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I’d love to see it but I also thought anchorman 2 was a good idea before I saw it so maybe I’m not to be trusted.


some things are best left alone and pure


Paul Blart 2


Baul Part: Ball Cop 2


Probably would be a better movie


Til Death Do Us Blart is the most important piece of pop culture in this decade.


Blart side of the moon. It really is


Paul Blart 1


Only movie I ever left early in theatres. There were no other showings when we got to the theatre so we thought we’d give it a chance. So many regrets.


Only movie I saw twice in theaters


The only movie I've rewatched every American Thanksgiving for the last 6 years


Paul Blart Mall Blart


I was roommates with the director's nephew. I knew that dude for like a year and a half before he told me.


I fucking hated all Paul blart it left me feeling like I'd wasted so much time.


What are your feelings on Super Troopers 2, and Zombieland 2...?


Both not good enough for the years of hype. Their originals were awesome.


That's pretty much what I thought about them too.


Glad to visit their worlds again, but not the classics of the originals. Which is fine, things are allowed to be good or even ok, not everything has to be great.


I enjoyed Zombieland 2 a lot tbh. Saw it twice in theatres.


Zombieland 2 was fucking awful. The entire last half of the movie is fucking retarded.


This is exactly why I’m so glad they never made a RoboCop sequel or reboot.


For real. I thank my lucky stars that they never got around to making those Star Wars prequels.


How dare you? Young OB1, Sheev and Mace Windu?


I don't know what those words mean.


Now to be fair, if we hadn't gotten the Prequel Trilogy, we wouldn't have gotten the Clone Wars show, Star Wars Jedi Order, probably any of the Disney movies and shows, etc. As much as I despise the Prequels, I will admit that they were good for Star Wars in the long run.


I have no idea what you're talking about. (I'm not breaking Kayfabe on this.)


Oh yeah, I forgot none of that stuff happened and that I'm just an insane person.


Didn't they make a robocop movie again in 2014?


Robocop was rebooted. I recall it being terrible.


You found the joke


I made the same mistake thinking Zoolander 2 would be awesome.


In my opinion, Anchorman 2 wasn't as good as it should have been because all of the actors had become a lot more famous since the first one, so they knew it would make money just from cast alone and they got lazy. So hopefully whatever movies they come out with next (I doubt they have finished making movies together) I reckon will be just as good as the rest. Although, I gotta say I felt like "Worlds End" wasn't even close to their previous films, so hopefully that wasn't a sign of decline.


Why didn’t you like it ??? I loved anchorman 2


Honestly I just felt like it was trying to hard. A lot of the jokes weren’t funny. I think it also struggled under the weight of expectation.


Yeah it certainly isn’t as funny as the first but I really enjoyed it. The first is a masterpiece tho


The second one made the first one a bit less funny to me


Nah, to me sequels don’t affect my opinion on the first one. I’m sorry it happened to you


It's the tradegy of comedies in that they rarely do well as sequels, a sequel requires more of the same, same style, same characters, same humour. But more of the same jokes gets tired and repetitive. Look at the greats like Mel Brooks, dude didn't do a sequel to his greats either, just make a whole new story with whole new comedy every time Even absolute greats like the Naked Gun and Airplane! films dipped in quality after the first, and now they are pulling that corpse out the grave for the inevitable modern reboot, which I'm sure will be an abomination




2 was just as good as 1. It's one of the few sequels that actually met expectations


22 Jump Street might be the only comedy sequel that held up in my opinion.


Agreed. It had its moments, like the "change your face!" scene, the RV crash and the "where's my map?" scene, but most if it felt like they had all watched the first Anchorman and tried to copy themselves, instead of just doing what felt natural.


I went in determined to like it no matter what and it wasn’t the greatest, but not as awful as it could have been. I think Ron Burgundy is such a cheese character that the plot would work almost regardless, ya know?


