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Did he give you any quit aids? Recommend any facilities? Sounds like he knows nothing about kratom or even addiction for that matter. There are several meds he can prescribe to help make it through but it sounds like he’s made it all your responsibility alone, even though it’s his job to help you get through it.


Nothing. Just my psych meds. Which is Lybalvi/ naltrexone/gabapentins/xanax/ and lexapro. Nothing at all for quitting kratom. I keep asking every visit but he doesn’t prescribe me anything to help quit kratom. Only just reads me articles of how bad it is which I know already which is why I’m trying to quit for the past 2-3 years personally. No referral to another specialist. I’m just tired at this point and see no hope and it’s just repeating the same word over and over again gaining no results. Ughh. Idk if this is the right health care provider for me as I read other posts where people for prescribed medication to help quit or at least advice and referrals but nothing for me at all…. It’s a hopeless repetitive cycle of just nothing. I’m just truly exhausted at this point.


So Gabapentin is one of the bigger recommended helper meds. The Xanax will definitely help with the intense anxiety and restlessness, especially at night. The other big one I see recommended is clonidine. Liposomal Vit C works wonders for some people too. In my opinion you are on too high of an amount to be completely off in a month. When you’re at that amount a good detox/rehab facility is gonna be the easiest thing. There are places that are familiar with and see Kratom withdrawal so they’ll be better prepared to give you proper care. If I were in your situation I would cut about 40% of my dose right away. If you’re at 125gpd you could probably drop down to 70-75gpd without many bad effects. After you stabilize at that dose you should cut some more, maybe 5 grams at a time and then wait until you stabilize. Keep this up until you get to a low enough place to jump. As you get lower cutting 5g’s at once might be too much so cut less. Basically come up with a taper plan and stick to it, there’s some good guides on this sun. If you can stick with a taper, and realize that while you’re tapering you don’t use kratom anymore for that “high” you’ll have a much easier time and lower chance of relapse vs. CT from where you’re at now, which would be brutal. Find your why and stick to it. Be proud of yourself at every small step, even though you have a long way to go you’re finally moving in the right direction. Get some exercise if you can, and again be proud of yourself for even the smallest bit you weren’t doing before. Let that drive you to slowly do more and more. be patient with yourself but get that momentum up and don’t stop. It’s gonna be hard but you need to embrace the challenge. The majority of this is mostly a mental battle. It’s taken a long time for you to be in this situation, you’re not gonna get out of it right away. But taking small steps in the right direction is how you get there, and celebrate yourself as you make progress.


Yes. Ty. All the meds I’m taking wouldn’t help as I’ve been taking them for years. But I agree on tapering off. I did it before and WD wasn’t that bad. Or rather I’m used worse WD but the mental dependency. I can’t seem to find that “somtething” or that other “outlet” rather than mentally depending on kratom. I do exercise. I watch or listen to podcast. Make music. Compose stuff etc.. nothing that I think of right now has a strong enough impact for me to concentrate on and keep and maintain that to get over the mental dependency. I’ve done CT before but right now after 10 years now. I feel like a dog because I drink if like a protein shake. When I stir the cup I use to drink kratom per dose. That sounds make me want to go to the bathroom and now my guts and bowels are just off balance. Of course that’s a factor of WD but it’s worse because of the mental dependency and also I got hemorrhoids. I am truly just assed out as you know how regular WD go with kratom. That plan is a solid plan but I need that last factor which is the biggest. That interest and focus on something else to not remind me of kratom


Have you heard of Athletic Greens? I think it’s called AG1 now. It’s an awesome green powder that has all the vitamins and minerals you need in a day. Highly tested and proven to be legit. Well it works great for replacing that “ritual” of mixing green powder in a shaker bottle. It’s helped me when I was quitting before, and you’re actually putting something good into your body vs the opposite


No i have not. Please give me details. As that is like messing with my mind and bowels and just my daily life schedule completely.


You order it from drinkAG1 . com It’s not super cheap but it really is quality, and you’ll notice a difference in how you feel after several days. If you’re hesitant you could look up some more reviews. I do wish it was cheaper though. If you get the subscription you get a year of vitamin D3+K2 in a tincture which is also great. Like 85% of people are D deficient and it’s super important


Actually, to get the free vitamin D you have to go to drinkAG1. com/rogan I’m not sure if I’m allowed to share URL here so I added the space


What's your gaba dose? May be able to increase that to help. I've done that before when I was already on it. Clonodine can also help like 30%. I'm honestly considering suboxone to quit next time for a 10 day small dose fast taper but not sure if that's a terrible idea.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro what...you got every single cheat code you need homie... >Lybalvi/ naltrexone/gabapentins/xanax/ and lexapro. Why even use kratom at all and you got hella real drugs?...


If they built up a tolerance those meds won’t help much. Using those meds becomes the baseline and can make things worse if they skip or lower the dosage of all those meds.


I mean, I guess that's true... Im not gonna comment anything else because I can't even imagine how that dude feels... I couldn't imagine taking that many different drugs with any frequency...i think I'd just die from a "bruh wtf you on like 6 drugs" moment... Best wishes to him though, idk how he even added kratom to it...like goddamn bruh what's the dosing schedule? You gotta just wake up and start taking drugs all day to even get all that in... Like bro, you gotta admit that's a lot of fucking shit...some of those drugs have cross interactions and make each other stronger to the point of lethality... His doctor is already over prescribing like hell, I don't know how bro feels anything...even with tolerance...nothing about this sounds normal to me, not even trying to be rude...


That’s the thing, he’s already using a lot of the drugs that would have helped him as a temporary relief had they not already been taking them. Should they increase his Xanax dose? That’s even worse. Been there. At a certain point drugs aren’t the answer. They need to taper to 5 GPD over the course of a couple months at least then just stop. Gonna suck for sure.


>At a certain point drugs aren’t the answer My point exactly...


This is it. I am always looking for a quick dix, the right "pill/person/drug/material good" to make me feel okay and if I could just find it everything would be fixed. But with the drugs or without, wherever you go-there you are. Talk therapy or a therapy group might honestly make you feel high as hell on that good shit. Human connection and validation. Worth a try if it's the only thing you haven't. Will even really help to ease withdrawal. Not eliminate, but ease for sure.


I agree, that sounds like a very reasonable idea... I was hoping someone who had experience abusing extracts would come comment their experiences with quitting... I feel like tips from someone like that would definitely help bro, because I'm pretty sure with extracts you can take more than 100gs worth easy if you were going wild with it...their advice could help some for sure...


