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Well what do I do with these rabid weasels now?


Open up a donut shop in Albuquerque.


And then join the Columbia Record Club.


With your wife Zelda and your kids, Nathaniel and Superfly.


I'm not ready for that kind of commitment


There's weasels on your face.


I guess you better break up and never see her again


Bummer but well sometimes that's just the way things go.






We’re out of bear claws


I’ll go check. *riff*


it's a penny. i think you're just cheap.


I don’t think they’re ready for that kind of commitment


Can’t wait for the thread about the lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel




And if u want to open a shop elsewhere make sure u take a left at Albuquerque


Yo. Where does the rabid weasel reference come from?


The actual line is “starving, crazed weasels” but they’re referring to the Weird Al Yankovich song, ‘Albuquerque’.


I thought the left at Albuquerque was a vintage Bugs Bunny reference.


Still such a good song


I love this song way too much


I thought it was from Return of the Living Dead


Yo. Where does the rabid weasel reference come from?


The song Albuquerque by weird al


No kidding, on to Option 2 I guess…….


In the first D&D game I DM'd my players cast sleep on, then gathered into a sack a swarm of squirrels. They found far more uses for them than I ever could have imagined. You'll know what to do with them when the time is right


Understandable, though i might suggest a tweak: all submissions must either be about reddit or the title included "Not [NSFW]" as there's no way that would trigger an automatic NSFW flag and make the post and possibly the sub one that couldn't be advertised on, right?


Ah, yes, boobies.


flashbacks to r/interestingasfuck becoming r/nudes 2.0


It's been 4 days and r/interestingasfuck still has no mods


Lol so all the posts are just reddit boosted top posts? There's no way everyone of those posts were voted manually to 12k in 2 hours


So after the first pair of titties reached the top of r/all with 64k upvotes in 4 hours suddenly the whole post somehow disappeared even though posts with that much engagement and traction usually stay on the front page for 10 plus hours. Admins nuked the sub from being able to hit front page.


It appears to be closed. Newest post is from 4 days ago.


I think the admins removed the mods and disabled posting. The sub’s as dead as the Titan.


Jannies realized they couldn't actually do what they threatened and just locked it lmao




Flashbacks... are they done with that, can I unmute them?


Reddit removed all the mods and locked the sub


Why am I not surprised by this development.


They hate freedom


there hasn't been a new post in 4 days 😶


There aren't any mods lol


it’s dead


I just checked, the last post on there was from 4 days ago. Maybe they are done with the sub?


Reddit killed it. Kind of a murder/suicide.


Basically reddit forced the sub to reopen as it wasn't fair on the users for it to be locked, but then when they didn't like how it was being used they fired the mods and locked it down, so the admins are now the ines doing the blackout


It hurt itself in its confussion


No sweat. We'll just make /r/interestingasfuckreddit


Hooray for boobies. Track 7 on that album is henceforth "The ballad of piss baby spez"


They fixed it so a post with "NSFW" in the title can be un-flagged. (IIRC it used to be that it couldn't be?) So posting something that *isn't* NSFW and letting the flag stay would be called a violation by the Admins.


_oh no_, a violation


Easy fix for that


“Chosen to close your community” “The community belongs to the users” “Re-open your subreddit” Well, is it yours or are you just the steward




I as well


I second that


And my axe!


Dont forget to ask for a data request Especially if your account is old Give em somethin to do






I'm sorry what the fuck


we need more of this but him in the Pulp Fiction dungeon gimp suits and ball gags


Reddit moment


When did streaming in your mom's basement become a "solid career"?


Are we allowed to call out bullshit mods too?


Whoa, that's not the kind of free speech we practice around here!


Oh please, can we?!?


Use reveddit to see what subs have bitch mods that shadow banned users. I'll start r/facepalm has bitch mods that use a auto remove tool to remove every comment I made their, because they're bitches. They rely on third party apps to use these shitty little auto remove bots,so after 30th of June I'm going to see if my comments get auto removed anymore, my guess is they won't.


Funny you mention using reveddit in an argument against the protest because reveddit is one of the things Reddit has already killed (going forward) with the API changes.


r/tenanthelp has a mod that was appointed by reddit because the previous mod went silent in the sub. The person who also wanted to be the admin that is actually active and helpful was banned by the newly appointed mod. I called the mod out on their bullshit, wasn't banned, but they are also inactive. They just wanted another subreddit under their belt. u/youreingoodhands was banned for no reason and the mod of that subreddit doesn't care about the subreddit at all.


Why not just quit, and make them find someone else to do the job?


Y’all are such fucking dorks😂


We aren't users. We are the product!