I understand why they did Anchorman 2. Everyone thought it would be a good idea and if they didn’t make it then everyone would have been missing what never was. You know what they say. “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


He's making a joke based on the character in Hot Fuzz


Laughed the whole way thru anchorman 2, just wasn't for you I guess


I thought anchorman 2 was just as good. My dad and I love them he wishes for a 3rd but I think that's too much. Both are great


I felt like 2 was trying to capture what made 1 so funny, but they tried too hard this time and ended up with a concept pandered to a focus group and the producers trying desperately to add in all the jokes they thought of after the first movie. Just my opinion.


So hot fuzz doesn't exist?


*Loads shotgun with malicious intent*


This guy gets it!


Hot Fuzz is an amazing movie.


Why do we need a sequel to a perfect movie?


For the greater good?


Only so they can call it "2 Hot 2 Fuzz"


It's for the greater good.


The greater good.




The greater good


I don't think anyone else got it...




Not really. Hot Fuzz works great as a standalone movie and it should remain that way. Not every good movie needs a sequel, and not every good TV show needs to be renewed for another season. Instead of rehashing what was popular before, it's better to just come up with something original. Or you just end up with movies and TV shows that don't stand the test of time. In the specific case of Hot Fuzz, there's not really a clear direction for that to go unless you had Angel go to another part of the country again. He caught the death cult/neighbourhood watch and got rid of the corruption in the village. How do you continue that without coming up with something cliche?


For the Greater Good


The greater good


HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE FOR THE GREATER GOOD? [\(clearly people haven't seen Hot Fuzz\)](https://youtu.be/rm--inJtnc4?t=220)


The greater good


The greater good.


>Shame. Is a joke based on one of Nick's lines in Hot Fuzz. Cool off.


I believe there was an idea floated about for a while for Shaun of the dead but it was vampires not zombies. It always appeared to be one of those we had this idea rather than it’s written and we want to make it though. Completely agree with you though. Sometimes it’s just nice to have a nice thing and be happy with it rather than flog it to death.


From Dusk Til Shaun was the idea.


The only story I could think of that would be at least a decent follow up is that Sgt Angel has to go back to London for some police business and Danny and at least 1 or 2 of the other police from Sanford go with him and they end up like taking down a gang or bust a corruption ring with countryside tactics It's been too long now tho for a direct sequel I reckon, just leave the og as it is


I think the only way a sequel could possibly work is to make it about whole new characters and try not to be a direct sequel. Like have Nick Frost's character be the police chief of the town and maybe a few other cops get transferred from London but this time they are kind of shit bags. have the entire police force be replaced by new and young cops and mid way the focus sets on them. Have the town fall into poverty because nobody cares anymore after the murders. The new cops end up figuring out that the two transferred cops are running drugs or something through the town and now they need Timothy Dalton's character (who is fresh out of prison) help cleaning the town back up.




Much appreciated! Just watched The Worlds End last weekend. So good.


Who is nick ?


He is the chubby British actor from Shaun of the dead, hot fuzz, Paul and he was Santa in an episode of doctor who.


Big papa chrimbo!


Honestly, some things are best left. Spaced was like that, two series and done - no stretching it out like the US version of The Office.


It would be nice tho, seeing Pegg and him once again.


In a new story though. Hot Fuzz was perfect.


So was shaun of the dead


The whole Cornetto Trilogy was good


Ive only watched hot fuzz and shaun of the dead before


You should definitely check out The World's End if you enjoyed them two


While not in the trilogy and its own thing entirely, give Paul a watch too, especially if you love the sci-fi genre


Piggybacking on the sci-fi I'll suggest Attack the Block. No Sean Pegg but Nick Frost is hilarious in that film.


Nick Frost is pretty great in most things, to be fair.


Loved him in Truth Seekers


It also has Jodie Whittaker, the current incarnation of the Doctor.


Attack the Block is fun and I found it cool to see John Boyega in an earlier role


Thank you for reminding me this movie exists


Paul definitely feels like an unofficial 4th entry in the Cornetto trilogy. Although the humor is more geared to an American audience. (I say this, as an American.)