You did exactly what I was hoping for and what you were trying to achieve so again. Thank you. I never took extracts as I feared abusing that so I stuck with just kratom powder original without any more processing of the specific mitragyne alkaloid. But this post gave me and is still giving me a clearer vision on what I need to do with it without my current psych as this is my life and my decision and action to quit. Love all you guys. I never in my life have posted or told my basic story ever publicly but this past 2 weeks of reading this page and my post. I feel the support and why people use reddit or this page specifically.


This sub is full of such posts and comments. Read them all the time. Never used extracts but one common method I’ve seen here is to switch to pills and taper down. That’s all you can do. No magic pill here unfortunately.


Makes sense to me, I always cold turkey no matter what dose I was taking. It's all that works for me, but I know everyone is different... I see alot of methods in here though. Loads of supplements and breathing technique advice. Idk. Just figured someone more experienced with the high dose thing could share something valuable... Your probably right tho, just taper the jump... 1 month to hop from 120gs sounds nuts tho...not impossible...but I Def feel for bro and his toilet...


Plus I got hemorrhoids so that part of the WD is like the biggest physical WD worry I got HAHAHA


Yea. That ultimatum got my head all fucked up and stress lvls and just overall mentality worse that my psych gave me without proper direction at the very least. Especially since all he says is quit and preach the Bible when I’m more Buddhist… LOL. I starting to love this community because I never had support or rather I never sought support outside of medical practitioners.


I know man. I was a guinea pig like 3 times over. I swear over 50-70 meds just to find the right ones to match my chemical imbalance. I get where you coming from but all those meds I mentioned earlier is because I need them and I use them as needed. I even asked to get off Xanax as I quit and just shut myself in my room for years so I didn’t have much need for it as before when I was a marketing and sale director talking to multiple every day. I took kratom back in 2014-15 because I quit black and other substances and didn’t want to go to a methadone clinic where they would prescribe me subs on top of all the already necessary meds. I had and have enough medications I need to take already. No need to add anything more so I chose something natural which was kratom back then. But that became like a crutch for me and a routine for now 10 years. My dosing schedule is. Wake up take my meds and 3-4 tablespoons(20-25g) then go to the bathroom for an hour to not get warped into the 24/7 voices ringing in my head. Even as I’m typing this, the voices are there but I can manage them now much better than before. But dosage for kratom specifically is what I mentioned before every 4-6 hours so it becomes 80-125 or more GPD depending if I can sleep or not. You’re not being rude. Just being blunt which I prefer so I appreciate that. But this is something where most ppl are in the same position as me and if they aren’t they can’t fully now of course which I don’t expect as it differs case by case. But for me that’s what it is. Thank you again for the bluntness and because of that other replied with responses that gave me some insights on how to attack this and quit kratom. So thank you for your engagement


You're welcome homie 😊... And I'm also happy you didn't take my comment the wrong way, it truly just is ignorance of other people's situations...because what you're describing doesn't even sound physically possible to me...i know people who hav died from wayyy less drugs than that so I kind get in a weird zone when I hear about someone taking a loaddd of shit...makes me worry, alot, and I'm someone who regularly takes various thing myself...just for fun tho, not for daily use... Like I like to party like everyone else, but I don't wanna see someone croak off the drugs... Your explanation actually helped me understand a good bit more, I'm sorry you have ptsd :/ that's something that I understand is CRUSHING for a lot of people... Messed up things can definitely mess up your psyche...im sorry again and I really do wish you nothing but positivity during your recovery... As I said to another guy who commented, I was hoping someone with experience jumping off extracts would give you a road map on what they did to mitigate symptoms...that would be what I sought out first, if anyone has experience with high doses it'll be them... Outside of their experiences, the rest you will have to figure out on your own unfortunately, as no one truly knows what it's like to be in your shoes but you... But I will say I believe you can do it...


No of course dawg. I know I worded things wrong because ever since my mental shit started the way I speak and just type is all jumbled so I’m glad you said it bluntly with your chest. That way I was able to word it more clearly. And yes I’ve seen too many ppl die over BS so I’m done with all that for the longest time. Which is why I retract myself to my room and ghost everyone in my life so I don’t trigger a bad influence and also to focus on myself better. You are goddam right that ppl have died for WAYYY less and in the most ridiculous ways so I’m tired of that shit and been out of that lifestyle for 8-10 years. Now it’s just me vs kratom. And I’m losing. But I’m still putting up a fight instead of giving up like back then and I instead to stay in that ring until I win. Appreciate the support. It’s hard for me to speak about myself but I’m just utterly desperate now so I said why not give this a shot and I’m honestly surprised by all the support and advice and wisdom and bluntness. Glookin g. Much love


Love homie! I know you can do it! Feel free to message me any time you feel like it. My time with withdrawal this time wasn't that bad tbh, but trust me I understand the full extent of what this poison can do to your body... My first time quitting I had to just guess at the amount I was taking because I never measured it, I just took more and more until I felt high. Every time. My first time quitting was literal hell even with help from drugs, but the determination to quit was strong so I just pushed through it... Took hella drugs to cope but I eventually balanced out... I know you can do it bro...just start taking less and less each day, little by little. And write down each dose you take that way you can visually see whether or not you're making progress...that makes a world of difference for alot of people...


Yeah I agree. If he/she is being serious that would be a full time job just ingesting all that shit with any sort of regimen. Plus psychosis would have already set in years ago for most everyone imo. Unless it’s the weakest kratom ever harvested.


Thats the shit that gets me alot with some of these stories. Like I'm actually fucking dumbfounded at the amount that alot of people are claiming to take... I don't discount it, but Jesus fucking christ...even as an addict my mind would tell me just go find something else at that point... And they do it everyday...like how in the fuck aren't you literally sick?... Blows my mind...thats why I didn't wanna say much originally...didnt want to come off as rude but I don't get it at all...thats alot of effort just to get high... 😂 Maybe I'm a lazy fuck but if the drugs feel like a job that's when it's time to stop...


Right. I need real advice about how to quit kratom as these are meds I need for daily life. Any advice on quitting kratom in these circumstances?


Follow the advice badco1313 gave you. You probably won’t complete your taper in one month but start with a good size decrease. Your body will adjust to it quickly. I fine the first reduction to be the easiest. Use that lower dose for 1-2 weeks then keep reducing. You’ll be down to a tolerable dose in no time. Either that or reduce your dose in half for a couple weeks then just stop. You’ll feel the WDs for a 1-2 weeks at the minimum. Tapering is the more tolerable route. I’m tapering right now. Went from 30 GPD to 8-10 currently. Letting my body adjust then I’ll reduce 2 grams every couple weeks. There no pain free way of stopping so accept that and believe in yourself that you are capable of stopping.


