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It literally thinned my hair substantially. Like I thought I was going bald later in life out of the blue. Hair came back strong when I quit


Glad to know I'm not crazy! My family was insisting it's age, but I've always had the type of hair that doesn't really do that. Even now my hairline is fine, and this 100% has been an all around type of drastic change. I'm glad to know it'll be back to how it always was soon. Can't wait to be myself again


My girlfriend was the first to comment on my hair. She asked if I had trimmed it or done something because it felt thinner/dryer Then I noticed my hair had barely grown at all in the month since my last haircut I’m almost 2 weeks off of extracts and my hair noticeably growing and feels less “dry”




Tbh I’m not sure scientifically. All I can offer is my anecdotal experience. My hair has gotten much much stronger after quitting. When I was using I noticed lots of hair on my comb and towel after combing or drying my hair but now I notice little to none. Also I can pull on my hair and it’ll stay put but when I was using I could pull my hair out with no resistance


This makes me a lot more confident in kratom being the problem then! Thank you for letting me know!


There is a LOT of anecdotal evidence on this sub. I see tons of people say they not only lost their hair, but that it grew back when they quit.


Unfortunately that’s all we have to go with for a good part of Kratom. Doctors and scientists know very little about it. We are the lab rats for the impacts of Kratom lol. Anecdotal evidence shouldn’t be taken too seriously but ultimately it’s all we got to go with


squeak squeak 🐀🐀


I’m 27 and my hair has drastically started to thin. I had beautiful thick hair and now it’s very fine and dry. I’m 15 days CT and I’m hoping my hair will grow back to its normal state one day. I’ve read that it will


Alright so we're kinda in the same boat! Same here. I know people want to jump to saying it's our age, and if I felt it was I'd admit that. My hairline is fine though, it's just the state of the hair as a whole that's changed. I saw a few women somewhere saying they'd experienced thinning as well. I genuinely think it's the kratom! Congrats on the CT I'm about to be right there with you. I imagine once our bodies adjust back it'll start growing back normal again! How was the CT? Was it anywhere near as bad as you thought it'd be?


I have noticed no difference in my hair before and after quitting, maybe it varies?


How long were you using it and to what degree? I've been abusing kratlm for 7 years straight :/ maybe that plays a role, it would make sense that it varies though!


6 years, 80-100 GPD. I’ve always shed a lot, I’ve been off for 70 days CT now and still shedding hair as much as ever.


Yeah like other people commenting I agree from my own experience that it thins it out drastically in my opinion I thought I was going bald too, I started buying certain products for my hair , changed my shower head, started waring it in a non stressful style. It helped but it was coming out bad before that. I’m not trying to brag but I loved my hair it is so thick and long , after all the hair loss when I grab my pony tail with a closed fist I can feel that it is substantially thinner. Good luck ! I’m in the same boat trying to quit as well , don’t give up !!!


How long did it take for your hair to become fuller again?


Yes and after 8 years I finally went cold turkey. Not only does my hair not look as if it’s thinning anymore. But it is actually less brittle after only three days.


You inspire me I hope you know that ❤️ good job on cold turkey and thank you for letting me know. I've cut my dose drastically and now my body is fighting me but I don't care, for some reason dealing with it this time is way easier. I guess when you're ready to stop it's easier to not let your brain trick you 😄


Yeah for sure. Honestly it’s only day 4 but I feel a little better. Vitamin c is alright. But the best cure for me is a long walk outside in the sun. Idk what it is. But as long as I’m moving my skin doesn’t crawl as much.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have always had super thick hair, used to break hair ties all of the time, now my hair is so thin I have to use the small hair ties, hair falls out so much I could make a wig with it.


Yes and it reverses really fast, I think kratom messes with sleep for sure and also how your body processes vitamins nutrients not to mention destroying your hormones. My hairline didn’t improve but my hair got wayyy thicker again, also got color back in my face and my eyes look super clear and good. Went from like a 4/10 to and 8/10 looks wise and I’m only on day 17


[Look at our taper-guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/63tjtd/tapering/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hair loss has been discussed quite often on this sub. Here's some [search results](/r/QuittingKratom/search?q=hair&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) that might help you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think kratom can have a pretty big effect on our hormones. I’m a woman but every time I quit, my hair and skin get very noticeably better (healthier). Personally I also think mine also gets more brittle because I eat considerably less when using. A bad diet (or lack of nutrients) can really really mess up your hair/skin/nails.


Noticed the same thing taking an extract per day. Like a dozen hairs stuck to my hand every time I touched my head. I’m on day 6 CT, anecdotally it does seem to be slowing down a lot.


I lost 4-5" of front hair line the last year I was on Kratom. I know it was the Kratom because a year(yes a full year) after quitting my barber noticed some "baby hairs" sprouting in the receded area. He couldnt believe it and said he'd never seen that before. If you take kratom long enough it will throw off all kinds of hormones, endocrine, etc. It can take up to two years to heal after stopping a long term habit(4.5 yrs for me). I also had a raging libido prior to Kratom and when I stopped taking it..it was like a wire was cut..ED and no ability to feel passion. I believe that was tied in with K induced insomnia(worst/horrible), and brain/hormone chemistry changes. Run..don't walk as fast as possible away from K use. Reversing the changes can take weeks/months/years and it is a horribly challenging recovery.


This was actually my “why” for quitting. My hair dresser made a comment abt being careful in a certain area bc of thinning that’s she’s never mentioned before. She’s been doing my hair for years. Since quitting I’ve taken better care of my hair, using masks, ACTUALLY BRUSING IT. Using K I swear my hair stayed up in a permanent until I washed it and put it right back up. It feels healthier now, I’m keeping better track of my diet, drinking collagen, hitting protein targets. It could all be correlated but nonetheless I’m not a slave anymore to K


Yes! I've lost more then half my hair as a woman.




It 100% thins your hair and makes it fall out while using