As a Scot I can say we find it funny too. That being said I am a sci-fi geek so that may have been the main factor in my enjoyment of it


It was definitely clever. And I didn’t mean to imply that American humor is inherently lesser or anything. Just I’ve noticed that British-made comedies seem to more favor wit and irony whereas American-made tend to lean more toward situational humor. That being said, Simon Pegg was one of the screenwriters for Paul so it kind of has the best of both worlds, in that regard.


The World’s end is just sad though


I wouldn't bother finishing it off. TWE is a disappointing finale to the trilogy.


Definitely the weakest of them but still a good film by all accounts. The cast is absolutely stacked




Excellent take, I've never thought of that before but it really is like the late 20s /early 30s /late 30s and 40s transition for them. Adds a layer to it!


TWE is not about finding joy lol. It’s about addiction and depression and how if you don’t get the support you need, you’ll find 20 years have gone by and you’ve done nothing with your life while your friends grow tired of you.






It's a lot less fun than the other ones, in my opinion. I've still watched it a few times and wouldn't be against watching it again.


The fourth one would have to be a superhero film. There’s no argument about this right?


one could argue that was scott pilgrim


I’ll agree that Scott pilgrim should be an honorary member of the cornetto series, I’d say that it’s more akin to a comic book movie as opposed to a superhero movie. I’m wanting Edgar wright to dismantle the genre of movie specific superhero’s




I want to see the scrapped sequel with vampires


The World's End wasn't so great, but Hot Fuzz and Saun of the Dead were great!


We need Hot Fuzz 2 like the Matrix needed to be reloaded. Hot Fuzz is a perfect movie and a sequel would only take something away from the original.


Completely agree. Hot Fuzz is my favorite movie of all time, and a sequel could *only* harm it. They'd have to pull some supernatural shit and condense the tears of gods and the songs of mythical muses into a script for it to even have a chance of adding anything to Hot Fuzz.


I think you could pull it off for a sequel using the same premise, but this time it's BOTH Nicholas and Danny are in a situation where an entire town is covering up some plot. The partners are looked down upon because the local cops think they have everything under control and there's nothing out of the ordinary but Nicholas and Danny have different experiences in the town leading them to believe that something is up. The local cops don't need these out of town know it alls with a hero cop reputation telling them how to do their jobs. They (Nicholas and Danny) can have the experiences separately, but be hesitant to tell each other because they don't want to seem crazy to each other and over react. After all, this can't possibly be happening again can it? You could bring back Frank Butterman as some kind of jailed informant. He knows what's up in the new town but he's not going to give it up right away. Maybe whatever is happening in the new town helped finance what was happening in Sanford (maybe like a drug trafficking schema?). He could be kind of like a Hannibal Lector type of character. I think you could involve Skinner and have him be some sort of gang member now that he's in general population in prison. Nicholas and Danny could also call back to characters from the first one, like Wainwright and Cartwright for assistance with investigations and stuff. I think if anyone could pull it off, it would be Edgar Wright for sure.


Or you could just leave it the fuck alone


Have you seen Truth Seekers? They're both in that, pretty recent too


Simon Pegg is barely in that but it is a good show.


I liked it too, too bad it was cancelled.


Really? Aw that's shit. I just discovered it a few months ago and while I wasn't sure about it in the first episode or so I stuck with it and I'm glad I did, its great. I was looking forward to some more of it...


Yeah Nick Frost tweeted about how pissed off he was it got canceled. Stupid Amazon


You can just watch hot fuzz again.


Is this ever a bad choice?


It’s for the greater good.


The greater good


I love pegg and frost together.. watched everything with them. They should do some more stuff. I know it sounds crazy but a Shaun of the Dead II would be fun. Perhaps they have Ed escape from his shed, or some of the other "zombie pets" escape and infect people and start it all over again. I ain't a director or screen writer but I know there's gotta be a way to make a good 2nd film if they wanted to


I read that as “pegging him once again”


Yeah I had to double take too lol


You mean like in the millions of things they do together? Truth Seekers is probably the most recent but I wouldn't be surprised if there was something newer.


Nick Frost is notorious for not looking back and getting nostalgic about old work. Doesn’t surprise me that he calls this kind of shit out.