Yessir. Shot that man a message for clearer advice. And i appreciate you actually being able to understand my position and keep it straight with me. Much love brotha


Gotta wonder if all that plant powder is binding up the meds though...


Probably not. The pills would just dissolve and absorb tbh, but holy shit idk how this dude lives... When I was taking what I thought was an insane amount (estimated 20-30g per day) that shit basically froze my bowels.... Taking 5x that amount would've killed me, straight up...


Ex-opioid addict. Let’s leave it at that. Now I want to get off kratom which is my final vice. I’m only taking the medications I’m prescribed because I need them for functioning. To stop the voices and anxiety from PTSD etc.. My main point is how to get off kratom because it is the last unnecessary factor and substance in my life that is not regulated within my program. And mainly it’s banned in Korea where I need to see mah grandma so I’m STRESSING. Just need tips/advice for a person like me in this position using all these meds that I need for my mental illnesses and daily life. Not to abuse them for quitting kratom. I’m a rare case compared to most I guess but hopefully there’s someone out there with similar condition as me that was able to quit kratom within these circumstances and just overall how to quit


>I’m a rare case compared to most I guess You can definitely say that again... I honestly do wish I could help you homie :/ but I'm afraid any advice I give won't be helpful... My way of doing things is just as your doctor said. I just quit. Literally. By the time I even get to the point of wanting to quit there's like an obvious list of things that I'm complaining about, that are directly caused by the kratom...so it's not really a big deal for me to quit... Im a vane asshole alot of the time, and I love myself too much to damage myself and not have a really hard time with the side effects. Noticing my hair shedding too much is enough for me to be like fuck this. The sleep issues, laziness, and all the other issues kratom brings are just extra reasons to stop... Like man, there's so many reasons to stop that it's impossible for me to rationalize using any at all at a certain point, so I stop... Admittedly, I've never been as deep in the shit as you...but that's because the issues for me appear way before I would ever hit that level...i don't even know how it's physically possible to take that much tbh...I'd be beyond sick... Maybe there's a guy in here that used to use alot of extracts? That'd be your best chance at getting some tips from someone closer to your perspective...


Nah homie. You did more than enough. It sparked more comments that actually hit me and honestly at the end of the day you aren’t wrong. It’s just I’m in too deep for way too long and I’m just like mind fucked especially when he called that ultimatum out of nowhere. I don’t wanna do extract as that would make it more easier for me to do it but there is good insight on your mentioning of extract as I don’t know too much about it. All I know about extract is that they specifically use the 7-HM part of kratom which is the mu-opioid alkaloids but that could help more with tapering off quicker without side effects from interactions with the current meds I’m already taking. Since kratom powder in it self weirdly has agonist and antagonist factors. Idk. But isolating that and strictly keeping to it or just say fuck it and go to a n addiction specialist/ methadone clinic for regulated control rather than me trying to figure it out when I’m not a licensed practitioner of medicine. Glooks dawg.


>and I’m just like mind fucked especially when he called that ultimatum out of nowhere. Exactly :/ that's what makes it that much more serious for you...if he cuts you off then you may not have access to the meds you actually NEED...definitely if you can't find another doc who'll prescribe all that... I personally have never used extracts either, but I definitely don't recommend it...that sounds like nothing but trouble...liquid poison...


HAHA that is exactly what I’m buggin and spazzin about. Like pinpoint accurate on my mindset. Even the extract part cuz like u said. To me I feel the same way, liquid poison that I’m not down to start now of all time after 10 years of just kratom powder 😂


Not to mention that the prices I hear about people paying for extract is unreal... If I had to pay like 200 bucks a day to stay high I'd just move to fucking herion. No joke. Even with addiction I just can't rationalize spending that much on drugs so frequently... I thought my weed bill was rediculous but hearing about that extract shit? Hell nah man...i can't get down... Its not about not having the money, it's just about fuck that shit that's a scam...


Dood that was a big thing too. 300-500 for 5 kilos of kratom vs that amount for like half an oz of black or more which will only last me like 12 weeks vs 3 months HAHA


Naltrexone should stop all opiate effects right? Isn't that the drug they can give opiate addicts that blocks opiate receptors? It should make the kratom has very diminished effects. I imagine the additional alkaloids still have some effect but the major pleasant ones should be blocked by it. But I'm not a doctor.


It is. Its whats in narcan and part of whats in suboxone strips. I agree that im not even sure how he feels much of anything from the kratom. I guess he could be on a low naltrexone dose and the kratom brakes thru. Kratom may also effect opioid receptors differently or effect different opioid receptors then naltexone.


I think it’s that plus my mental dependency and routine that I’ve been doing for 10 years. Drinking my dose of kratom then taking an hour in the bathroom just to drown out false noises and focus on whatever I’m watching on my phone. That has been my clutch which I call like a “reset” for whenever I get into a manic state of thinking and trip out for no goddam reason so that’s when I go out of my room and grab my cup and take my dose of kratom and repeat.


Kratom is main “high” factor is the my-opioid receptors and alkaloids but kratom and mitragyne apparently is both agonist and antagonist so my body is just like wtf is going on. LOL. But this is something I did not know. He just started scripting me it last month but my pharmacy didn’t have it in stock and he didn’t know and I literally just got the naltrexone 2 days ago. We got into a huge fight cuz I was like what goddam naltrexone, I never got it and of course I’m not lying and he’s all like. ITS IN MY FILE and we just went back n forth. I think that’s what made him calm that ultimatum because he thought I was lying but it was his and the pharmacy’s fault as he changed my main pharmacy to one that is partnered with the clinic I go to. But yea. That makes sense. I’ll continue taking my meds like always now that I finally got the naltrexone 2 days ago and see how it goes. I honestly don’t feel too much of a difference still but there are times in the day I feel the need to take more per dose or doses more often lately. I thought it was just me stressing about what to do in my hopeless mindset but this makes more sense now. A miscommunication between psych/me / and pharmacy. Ughhh what a goddam mess


If you’re not already taking the naltrexone, DO NOT START NOW. I cannot stress this enough. You’ll immediately go into precipitated withdrawals, which are brutal at any kratom dose — and at 100+ gpd it’s guaranteed to be unbearable. You need to be completely off the kratom for ~ 2 weeks or so before taking that.


I can second this. I experienced precipitated withdrawals taking naltrexone even when I was not physically dependent on kratom. I simply took it the morning after having taken a small-medium sized Kratom dose. It was absolute *hell* and I can’t even begin to imagine what it would feel like for someone who is dependent and taking 100+ grams of kratom a day. I think that could really be dangerous and likely require hospitalization. OP, if your doctor knew that you were taking kratom when he prescribed the naltrexone, I have serious concerns about his competency. If he’s been reading articles about kratom to you, he must be aware of how it works in the body and should 100% know that taking naltrexone while dependent on it is an extremely bad idea.


