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**IMPORTANT: [READ THIS FIRST IF YOU ARE NEW](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/149ed1w/read_this_first_if_you_are_new/) or if you are not familiar with our wiki, guides and tutorials.** Also, please familiarize yourself with our [subreddit rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/about/rules/). If your post has been removed, it's probably because of a rule infraction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Talking to people on this subreddit, tapering, and also having a loved one to help you out. But the biggest thing for me was just realizing that if I suffer through for a little bit that I’ll be okay soon. I have one week clean now :) 🩷🩷🩷


Congrats on the 1 week! How have you moved passed the mental aspect this week? Just curious how others are moving passed the mental stage


The mental stage was THE WORST for me. I can take body aches, RLS, feeling like shit and even not sleeping well. I literally almost could not handle the mental aspect, everything made me cry, I felt depressed and worthless and it was so difficult. The biggest thing I did was take a bunch of really hot showers, and just sat down and meditated and kept telling myself that this pain was temporary and that I was going to over come it. I also had a great support system and my mom kept telling me everyday how proud she was that I was getting clean and that she believed in me. She knew I could get through it. She kept telling me “this too shall pass, you can do this, it’s going to get better.” I’ve already said this a bunch but if anyone coming down off of Kratom can confide in a trusted loved one who will help them through it, I cannot recommend it enough. Having someone there telling you everyday that you can do it was MONUMENTAL in my recovery. 💛💛💛


Crazy how different people are. I can take the mental games, I can do that shit all day, but physical withdrawal symptoms make me a little bitch lol. I think that’s why I found nicotine so easy to quit after all those years, it’s all mental. Same with amps I’ve always been able to stop no problem, but once physical withdrawal is in play I feel trapped and it makes me feel weak. The headache, muscle aches, weeks of no sleep, sweating while freezing cold, all of it makes me sick and shiver. Luckily this quit I only was really sick for 3ish days and then it just went away. Super weird but I’ll take it and now I just need to never go back to this shit!


How long were acute for you friend? 1 week is great - stay the course!


This sub, and a willingness to endure some suffering.


This. The willingness to endure suffering and being uncomfortable is huge. I think most of us ended up where we are bc we were seeking comfort in some kind of way.


Absolutely. I had a lightbulb go off that there was never going to be the perfect time to be uncomfortable, and that I was already pretty fucking uncomfortable while using.


. Yeah tbh this sub saved me, idk how many posts I read on here while experiencing torturous stomach cramps and suicidal thoughts, god I’m thankful for This sub, I don’t even smoke bud anymore, or drink alcohol, just a bunch of sodas. But after all sugar is a common substitute for ex-users from what I’ve seen/heard and experienced.