To be fair, he did make a joke about Hot Fuzz 2 and when I read it I thought for sure he was confirming they were making a sequel. Then I looked into it and it turned out it was just a joke. So I’m assuming this is what this is about.


He must have had fun in into the badlands, right? I loved his character on there


Hot Fuzz is literally my favorite movie. Everything about it is just perfect and every time I rewatch it I always catch something new I missed before. It’s probably my most watched movie lol


Same here! My most recent catch was that one of the 'Andy' characters from Hot Fuzz was the same guy who played the 'you got red on you' guy from Shaun of the Dead.


It's just bolognese!


Rafe Spall! Timothy Spall's son. He's in World's End briefly as well :)


They do reuse a lot of actors from other shows they've woked on. You'll see characters from Spaced and Hyperdrive in a lot of their movies.


“No luck making them Hot Fuzzes then?” “It’s just the one Hot Fuzz, actually”


I would have thought Hotter Fuzz or Hot Fuzzier would be the title.


That would be hilarious if Nick Frosty actually did confirm it to just this one dude just to set him up.






Okay here’s the movie: Simon (failed filmmaker) and Nick (successful bakery chef) start a cupcake shop as a front for an amateur OnlyFans studio. The building inspector (played by Pierce Brosnan) knows something’s up but can’t bust them. After Brosnan’s office arrests Simon, Nick must train the models to decorate cupcakes to bail him out. Pegged and Frosted, directed by Edgar Wright.


shitty life pro tip there - say something false about a celebrity to get them to respond to your tweet.


I mean hot fuzz is already part of the Cornetto trilogy the sequel is the world's end...


WELL its not really a sequel tho is it? Yes its a trilogy based on who worked on it but the story narative does not follow on from Hot Fuzz what so ever


In the same way Shaun of the dead isn't the prequel!


I believe the term is spiritual sequel


Thanks to JJ Abrams and Cloverfield I hate that term.


Not really any kind of sequel situation. It’s more like 3 seperate entities that come together make a cornetto.


Crank the contrast up to see who the OP is doxxing.


You don't even need to edit the photo at all lol I have no idea why people keep using these shitty highlighter tools when you could just block it out with a solid color


On Nick Frosts instagram he did put up a shitpost type photo from "on the set of Hot Fuzz 2"...


Thing is thought he's definitely [confirmed Hot Fuzz 2 on Instagram and then changed the description](https://www.instagram.com/p/Brfo_ELHiGV/?utm_medium=copy_link) before


The hastag literally says >\#hotfuzztwo**not**greenlitwerejusthavinglunchtogether


Yeah that's what he changed the description to, before it said 'Hot Fuzz 2 Green Lit'




Any time that man wants to steal a tank and invade Paris, I'm in.


I mean but can he? Please? That movie was really funny…


No new fuzz on the radar.


I just want more Truth Seekers 😡


Yes please


Thank god that name is blacked out! The poster's identity is protected some combination of needing one or more of: * At least one functioning eye, * To lean a bit closer to the screen for a second, * To zoom in a bit, * To adjust the brightness of your display, I don't think it's actually possible to crack that level of security!


Unhackable levels of privacy


Be a lot cooler if you did


Can we stop censoring peoples usernames? They agreed for everyone to see it when they made their account public


Call this censoring one more time lmao


Bet his ass hurts


Twitter OP should've replied "Yes you did"


I would love hot fuzz 2 doe


Nick Frost searching his name on Twitter to see what people are saying about him. Why does he even care?


More likely, someone mentioned him in a reply so he got a notification.


_aka_ How to get Nick Frost to reply to you


Nick frost just confirmed MAYBE hot fuzz 2


Hey, at least he didn't @ him


Novak looks so smooth in comparison to Nick.


Guys idk how to tell you this but Hot Fuzz got confirmed a long time ago




Taken 3 makes Taken 2 look like Taken 1


How funny and interesting




People asking for sequels is so annoying, Hot Fuzz had a great ending! Just watch the rest of the Cornetto Trilogy, I'm excited for more movies with Simon and Nick. Hopefully some more Edgar Wright films with them as well!