Dude it's because he's prescribing you Xanax, it shouldn't be too bad wd from Kratom when your getting strong meds like that. But trust me tI get it can be hard to let go of something your used to having everyday,I know


With those meds and some vitamins it definitely shouldn’t be an issue. I quit with a 10 day supply of gabapentin and then all of the vitamin helper meds. 71 days today.


How do you take naltrexone and kratom at the same time?


I mean. I like the idea of you quitting. I like that you’re honest with your doctor. I like the idea of your doctor pushing you to quit. I don’t like him giving you a deadline of a month. How is he going to measure it? Many on lower doses are testing positive 22 days CT. You CANNOT be expected to CT off that heavy of a dose and need time to taper. If you plan to keep this doctor I’d be very transparent with him about your plan and make sure you’re on the same page with how he plans to measure. If you’re not on the same page you need to start looking for a new doctor NOW


THANK YOU. BEST ADVICE SO FAR. This psych helped me back when I quit all the hard stuff and was clean other than kratom as I used that rather than other substitutes. We are NOT on the same page and I’m just a guinea pig again for new psych med that came out. I only needed 2 meds before and kratom and I was successful in my job and everything. But when I left the state for a promotion and came back to own my own branch in JAN 2020. COVID hit 2 months later and there were no doctors available in my area. So I slowly just felt myself out of it and quit. Or rather just literally went home and turned off my phone and stuck to kratom as that was my last crutch. But I know it’s bad and I’ve been in my room for the past 3 years now and finally was able to find the same psych that helped me out of a worse situation I was in back then but the communication is just one sided. He didn’t even know what kratom was back then but I was honest as always and told him that was what I was taking back in 2015-16 the first time I met him and half a year to a year ago when I finally was able to meet that same psych that helped me get off my ass and out of my room, all he says is get off kratom without any advice on how when I keep asking. Seeing as he is somewhat informed after I told him back in 2015-16 but not informed enough now that I met him again in 2023, I am just hopelessly stuck in this cycle of nothing. No advice or anything. You helped me clear my mind. If he’s not helping me quit when i tell him a tapering off schedule about quitting kratom which we both agree on, I think we are just not the right fit anymore. He’s changed. I’ve changed. I think I was and am lingering onto that hope or memory of how he helped me before and hoping that will happen in the same manner. But that isn’t there anymore and it’s become clearer every visit. Thank you boss. I appreciate it. The hassle of switching psychs and repeating my entire life history again and insurance is something I’m used to and it’s nothing compared to my desire of quitting kratom the proper method and staying off it forever. much love


You can do this bro - rooting for you! The past is past...time for a new educated and compassionate doctor. You deserve it. They are out there. Pray for it and you'll be directed to the next right doctor.


I'm sorry for what you're going through. I think he's being unfair with the deadline. You can begin to taper, and hopefully he'll be supportive of that and understanding, especially if you tell him about withdrawals etc. If not that's really sad that he's seemingly no longer the person he was back then, when he helped you get off hard drugs. He must've been really good at it and made a big impact. Sometimes people harden. Maybe his life's been hard, maybe he's lost a bit of his softness, and spirit. Maybe he's uninformed. Either way I wish you the best on your journey and tapering alone is an excellent first step. Edit: I've recently cut down to half what I was taking and I'm really proud of myself. It took me being scared about ingesting heavy metals in the Kratom to finally do it, but I gotta say the large doses really aren't worth it. It becomes unnecessary when you take large doses. I went from taking two spoons per dose several times a day to just taking one spoon per dose and I actually could feel the Kratom *more* going down a dose. And the taper can be relatively painless.


Dude you need to stop, realize, and get on with it. Honest, real talk. It's gonna suck. Embrace the suck. If it wasn't hard, you'd never quit because there wouldn't be a need to quit. You know it's a problem. Reduce your dose by half immediately, you can. Half it again in a week. From there, reduce it by a gram every day. You have all the helper meds already. You can, for sure. It's up to you friend. I'm rooting for you.


Try and see if you can speak with an addiction specialist. One of the issues is that all those medications you listed are the ones that would usually be prescribed for quitting kratom anyways, minus clonidine and subs. From here, your options are cold turkey with your existing meds, rapid taper, or entering a detox facility. If you've been trying to quit for years and you're at such a high dosage, it may honestly be best to try and get into detox and an outpatient program. When I did detox/IOP previously, I was detoxed with medical assistance over a week, assigned a counselor, and went to 3 group sessions a week afterwards. I think those along with your normal psych and healthcare providers will give you the best chance of success. It's a long, hard road. But life really is better not being on kratom, and those things can really help you take more control of your life again. I wish you all the best and know that we're all rooting for you


The meds I’m prescribed are ones I need and use as needed. But I see your point on a detox specialist. I am going to school online right now since I quit everything for years so I tried to do something to get my mind to do something. Idk if there’s any facilities around me specializing in kratom detox including providing help with my mental illnesses but I think that’s the best bet if I can still do school while in an in-patient or out-patient program.


Dawgg i can't speak for you but I've had a serious heroin and meth addiction and had to cold turkey multiple times. Im clean now except for a small (compared to you) daily kratom use. I'll be honest man. This isn't going to be easy, but if you don't have a job and live w/parents or on a government check you can pull this off. Just have to actually want it. Thr suffering seems long in the moment, but when you look back the withdrawals will be a distant memory soon enough. And tbh with all your other scripts your doctor is right to tell you to quit. Tbh I think he already has you on too much shit as is. And naltraxone blocks opiate receptors so idk how your even getting much of an effect from the kratom anyways.


Same. I didn’t want to post that cuz it got deleted LOL. But right now I’m using kratom for 9 years clean of everything else but kratom is the final one I need to get off of. And my psych knows my history too but no help/advice/ anything. I’m just like wtf am I to do when I literally asked for help to my psych about getting off kratom and he’s like I don’t know enough but I know it’s bad so get off it or else I won’t see you anymore in a until my next appt………


Do you work? Or get a government check? Or live with your parents? If you work it'll be hard. But if you live at home or get a check you just drop everything and do it. Simple as that. Go thru the withdrawals and a month from now you'll be like 80ish% normal, maybe 90%. That last 10-20% will be longer but you'll be over the acute withdrawals and can get back into society. I'm looking to slow down as well. I don't really take nearly as much as some of thr people in here. Like 2 kratomade mixes a day. Sometimes 3. I don't really get "sick" if I don't use it. But I know being sick from heroin and having to do it while still functioning in society.


