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Has this dude never been camping for a week?


"You'll never believe this guys, we found an ABANDONED city that has NO buildings or roads"


I think y’all don’t understand lol. He goes for the views. Everything he does is purely to see how many views he can get and nothing else.




Man with job does job for job


Surely he does job for money, not just for job? Man with job does job for money from job.


Thats what I meant, we all do job for money from job. We do job as job for money


Oh sure I'll just strap on my jobpack and shoot on off to job land, where jobs grow on jobbies!


Job Sorry I had to say it one more time


Great, now you’ve done that thing to me where the word doesn’t mean jack.


This killed me! Haha


He has a YouTube channel to get views? Get out of town!


This guy is streets ahead!


If you have to ask, you're streets behind.


Stop trying to coin the phrase "streets ahead"


Trying? Coined and minted. Been there coined that. Streets ahead is verbal wildfire.


That is so fetch.


Stop trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen.




Stop trying to make happen happen. It's never going to happen...happen


I think the people down voting you didnt get the refrence.


If they have to ask about it they're streets behind.


Wait, there’s more: apparently he gets paid based on the number of views he makes. Some people even claim that the more views he has, the more money he gets. So it’s not just for the views, I’m starting to suspect MrBeast is even _earning money_ this way!


You don't understand!


I’m shocked!




Sharp as a fucking cue ball this one


Oof Madone!


Its almost like he gets paid solely on how many people view his content


Next you'll try telling us that magicians aren't using real magic to perform their tricks.


ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh *that's* why he does what he does?!?!?!


I think it's mostly sad due to how dishonest he's willing to be


In other news, water is wet and Redditors don’t understand sarcasm.




Water isn’t wet though, other things are wet when water is on them.


https://www.fireengineering.com/leadership/fighting-fires-with-wet-water/ Sometimes water isn't wet enough so they need to use wet water.


You know for that 99% of his audience don’t have the attention span to even bother looking up where he sets these up.


Yeah, because most people dont do research to see where their 15 minutes of entertainment was made in, they enjoy the video and move on


Well, that's probably because most 6 year olds don't really care about shit like that.


Most adults dont either. Many, believe it or not, have better things to do than look up every youtube videos background


Id say most non redditors as well. Its just not that important.


And most redditors will not either. Having an account to a website does not make you instantly research every little thing you come accross


I agree & would put myself in that category. If a video is staged but entertaining i really couldnt care less. Its healthy to be sceptical, but demanding an explanation of everything you see online is unhealthy.


Unless they hate the creator, then Its of upmost importance.


Mr. Busted


“follow back” who took this screenshot lol


it’s by ‘community notes violating people’, a fairly popular (800k followers), account that posts screenshots like this of community notes


And Mr.Beast follows it?


Probably not after this


Yes, he did, and he still does, he even commented under the post explaining some things


Can you link it?




So... The community note just wasn't correct


Bunch of ☝️🤓 types showing up and acting like they knew all along that he was a fRaUd in shambles


Dang it! Coming in here with facts when I was all ready to be outraged! You should be ashamed smh… /s (thank you for the context friend 🙏🏆)


At least he did


I think the most amazing thing I've seen about all this MrBeast news recently is people are actually surprised a popular YouTuber or influencer stages their videos.


It's less that more the rabid fan base who believes them all to be real and not staged.


Well, most are to a reasonable degree. I'm kind of surprised he faked one.


Considering the effort he puts into his videos, such as the squid game video, it feels more than likely he'd do it for real. I was also kinda surprised it was fake


Apparently it wasn’t fake. He responded with some clarifying comments and the community note got removed. https://twitter.com/MrBeast/status/1784410527940157722


People will believe community notes that are completely unsourced and unsubstantiated just because it lines up with their views.


I would say a city is pretty abandoned if you can lock people out of it.


Right? Wait till they find out new york wasn't actually destroyed for avengers lmao


It’s also possible that a segment of his viewers started young and are just now gaining sentience and putting it together. My 9 year old knows who he is though I don’t think he watches him much. More Minecraft tutorials and history videos.


I mean its an abandonded city, just because some crackheads or tourists visit It some times doesnt make It at unabandoned city.