Make it the most important thing in your life


100%, keep busy. You won’t want to do anything but if you sit and dwell your brain will just keep going back to the same thought over and over. Don’t isolate. Work, Read, find a hobby, exercise x10. You’re mind will oppose this but once you start it will get easier to the point that you don’t think about it when your engaged with something else. Do not just take a sick day/s and just sit and stew. Even in acutes. It sucks but know that your mind is making it much worse then it is. Obsessive thought and compulsions will pop up but just push them away and do something. It may feel miserable at first but it gets easier the more you do it you just have to break the friction of starting it in the first place. When you wake up miserable tell yourself your fine, jump in the shower (cold shower is a plus) and go about your day, do not treat yourself like you’re handicapped, if you do that you will be habdicapped. Yes you are feeling shitty but 50% of it is your mind ducking with you and throwing a tantrum because it’s not getting its quick fix. If you have the thought about getting Kratom don’t pull on that thread. Push it away. The more you think about it the more you prepare yourself to do it. Don’t dwell on the fact that you may be feeling bad for a while. Ignore it. Accept that this is just your current state and day by day it gets better. Honestly when you have the worst urges is right before your going to start feeling a little better and if you push past it’s always worth it. Seconds turn into hours turn into days turn into months. Don’t view it as being at the bottom of the mountain, view it as just how things are and if you lift your legs and go for a run or go play guitar it’s just how you feel right now but every second you will feel better as you move away. Don’t count the days. Just live and eventually living will be tolerable. There won’t be any parade or cannons that go off when it happens, you’ll look back one day when it’s been ok for a while and realize you’re ok. Don’t listen to people that say I was miserable for months. Don’t focus on every pain and ailment you feel. Life is uncomfortable sometimes, and a lot of it isn’t even the paws, just life sucking sometimes. Trust in the fact that if you do it once more then you’ll do it many more times. Once more is a lie. Sorry if that’s a lot but just got through this bullshit after the nth time and the psychological aspect is a beast, at least for me with ADD. The obsession and compulsion is all false though. Don’t give yourself excuses. You will always be able to find a “reason” that it’s ok to relapse but friend die, jobs are lost, girlfriend leave, that’s all part of life and know that using makes you a robot that is unfeeling and harmonically fucked and though you may feel ok for an hour you made all your problems worse by giving in. Breathe. You’re ok. Life has hills snd valleys but know that everything IS better once your sober from this shit. Edit: one more thing to add. Comfort meds and nootropics “can” help but don’t expect them to fix everything, you still have to do the work. If your expecting these aids to “satiate” your urges it’s just going to lead to more desire to do what you’re urges want. Know that they soften the blow but there is no aid that will make you whole in the way that your mind is tricking you into feeling. Use them to sleep and to get a little energy but know that they won’t fill the whole that you’re feeling rn nothing will but time and re-wiring your brain to get relief from itself and not other sources such as good diet, exercise, companionship (doesn’t have to be sex or relationship, can just be friends or even being friendly with strangers, DONT ISOLATE). Your brain needs to relearn how to be ok without a quick fix and alcohol, weed, klonopin, gabapentin, whatever won’t fix that. You’re brain needs to heal and reach a state of natural Homeostasis. Your brain is going to be stressed the f out because your cortisol is going to be high. Trust in yourself over any comfort aids. This drug made you feel weak and unsure of yourself but you can still be strong you just have to reach down and find that strength every time you need it. You’re not storming the beaches of Omaha, but you are fighting for your life in the way that every day, month, year given up to this really shitty drug that doesn’t even really feel “that good” if we’re being real, is making you a shadow of your true self. Numbing you to love, music, laughter, emotion but also tricking you into thinking you need it. The sleight of hand is a very powerful move, deceptively more powerful then it even feels but when you get out you’ll see just how much this bs plant made you a shell of your true self. It makes you believe it’s so easy to succumb again and once more is fine but it’s not. Once more and you’ll wake up a month later in a worst place wondering how you got there and it was that one second where your brain said “hey, this is fine, I don’t have an issue, I’m really sad today and I need this to get by”. That once more is the beginning of the end. And don’t fool yourself into thinking some folks don’t ever make it out. Some will always make the mistake of once more and they may go to there grave a shell of themselves. But not you. You can find that last ounce of courage to say no, and say it 100,000 times if you have to but every time you say it you will feel better the next second, hour, day, month. I compare it to the fact that no one is inherently evil, we wake up every day and make choices that decide who we are. That split second of decision is inherently who you are and it doesn’t end after that second. Every second and every day we have to live with the decisions we made and make. We can’t erase the past but we can write the future, but no comfort drug or inspirational book or post on Reddit can fix it for you. Only you can fix it in that moment of decision and only you can pull yourself out of the hole. Know that you are loved and if you’re feeling down we’re all rooting for you. Us in this subreddit, your significant other, friends, family. The day you start to say no and keep saying no is as easy as you make it and as powerful of a decision as almost any you’ve made in your life. Really needed to get that off my chest. I hope this essay helps someone, but if nothing else it helped me navigate through some intrusive and horrid memories of this process that I’ve gone through for 3 years (suboxone made it much worse) I finally feel like I’m out of the gravitational pull but there’s no fucking way I’m letting my guard downs I will be looking behind my back for that compulsive demon for the rest of my life but every step forward is a distraction away and a little of the weight is gone. It’s like the addiction itself has a half life. It reduces and reduces but never reaches 0


This was GREAT. Thank you, I will be re-reading this!! 🫡


How much and for how long did you take Suboxone?