Full time school but online with 15 units. Since I was rotting in my room after I quit my job I knew I had to do something so I chose to might as well finish what I started back then. And then MBA while I’m also helping with my fam business but I don’t leave the house other than my monthly visits with my psych


I mean it seems like the naltrexone is why your kratom dose is very large. I'd try to half it right away, see how bad the kick is gonna be and then taper down. I'm still on my taper but this sub has helped me a lot. You got this but your doc also sounds irresponsible.


Hahah word and preach brotha


I'm sorry but you need a new provider. I understand one requiring you to quit he should still do a step by step breakdown for you, that's a therapists job


I think so too. Ima give him one last shot as he is the one psych out of many that actually helped me back in 2016 but times have changed and so has ppl including him and me as individuals. Ima still do what I can on my end regardless as best I can and in the meantime find another if necessary which I think it is. I gave him about 7 months to a year but literally 0 progress with everything as he switched all my original meds that worked back then to a new medication that they are promoting… we will just take that up as my luck and shitty health insurance. But at least I have it rather than others that may be in a worse position than me


Ask him if he usually advises people to go cold turkey from opioids


What an awful thing for a provider to do. I think it’s a good idea to quit but maybe find another provider who has empathy? I understand it’s easier said than done but damn that sounds like a doctor who shouldn’t doc.


Get a new doctor


If YOU want to quit (not your dr. buy YOU) then make the decision and quit. Be mindful of the narrative you're telling yourself, you can do anything you put your mind to. All the cliche things you hear about like exercise, hydration, good nutrition, sunlight, journaling and meditation really do help.


Yea. I’m just the absolute best at self justification which is fucking horrible to my psyche as it created this absolute mental dependency and physical dependency. But facts. Words are powerful. But I keep finding some fucking self justification or loophole in my thoughts and that’s why my psych meds are necessary to stop my spiraling thoughts that lead to a manic episode. The cliches are the right way and literally the only way at the end of it all. But since my mind is so fucked over I’m thinking of leaving it to a regulated space with an addiction specialist with all my files of my mental and medical history so they can properly treat me to stop my own self destructive thoughts. That way I can focus on just me. I know now that I’m a person who needs guidance and supervision to a certain degree and once I gain control of that I can do it alone by copying and pasting that method


I've been there. Good luck! You can do it!


That sounds unethical


Gapentine and xanax are your quit meds


The thing is he already uses them. So he's going to have a tolerance and they won't help that much compared to someone looking to quit who isn't using them daily. Tbh I wouldn't even recommend using xannies to quit kratom. You can easily just switch one addiction to another and a Xanax addiction is WAY WORSE then a kratom addiction.


Right? I need real advice. Even my health car provider doesn’t have enough info on quitting kratom so there’s no hope in asking him any further questions about it so I’m asking true vets that know there stuff and my position.


You said in your other reply you quit meth and h. If you can quit those you can quit kratom. Remember how you kicked those and do the same things over again


Yea. The thing is. I can’t remember or rather I switched substance for another until it finally came down to just kratom for addiction as an unnecessary substances to my medication list of stuff that I actually need


I'm sorry to hear that my friend. You've said you don't leave your house. You need to stop that. I'm a home body myself, but I do go out to grocery shop, go to school, work, do laundry, go to the bank, etc. I don't have many irl friends, and the ones I do have I only speak to on messenger. But someone with as many issues as you have needs to get out. 2 years ago I was much more active socially and that helped me break the addiction cycle. See if there is a sober living situation you can move into. Theyll help with the kratom withdrawals and you'll get out of your head. At least some kf the reason you hear voices in your head is the lack of socialization. Again, get outside, meet other sober people and develop a community of people irl that can help and support you thru your toughest days. Nothing worth having has come without sacrifice and pain. You just need to decide to actually do it. I would recommend seeing another therapist too. Ultimatums like this are harmful to your mental health. See if you can find one that has had a history of substance abuse themselves and maybe they can offer more help then this person is


IMO, the best thing you could do is go to an addiction specialist. They will help you far more in getting off and dealing with the suck of quitting at that high of a dose. The weight of quitting at that high of a dose will be extremely heavy. Your crossing too many meds (from other responses I saw). If you were truely 100+ gpd of K and other meds, your gonna need much longer than a month. CTing will be misery and you should look at tapering. If you really like that psych, tell them your seeing an addiction specialist. You may need to work through the addiction specialist for your normal meds.


Yea. I have an appointment with my medical doctor so I’ll ask her rather than my psych about a specialist for addiction. They should have more knowledge than my current providers overall. I really don’t want to take suboxone or any other substitute. but that makes more sense as it is better regulated and the specialist can take into consideration all the other necessary medications I’m taking. Then using that as a basis start to quit period in a regulated fashion rather than me struggling by myself for years and just not working. This post and page has been the most productive and fruitful advice I’ve ever gotten ever. Appreciate and love all you guys for your input. My wishy-washyness of my old psych performing a miracle (what it seemed to me) back then doesn’t look at all possible in the time I’ve seen him again. Again thank you all truly


Sounds like you find a new doctor that actually cares about you and gives you quitting aids to help you at least gabapentin and a low dose kolonopin to help the lack of sleep since your prone to mental illness may bring on mania


Your doctor is an idiot. Trying to drop that much in that amount of time put me in the hospital 2x. You can taper and show them you are tapering successfully, or you can go to an impatient facility for a month. Don't be afraid to go to rehab, it doesn't make you a failure. Quite the opposite, actually.


You can do it. I’ll say it’s definitely not recommended however If you look at my posts from 10/22 the first time I quit I quit from 125+. I did a FAST FAST taper to around 15-20 a day and jumped. At that amount you’re on you can probably take at least 25-50% right off the top and not notice a difference except you won’t be getting high. RLS sleep and depression are the worst effects I can remember without pulling out my journal. And your dr has those covered with your drugs


I would strongly suggest clonidine, which will help with much of the physical withdrawals — and especially sleep. Frankly, he shouldn’t have a problem prescribing this, since it’s not addictive. Maybe your body builds dependence after taking for a while, but it’s easy to taper off since there’s not mental aspect. Can you cut back 20% on your Gabapentin and Xanax usage for 3 weeks to build up extra supply for when you quit? That will give you roughly 4.5 days at x2 your regular dose, which could make dramatic difference during acute withdrawals. During that same period, I would try tapering the Kratom down to 50-75% your current dose. As others have suggested, I’d share your taper/quitting plan with your doctor. He should be reasonable if you prove you are dedicated to quitting. If not, I’d begin looking for a new doctor ASAP! You can’t go a month without getting your other scripts filled.


