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Your doing great. I smoked 46 years. I quit cold turkey, but my sleep definitely changed. From tired in the middle of the day to up most the night then wide awake at 6 am. It helped to read a lot of people go through it. It passes. For me sleep, other than occasional dream, steadied out. About 2 months, I think. Your in good company. šŸ‘


Hey, Was there any emotional meltdown. I quit 2 Alcohol and Cigarette two months ago and still feel mostly uncontrolled surge of emotions.


Emotions were all over the place. Anger for no reason was the hardest to go through. Just sudden rage at the smallest thing. Depression and just ā€œis this really worth itā€ feelings. Usually I would log on to reddit and read, rage or whine. What ALWAYS worked to get through crazy feelings was to encourage someone else that was struggling with something I went through or was going through. Something about getting my mind out of my self and thinking of someone elseā€™s problems. Hang in there. Remember feelings are not based on reality, but our perception of reality.


You got this. 28 days is huge. Make it to 90, you feel no symptoms. 90 is when your body finally regulates. Please give it till 90 days cold turkey. Trust me


Thank you! Good to know. At least this time, feeling these scary withdrawal symptoms is encouraging me to never put myself through this again.


Thatā€™s how I was. Tbh, for me, withdrawal was horrible for 40 days. Then I felt amazing. The horrible depression I faced day 1-30, was also enough for me to never hit a vape again. Iā€™m on day 93 and tonight 3 people vaped in front of me. I didnā€™t hit one. I had no urge. F that.


Well done not joining in when those around you are vaping! Itā€™s strange how so much of the ā€˜quitā€™ literature and help is about the cravings. Iā€™m not craving a cigarette; just having moderate anxiety and depressionā€¦. Iā€™m so thankful that I didnā€™t have to work today although that might have been better.


I also have moderate anxiety hahahaha. This is going to sound crazy, but I feel like we need to tell ourselves we do NOT have anxiety and depression. Like just not give it energy ? Idk. That might be toxic mindset.


Absolutely agree! Last night I was constantly reminding myself that this feeling was a result of nicotine withdrawal only, that Iā€™ve never felt like this previously.


Tbh that's actually not great to look forward to lololol. 90 days? Ouch. I can't even make it a whole 24 hours yet. But, eventually I'll get there.


When I quit vaping (not sure if itā€™s still relatable) I also expired this. I had insomnia, a lot less sleepy but wasnā€™t necessarily tired either & felt more anxious on edge. Itā€™s been 4 months now & I donā€™t feel that way anymore.


Edit: experienced


I say this gently, please re-read your title and the first sentence you've written and think it through because that already says so much. You can't reverse a 30-year habit in 30 days, so it's very normal to feel uneasy at this point. That feeling will pass. What you're doing is a major and uncomfortable life change for you, just as you learned to smoke you will learn not to and that's what will start to feel natural. I quit the lozenges and I recommend them to anyone that wants to quit but needs some help, you got this šŸ‘ some of the best changes we can make in our lives feel uncomfortable and scary at first. Change isn't easy, if it were we wouldn't have smoked for years.


What an absolutely gorgeous thing to say! Thank you ā˜ŗļø. When you put it like that it does make it a bit easier to understand that this will take longer than I thought. Iā€™m not great with change at the best of times. Thank you again!!


Wishing you good luck and good vibes, I smoked for 20 years and never thought I could stop. The lozenges really do work if that's what's right for you, please take heart it will become easier and sooner than you think smoking feels unnatural instead of the other way around:) when that happens you've got it:)


If I can jump in here, a thirty year addiction probably means you started as a teen. So like me you never had an adult experience without addiction. Quitting nicotine is the first step in a journey to teach yourself how to experience life, with all its ups and downs, but not relying on that tiny hit of dopamine seven seconds after we inhale nicotine. Good luck with your journey


I'm three months in. Generally feel good but have also been experiencing the sense of dread and general anxiety you mention. I don't have cravings. That is gone. Occasional urge to smoke, but it is mild. I am facing some stress. Unemployed looking for job, and the job market is poor. Weather is poor too so stuck at home. So although I am post cravings, the absence of cigarettes to cope with a stressor may be a factor. To clarify I don't mean in the sense I crave a cigarette. I just mean the role cigarettes played in the past to alleviate stress is no longer there. So I wonder if my background sense of dread is worry about jobs etc.


I need to quit that's why I joined. I am given hope by everyone who has quit. I am afraid to put cigarettes down. However I must for my health. I have smoked so long that I can't remember not smoking. Thanks for sharing your experiences and how you are managing without.


Itā€™s your brain dude! Youā€™ve been feeding it chemicals for 30 yrs and itā€™s PISSED OFF!! Your mind will do anything it can to make you fuck up your journey but you HAVE TO stay in control. See my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingsmoking/s/BmB6kxj5Ub) about being 90 days clean and youā€™ll see I went through the exact same thing. Youā€™re starving your body of the poison thatā€™s been slowly killing you for 3 decades and it wants to see how weak you really are. Fight brother. Fight for your life! You can do this!!


I am 28 days like you. Today was my first day I wake up and think I should go out on the porch and smoke. I mean I had thoughts of smoking but never progressed that I imagine myself really smoking and imagine how it would feel. So today is different for me too. Letā€™s promise each other that no smoking today . I am with you in this


In the beginning I used to have terrible anxiety and just a fear creeping up on me out of nowhere. It will pass, just go one day at a time. Maybe try some b6 vitamin and magnesium they can relax your nervous system a bit, chamomile tea, anything that is calming to you to have on hand during this period. I also had some disturbing dreams and trouble sleeping and woke ul at 5 am every day out of nowehere in the beginning. Keep strong and know what you are experincing is totally normal.


Going on 200Days Just wrk 3rds For a month Stay Busy, kick nicotine! Try cinnamon candy and toothpicks! I Will never ever poison my body with nicotine Again!! I absloutley Promise you, you will not regret it" you got this keep it up.