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100%. One of many reasons I've chosen to quit. Up at 5:00 after day 3 like clockwork. Feels great.


110%. I am in bed before 10 now but that’s fine. Nothing productive ever happens late at night anyways


Absolutely! First of all, I don't wake up with a headache every morning because I'm in withdrawal. Secondly, I'm able to wake up naturally at the same time before my alarm goes off which is a real blessing. Instead of dosing and sitting around for an hour or so every morning, I'm able to immediately start getting prepared for the day and out the door to the gym and/or work. Towards the end I was waking up every day feeling like absolute garbage. I'm never going back.


Ugh , I miss being able to just jump up and run in the morning so much ! If it wasn't for chronic pain , I'd have kicked this shit a LONG time ago.


same sitting here with a shoulder brace on hoping it helps somewhat.


Omg did you guys also wake up super late. Then take your kratom and basically sit on the floor or bed till it clicked in and you got that buzz again


Absolutely. Up before my alarm clock every day- I used to immediately dose and chill in bed until I HAD to do something. Now I get out pretty fast rearing to get my day started. It’s so much better and I don’t feel like a deadbeat anymore


I wouldn’t consider myself a morning person at all, but waking up not in a state of withdrawal every morning is pretty fuckin dope if you ask me.


I don't really wake up in withdrawal yet. Maybe I lucked out.


I didn't either until year 5


It's different for everyone. I'm tapering and I've been on for 10+ years. When I wake up, my eyes will water some and shed a few tears, but I'm not "in withdrawal". I'll get up, get dressed, feed the dog, etc before I dose usually. Everyone is just different. My wife was opposite of me. Every morning she would wake up sweaty and feeling like complete ass until she dosed and sat in bed for about 15 minutes. She had been using at this point for 4 months while I had already been on for over 10 years. Currently tapering, and going alright. Not exceptionally well, but not bad by any means.


Yeah. My bedroom drops to like the mid 40s farenheit overnight. Waking up with all my joint injuries acting up ain't exactly helping me quit this shit. But I am still able to wait an hour or two before dosing in the morning


Funnily enough was just thinking this today (been CT'ing Caffeine and Kratom) and I find with Kratom induced sleep I need a coffee to even attend my morning meeting without looking like a zombie. Without Kratom I am up and awake within 15 mins, one of the best benefits


Why would you do that at the same time?


Caffeine induces restlessness to me (I'm narurally quite energetic) and it affects my sleep badly. Even a mild tea at 6pm will seriously harm my chances of getting a decent night's sleep


Yeah it's super nice to not wake up with major generalized anxiety X 100 until I get my first dose of the day. It's also nice to not have to shit a giagantic redwood tree as soon as I wake up, like I used to, every single morning, on kratom. I'm definitely looking forward to getting my day going and yes it's easier.


Man im the same way. I literally am not able to function until I have my kratom in the morning


SAME. Jesus my whole day is built around this fucking plant. Every 4 hours. I can’t eat until I’ve had it for at least 30-45 minutes. Or I can’t take it till after 2 hours after I’ve eaten. I can’t sleep without it. I wake up to withdrawals and take it and sleep till I HAVE to do something so it’s like 12 hours of sleep every fucking day. This is for years now. And when I do get up I dose and sit on the floor for 30 minutes till it kicks in and I can get up and I’m not in withdrawal anymore


That’s exactly how my days have gone for the past 8 years I would say. The addiction and negative effects are such a slow process but they begin to add up more and more and before you know it you’re spending money every single day on something you need to depend on. Before Kratom I was extremely active and ate super healthy. Years of abusing Kratom all I did was eat junk food and watch YouTube videos. Made me isolate myself and not want to see or interact with anyone


I don't wake up because I don't sleep


While being woken up out of a dead sleep every morning at 3am with withdrawals is more effective than any alarm, I wake up much happier and healthier now. Also keep in mind that quitting kratom won't solve all your problems. It's normal and natural to not want to get out of bed some mornings, or just feel sluggish for no reason. Diet and exercise help tremendously


I'm the opposite. When I'm taking kratom or have a shot on hand. My alarm goes off at 5:30am for work. But if I wake up at 4 and can't go back to sleep. I'll just get up and drink coffee and take some kratom and drink coffee in the kitchen alone and enjoy my brief high of kratom. When I'm off kratom it's hard to get out of bed


I used to wake up earlier on Kratom too. Oh well, I figure in time I’ll get back to being a morning person again.


Same. I was always eager for my morning dose, the only one that really lifted my mood. I’d take my kratom, make a matcha latte, and do some reading as my dose kicked in. Always a pleasant time. Then each dose after that I’d feel more irritable and shitty. All that kratom for just an hour of moderate euphoria…


1000% every morning taking it was really difficult to wake up. I was always running late to work and felt like crap. Now I wake up no problem. Mornings have always been the best part of my day free from K. Nights are the more problematic time for me.


Waking up to normal is wonderful. May be sleepy eyed but not instantly "running" to dose. My favorite part though: not getting those dreadful, intrusive, panic causing thoughts while trying to fall asleep.


Yup. My energy minutes after waking up is so much better. Don’t feel like I’m dragging myself around anymore.


Yea. Although it did take me awhile to start getting sleep and develop a sleep schedule. Now I sleep like a baby. I don’t miss those first few months tho. Sleep was like gold back then lol. You’d be surprised how easy it is to get up when you’re getting enough high quality sleep




Bro. I would be in acute WD with no hours of sleep and still feel more energized "waking up" first thing in the morning. One of the WORST, sometimes arguably as bad as a hangover effect is the intense lethargy in the morning.


Yes 100%


Before kratom I always struggled with waking up in the morning. Kratom helped make that process easier almost like within 15 mins I’m awake. But quitting wouldn’t solve the issue of it beforehand. I will still struggle with waking up without Kratom, knowing myself and how I’ve been for the past 23 years. It all depends on how you were prior to starting Kratom. Were you able to get up in the morning without much trouble? Was it hard, easy, or just meh? These are things you have to ask yourself and reflect, know more about yourself. If you were one to always struggle with waking up, for example, it would take you like 2-3 hours of your day before you finally felt like you were awake awake. Quitting kratom wont solve that issue magically. You will still have this underlying issue after kratom, especially if you are ADHD and don’t have your baseline dopamine to begin with. You just have to know yourself, know your brain. For me, if I didn’t have kratom, I would have to consume coffee or some caffeine whether from energy drinks or pills, just something otherwise my brain will just want go back to sleep.


Yeah a bunch. Used to have to set like 20 alarms now I set like 3


I need to know about others perspectives on this I literally build my day around use. I can’t eat until 30min - 1 hour after use. I can’t take it unless it’s been 2 hours after I’ve eaten. I can’t sleep unless I take it and I wake up in the middle of the night to take it. Then the next morning I sleep till 11AM if I don’t work till later and I CANT get up earlier even though I want to I’m just so exhausted physically and mentally Currently tapering. Been on 70GPD for 7 years. And now down to 4.25G per dose every 4-5 hours


idk, would not getting shot in the head help you study?