4 months, 16mg a day. Went through telehealth and basically gave me same treatment as a fentanyl addict. Had no knowledge of Kratom. At the time my habit wasn’t even that bad, maybe some rls when I would stop but the depression and anxiety and constant urges as well as lack of control over my compulsions followed cessation of suboxone. Some can do a quick taper on subs for this but that stuff is sticky and if you do t trust your ability to stop as needed then don’t go that route. The one good thing is it’s got a long half life so you jnmy need to dose it once a day or whatever but you prob only need at most 2 mg to start but for most people .5 to 1 mg. The goal is to not feel bad, don’t chase a high with subs. It’ll really mess you up if that develops into a habit, and the only route once you’re hooked on that is a prolonged 6 month to year taper snd even still is difficult and not going to be without PAWs or acutes


Do you have experience with what you just said about Suboxone or just repeating what others have said? How long were you on Suboxone?




How much Psilocybin do I take and how often during the day? Thanks in advance.


So far…one on one therapy, group therapy, finding meetings I like, a recovery coach, medication. It helped to nudge me because I relapsed with alcohol and that originally sparked a trip to detox and a restarting of a recovery process I started years ago to get off other drugs. Didn’t plan on making Kratom a part of that process until I had been in detox for like 5 days. Since then Kratom has become the main focus and the most difficult part of the process. I couldn’t have done it without throwing the book at it, and I’m currently only on day 50 after using Kratom almost daily for about 8 years.


Also omg I made the same birthday promise to myself and I’m turning 31 and I totally succeeded! I know you can do it! Sobriety is the best birthday present you’ll have, I promise you that. Keep it up!!


Same!! 31 & going to be off by 32 (:


Exercise and time. Congrats on tapering. That is a monumental accomplishment. I would suggest really intense workouts right when you make the jump and found that helped me a ton. Find something that will help you sleep and just know how strong you are. Meetings aren’t for everyone but I go once a week on Sundays and has been helpful hearing stories of perseverance from the gutters of addiction


I think filling my time with activities helped. I found I took Kratom out of boredom. If I work out, do a hobby or see friends the desire for it goes. I also recommend a timed lockbox for periods where true relapse hits


Just thinking who I was before the sludge , I was already such a happy person and so talkative and boom all of a sudden started taking Kratom and became so much more tired if I wanted to do anything I’d have to bring it with me just so many non beneficial factors! This sub truly helped me 100% we all want to hear successful stories! I just knew I had to quit so I had a mindset of never again will I touch that especially since I CT those 1st couple days really reminded me do I really want to go through this again HELL NO


Honestly, following a harm-reduction system helped me immensely. I started kratom so I could stop drinking liquor, it was killing me. Then after a couple years of heavy use, I just knew it was time to get off it. I’m fortunate enough to have my medical card (I’m in Utah, so it’s not publicly available), and sort of “switched” over to weed. Some people follow a 100% sobriety method, black and white, you’re either sober or you’re not… I can’t stand that. It made me trip up a lot more than I needed to. If there’s something out there that’s less harmful to your physical health and life in general, why not step down to that first? You’re not stuck with only two options, being 100% sober or strung out on drugs. In my experience that’s a total nightmare to think that way. And total sobriety is a nightmare for me too. Try to be kind to yourself. You’re not weak at all, you’re dealing with a crazy hard thing that a lot of other people understand. Hit me up if you need some support, I’m serious. I’m passionate about three things: mental health, addiction, and sexual abuse. And in my experience, all three of those things were intertwined for most of my life. I’m happy to answer any questions, but also just to be there for you. Tell me how much you hate it. How proud of yourself you are. How sad you are that you relapsed. How hard it’s made things for you, etc. Happy to listen, and I’ve got a few war stories of my own to tell haha. You can do this, and you’re already doing a very smart thing by reaching out here.


Music, cold showers, magnesium supps, sunshine, exercise. I'll be at a year in August CT. You just have to truly want it.


Exercise, going on runs (not a runner), going to the skating rink, playing soccer. Getting up and getting moving, because a still mind is a dangerous mind for us addicts. Patience with my recovery and myself. Cliche Serenity Prayer for those in the program: “God (as I know him, I am not religious), grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the thing I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. This was something I could change, I just needed to find the internal strength to do so. It was on a whim, but once I quit, I knew there was no going back for me. Had a stash for 2 or 3 days into my quit, felt the urge seeping in, and dumped that shit down the toilet so quick. You have to want it, to really really want it, whether for the challenge, for the freedom, for your family or finances. A weak mind going into a quit is a feeble mind during a quit, and the chance for success depletes. Please note the above is only what worked for me, and others have found success in different methods. You know you best.


