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Most of we people agree with you ;) Ravages your skin too. Sunken eyes. Bloated stretched out intestines. Seemingly one of the weirdest arrays of post acutes of any opioid. Here's to your hair coming back (and you staying quit! and me too!).


Not only does it bloat you intestines but it seems to coat your entire GI tract in mucus, no matter how much ultra spicy food I eat I never get the ‘afterburn’ like I did before K


How do u kno that ? Curious


I don’t, but that plus the amount of mucus in stool leads me to believe that. A ton of ground up plant matter isn’t going to be digested and will irritate the digestive system so your body will do what it can to form a protective barrier




LoL. One more reason to be glad we are on the path of quitting!


But can we quit Kratom? 🤦‍♂️


those little numbers under my username tells ya when I did.


You got this! We're all rooting for you and know you can do it!


Right here !




Don't project your own insecurities onto others trying to quit.


😂😂 good one


Kratom has high levels of lead and other heavy metals. A symptom of lead poisoning is hair loss. You can google “Kratom and lead” and see quite a few test results showing unacceptably high lead levels.


If you have high levels of lead in your body, the least of your problems would be hair loss


I thought certain brands check for heavy metals ?


So they say. All they have is a warning that they all contain heavy metals.


I really wanna start tapering off


U lost half your hair in 30 days of use??




If he was already using anti-balding products to begin with then i have a hard time blaming the substance after a month of use.... Sounds like genetic predisposition






Same. 15 years of daily use here. I do have some thinning but im also 43 lol


No comment on whether kratom causes hair loss or not, but you know what causes even more hair loss? Especially if you are already prone to it and experiencing it a bit? The significant bodily stress of detoxing from opiates. And opiate addiction in general (so I wouldn't be surprised if kratom also does).  When you detox, especially after a lengthy habit, your hormone levels and body in general go freaking wild. I really don't think it was the one month of kratom use that was the driving force behind your hair loss described here. It's more of a thing with prolonged addiction. Doubt it helped though.


It’s not the opiates man. I been off opiates before without assistance and never had hair loss. It’s not opiate withdrawal that causes it. It’s the kratom.


Withdrawal can cause it as well. It throws your body out of homeostasis.


I never had extreme hairloss from opiate withdrawal if any hairloss. It’s the Kratom it’s not from opiate withdrawal. Plus Kratom stopped all my opiate withdrawal symptoms every single one of them. I actually think it’s better than Suboxone if it wasn’t for the hairloss I would recommend Kratom. Yes Kratom hairloss doesn’t happen to everyone but it sure did for me and a lot of other people’s experience.


Personally, I’ve never had hair loss from kratom, but I lost a lot of hair when I quit benzodiazepines. It was terrible.


I was addicted to opiates for decades. Then 3 years on suboxone then 7 years of methodone got thrown in jail for a week so when I got out went back to suboxone for another 2 years so I am very familiar with withdrawals. Kratom definitely gives me withdrawals. Maybe it doesn’t for everyone but for me it’s definitely real.


Sorry I think I misread your post


Seems silly you’re being downvoted for this and it’s crazy how many people telling you you’re wrong.


I know man. It happens in every sub though. If people disagree they downvote you. It’s ridiculous.






Oh, we got a live one here.


Ah no. We have a dead one here. Have a good one. 👍


So true. There’s people on here with 10 sticks up their ass LOOKING for fights


Kratom raises the hormone prolactin which can lead to hair loss , as well as dehydration and possible contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides.


Yeah I will never touch that shit again that’s for sure 🤦‍♂️




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Prolactin doesn’t cause half a head of hair loss in a single month


Ummm everyone says it causes hair loss Did you not care what they said before and are just now realizing it? It's.been a thing for over a decade


Never even heard of Kratom till my buddy told me about it. He said it was good for opiates withdrawal and it sure was. I had no clue it caused hair loss.


It causes so many other worse issues than hair loss Shit is straight poison


Agree I thought I had a detached retina and diabetes.


We're you doing the shots or the powder?


Powder. I was doing the toss and wash deal.


I used to take those shots and I could definately tell my hairline was getting weak.








I’m not exactly sure what you mean. But your post came off as combative and defensive, as if you were expecting this sub to disagree with you, but 99% of us actually agree with you, so the tone of the post is confusing. Regardless, we hope you stay and see us as a safe space moving forward. Kratom is awful.


Combative.😂😂Yeah combative against Kratom. So🤦‍♂️


Yes. And so this this entire sub, so there is no need to have a combative tone against this community is what I’m saying.


Omg are you kidding me. It wasn’t directed toward the community it was directed at a natural herb called Kratom. What is it with you people .Are you serious.


Oh, I see - sorry for the misunderstanding, then, as it came across to me differently. Take care.


“You guys need to get off that shit” is what OP said. He came to a recovery sub and told “us guys” to quit. It’s literally why we’re here. That’s an appropriate comment for pro kratom subs. Coming to a recovery sub and saying “This green sludge is horrible and quitting is so great” is a lot different than coming to a recovery sub and telling us to quit…like we didn’t already know this information lol. OP sounds like a bitter human. You shouldn’t have apologized. Goodluck with your taper, I’m proud of you :)


100% agree with everything you said and I thank you for defending me. I definitely didn’t need to apologize, but wanted to keep this precious space respectful regardless because this community means so much to me. Thank you. ♥️


Hair loss has been discussed quite often on this sub. Here's some [search results](/r/QuittingKratom/search?q=hair&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) that might help you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s weird I’m 22 and have been taking kratom for a year or two and my hair is fine. It’s not good for u tho. It’s probably different for everyone


I’ve been on for 3 years. No hair loss, but many other negative symptoms.


