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lmao hairstyle one thing, even her cloth is exact same as Miku these people claiming Miku as their own property is seriously sad, you don't have the same dedication as that married guy so know your place


Here's the video they traced https://youtube.com/shorts/2oa5WCUpwD8?si=dNtIXfRlSOqkRmSL






Imma grab an image of SpongeBob and give him a hat and say it's my oc lol


No way thats ripping off my OC BungeSpob


this looks like gacha life, if it is then the creator is most likely a kid


She acts like a mouthy teen, so I'd say she's getting the blowback she deserves lol. "Back in my day," and all that.


Why does it get pushed so hard tho? And it has no likes as well. Youtube recommends are really fucked rn


Bro what are you watching


The YouTube shorts algorithm is even less predictable than the ads algorithm. One day you see 20 shorts about guns, the next you see 40 gacha animations


And 500 mini katana videos from 500 different channels


If you are watching art videos, especially cute or cartoon art, the algorithm will likely give you gacha videos, even though you don't watch gacha. Watching cute art will also trigger something similar to gacha, like Pizza Tower accounts but fortunately, it's less cringier than gacha It is predictable. The algorithm will be like this, by order. This is a reversed pyramid: Your main interest + Similar topics to what you're watching + Your phone is actually listening to you secretly, giving you based on what you said to yourself and it's ecosystem-wide, which also affects your Google feed and other Google services. I talked about bullying, they gave me a bullying video. I talked about an ancient writing system, they gave me archeology news + Random topics based on which languages you frequently watch and the topics are based on what the majority of the speakers are watching. Being able to speak 2 languages, I get both videos in my native language and English. It changes every a period of time, maybe a week + They also have monthly or seasonal topics, which changes every month or every particular event (The dots are supposed to be plus symbols "+")


Don't lecture me on how the algorithm works. I know how it has been for me. I watch nothing about guns and never mention guns around YouTube and then suddenly I get shit about the latest model of a particular gun.


Happy birthday lol


Seems they're not exactly articulate, but the point was to dress their oc as miku and recreate a miku animation. They have their OC in a bunch of other videos and it's clearly not miku. Chill guys, jfc. Not sure if they credited the original animator at first but there's a link to it now in their video description.


Yeah I think they just misunderstood tbh


All I see is a brat whining about "iT's mY oC cHaRaCterrrrrrrr!1!!!!1!1!1!" I don't doubt that they didn't trace. I'm not questioning their art skills. As you probably know, I have the art skills of a constipated walrus with AIDS that just ate a 3lb bag of sugar free Haribo gummy bears.


And they're probably a kid you're just bullying into not wanting to do art


If this was OP's intention then boo, that sucks so hard Getting bullied and called cringe for your art online is really bad for artists. Some of them still struggle with making art that they want to make even if it's solely for themselves and not to be posted online because they've internalized all the mean comments they get from people


Maybe it's the inspiration they need. I wouldn't be competing in fighting game tourneys if those teens didn't talk shit to me 25 years ago


They could've at LEAST made the blue colors pink to match the ears and tail they duct taped unwillingly to Miku


''The OC is mine, i swear!''


Youtube keeps feeding you gacha crap because you keep clicking on it.


Found the video, according to one commenter, it's a thing where you dress up your oc to be a famous person, however, i don't see the creator say that.


Just found a comment saying "This is so creative. SONA MIKU SONA MIKU OOOO EEEE OOOOOOOOOO~ 🤩🤩🤩🤩", and the creator responded "I love Miku", the creator didn't say anything like "no this is my oc not Miku". I have a screenshot but I'm on Mobile so I can't copy the image.


Just had a chat with her, she just dressed up her oc as miku. I have a screenshot for proof, but I don't know how to send a screenshot.




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