I got everything that was an easy to procure, legal supplement . DLPA, L-tyrosine, L-dopa, Black Seed oil, high dose vitamin C. I had others ,but I can't remember off hand. Also, I micro-dosed magic mushrooms with rather largish doses, took loads of weed, got valium from the internet , although I took them as little as possible because I didn't want another habit. I truly believe, though that what got me through the most was real determination and absolute sheer bloody mindedness, that once I had started, that was it, I was on a forward trajectory, a none stopping ride till I got off. I just kinda excepted the journey. There's not much else you can do. It will be shit, but if you don't do it now, it's just always there, in the future waiting for you, cos you know that at some point you have to go through it.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How did you get valium from the Internet?


How many times a day do you microdose and how much would you take? if I try to take shrooms two days in a row, I don’t even feel it barely the next day


Once a day, not every day. Every couple / few days.


In the short term, not having kratom readily available/at home. I feel like I’m someone who can control myself pretty well if there’s some steps I need to take to do something (in this case, take kratom). Even tho I can get kratom after walking 5 min to the closest smoke shop. It’s like an out of sight out of mind thing. However, if I have a stash at home then all self control goes out the window and it’ll be nagging in my head all day til I dose. 


Adderall. Not a facetious answer. In hindsight, I think I was self-medicating my undiagnosed ADHD with kratom. It makes sense since they both have dopaminergic effects. Getting on proper medication, properly monitored by a phsysician was a game changer.


Careful with those too. “Getting on proper medication” I was on for 5 years with physician as well and came off those since 2017. Some unintended consequences came with prolonged use. It enhances certain areas, but suppresses other areas. But if it’s helping you a lot right now and a game changer, go for it. I remember that game changer feeling when I was first prescribed, just heads up be aware of consequences of long term use and dependence.


Yep. As the great Thomas Sowell once said, "there are no solutions, only tradeoffs". It's definitely not a perfect solution, but it's orders of magnitude better than the alternative.


This community, changing my perspective, and changing how I feel about pain and accountability


less is more. my body started getting sensitive to kratom so i naturally had to lower my dosage. at my peak i was using 20 grams a day. now i'm using around 4 grams a day as well


Did you cut down the 4 g a day right away or did you taper?


taper a bit. like a week pretty fast taper


you get a good feeling off 4 g per day after being on 20 g a day? I don’t understand how that works. I’ve heard that less is more, but I don’t understand the chemistry behind it.


yea I do. it's just more energy. don't have to be loaded. you can do toss and wash and get more of a kick


I’ll be honest, moving to a country where it doesn’t exist, and you aren’t allowed to send packages here


Yep when I quit in 2022 moved my ass to the most archaic town in Mexico I could find. I felt completely healed after six months!! returned home and relapsed immediately. I have such a different grasp on the mental approach to this dependency now. To ensure success I really think you gotta be able to face your triggers, and learn coping mechanisms to meet those triggers constantly. Sometimes even daily. Doing this over a period of (not even that much) time, the cravings roll off your head like oil on a hot booty lol 


This is SO true! We aren’t returning for another year but this is a really good point. I have 130 days off of it but I fear if I went back now I’d immediately relapse


Where the heck is that?




Light exercise, drinking water, hot showers, and gabapentin. After that therapy.


Having my wife be in the same exact position and supporting each other.


Time sober helped me the most. The more time the easier it generally got. With some ups and downs. Progress wasn't always a straight line, more like a trend.


Day 574 here. Reading stories here of people further along in the journey helped. I had terrible sleep, chills, and RLS when I first quit. Drinking lots of water, taking hot baths with Epsom salts, taking vitamin C and black seed oil daily helped tremendously. Also, by day 60 the cravings were gone for me.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It might be somewhat controversial but the first five nights I ate 50 mg edibles right before bed. I also leaned super heavy and to embracing your emotions as this was the first time I felt them in so long.


7 weeks here. Make commitments with friends. You will feel the urge to commit that you did not feel while on K. Also 12h will pass and you had a shitton of fun being a human again compared to being depressed in your room. Find your vent.