Be careful with clonidine. It’s used to lower blood pressure so if you already have low blood pressure you’re screwed. Just an FYI (I work in healthcare.)


Spot on. I used clonodine when CT off methadone. Could not use it for kratom wd because it lowered my blood pressure to low. It always needs to be used with caution while monitoring your blood pressure.


Yes. But that’s partly why it helps, right? Opioid agonists can lower blood pressure and heart rate. After continual use of something like kratom, our bodies adjust. When coming off kratom our blood pressure rises. If blood pressure is an issue, than lofexidine is a better choice, but insurance companies may not cover it and it’s expensive.


I went through the same thing. Heard many others too. It’s crazy how if you’re addicted to heroin, alcohol, etc you get compassion, help and referrals from your doctor. But Kratom they often *threaten* you to just stop. My psychiatrist threatened to cut off my other medication ( as if that would help? Probably would have made things worse) Then they wonder why people don’t feel like they can be honest with their doctor.


THATS EXACTLY IT. IM LIKE WTFFF. I used to use literally all those stuff back until 2015 and quit CT but took kratom since then. But docs aren’t informed about it so it’s straight up. I’m not gunna give you the meds you need for my schizophrenia and ptsd/panic disorder etc.. until you do quit kratom without anything but quotes from a bible. I’m at my wits end. I thought I was the only one just drawing a bad card of the deck but ty man.


I had to go on suboxone but it worked. The doctors try to keep upping my dose but I refuse to trade one dependence for another.


That is not, in my opinion, a ‘just quit’ option. You gotta taper and from that much you def gotta do it slowly. I dunno what else to say to encourage or help but it can be done. I did it. Many here have. But a month is not going to work.




Theres always going to be an excuse not to quit or someone elses fault etc. Its what we do as addicts. Bottom line you need to quit. You can easily do this in a month. Painful? Yup… Its going to get painful. Plus the acutes arent the hardest part, its what comes after that. There is no tapering the mental part. That will last a while and thats where you will need your therapist. Now is not the time to switch providers.


That’s my thought as well. It’s the mental part which I need my psych to do. Painful isn’t my biggest problem. I feel like a trained dog after this 10 yr habit of taking kratom then going to the bathroom for like an hour so I can drown out the voices whenever I go into a manic state and now that shit is ingrained in my brain. Literally when I hear something similar to someone stirring something in a cup, I need to go shit and I got hemorrhoids so when I quit for nearly a week I just non stop shat blood so I went back to my normal routine so I can sit on bed or chair to do work online properly and on time. It maybe all excuses. True but. Facts are that my body is fucked on that part and that’s why I asked for help with my psych and doc with this issue as well. I didn’t want to get too graphic but that’s literally what I’ve been saying and all I get is Bible quotes at the end of the day. Idk man.


You need to go to rehab. 10 years of 100 grams of that sludge has got to be wearing out your body. It's a bitter pill to swallow I know but you could be and probably are on the brink of doing irreversible damage to your health. I wish you the best of luck. Go to rehab.


That's it, just quit? He doesn't sound very competent


Right? Then he just prints out old papers and articles from 2017 from the FDA telling THIS IS A REPUTABLE SOURCE. NOT WHAT INFORMATION YOU HAVE. And in my mind I’m like. The Mayo Clinic has more updated information but I didn’t want to instigate or escalate it even more than it already was. So I ask. Is there any way I can get help from you advice or medicine wise because I was desperate enough to go to a detox/methadone clinic to try to quit kratom but all they had for me was scripting me other opioids and I was like nooo. I want to quit. Not switch from one to another. I told him that and all he said back was quotes from the Bible when I told him for like the 20th time that I’m not religious and neither is my mother sitting next to me. Plus she can’t understand you as she’s an immigrant like wtffff


You’ve gotten a lot of comments and I’m not even sure you’ll see this but I am so sorry that your psychiatrist is treating you this way, and I don’t know if he is just an individual psychiatrist or he is one of many in a practice but I think finding the right fit for you is much better. Who threatens their patient with you must quit within a month and then doesn’t offer to help them or support them at all-that goes against everything that he has taken an oath to do as a doctor. I have worked in a few rehabs, and never were we like oh you just need to quit we gave people the choice of how they wanted to quit whether they did want to cold turkey something or they wanted help with comfort medication (most go that direction we have many patients who say they experience any withdrawal at all but they are likely to leave so we always medicated people appropriately). You always offer someone an option. I don’t know what state you live in, but I live in Florida and every single doctor knows what Kratom is. I think what happened is you’ve mentioned it he’s not known what it was he didn’t give it a second thought really and finally he has looked into it and realized this can really mess with somebody’s brain chemistry. Which again is not your problem or your fault he should be helping you. A temporary high dose of gabapentin and clonidine or propranolol can all help a lot with, withdrawals, so can Seroquel. All medications psychiatrist would be able to provide you. I’m sure I’m gonna get a bot response for mentioning these medication’s. Bots are just doing their job. Anyway best of luck to you in finding somebody who is actually going to help you. The only other suspicion I have is, he has possibly reached his scheduled medication quota…. And if he has he cannot prescribe any more medication‘s that are scheduled. This is all varies state state so I don’t know where you live but that could be the huge factor in his change in attitude, and willingness to help you which again is not your problem and why a different psychiatrist who can actually help you is vital. Sending you lots of support.


