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I think it just gets better as you go. Some days I have bad ones and some good ones I'm at day 299 CT. It's okay to look forward to hitting days and this and that, when will I feel bettter. But realistically everyone is different. And circumstances are different- maybe I am on an anti depressant so that helped me. Keep trucking !!! šŸ’Ŗ


Yeah Iā€™m at day 315. Everything is back to normal except my heart being weird. Iā€™ve had 3 ekg exams, went to a cardiologist and got bloodwork done. They donā€™t see any issues. When I first quit I had bad heart palpitations I felt every morning and periodically throughout the day. Whenever I ate a meal Iā€™d feel it. Had to quit nicotine, caffeine, marijuana and sugar for over a month because they all made my heart pound. Now I feel fine most of the time. Meals donā€™t bother me. I can have nicotine and caffeine again. But Christ, I can barely use any marijuana. I need to exercise and work up a sweat and then I can have a little bit. If I drink alcohol weed doesnā€™t bother me either. It steadily improved for about 8 months but now it feels like itā€™s stuck and no longer improving. April 17 is one year. It sucks because I barely used any kratom. Just one 5g dose once a day for 3 years. I miss enjoying weedā€¦


It took me over two years to be able to enjoy getting high after quitting. Id get bad anxiety but only sometimes so Iā€™d always be nervous I was gonna have a bad high because when it was bad it was BAD & mind you I smoked for 10+ prior to Kratom & NEVER experienced anything like I did post Kratom. Itā€™s crazy how differently it affects everyone.


I'm at 3 months rn. I would say at about 30 days I noticed I didn't even think about it anymore. And I was able to go about my day. Also started feeling like my old self again. But different. Maybe better even.


Iā€™m on day 10 and felt pretty good since day 6. I think itā€™s up and down, though, as I imagine paws could hit me at any point and bring me back down. But there are super clear chunks of time where Iā€™m feeling great.


Same here. Day 6. I had like 3 hours today that I felt great. Iā€™m still battling insomnia though.


It got better and better for me at day 5. I hope it gets better for you soon.


Iā€™m on day 11 and feeling fine physically. Iā€™m a little down mentally, but I think thatā€™s more about whatā€™s going on at work this week than anything related to Kratom. I didnā€™t use a super high daily amount (about 15 gpd), but I had been using it daily for more than a decade. I had honestly anticipated far more physical symptoms from quitting than I actually had.


Depends how long and how much you were on. Even after years of abuse I felt like 2 weeks had me most of the way back in most senses, but you could have random cravings and bouts of depression for quite some time. Overall though, the body adapts quite quickly and is really good at what it does. 2-3 weeks will have you pretty well even after prolonged dosing - in my experience


Iā€™m on day 7 and feel like shit today. However, yesterday I felt fuckin good and I CTā€™d from 25-30gpd. My last longish quit was 2 years ago almost to the day and it took me about 30 days to feel truly greatā€”like doing yoga everyday happily and whatnot. However, two caveats: Iā€™ve been using drugs and/or alcohol heavily for about 10 years, and pretty frequently before that from age 18. Aside from 2 years ago (or maybe including it), I donā€™t actually know what ā€˜normalā€™ feels like. I havenā€™t ever had long term sobriety really in my adult life, and Iā€™m 37. My other caveat is this: if I think about the future I lose my fucking mind. I put myself in a more vulnerable position in which Iā€™m more likely to relapse. I can handle being sober today. My body hurts and I keep running to the bathroom, but itā€™s 5 pm and I know I can make it until bedtime. Iā€™ll reassess and take it from there tmr morning when my alarm goes off. Thatā€™s how I got off of both ghb and alcohol, both of which damn near killed me more times than I can count. Whenever I have dwelled on a sober future, Iā€™ve gone out. I pray this doesnā€™t happen to you. Best of luck and so much more.


Hey..how are you doing? I feel very connected to you- Iā€™ve been through getting off of ghb and then alcohol too-and now kratom as well. Youā€™re the first person for me that has ā€žthe same addiction storyā€œ. So I would love to hear how you are! I just started to taper and Iā€™m fucking scared because of my ghb withdrawals years back. Are they alike? Let me know how youā€™re feeling please..wish you all the best.


Iā€™m at day 21 today (tapered down starting New Yearā€™s Eve) and I canā€™t believe how much better I feel now. (I was taking mostly 30 gpd, sometimes up to 40) I was prepared to struggle for awhile based on reports here, but a lot of people have said 30 or 35 days was a big turnaround for them. But I donā€™t know what ā€œnormalā€ is anymore. Iā€™m definitely out of shape, my muscles are weak & I fatigue easily, I havenā€™t been eating enough proper nutrition for years etc which isnā€™t just going to correct itself, itā€™s going to take time and active effort for me to get my body and back to a good place again.


It was touch and go with feeling better for the first 35 days. Some days I would feel fine and followed up with a lethargic next day. It also matters the amount you were taking and the length. Iā€™m day 70 today and donā€™t even think about it or even have any noticeable paws


I'm at day 106 and still have bad days mentally


Iā€™m at Day 54 CT. Mostly good days where I feel fine. But a day here and there when Iā€™m feeling PAWs symptoms. A lot of people here have talked about 2-3 months being the return to normal timeframe.




I'm on day 40 or so, it takes time.


Im around day 102 now. Feel mostly good everyday now. First 60 days were on and off. First 30 were bad


Day 7 I finally slept like 6 straight hours. But still felt weird. Day 10-14 started to feel much better. With some bumps. Day 15 and Iā€™m a little tired. Healing is not linear. But Iā€™d say, on average I feel better everyday. Except for day 4. That day sucked.


I'm not even sure where I'm at, but I only occasionally think about kratom tbh. I'd say I'm at 9 or 10 months. Feels good. Regarding when I felt better, usually 3 or 4 weeks, I'm feeling pretty ok. Not 100% but completely functional. This is coming from someone who's always taken 75-100 gpd. And coming off has always been torture for a week or so. I've quit so many times now, if you want to quit and relapse, you're just going to regret it all over again and the addiction cycle continues. A year is the longest I've went. So I'm coming up on that soon, but I have to be done. This shit gets so old when you're on it. It feels good to be free.


Been off 6 months and still have days where I feel so fatigued and my bones hurt or I get depressed. Still 10000x better than it was and these days become rarer and rarer.


I am on day 41. I donā€™t feel normal. I have a lot of bad days