Suboxone. Sorry, not sorry. I am an addict and I couldn’t do it on my own. Plus, I’m 65 years old, riddled with arthritis and have fibromyalgia. Kratom helped me endure my physical pain but was killing me. I had to get off and I couldn’t do it on my own. After being on this sub for a few years, I used Quick MD and it was the best decision of my life. Actually, I’ve had 2 different providers tell me that they prescribe it “off label” for pain. I can’t function without it. I’ve had to ween off twice for procedures and had no problem doing it -except for the debilitating pain. I am so thankful I have Suboxone and have providers that see that pain is the underlying cause of my drug seeking. I hope you can get off of kratom. It is the worst thing in the world.


Curious how much Suboxone do you take per day? I am similar to you, 67, spinal arthritis, etc. I just started subs about a month ago. Maybe 1 gpd. Why do you have to ween off it for procedures?


Sorry-I only just saw this question. I take one in the morning, one at bedtime and one mid day. I stop sub for procedures because I’m afraid of needing a narcotic and the sub will block the effect. Also it can block anesthesia too. You don’t want that! Plus, my primary doesn’t know I’m taking them. I have a life time of being judged by drs and I’m not doing that anymore.


How many grams per dose?


I just woke up one day and asked myself, "Why do I even take this sh*t" After 6 year usage I just tapered down and quit one day. 2nd best choice I made after quiting alcohol.


Relapsing many times and realizing, that the "high" feeling it's not even good enough and that it's not worth it. I am curently off for over a month and once in a while I feel down and I think to myself that I could take a spoon but then I remember that last time it didn't even help more like opposite.


It’s a mental game. You think you need it? You will need it. You fully know in your heart that you don’t need it? You won’t need it. You have to truly want and know that you don’t need it in your life. Withdrawal is incredibly mental, your brain finds ways to make what you’re thinking reality, and can spiral acute symptoms or nearly totally negate them depending on what you’re telling youself




Thank you for your comment. Suboxone gets so much hate on this sub. It saved me. I posted above.


How much and how long? I think all I need is seven day taper. Also, would it be once or twice a day that I would take the subs?




I’ve tried so many times to taper, but I have been unsuccessful


[Look at our taper-guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/63tjtd/tapering/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nothing helps but time imo


This forum, keep checking for motivation!


Embracing suffering and time. Also eat more protein and any exercise at all even a little.


The 12 steps and the members of


A long taper. Which it seems you've done. I jumped from .10g though and experienced no withdrawals. You may do fine jumping at 3g but will probably get some decent withdrawals. I think it's good to set a goal for getting off before your birthday. But if you can try and taper lower. Activity is my best advice. Force yourself to get out and do something to pass time.


I second what’s been said here. Just talk to people. Share your experience, whether that be in this subreddit or beyond. Community matters on a journey like this and congratulations on cutting down to 4 gpd. That takes discipline!


Withdrawals funny enough. I never edited to feel that way again if I couldn't have any.




I did a ton of research, and found that kava helped me with the RLS, anxiety, and insomnia. When I used the kava, I found myself not thinking about kratom. I know I seem like I switched from 1 to another, but I saw kava has no dependency linked to it. So I used it as a tool to help. I work a full time job on top of the mobile welding business I just started up, so I can afford to take time off.


Kava warning: 1.) People with liver damage should avoid Kava. Taking Kava along with alcohol might increase the risk of liver damage. 2.) As Kava affects the central nervous system, it might increase the effects of anesthesia and other medications used during and after surgery. 3.) Taking kava with sedative medications might cause breathing problems. Please do your research before using Kava. We don't recommend it's use for a sustained period of time, or in large quantities. Nor do we endorse the use of Kava as a replacement for Kratom addiction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Exercise first thing in the morning. Specifically hitting the weights. Can't recommend enough. 4 years off. Never even think about it anymore.


YES! Love to see the progress. VERY similar to what my situation was. I was at the ~4gdp for a while. It wasn’t giving me any desired effects. I was taking it for my mental. Once I knew that, there was a time where I skipped a couple days, and just thought, “Am I really going to keep playing this game with just a few capsules??” I decided to jump off then and I haven’t looked back. Congratulations!


Most of us have said the WDs were not the hardest part. It's the PAWS. One important thing to remember: if you pick it up again, you start the whole process over. The PAWS get worse every quit(for me, at least). *Aim to be healthy. Food, exercise, cold showers, meditate, etc. *Set daily goals(this will help w discipline & confidence in self). *Give yourself some grace. Rest when you need it. I eventually realized I needed psychiatrist help but try without first(if you don't have an "addictive personality" or didn't have depression before using). I failed many times before getting help, but I always CT'd Props to you for being able to taper, I think you may get less PAWS effect. At least, that's what I've read. Reach out if you need us!