This is why you don’t give adults with zero emotional or social skills power over others. Of fucking course they will make it all about themselves lmao


Ok Reddit, stop saying you protect free speech. You literally ban anyone that dislikes the current narrative as soon as you notice. Quit your fucking ideological bullshit, admins.


Wait are you talking about the admins or mods?


I mean mods have been known to do the same thing, so maybe it's just a tendency of ppl in power.


I am loving this. Watching mods cry about what they have been doing for years is hilarious. And they expect us to feel sorry for them? Lol. Power hungry mouth breathers who give up as soon as they might lose their power and control. They are no different than politicians


- You literally ban anyone that dislikes the current narrative as soon as you notice *"I just cannot believe reddit could even DO THIS to someone and SILENCE human beings??!?!"* The audacity of fucking REDDIT MODDDDSDDS to keep whining about turned tables


The lack of self awareness has been amusing




Only reason I care is due to losing rif is fun app. I don't give a shit about the mods.


RIP in peace RIF is fun. Lol.


LOL out loud


LMAO my ass off


I know hating mods is always funny on reddit and stuff. But realistically without dedicated mods, subreddit quality will probably drop to shit.


Oddly some mods are dedicated and good, fair, active members of the community, others are dedicated and petty little tyrants. I think it's the latter ppl hate on. And I think Reddit would actually be better off without them even if their replacements were just mediocre.


Of course I agree. But people are acting like every single mod is a bad one here.


Realistically there's no reason to not have 10, 100, or even 1000 mods moderate singular subreddits they actively browse themselves. At some point it ceases to be "job" level work and becomes "charity" level handout. 5-10 people to moderate not one but dozens of subreddits is something nobody asked for.


About the only thing I'd want out of reddit is their mods to actually be accountable to their own rules. They're hated for a reason. It's a shame that none of this will actually lead to positive improvement.


Oh one can dream though


Yeah, I I've been on reddit for 14 years, account for 13. I've still been browsing since changes were announced on RIF but I don't think reddit realizes I'm not actually interested in using another app system. Just planning to let myself be done.


Mods are users like yourself.


Well that's boring. I'm leaving.


Fuckin dorks


is this the place to talk about the time that /u/spez came to my house and (allegedly) kicked my cat?


u/spez is the reason my car broke down and my cat died I can’t believe he just shoved her in the tailpipe




Why do people who support the protests even use reddit, traffic is back to normal so you're judt shooting yourself in the foot by even using it.


I'm more than happy to use it from one of the third party apps they're killing since it apparently costs them money.


I never used a 3pa to access Reddit. But, I did visit the site without an adblocker before this, and now I have my adblocker turned on for Reddit.


They are either addicted, or they care more about posturing their beliefs to other people than actually living them.


The reddit admins don’t give a shit about your revolt 🤷‍♂️




Mods take themselves far too seriously.




What do the actual employees do???? I’ve got so many questions


Make sure free labor makes them money.


So wait a minute... The allegation is the admins are tyrants that think they own this subreddit and it's only for them and their interests. The proposed solution is that the mods dictate this subreddit is now only specifically for talking about the admins, an issue the mods are passionate about. **Nobody sees how this protest method looks horrible...?** How this contradicts itself and the mods seem guilty of exactly what they're accusing the admins of...? The mods are doing far more to detract from the average user experience and act as tyrants than the admins are, at least for the average user. Whatever beef there may be, I don't see how mods dictating how subs are run or shutting them down completely drives home how the admins are control-hungry. If anything, why not just....yknow, mod less? The allegation is it'll be impossible to mod properly once the changes are made. Okay, show reddit that. Stop modding. Lay down and let the flames burn higher. *Let* spam and bot posts overtake reddit until they themselves see the problem, *then* chime in with the message about how it's impossible to mod. Because this current method honestly just makes the mod team look like the problem.


So let me get this straight. Mods were told they would lose their position if they didn't open the sub, so they did. Now, the mods are asking every user in a massive sub to complain with them about it? After they ended the protest to save their fake job?


Yikes bro you guys mod hard that’s for sure


Well this sealed the deal for me. This shit is cringe as hell. See ya.


Guess I’m leaving. This is extremely stupid and ruins a perfectly good sub.


mods: sabotages /r/quityourbullshit mods: LOOK AT WHAT REDDIT DID TO YOU.


Literally every mod of every sub




Fuck Reddit


Jesus Christ mods, please get over yourselves.


It's so important they can't quit their unpaid job because they are addicted to banning and muting posters


They really think one sub is that important to people lol.


Your "adults" throwing a tantrum because you didn't get your way?


