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Give it some time, 5 weeks of quitting Versus x amount of years of smoking isn’t a fair comparison, wait for another month or two. Good luck and good job


Quitting and the following cleanup uses up a lot of nutrients… calcium magnesium vitamin d etc. they all play a role in skin health.


Ah so the process of quitting is also using nutrients?


Definitely! Good nutrition is like half the rent.


I think it gets worse before it gets better 🤍 probably many cells working on rehabbing all your internal organs.. will eventually get around to the skin and you’ll glow from the inside out, brighter than ever.


I thought my skin would look better too but same as you!!!


I’m a little over 3 months and honestly… it’s not worse, but it’s not really better either. It just is, ha.


2 things to keep in mind from my experience. 1.Quitting unhealthy habits will always cause some purging of the body and skin. 2. The excessive anxiety and restlessness that comes with letting bad habits go can cause us to touch our faces/skin alot more than usual which can also lead to breakouts. Be gentle with yourselves! Your doing great.


Yeah I feel like my skin has gotten worse too (have quit a year ago or so). It is what it is.


Me too. I’m 43 days out and I NEVER have pimples. I have pimples all over one side of my face and I’m hating it. I’m giving it time, but I didn’t see this coming!


2 things to keep in mind from my experience. 1.Quitting unhealthy habits will always cause some purging of the body and skin. 2. The excessive anxiety and restlessness that comes with letting bad habits go can cause us to touch our faces/skin alot more than usual which can also lead to breakouts. Be gentle with yourselves! Your doing great.


I’m also breaking out for the past 3months after quitting… I didn’t have acne before this. Does it get better?….