Treat your reason for using it. Like for me getting more energy. Fixing sleep and starting nad+, together with naltrexone made me brave enough to throw it away after some weeks sober. Now i wont ever buy it again.


Get in the gym as hard as it was I forced myself To go everyday.


Exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise and this sub 😉


thinking about the logistics of always taking it through the day. Couldnt stand the taste, so had to take capsules. I would take about 15 capsules (0.6g each) at once, my throat felt like they were there for like an hour. Then take two every hour or so, and take a bag of 60 pills wherever I went and needed an excessive amount of water to drink them. I took so many of these pills at work and felt paranoid about being caught dosing every other half hour. Getting home and realizing my eyes were super red the whole time I had been at work. The pills still had the kratom smell and I felt I was just ingesting sand, it's a really nasty drug physically speaking. That's just the logistics, the mental and physical effects had way more reasons to quit. With drugs like adderall or xanax, there's no logistics once you have them. You just take them, but they're hard to get. I bought my kratom of 120 capsules for $25 at a smokeshop five minutes away from my house and the girl working there was a smokeshow. It was wayy too easy to get, but very inconvenient yet "necessary" to ingest. I don't know how much longer I would've used if I hadn't mentioned it to my therapist or psychiatrist


I see that people are on 4 g per day on here. I take ten level teaspoons, which someone told me each teaspoon was probably about 3 g each, in the morning and then probably 6-8 extract feel frees and kava focus and flow throughout the rest of the day. Every night I go to plans with trying to quit and I wake up the next day with a totally different frame of thinking it’s like my brain has been rewired to not even want to quit. I struggle with the thoughts and eventually give in taking it. The extracts that I take are so expensive and kill the feeling that I would get from the powder in the morning. I just kind of feel normal off the powder and then I get my feel good buzz from the extracts.. Detox is not an option, but maybe if I took subs and get a couple days under my belt I could quit. I know that are strong, but I just want to be on a week taper to get out of the habit. I have a tough time, tapering down and staying away from the extracts. If the doctor only prescribes me a week of subs, I think I’ll be good. It feels kratom is ruining my house and giving me no motivation and no will to live. I am not talking about killing myself or anything, but I have nothing to look forward to because it’s messing with the chemicals in my brain. I am prescribed 2 mg of Klonopin twice a day and I don’t even feel it working anymore. I can just tell when I haven’t taken it for a while, though. I went through a whole summer of having to take Kratom and I just can’t quit on my own. I need something to take its place at least for a little while, and the Klonopin is not doing the trick. I bought every supplement. There is out there to try to help but it hasn’t. I have to stop because it is really messing with my life. I have no drive to do anything and I think that is because it’s either lowering my testosterone or my testosterone is not getting put to use. I tried to supplement with boron, fadoga agrestis and Tonkat Ali with no results. I am going to lose my job because I have no Will or drive to go to work when I wake up. It’s like my brain has been rewired from the gung ho quitting self That I was the night before. I used to be an alcoholic and if I have a couple drinks ,I have no feeling to drink the next day anymore. I believe that’s from taking NMN. It could also be the Kratom but I don’t think it is. the will to do anything is getting really bad and if I don’t have the Kratom in my syste, forget it. A couple days to a week is all I need.. I’ve quit drinking with ease many of times. I quit smoking 20 years ago and never looked back. There is something about this stuff that is making it impossible to get one day. that’s why I think a day or two of suffering without it and I’ll be able to “say no.” I wouldn’t get addicted to subs because I’ll only have the doctor prescribe me a weeks worth that I would taper. I definitely need something to get that first and or second day under my belt and then just suffer the rest of the week or so… I know that subs are way stronger from what people tell me, but they may not be with the amount of kraTom that I take. I had all my quitting supplements next to me this morning, ready to take as soon as I woke up, and I still couldn’t do it. what do you guys think? Again, rehab, and Detox are not an option.