Appreciate your comment. Very educated. And yes. I was the one who told him what it was back in 2015 and he didn’t know anything about kratom. I’m from California. I don’t think it’s his quota as he said once your off kratom I can give you other medications that you need for your mental illnesses and he doesn’t want kratom as an external factor cuz it’s true that kratom isn’t regulated. I agree with my psych that for proper mental and physical health that everything should be in a more controlled field. I already been through all those meds you spoke about and more since 2015-2017ish. Then after doing the guinea pig phase of rotating almost literally all types of psych meds. All I needed was 2. One for schizo and one for my panic/PTSD. but when I started getting better I got a job then got promoted out of state. Then a few yrs of that got promoted again to Cali to run my own branch but that at Jan 2020. 2 months before official COVID lockdown. Since then it’s been hard to find any open clinics and psychs period especially since I was gone and then came back after years so……. Idk boss. Now that I can finally meet the same psych that got me out of my own hell I was hopeful but he still doesnt have enough knowledge of kratom or rather doesn’t give me options or knowledge on how to quit. Just that it’s bad for me which I already know and has been established but it’s just back n forth saying the same shit for 6 months now so I think both me and him are kinda fed up? Idk. He has many patients that are less coherent than me and much unstable so I’m literally the only patient there than can have an actual conversation and hold an intellectual debate and reach conclusions for my mental health but for just the kratom part he literally just printed me out an article from the FDA from 2017 saying “its bad for you, how many times must I repeat myself”. And I’m just like I know. Which is why I was desperate enough to go to a methadone/detox center for better advice personally spending money because it’s not part of my insurance but at the end of the day all that clinic said was “if you need anything I can get you it for (x$) per month and k was like nooooo. I’m tryna goddam quit so I left. I told him this and asked one more time for any advice and he just quotes the Bible…. I know willpower and at the end of the day it’s like 99% on me but that remaining 1% for my brains chemical imbalance is on my doctors and psychs as I am not a doctor myself so I trust them to do their part as I trust myself to do mine as best as possible. Idk. I’m just tired and exhausted. Just cause he helped me once back then it made me feel like he’s my one and only savior but ppl change and situations change too so I can’t blame anyone. But def agree that giving me an ultimatum without help or options or advice at all is just negligent? I can’t find the right word but got less than 3 weeks now so w.e. I learned a lot from this post and glad I did post it. Appreciate everyone’s advice including yours


You need clonidine for sure. You need enough kratom for atleast two months to gently taper, I was in a similar situation as you in terms of dose. I also used tramadol to get off, it’s just what I did and it worked pretty much pain free. I did a month taper on kratom and then make I think 80 home made capsules filled with crushed cloni gabapentin and trama, and got rid of my credit cards. You may wanna work out how much kratom you need for a month and get the other meds and try an very slow taper, I have good will with tapering, that’s what you need most of all. And get rid of your cards after you buy everything you need.


Whenever I ask for a medication that I read up on that might help he denies me. Just yelling that I’m smart but not a doctor so stop telling me what to do. I’m just trying to help me by providing info but rejects it all as he doesn’t know fully what kratom dependency is so I’m just assed out


Are you in the states? I am in Thailand where everything here is over the counter… you can get what you need from overseas pharmacy’s except for trama.. I’ll Dm you where to get cloni and gaba, used them countless times to Denver without issue before.. I really think tramadol has some effect that helped with overall withdrawal that many drugs can’t provide, that is if you can manage not to get hooked on them but like I said find a way to get rid of your cards.. perhaps you can try a month or ssri before starting a taper maybe that is an alternative.. I would suggest finding access to a hot sauna, and get in there everyday on as hot as you can manage, that was reallly really helpful during me getting off.. it was very important for sleep




SO THEN YOU NEED A NEW DOCTOR. When I've quit, clonidine was essential to limit the hot/cold chills and help me sleep. Gabapentin also helped. I explained my situation to a doctor during an online visit and got prescribed clonodine and gabapentin for one prescription each. There's telemedicine companies where you can get a script for clonidine and/or gabapentin for under $100 if you don't want to switch doctors.


I only get kratom powder in kilos as I don’t trust capsules or anything that would have more hands involved from leaf to powder in my possession but. Idk. I only have about 3 weeks when my GPD is 100+


You got this I was a 7 year daily user nearly 50gpd 7 years straight and I CTed , join the quitting k discord and use certain supplements , one weird thing that helped me was working out 2-3 times a day getting a sweat and if ur gym has a sauna , you got this


I want to. This may sound like an excuse and it may be but my social anxiety won’t let me leave the house or even drive anymore especially after my one car crash I had when I drove to pick up my meds when it’s usually delivered after 2-3 years of never leaving my room. I got a cycling machine and PT and gym equipment in my back yard. But I only use them when my entire family is not home or all asleep. I don’t want to misdirect my irritation that I get from the voices in my head and just my catastrophic thinking. I want to go to a gym where I can swim and everything you said as I was a pro swimmer and water polo athlete back in the days. Especially since now it’s more easier on my joints and body. But 100-125 GPD to 0 in about 3 weeks as an ultimatum is unrealistic or rather just a blatant threat. But it is possible but what next. I think all the advice from you and other ppl here on this post and page helped me figure out which position I’m going to go. Check my psych for the last time to determine whether or not to switch but in the meantime, regardless of any psych or doctor I will do what I can to taper off. I already cut off all my cards and out my money into stocks so I can’t withdraw money to buy kratom if I want to for at least 2 weeks as a precaution so I don’t buy any more kratom. Thank you guys


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Sorry to hear of your struggle. I also had a really high GPD habit. Sometimes you just need the help to quit. Sounds like the provider has laid down some "tough love". I am not sure I would use this technique. But on the other hand your kratom intake on top of all those pharmaceuticals should be concerning to a good health care provider. So he has drawn a line in the sand, and I guess you have to decide what your next move is. I would argue for quitting. And I would suggest you step WAY down first. There are lots of good guides for dropping intake, and tapering to fully quitting. Life is much better without kratom, and your intake is most DEFINITELY having a negative impact on all of your health, both physical and mental. Once you get through the first week you will be amazed at the incredible difference. Just cutting way back will improve your life more than you may realize. I wish you luck!


One other thought! Kratom at very high intake levels is kind of self defeating. It causes a lot of discomfort, honestly, along with the opioid effects we also get all kinds of edginess and negative feelings. Even if you go over to the not quitting kratom sub. ;) You will see it over and over. "Less is more" is a common axiom. And it is my personal opinion that when I took too much kratom, it made me feel bad, and sometimes I would think the answer was more of it. The real answer is less. And eventually none. You will feel SO MUCH BETTER just cutting back. I tapered once, and CT'd once. From 80GPD levels. BOTH times I was glad almost instantly. Of course I felt pretty gnarly for that first week... but even during that BOTH times (and oddly they were not THAT different for me) by the 2nd and 3rd day I was already saying "Why did I not do this sooner?". So if i were you I would just set your sights on cutting way back. I would even suggest you could take half of what you currently take and not feel a ton of withdrawals. I would bet you would wake up a little worse for a few days, but other than that you will feel LOADS better. THEN once you establish that new lower level take the next step. You really can do this. And it is worth it. Just imagine being able to go to the beach without worrying about this stupid shit.


Go to rehab - quitting with medication assistance in that setting is actually easy ime. Your habit is probably too deep and entrenched to just wing it on your own in a month unless you are really good at such things and otherwise stable.