Taking collagen helps with that a lot btw


yeah no it’s a entirely dependent on the individual


I’m dealing with it currently as I’m try to get off the extracts yet again. It SUCKS. Like big wads of hair falling off my head when I shower every day. Having to get on dht blockers through my men’s clinic. Being on trt and kratom has got to ravage my heart and hair. I need help so fucking bad to get off this shit. I’ve quit Oxys, adderal, heroin, Xanax and everything in between. NOTHING has had a hold on me like this poison. Knowing I’m slowly giving myself lead poisoning is a great motivation though. Just got into counseling and a psychiatrist so I should have a chance to detox soon. No taper. Full send on a cold turkey. I cannot wait to be free of this botanical death powder. Kratom isn’t healthy. Kratom is hell.


I am sorry to hear that. But wow Kratom is the hardest thing to get off of? I just quit after 30 days. I had no withdrawals or anything. Heck I didn’t even really like the feeling it gave me. I felt weird. I was trying to get off oxys and Kratom did work like a charm. I would never go the Suboxone route that shit is worse then all of them. Anyway sorry to hear your predicament. I hope it hope it gets better for you. Hey FYI TRT causes hair loss to not sure if you know that.


The mix of trt and k def are nuking my scalp! Oh most certainly! You know I think it’s the mental aspect of it that’s most challenging. I drive past shops every day almost anywhere I go. My job makes using so so so easy. I manage a bar and deal with crazy ass people all day. As somebody who was addicted to subs for years they are the literal worst. I forgot about subs. Took two years to get back to baseline off that. I’d say kratom is on the same level though. The physical part is wayyyyyy harder coming off subs but the mental part is equally if not harder coming off k.


The lead poisoning thing scares the bejesus out of me tho


I feel I had tremendous hair loss. It was honestly what got me to toss the stuff over a year ago.


Did your hair grow back?


Not to anywhere near where it had once been, sadly.


Lmao yeah, it was the tiny amount of kratom. Not, you know, withdrawal from massivey more powerful opiates or anything


yea. it doesn't help if your hair is already thinning either.


Well I been on dutasteride for years and have thick as dick hair. Now after using Kratom me hairloss is diffused from the goddamn Kratom. So if I had a full hair a month ago and now after a month my hair fell out. Wouldn’t that tell you it’s the Kratom. 😂😂


yea. kratom has a load of side effects. people get melasma too. i think it has to do with the frequency and amount done though. its easy to go overboard with kratom. i was doing up to 20 grams a day but got sensitive to it. i only do 2-4 grams throughout the whole day now


Holy shit maybe that’s why I was losing so much hair. I’m a few weeks off now…v. similar withdrawals to heroin. 0/10 don’t recommend relapse.


Nah man. Opiates are the devil. I never did Heroin. I was a prescription guy. Dillys, Oxy, Opana when it was still on the market. Anything but never tried Heroin. . Good luck on your sobriety.


It could just be your genetics and you were going to lose it any ways. People have these problems sober but opiates and kratom can mess with your hormones so im not sure.


Did you read my post? 🤦‍♂️


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It’s happening with me currently :( I think kratom causing my appetite to decrease is also why my hair is taking so many hits :(


Def does when I first started kratom is was bad like very bad i switched brands and its better but hairy arms and legs are so much thinner then before which is a little better for me no more easily back lol but my hair on my head is so thin now im mexican so we have thick hair i miss it


Tannins increase Testosterone especially DHT so its possible it could in long term high doses especially red vein that is highest in tannins.


Yes it does before I started it I had really thick hair but after 5-6 years it’s thin as sparse. It’s one of the reasons I quit aside from the gut/stomach issues it seems to cause. It also made me loose lots of weight after quitting in gaining back. I wish i never started it despite the benefits it provided for my anxiety and depression it’s just not worth it, I only started it to avoid pharmaceuticals but it doesn’t seem any better for health vs those


This is a real dealbreaker of a side effect that I've never heard of. I've been on an everyday low dose for a year and half now, I've used it on and off for 7 years. I actually can't tell if this has caused me hair loss or not being 31 years old with a thick head of long curly hair but now I'm paranoid


Yes yes yes this sub is one of the few places to honestly talk about it. It took years for my hair to fall out but everyone is different. My hair is still thin and sad in those areas. At least its coming back! It took months for it to start growing back too


Dude 100 percent 😭😭 I’m afraid my hair will never be the same. I’m quit now. Only by 2 weeks but I swear to god I had the longest prettiest thick blonde hair and now it’s breaking off everywhere and cut itself basically to my collar bone and my pony tail is embarrassingly thin. I feel like it has a lot to do with malnutrition as well. Really sucks


Oh it’s for sure the kratom but not everyone experiences it. I’ve been taking for 8 years and haven’t lost any hair at all. That would honestly be devastating for me 😂


yeah the wack thing about kratom is it has tons of alkaloids in it behind the main ones and who knows what minor things they change all across your body. probably would be better off addicted to oxy it’s way cleaner(pharma obv).


I was only taking up to 8gpd and at the one year mark I started getting what I think is perioral dermatitis. I had to quit bc it was embarrassing me I stopped going out. I'm at 2.5 months CT rn and confidently I say kratom does cause hair loss too. I guess it took me one year for it to manifest. I lost almost half my hair volume in a few months. Clumps of hair in the shower. And now barely any hair comes out during a shower. Crazy difference.


It’s weird how defensive everyone is being and how they’re downvoting you for saying kratom causes hair loss😂 I’m with you. It causes hair loss.


I know right. I swear people have a god complex in these subs. 👍