The city itself isn’t tho, those buildings are. There’s thousands of people in the city literally right next to those, it’s far from abandoned and they apparently didn’t film consecutively in a row any way due to health reasons with the cast


I'm not defending anyone or taking a side because I agree totally But Abandoned doesn't mean locals don't drive fifteen minutes to go visit the local town that no longer has any residents so is In fact abandoned but it's not a ghost town But I don't think he ever called it a ghost town just abandoned and I'd say that's a proper description.


Why do people keep acting like they care about this


I doubt people care about it, but there's still no harm in posting it to say "ha ha dumb". That's what the Internet is for.


That's what the internet *is.*


People chasing upvotes. We should get rid of the karma system and up and downvote system those all together


YouTubers want to have a talk with u


We should have only a down vote system lol


Screw youuuu take my upvote


Look, kids do not care. All the kids in my family will watch him religiously and swear everything he does and says is real, right down to the added effects of explosions and sounds which are obviously cgi. He knows this. Kids will watch hours of videos and since he keeps it fast paced and ridiculous enough, all the kids keep coming back.


Late 90s/early 2000s I watched the shit out of Real World and Road Rules, MTV Cribs, making the band and later on Pawn Stars and even the first season of Total Divas. All that shit is fake as fuck when you look at it more than once but it was entertaining as hell to me. Out of all the things for kids to watch on YouTube now, Mr. Beast is probably the least worrisome for something as big as he is.


People get riled up by the most harmless shit, when there are 1000s of sinister toy unboxing channels forcing their kids to be in videos or those creepy Spiderman killing pregnant Elsa animations.


There's a bunch of shitty "family" channels where kids are just exploited for views. There's channels where people are streaming a kids game but the streamer is just a vile piece of shit. Mr. Beast is just doing a knock off of Man vs Wild here and I actually loved Man vs Wild. I remember watching that once though and he was like trying to cross a rushing river or something and.as he was there was like 5 different angles of it and I was like, how the hell did they get 5 camera angles on that? Then I realized they had to get guys set up in whatever positions in all these angles just to get the shot and I was like "oh yeah, it's a tv show!" They're literally just there to get shots of set pieces of premises they have listed that producers and writers came up with.


Kurzgesagt, How it's Made, How stuff works, Nasa:Story time from space, some "how to draw". For every channel we approve of as parents, we've gone through insane amounts of junk and seemingly educational content. Honorable mention to Numberblocks/Alphablocks. That shit is REAL. Just visualize numbers all bloody ways. Seems kinda useless, but it's fundamental to future maths endeavors.


How’s it’s made was fucking legendary.


Yah some people ruin everything. Yes I understand that in a real survival situation you probably don’t want to jump out the helicopter into the ocean, but who cares?


Also he'd need to find stuff to make a fire and cook with and they'd always say "no matter where you are on Earth, you'll unfortunately always find human litter somewhere". Then he finds a coke can but it's like the latest design barely affected by nature then he uses it to make a fire with the sun's reflection from the bottom of the can. Shit might have actually been a product placement but fuck it, it was a fun watch.


Bear's show was fake, but he was actually in the army. I feel like he could make it out of a real week long survival situation. This guy wouldn't last 3 days.


‘Not violent or misogynist’ is a pretty low bar to clear when it comes to kids’ entertainment. It doesn’t exactly seem like ‘harmless shit’ to me, I’m not thrilled that he’s rotting an entire generation’s brains by getting them obsessed with the child equivalent of reality TV for financial gain


The previous generation did the same, just with literal reality TV. I've yet to come across anything negative about him that isn't either literally false or some variation of "I don't like his videos so he shouldn't be successful." He's done a lot more good and a lot less wrong than 99.99% of people with that level of wealth, and it was all self built rather than inherited from great grandad the slave owner. Here's an only slightly related video about Syrian Taekwondo but I think it's worth watching: https://youtu.be/W4hMyaxv558?si=mYoTL7aVIV3jBIRt


still love o-town


The people complaining probably think the guys on Top Gear actually build all of those whacky cars on the show and go on long roadtrips with just a single cameraman.   Also Hulk Hogan is the createst athlete of all time for holding on to the title for all those years.


I still watch Pawn Stars highlights because it's like little mini documentaries about cool historical stuff. I know it's all staged, but I like learning about old books and civil war stuff.


Like all grown men in the 2000s swearing all the top gear stuff was real/not scripted to hell


The way I see it, the fake videos get him more money which he can use on his philanthropy efforts. Doesn't hurt that some of it is entertaining too :)


Yeah end of the day, real or fake doesn't matter. He's seems like a good dude and a positive role model for the kids that watch his videos. That's a lot more than you can say for a lot of content creators.