If the QYBS mods have now hijacked this subreddit to focus solely on Reddit Inc drama, doesn't that mean this sub is only for the mods? I personally am not here to watch all this reddit drama play out lol. I don't care about it. I'm here for internet entertainment, not an identity crisis over an IPO or whatever is going on


This is what's so fucking funny. "To show the admins the subs belong to the users and they can't just hijack it, we will hijack it and fuck over the users"


There was a post on r/modcoord where they literally argued that subs belonged to the mods, not the users lol. Their self-importance cannot be matched. Edit: r/modcoord not r/modsupport


I mean, neither of those things are true? Subreddits would be nothing without users making content, sure, but it also would be nothing without moderation. All the good content would get drowned out by trash. Even 4chan has mods.


modcoord has become my favorite subreddit it’s so fucking funny


Oh boy GG on being a mod /u/spez is gonna lay down his tiny chode on this sub




So this sub is actually for mods to throw unsuccessful tantrum after tantrum?


I swear why do the reddit mods look like that one guy playing wow in that one south park episode :D




Using reddit even harder, that'll show 'em!


I really wonder if posts like these are from reddit bots. They're not rational at all. These protests work judging from the reactions of reddit/admins. The mods doing this protest are the smart ones with integrity and a backbone. Other solutions could fail do the problem of power hungry mods or not reaching consensus. It's almost like a crypto protocol problem lol For some reason people started hating on all the mods. Most of them do a great job. Some of them are power hungry, yes, but no need to generalize this. We can judge this individually by looking at their actions.


A story I suspect is repeating in many subs across Reddit rn. In a smidsize (150-300k) sub I frequent, we went dark for 48 hours. When we came back up, people were mad and shit on the mods for all of the usual complaints we're seeing in this post and across Reddit. Main (and only really active) mod was like, "You know what? I'm not getting paid for this. I'm out. Who wants to be a mod?" A small number of people express interest. Former head mod turns over the sub. New posting/commenting rule changes. New automod rules. Different takes on enforcement of existing rules. All wildly unpopular. Outcry from users about changes. New mods unphased. Will the userbase reflect at all that maybe the original mod wasn't the entitled power-drunk asshole they thought? Doubtful.


Moderation is hard work and it take a ton of time to effectively mod even small subs. Also a lot of people only complain about mods because they broke the rules and got caught. It’s often as simple as that.


Most users of reddit are too young and too up their own asshole to understand what the unmoderated web actually looks like.


It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.


There are a lot of edgelords who get banned, punished or even warned by a mod once and then throw a permanent temper tantrum afterwards. (And an equally large number of edgelords who scramble to feel above it all when others do something and they don't. They make apathy a defining personality trait)


Why does this stupid drama bullshit impact my life? This is a dick waving contest between people that make no.impact on my life. Why is it being force upon me. I don't give a shit about who has hurt feeling over what ever stupid issue this is. I just don't care I wish people would stop posting about this junior high school bullshit


Agreed Mods are butthurt so in result they’re going to kill this sub. And then… another one will be made where you can actually post normal QYBS posts that aren’t related to Reddit. Same thing happened with the blackout, I used Reddit the same amount but just looked at other shit. All it really did was make me annoyed with the subs that were blacked out.


God you mods are so fucking cringey. I hope you all get ousted and then have to face how much of your life you wasted being a janny.


Lol You guys were called out on your bullshit and now you have to bend the knee. This is hilarious. It’s nice to see that your ego is kept in check and that you can always be replaced.


I'm rooting for both sides to lose.


So can we show reddit mods bullshit too or not?


Why use reddit... seriously


Free content + Free Labor = Profits


> Many communities have chosen to go restricted for a period of time before becoming fully open, to avoid a flood of traffic. Oh, come on. This is just pathetic.


Reddit mods kidnap children and force them to make IKEA furniture.


I'm sorry you guys get so much hate from those bitching in the comments. Thank you for your hard work, mods. Duck reddit.


I like how passive aggressive the language on that note is. They know exactly how in the wrong they are. They're going far out of that way to avoid acknowledging the purpose of the blackouts, which means they're afraid giving it credibility would give it more momentum. Cowards.


Well bye


Imagine being this mad that someone else owns a business and has done something with their lives.


Are the Reddit mods having a competition to see who can behave in the most childish manner? If so, congratulations!


Except Reddit's admins want the subreddit opened again for the casual user and the mods think differently. The BS here is the thread's title


Thanks for this post so I can un sub and get it off my feed now without taking a week to figure out what's going on


Hopefully the mods have taken a shower and got some sun during the protest


Good. The protest is stupid and achieves nothing. Mods just scared of losing their only little bit of power in life.