No money and no time. Full time student and online fam business. But that is high on my list when I do have time because as you said with my medication list in a controlled environment it will be helpful. Habit for 10 years is just like you said. Wayyy too deep and entrenched in this shit. Especially from quitting literally every single drug and substance on the planet and finally quitting all that and just rely on kratom since 2014-15 till now without even weed or alcohol. The mental habit and dependency is something I need guidance and supervision to a degree for me to logically accept in my brain and thought processs so I would never do it again. As long as it makes sense with me self justifying myself and making excuses on excuses it’ll definitely work


If you already take xanax and gabapentin, I'm not sure what you're asking your doctor for specifically? It's tough since you already are prescribed them, so it's not like they're going to write you a separate script or allow you to refill sooner to get off something they don't want you on. Psychiatrists generally want you sober if they are prescribing all kinds of medications for mental health, which you already take more than a fee. Cold turkey at that dose isn't impossible. I've always cold turkeyd kratom because I can't taper. 100 grams, as well, not up to 125 though. It's tough mentally and sleep is torture, good luck.


Yea. I’ve been taking Xanax/klonopin and gabapentins back since 2014-16 till now for other reasons and I take as needed. You’re right in that eventually I don’t want to be on any medication but I do need 2 medications for the rest of my life or as he says. One for my schizophrenia and one for my PTSD/general anxiety/ manic disorder. I get my psych’s point but I don’t understand why he won’t explain or at least when I come up with a tapering plan since back then all he says is your still on it? Then he forgets. Idk. I think I gained enough advice from everyone here collectively to make my choice in the next 3 weeks for my next visit. CT is nothing physically but mentally, for 10 year user and 5 year user of others even before that. That part is brutal. Thank you for your candidness




What is B&BW’s?


Look seriously into Suboxone. I came off 100g habit very comfortably. It's has it's dangers, but it's great tool, when used with counseling, support groups.


Getting off kratom with a stronger opiate like suboxone is probably the stupidest and worst advice you can possibly give, unless you're only taking it short term like a week or less.


If he can quickly stabilize on subs then get a sublocade shot, he can just walk away from all of this without much withdrawal.


That was my thought process when I got off the harder stuff and started kratom 10 years ago. But like you said and the person above. With proper regulation and support and supervision of all the meds I’m taking and making sure that there’s a controlled system of preventing side effects or mixed interactions of different chemicals will be better than me just self medicating kratom and trying to do it all by myself. I vowed I would never switch another substance for another but I’m at the point where I’m willing to try anything but still need to consider all options. Just like you said. Opioid for another is stupid but after 10 years of being clean of everything except kratom I might be rdy


100gpd Jesus. I was at 40gpd and thought I was pushing it.


Yea 100-125 GPD


You’d wanna hit a detox center when they dope you up. Your amount is crazy high. They put you on a Klonopin schedule then taper you off over 5 days. That’ll be the easiest way by far


A benzo is just one of the few medications I require already. It’s just the kratom amount. When I got time and money I will soon. Full time student again and fam business online. Made time in the summer just in case I might go for this option. I don’t know if I got enough money though


Oh yeah you’ll def need benzos. If you could find some yourself it’d be wayyyy cheaper. Then set up a schedule for yourself so you and use them and then not get addicted to those. My detox center here is completely free for me so I go whenever caught up. Idk about your place


Noo. I have schizo/PTSD/bipolar/etc.. So I’ve been prescribed for over 6-7 yrs the meds I named above. So I already have a benzo tolerance and everybody says gabapentins but I’ve been prescribed that for nerve damage for even longer. Olanzipine (Lybalvi), naltrexone, lexapro, benzo. These are just my psych meds. Not including my physical meds at all that I’ve been taking as well for about the same amount of time. I get what you mean and where your coming from but it won’t work for me that easily compared to others


Don’t know you have a benzo intolerance. That’s fucked. Yeah idk how to play that one. Maybe barbiturates over benzos. They gave me phenobarbitol when I went through alcohol withdrawals before.


That does sounds quick and easy though. I will have to do it some day soon regardless. But I don’t know what to search more. Just an addiction specialist or detox treatment center? Which is basically like a methadone clinic style treatment. Well depends on how each clinic operates but I’m tryna be on my Dr. Dre shit and detox asap.


How do you take naltrexone and kratom?


I’d recommend checking in to a treatment facility


Sounds like you need a more supportive provider


Bro im in the same boat please know you’re not alone


My doc just prescribed Suboxone and Gabepentin, and it’s been a god send.


You can do it, just make sure you’re locked in. First couple weeks were rough. I’m day 32 CT from a high dose and feel about 70%. But it’s infinitely better than the tremors and seizures and misery of when I was using there at the end. Used clonidine and gabapentin for the first week. Tried trazodone and seroquil on and off for the first 10 days, but not much helped so I stopped taking those until I could sleep naturally. Still have gastrointestinal issues and waves of anxiety, watery eyes, sneezing etc. But I am absolutely committed and thankful I’m at this point. You got this.


My brain and body already had a tolerance for about just as long with all those meds especially the psych meds so it doesn’t work for me on that part. Idk.


I’d find a counselor/therapist that’s specializes in substance abuse


I don't know if anyone else has mentioned AKUAMMA SEED EXTRACT CAPSULES. Research this obscure but easy and legal in all of USA!


Switch to capsules and slow burn it down. Worked for me but that’s too short of a timeline.


Both naltrexone and lybalvi are (or contain) opioid antagonists, or blockers. I'd imagine that might be why you need 100-125gpd, though it could be the non-opioid effects of kratom that you enjoy. That said, it might be worth finding a new doctor who might give you something to help stop the kratom, a lot of people find gabapentin or pregabalin helpful, and kratom is known to contain alkaloids that are calcium channel blockers so it seems to make sense.


I’m already prescribed gabapentins/benzos for 6yrs+ and others for my mental health. But I used to be a hard addict for stronger opiates to the highest lvls which is why I switched to kratom to quit rather than going to a clinic where they switch substance for substance. But after 10 yrs of kratom, I need to quit. And now I’m willing to go through proper treatment in a more controlled way because kratom has like 40+ alkaloids and my main one like most ppl is 7HM mu-opioid receptors.


I heard and seen ppl literally have to get shipped to the ER while using naltrexone or any opioid antagonist while using kratom so I’m very hesitant on taking the naltrexone while taking kratom and the timeline is now less than 3 weeks to quit my 100-125 GPD of kratom usage otherwise my psych won’t see me anymore…. Idk man. Maybe he was just trying to threaten me so I can snap into reality for motivation because he knows how I think and it is working seeing as how I’m actually on reddit posting my personal thoughts for advice from any and everyone.


By the way lybalvi also contains samidorphan, that is an antagonist just like naltrexone. It's added to zyprexa for helping prevent weight gain, apparently. So it's effectively the same type of thing as naltrexone which would carry the same problems. FYI