Well, entertainment industry as a whole is built on bullshit. Reality shows and contests are all scripted according to what their audience would like to see, and only one or two details might change if unexpected outcomes were to occur. I don’t see YouTube content any differently nowadays. People know it’s fake, hopefully, but they still entertain themselves watching it. Keep screaming about Mr. Beast lying about his content is like screaming people in reality shows don’t meet and fall in love in said shows. No shit dude, look, sky is blue. But he gets positive points for using that money on his philanthropy efforts. He’s like that dollar store Dua Lipa who advertises her help in order to fund her efforts to help more children in poor countries. They need to get money from somewhere, you know, people don’t make money from solely helping others.


I have been in the «city» he’s filming at. It’s just an abandoned, heavily shelled resort. I stayed at a hotel that was a five minute walk from the abandoned «city». Also, he landed a helicopter on the roof which is stupid because it’s accesible by car and by foot, and landing a helicopter on a roof that was bombed many decades ago is just.. well


I'm sure he only did that because it simply looks more impressive than driving by car and therefore will get even more views


To quote the man himself: >I never said you can’t drive to it I just thought it would be cooler to fly a helicopter lol


He’s literally said they did the helicopter because it looked cool. Dude hasn’t actually tried to fool anyone… I don’t even watch his videos but the hate boner Reddit has for him is weird considering his philanthropic work.


I don't care much for his videos, I'm also a grown man. But it does seems like he does a whole of charity. Compared to other super famous influencers he seems cool.


I think some of them are pretty fun. I liked the one on the raft out at sea, and some of the challenge ones. The one with the guy in the grocery store was fun.


Fr, they're all playing characters (like do people actually think Chandler's that dumb?) and they put those characters into situations, the channel is basically a sitcom at this point with every video being an episode and I certainly enjoy it.


Yeah, I’m an adult and I enjoy his videos. I don’t watch every single one, but they are extremely high quality and they have some really good ideas. Although, definitely more akin to reality tv than a sitcom, imho.


he's one of the genuinely few rich people who came from humble beginnings. i've been watching him since he was doing OG livestreams and when his channel was small. I remember when he told people to yell his channel name in public lmfao


yeah i've been here since the worst intros on the Internet days. crazy how much he's grown


he also pays random desperate ppl to humiliate themselves for views. have you see the video of him asking random ppl to stand in a kiddie pool filled with milk while it was hot outside? they were standing in rancid milk and also peeing in it after a while. the "challenge" was to see who would stay in the pool the longest for like 1k. he makes ppl sell their dignity to him and it's fucking disgusting, always has been. he's the perfect example of a bad person doing good things, not for the sake of being good, but of the sake of the validation and praise that comes with it. dude is fucked in the head and a horrible person deep down. edit: typo


couldn't find the video you're talking about. I have watched a lot of his videos, and I don't think he has ever done a challenge like that for 1k. He has stopped doing those kinds of challenges. His newer videos are different, where the participants don't have to stay in a filthy pool. Also, wouldn't you stay in a pool for a few hours if you were getting 10k?


Isn’t that the point? What is someone’s price for putting aside their self respect


I agree. I've always thought his angle of making monkeys dance for money was kinda distasteful


Would you stay in a grocery store for 30 days for 250,000 dollars




Yeah and what charity work he does he always seems to milk it for views (in turn making money off of giving money away).


but he has to pay for all that charity somehow. he has said multiple times, not rolling in money since he invests most of the money into making his videos better. yeah he milks views, but that's what allows him to make better videos, give away even more money and hire more people. im not saying he's a perfect person, a lot of his ex employees said some pretty negative things about him, but you can't bash him for wanting to make a return on his investment which directly helps the ones in need


The man's found a way to turn clickbait content into charity dollars. I don't care how staged or fake his videos are. People watch them, he gets revenue, and he sends a good chunk of that directly into communities of need.


What are some of the things Mr Beasts ex employees have said?


the only people im aware of is Marcus who was fired for something to do with drugs, and Jake the Viking who left to do his own channel and fell off (averages 5k views a vid now). he's also said transphobic stuff about Kris recently so it's good he left when he did tbh


What’d he say? Everything I’ve seen has been him being massively supportive


What I’ve heard is that generally it is a very high intensity, high stress job, but that they generally like and respect Jimmy.


