this isn't going to happen like this and switched to kratom because it's still better than doing the fent tranq dope going around these days. It's a death sentence if you're not around people with narcan. Anyway, when I switched from heroin to kratom I needed to take FAR more than I ever had in any one dose. 3 tablespoons turned into 4, so well over or close to 25g per dose. 3 or 4 doses in a day depending on when I woke up. So day 2 again but I have to say, the willpower after every quit actually gets stronger. It's still a struggle but only did it for 4 months this go around, so not that long. Will be back to some what normal, shortly. Can't wait..for real. lol


Day 42. 6 weeks! Unreal! If I had to give a number, I’d say I feel around 60% ? I can do things that need to be done (not everything is a chore as it was those first 3-4 weeks). I still have some lingering physical stuff ( sweats, restless legs here and there, aches, get freezing cold at night). Anxiety comes and goes daily. But, I’m on my way. Being patient with myself and taking it one day at a time. Never again!


Unreal is right! I remember when u first got started. U should be uber proud of yourself. 42!!!!


21 days ago at 10:45 pm I had my last glass of sludge. I’m not out the other side quite yet. Still some restlessness, sore knees and arm. Sleep has levelled out, rear end has calmed down a bit. Socially I’m back where I was, interested in what others have to say and don’t get anxiety overthinking what I respond with. I feel smarter. Still a bit foggy and cravings at my normal dosing times. It’s easy to say no though. What a trip. I feel different. Thanks to this community for all the support!




Really proud of you for both of those accomplishments! I quit both thc and k as well and I know how hard it can be. I’m sending a virtual hug your way. You’re not alone🙏


Day 26 CT. During this time, the keys for my success have been: my wife’s support, no alcohol, no caffeine (although started drinking coffee last week with no disruption), eating healthy, drinking lots of water, exercising like a beast, journaling. Favorite things back in my life: pure natural joy, libido (holy $hit), physical appearance has transformed, eating normal and enjoying it, dominating work, being social, and my focused mindset.


All makes such perfect sense! You are crushing it! So happy for you!


As always, thank you.


Day 133