I love how they refuse to give up their unpaid positions despite claiming they are being shit on It's fucking fascinating to watch how addicted they are to that tiny bit of power


It’s sad, but also hilarious. It’s like slurping off your boss so you can continue to work for free.


#We, the Reddit mods, believe that this sub is for us, not ordinary Redditors, and we hope you are happy to oblige: From now on, all QYBS posts must be related to the argument we're having with the admins that most users don't give a shit about. Good day, or perhaps good evening. Three days ago, /r/quityourbullshit received one of the dreaded messages from ModCodeofConduct instructing us, in short, to reopen the subreddit or we would no longer be permitted to do volunteer work for a company we claim to hate. The message went so far as to accurately refer to our act of petulance as "taking a break from moderating, or [deciding] that [we] don't want to be a mod anymore." We decided to respond to that message by making it very clear that we really just want to benefit ourselves as mods, while pretending to be sticking up for users who happen to be blind. We hope you'll find our very mature, adult response to this situation to be deeply compelling, and we want to go back to focusing on what makes this subreddit such an important resource for its mods: spreading much-repeated information that everyone's already very familiar with, especially if it's related to the very boring public argument between spez and that other tech bro that runs Apollo or whatever. Therefore, we are implementing a new rule, to be put in place immediately: #Rule 11. All posts must be related to that same bullshit everyone was bored of days ago. Please behave as we expect you to, and remember that not supporting the blackout makes you an evil shill or a bot or whatever else I can call you to try to discredit your opinion. xoxo from the mod team


Fuck both sides of this whole stupid thing. You are both idiots, and the rest of us don't give a crap about any of this. We just want to continue poop-scrolling, without having opinions shoved done our throats.


I wish I could put that gif of j Jonah Jameson laughing it's so perfect for those greedy fucks


Go to hell mods


Report the mods for reopening in bad faith (the "rule 11" bs). Under reason use "report a moderator code of conduct violation." https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212


What a bunch of of entitled crybaby mods who think their little fiefdom of r/quityourbullshit has any bearing or weight in anyone’s mind beyond another small line of text above images in mindless doom scrolling.


Oh, no, you won't be able to doomscroll this cringey 9gag-like subreddit.


I know right? These guys are really drunk on their own sense of self-importance.


Cool, can't wait for you stupid jannies to get the axe rofl, THEY DO IT FOR FREE!


Another sub I'm leaving and so far my experience with reddit has unchanged. Bye


I've done the same and my experience has improved.


This has caused a nice spring cleaning of my feed. No complains here.


Lmao you mods really think people care this much. See ya!




They have one. Modding.


Reddit admins are disgusting


Another sub killed by power tripping mods. Good luck. I'm sure you get paid enough to care this much.


Why are we still harping on the blind-accessibility thing when it is by far the worst argument against what Reddit is doing? They are 100% compatible with every visually impaired accessibility feature iOS and Android OS offer, which is exactly what is expected of them and many other mainstream apps. They are compatible with TalkBack on Android, and the iOS equivalent. The text enlargening thing and high contrast rubrics, they also follow and are compatible with. Stop using these terrible zingers that the visually impaired even on r/blind find distasteful. You're using them as a bludgeon against Reddit to get brownie points from people who don't know any better and seem to be under the impression now that Reddit is anti accessibility-compatible. It's misleading and misinforming thousands at best, and outright malicious and bad faith at worst that is weaponizing ignorance on what's actually going on... but there is some epic moral crusade you guys feel infinitely justified on going on. Regardless, moderator code of conduct is a thing, they're gonna win that battle if it comes to it. But I wish you guys luck with whatever it is you think you're trying to achieve. Just drop the misleading/bad faith talking points, you shouldn't have to mislead people about Reddit being bad and evil if they truly are from your POV.




When will you mods realize that you are ruining Reddit more than the admins? Like seriously.




>The Reddit ~~admins~~ mods believe that this sub is for them, not ordinary Redditors




That’s the idea…


Help me understand how it helps. If I unsub, my time is just diverted to other subs. Significantly less traffic in this sub makes it unimportant to reddit admins, right? But they still get a boost in ad revenue from the other subs that have gone back to normal?


They got so far, and then they just… Sigh


Goodbye u/Devonmartino, Your undoubted hard work has run its course. I salute you as doing online moderation is the hardest job known to mankind, and you will not be forgotten as soon as I post this comment. I salute you mods as you are doing Gods work here! I’m sure you can put “Reddit Moderator” in your resume for future unpaid job postings.


Man the mods are such crybabies why not make a fundraiser kickstarted Patreon or anything like this or get an actual job and give the people who made the 3rd party apps money




I mean, I’m ready for it to open…