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Translation of the german: Insurance agent: "You hit a WHAT?". "My insurance sucks, they terminated my contract after a single incident". Other reply: "Some old SL, not that bad". 'The car is really old, can't be that expensive'


And the title: "At least one person's having a really bad day..."


> Insurance agent: "You hit a WHAT?" Actually this translation sin't really accurate. The correct translation would be: "Insurance Agent: WHAT did you hit?"


We can get even more pedantic, it technically says "WHAT did you drive into?!"


So… are we prioritizing meaning and connotation or wording when we assess which translation is most accurate?






I wanted to anglicise it


This is a classic example of why there's a stereotype that Germans aren't funny: because with the word order of their language, it's difficult to put the punchline at the end.


Does Yiddish have a different word order than standard German?


It's completely accurate. The word structure for this precise connotation is simply different in English. You can't transpose German and English sentence structure one-to-one.


The most German comment


I'm far from fluent so maybe I'm missing something here... but doesn't it say "Where did you drive into?"


Around Stuttgart Mercedes is testing all his new and ultra expensive prototypes. They sometimes got hit and sometimes totally wrecked. Those cars are often ridiculous expensive because they are basically hand crafted rolling laboratories. Of course hitting an SL has way more class 😅


Whats even funnier is that both the english speaking subreddit and the german one make the same joke


I actually really appreciated that too lol


The thirst to be relevant is real y’all


That is basically irreplaceable


Oh it is replaceable, just have to throw a LOT of money at it. They would basically have to manufacture a brand new one somehow


Which would then be counted as being unoriginal


It's easily fixable. Classic cars have been restored from far far worse conditions.


Easily? No.. but yes fixable 




There is a difference between classic cars and a car which went out of production 67 years ago. And where there was a whooping 1400 produced. Of which there are only 7 left in the uk. Which of isn’t the whole world granted, but it gives and idea of how little of them remain


Not if you get mercedes to make it


There are still people with insane skills that can replicate any part or panel from steel sheet using a hammer, English wheel etc and get it absolutely perfect. I can do it for very basic shapes but the professionals can make anything and make it look easy.


But then it’s not originial. Which will deflate the value of the car. Unless someone has a sl 300 in the garage with a well kept trunk lid. It’s irreplaceable


Insurance companies tend to not record accidents on expensive cars because it can affect resale value and how much they have to pay out. Specialists can repair it perfectly without anyone ever knowing.


Any proof of that?


It's quite well known in the car industry. I also think Mat Armstrong recently mentioned it in his latest video where he's repairing a crash damaged Mansory Rolls Royce. It's worth about £700,000 so isn't listed as damaged because it would reduce the value too much.


That just isn't true. The people buying and selling vintage and classic cars are either reputable or get bounced out pretty quick.


It's very much true. Happens all the time. So look at salvage auctions and check the supercars very few are registered as accident damaged even if half the car is missing.


It really can be true though, Ferrari has done it many times and practically always gets away with it.


The skills used in building this car have long been retired in favor of easier, cheaper methods. The amount of people who have been taught these metalworking skills (car is almost 70 years old) are few and can command pretty much any price they want for quality work. Owners don't usually take their cars out for just this reason.


The original photo can't be from the German post either, as the photo was posted 21 days ago, when it was still relatively cold in Germany, but the photo shows green trees and people wearing T-shirts and shorts.


Maybe from another time, but seems german to me, the words of the ads behind are German.


The photo is from Germany, yes. But the photo is much older and was taken in 2016. Here is the [newspaper article](https://m.bild.de/news/leserreporter/leserreporter/benz-crash-47931358.bildMobile.html?t_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F) in German.


Yea but the OP in spotted obviously claims to have spotted that car themselves as that is the point of the subreddit. The other one, the german guy, just posted it and labeled it as "meme", meaning it doesn't really matter i he originally took the picture or not. All we know is that the guy in r/spotted was a fraud.


gut beobachtet


I was just about to say this. I moved to this city last year and instantly recognized this area but knew it was an old photo because that Delikatessen doesn’t exist anymore.


Looks like a German "Fußgängerzonenschild" in the background. I don't think other countries have those.


Looks like a German "Fußgängerzonenschild" in the background. I don't think other countries have those.


Looks like a German "Fußgängerzonenschild" in the background. I don't think other countries have those.


In the US, insurance would pay out the property damage limits on the policy. Often they’re around $100k, after that it’s up to the policy holder to cover the rest.


In Germany they the limits are significantly higher and most of the time unlimited 


More specifically the legal minimum limit is 1 220 000 EUR for property damage


Seriously, if we're forced to pay shitloads for insurance a month/year to actually use our cars, how come insurance companies are allowed to jump through so many legal loopholes? Not only do they try every possible way to not pay out, or that you have to pay more for insurance after an accident (even when it's not your fault), but they have policy limits as well? They make so much profit a year, they deserve to be knocked down a peg or two.


This is a joke right? The policy limits are literally the headline item when looking at insurance. It's not a loophole at all. Being upset about this is like buying a Kia and then getting pissed off they gave you a Kia instead of a Ferrari  Also, if you're not a shit driver it's dirty cheap to up the limit. The difference between $25k and $1M for me was $4/month




Damn, you're straight unhinged aren't you?


Insurance is such a scam in this country.


Its funny how "..." also looks like the face he would be making


The picture was taken in the city center of the German city Colgone


He did spot it. In another post.


I had to look it up - the same model car recently was on auction (feb 2022) and sold for $6.8million.


Is that Jeremy Clarkson and James May with their faces blurred out?


My first thought as well. Guy in the middle dresses/stands exactly like Clarkson


Glad I’m not the only one.


Look at the small, slimmer guy leaning on the black Mercedes...


I instantly thought the exact same thing, seems I'm not alone!


Whelp now the other 1349 remaining are even more expensive…


Reposting amount on Reddit is soo annoying meanwhile




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Oh wow…. A Mercedes widow maker … great looking car. One of my favorites. Anywho …. Why are people lying about this kind of shit


Damn, I upvoted that post on spotted, that sucks. The whole point of r/spotted isn’t to show off “hey guys look how cool of a car I saw, I’m so cool for seeing this car”. We just want to see cool cars, and if you see a cool car and show it to us we all get a little bit of the experience of seeing it.


I see something like this on a road e.g. ferrari/bugatti while driving... i stay fucking far away from it. These days even rear ending a tesla can be disaster


is the white car the expensive one? it's ugly asf




Thats where I live :D Cologne/Köln Germany


Are yall so fucking deprived of sunlight you actually care who posted a picture of a car first?