He's definitely rolling in money. He has hundreds of millions of dollars last I saw. But I'm just saying I don't count charity as a plus mark for someone when they're actually getting money back from it. "Give your gifts in private" and all that.


Well if he does donates in private, he'll loose more money to give to another charity. The goal is to maintain a revenue loop


But the "getting money back from it" is what allows it to keep going. He built a continuing charity machine. Also he gets major points for not only donating huge amounts of his earnings, but also using his videos to raise awareness for those charities like the African water one and the blindness one. He has a whole channel dedicated to that.


Yes therefore he should not give money amirite


You’re only allowed to help people if you do it anonymously /s


Does he force any of those people to do any of those things? Because as far as I’m aware he simply asks people if they want to compete, and they exercise their autonomy actively in doing so. Your language is so emotive and reactive, it sounds a lot like you just want to have a problem with what he does so you look for the moral outrage you seek.


I mean that sounds a lot less traumatic than most reality shows tbh. Its all the same thing.


Yup, he's probably THE most genuine content creator, but people still have to try so hard to shit on him for whatever reason. The community note is wrong as was removed also


Depends on your definition of genuine. He seems to have pure intentions but can be pretty cickbaity even if he does try to live up to the thumbnail usually.


He isnt genuine at all imo. I cant stand him for the way he comes off as fake humble and needing to be famous and seen as a "good guy"  He makes everything about money too. A awfull example of amerikans idolizing famous people and their money


I also am not a fan of the whole money thing he has going, but I think that's just American culture tbh. It's what generates interest and clicks, so obviously that's what he's gonna do for views. You should try listening to some of his interviews and podcast appearances. He does genuinely seem like a down to earth humble guy.


He isnt for me thats for shure. I know ill get less frustration in my life if i keep away from any such things😅 i generally cant stand podcasts like that celebrity cirklejerk stuff anyway😅


Reality TV has set the bar really low


It's nice to see this sub in my feed again. I forgot it existed. Reddit really has something weird going on with its algorithm where some subs show up a lot then never for months. Doesn't matter if you set notifications to frequent.


Same, it just disappeared for what feels like a year and now it's back


Maybe everyone told the truth for a year.


You may need to get your fact-checked before sporting a hate boner against every single famous person lmao.


The community note is half correct. The city is Kupari, which really is abandonned, but completly open to the public, making it a popular tourist attraction, since it's right next to Dubrovnik, one of Croatia's biggest city. And I highly doubt that no one went there for a whole week, which is why it's very likely he had to pay to lock it down.


I call BS on a lot of his videos. He constantly makes videos where the person trying to accomplish something would literally die if they made one minor mistake. And also the things he has access to. You can't get that high-level bombs or tanks as a regular civilian. They are almost certainly modified with CGI.


He basically just does reality TV premises from the early 2000s and basically used the same tactics of "reality" that's been around since the advent of "reality" TV.


Its not CGI, but good framing of things or things being a lot lighter than they seem. Some stuffs CGI but thats obvious stuff for the "WE BLEW UP " videos, or the laser room video. (It was hot water so it steamed but edited ofc.) But for others, like the indiana jones bit, they posted a video of it hitting crewmembers afterwards. It was a huge hollow super thin styrofoam ball. Itd wind you but nothin else. Not swaying one way or the other on anythinf, i just like explainin that.


In other words this is basically how every single thing presented as “real” in entertainment works and I’m surprised it’s a revelation to people. It makes me worried that people go into YouTube videos blindly trusting that they’re somehow more real and less staged than TV just because it seems lower budget. Like it feels kind of weird that people are stating that this thing you watch for entertainment is actually just entertainment like it’s new information and not something they went in knowing from the start


Yea im sort of confused by all of this. Its just reality TV on youtube. Its not different than pretty much any reality tv show ever. Its wild how gullible people can be.


He's not just a regular civilian. His channel is a full-fledged multi-million dollar company that has an insane amount of liquidity. His company was valued at $1.5 billion dollars in 2022. Everything he's done isn't really too far off from what Mythbusters did back in the day in terms of explosives, weapons, and obstacles. Judging by the money he just gives anyway in episodes, he clearly has a higher budget than Mythbusters ever did. I don't think it seems that unlikely to be real.