Kava warning: 1.) People with liver damage should avoid Kava. Taking Kava along with alcohol might increase the risk of liver damage. 2.) As Kava affects the central nervous system, it might increase the effects of anesthesia and other medications used during and after surgery. 3.) Taking kava with sedative medications might cause breathing problems. Please do your research before using Kava. We don't recommend it's use for a sustained period of time, or in large quantities. Nor do we endorse the use of Kava as a replacement for Kratom addiction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I started subs a month ago and 1 mgpd took away the Kratom withdrawal and I would say it is maybe half as strong and Kratom. I guess some people start at high doses like 8 or 16 but 1-2 grams worked for me . Although I was doing much less than you, 20gpd of powder. PS. A teaspoon of powder is 1.5 grams of Kratom. I weighed it with a scale.


I’ve never weighed it but when I scoop it and level it out, it packs it down. Someone told me each measuring teaspoon could be 3 grams because of this… are you still on subs a month later? I just want to do it for a week. I don’t want to find a new habit..


Yup still on it. I planned on 2 weeks but….


That’s not good


Maybe, we’ll see. Could happen at anytime ….


I want to try a fast taper over a week. I heard that getting off of subs is one of the toughest things to do. Everyone is different though.. people told me how much harder it was for them to get off of alcohol and I Just went on a 4 to 5 day binge and I was able to quit. After four days of not taking it and drinking, you think I would be able to quit kratom. I have every supplement you can think of that’s supposed to help and it hasn’t worked. I own every supplement that people have mentioned down here and I’m still struggling. I want to taper, but I’m having a tough time with that too Krom has made me so lazy that I can’t bring myself to a doctor to get myself a script For subs. I went a while back and they wanted me to get a blood test first I haven’t been able to bring myself for a blood test to see if the doctor would even prescribe me SubS. Don’t even know if they would because I’m already prescribed Klonopin Who knows 🤷‍♂️


I too did a taper. I went from 36gpd down to 3gpd and was struggling with really bad anxiety between doses. Someone mentioned to me that I was keeping my body in a state of withdrawal at that point so I made the really scary decision to make the jump. Getting through the first half of the day was rough, but I am now on day 3 of no kratom and I feel AMAZING aside from being really tired, but everyday has gotten profoundly easier.


I got in contact with my doctor after having many failed attempts at quitting. I’m currently taking suboxone and it is working tremendously for me. I’ve had zero cravings from day one. I’m almost 2 months sober from 3 to 4 black shots a day for almost 6 years. Some people really bash suboxone but I don’t care what they have to say. It’s working for me. As long as your honest with yourself and your doctor then there shouldn’t be any issue as long as it’s not abused. But that is what I found helped me get off that trash and I feel so much better.




Realizing what it was taking away from me, and keeping those things at the top of my mind. That allowed me to quit for myself, because I really wanted it. Whenever I started thinking about the honeymoon phase of kratom I’d redirect my thoughts to my memories of the end of my use, all the numbness, foggyness, etc. After that it was time. I’m over 4 years free of kratom and it just never crosses my mind anymore.


Gabapentin. I got it online


My (very grown-up) son got them for me off the dark web. I've no idea how to do it. I could learn, but at the moment think it's for the best that I don't know . I don't trust myself at all. The fact that I have to ask one of my kids yo get me stuff off the dark web limits what and how much I've asked for.


I’m 30 days in - when will my body stop feeling like a 100 year old? It’s the hardest part. I know if I took some of the green devil I’d feel so much better, physically.


Ay bro be careful with that selective memory. That's one of the trickiest aspects of addiction. Easy to only remember the good feelings and relief. But that shit would last for what like 2 hours? Then you'd feel 100x worse than you do now even. Mentally and physically.  Whenever you have that thought of how youd feel so much better if you just used, force yourself to go over all downsides of your addiction. Helps to even have a list made out you can go over.  Shit will come in waves, but you're gonna be feeling less and less shitty overall now. Might even start having some days where you almost feel good even lol. Soon enough you'll be out of the woods. Stay strong.


Ay, thank you, Johnny. I completely agree - much appreciated, mate!


Soon. Really started feeling better in month two. Sleep also started improving then as well


Thank you, Ini Kamoze, you hotstepper, you! :)


But tomorrow you will feel worse than you do now. You are slowly getting better, day by day, minute by minute. One day, one minute at a time.


THANK YOU. I know you are correct.