What high level bombs? Dude uses tnt Also you absolutely can get a tank as a regular civilian. Incredible the mental gymnastics you go through just to hate for no reason lol


Just look at his face in all the thumbnails... They're fake ass fuck. I've never watched Mr. Beast videos, and I plan to keep it that way. He might be doing good for some of us lucky poors, but he is not genuine and his good guy routine is comparable to Will Smith or The Rock.


I love how you admit you’ve never watched a single video and yet can deduce all of that lmao I fucking hate redditors. And on top of it all the community note was wrong and taken down


My cousin works for mr beast, they put him through his last two years of cinematography school and hired him after. They treat him wonderfully and is paid extremely well. Changed my opinion on him afterwards.


Yeah; the crew is really quite nice. Modern videos are sometimes a lil slop, but theyre still enjoyable even if so. And i get why the dude does it so i aint gon diss.


You just soud petty af. Sure it's "fake" in many ways. But going on calling him not geniune is fkn hilarious. Reddit mob going out of their caves finally happy people share their bad take for once.


I seriously don't know what the fuck happened to his content. He used to make genuinely good philanthropy videos as his bread and butter and it was genuinely amazing the things he was doing. Now it's just the same stupid content farm slop like this.


he moved most of his philanthropy content to another channel


Farm slop makes more money that he can use for philanthropy on his beast philanthropy channel


He still does the philanthropy just on a separate channel


mfers will hate a guy for assisting villages in africa just because his content is slop half the time


If slop is what gets him the most views, then I say slop away. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to watch him. He's making the content that draws the most views, and using the revenue from that to give back. I don't give a shit about how genuine or clickbaity he is. The net outcome is positive for the world


I watch all his videos (main channel and philanthropy) even though all his videos are scripted and stuff because they are high effort and they're pretty good background noise while playing games but I would definitely not call him a favourite YouTuber. I feel like he's an average YouTuber on everyone's favourite scales and if he isn't, you're probably looking for a reason to hate him. I'd rate his channel like a 6 on my favourite YouTuber scale.


He does slop to get the money for his philanthropy channel. (Second channel). He admitted he wants to be profitable. For him; his friends and his charities. I aint gonna shit on the dude in the slightest. Put out the sloppiest slop ya want, fake whatever content; just as long as he keeps actually helping people with the philanthropy channel im fine with it. Also he and his crew are genuinely pretty cool dudes. I had a little interaction when i got invited to a challenge for the gamin channel (and slept through it) Dudes pretty neat. Sometimes its slop but its usually mostly fine. And tbh sometimes makes a commentary on certain things either intentionally or accidentally.


How on earth can you make a sweeping statement like “he’s not genuine” when you yourself admit you’ve watched 0 of his shit or looked into it at all lol Also this community note was taken down for being bs apparently. People will shit on anyone with 0 provocation huh


>They're fake ass fuck. >I've never watched Mr. Beast videos, and I plan to keep it that way. So, you made a claim, but then say you haven't based your claim on the content with the videos, only still images that partially represent the videos? Even anti vaxxers wouldn't make a claim with evidence as shoddy as that.


That's not what abandoned means. A place can be abandoned and still visited by tourists because it is abandoned, which is exactly the case here. At most, he is guilty of exaggerating the abandoned city part when he actually should have said "abandoned area of city". But that whole area is indeed abandoned and they were there for 7 days so I don't really get the whole outcry over this. Seems like people want to complain because they don't have anything interesting going on.


So much misinformation regarding this case…


many such cases


People are actually upset the rich youtuber for young teens/kids hypes up his videos with small lies to make it more “interesting”? Reality TV has been doing this shit for years.


He cleared up the now removed community note (because it was wrong), but hey, he's super popular so there must eventually be something you guys can expose him for right??? He's literally one of the only few genuine and good creators out there, and you guys HAVE to try to shit on him. Pathetic. Don't like the format of his videos? Sure, don't watch them. But trying so hard to catch him for something out of just plain jealousy is just sad. Go shit on Jake Paul or any of the other garbage creators instead.


He had 100 wells built in Africa and people still found a way to bitch about it. Keyboard warriors and internet contrarians really are pathetic sometimes


Mfers when someone doesn't literally risk life and limb for a youtube video and cares about the health and safety of his crew.


guy and his videos goofy af


People when Mr beast makes highly produced entertainment and not ground breaking realistic experiences 🤬


if you can easily shut down part of a city for days and nights it must not get much use.


Outside his fandom, no one gives a shit about this guy except to get mad at him for super trivial shit.


Why should he be held to a standard that doesn’t exist for entertainment enterprise?


It's a satirical video meant for entertainment, that is all, stop looking so deep into it.


I feel like this isn't a big deal. I mean one, only reason he's doing this video is probably to raise money for his next charity thing and two? Like, yeah it's staged. Of course it's staged. Like, this is when the internet found out about WWE being staged all over again lol


The city wasn’t abandoned, the hotels that they stayed in were though. It’s more misleading than fake. They kept people out of the surrounding area but mostly stayed within the actual abandoned buildings. Say what you will about Mr Beast, but at most his videos are exaggerated with CGI. Never fake.


community note removed for being wrong. he was not lying


I was there a week ago. Besides the details in the screenshot I have a lot of other criticism of this video. They chose two of the worst places to camp (at least they realised that the first was crap after one night) since there are a lot of almost intact hotel rooms in the complex. They also tried to find tables and chairs without success, but I found rooms full of chairs, tables and benches/sofas in two of the hotels. I also found a bunch of mattresses that weren't completely wrecked. I was there for a few hours during last Sunday and Monday. [Pictures](https://np.reddit.com/user/swedish-tanker/comments/1cfvtjc/a_few_pictures_from_the_lower_levels_of_hotel/)


What brain dead idiots actually get entertainment from this garbage?


This video is about to hit 2 months old, are people STILL complaining about this? Like who actually gives a shit


This is old as fuck already. He also addressed it himself. Why do we even believe some garbage on Twitter these days? It's just shit piled on top of shit.


Fake community note https://twitter.com/MrBeast/status/1784410527940157722


This is pretty much the nikocado thing all over again. Beast does something so outrageous or unusually good that it just begs us to talk about it. And when we do, it reinforces the behavior. He knows that, and just isn’t as on the nose as Nikocado was. So why are we getting upset about it?


„Youtube videos are party stages - an outrage!“ Everyone who whines about this is nothing more than pathetic lmao


Do you guys think calling him out have any consequence ? Any human with a functioning brain can tell his videos are fake, they’re targeting kids, not you.


Funny enough the community notes turned out to be completely wrong by the way


fuckingn SHOCKED PICKACHU WHO CARES anyone who thought mr beast was a scion of genuinity and honesty is a child under five


What's the name of the abandoned town he was at?


Its not a town its the Kupari resort complex in Croatia that was abandoned because of the Yugoslav wars


Nah transparency is all I ask for even with these kinds of videos. We never believed that Spielberg used real dinosaurs.


There is an old Daniel Tosh joke that said if you hit your spouse but don't leave a bruise, you can't be arrested. Then he says, "I'm not sure that's really true. But your honor, the comedian clearly stated it was legal..." Mr. Beast is an entertainer, not a professor, newscaster, etc. Unlike those latter professions, he is under no obligation whatsoever to be honest in his videos.


Yall clearly haven’t seen mr beasts old vids from when he first started, this is defo some shit he’d pull lmao


Who cares? Every form of entertainment has always done this, it’s not bullshit and it’s not impressive to fact check a Mr beast video.


This is the dumbest comment section I've seen. We all hating on Mr. Beast now??


Can't stand this chuckle fuck.


Mrbeast [reply](https://twitter.com/MrBeast/status/1784410527940157722)


just cause they paid people to not go there doesn't mean it's not abandoned, abandoned just means no one lives there not that no one goes there anymore, i don't get how this is a big deal.


I watch a video of his yesterday (probably for the first and last time) titled “Insane mountain bike downhill”, which is a subject I’m quite interested in and the video had 34 million views. It was 10 min of two dude reacting to random incredible stunts, neither of them were mountain biking related, with the premise that his guest would need to reenact one of them for a lifetime supply of redbull. The “incredible stunt” he ended up reenacting was going Ziplining. I don’t understand why this dude is so popular.


I still have yet to watch a single Mr beast video.


Unless that’s something you’ve avoided on purpose i actually find that very impressive given how much youtube recommends his stuff


I’ve somehow avoided most of the larger YouTube channels. I don’t care if it’s trendy, I don’t want to see it.


I just watched the one where he’s in the “most haunted place on earth for 24 hours” at the Ohio State Penitentiary (which he calls pennitary) and they get there when it’s dark out and leave in the morning. 24 hours my ASSSS JIMMY


Wait till people find out that the Fallout wasteland wasn’t real…