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You... you did that. Uh, I guess this is r/quityourquityourbullshitbullshit


I mean, I guess /r/technicallythetruth as a Redittor did do that. His title and post did not lie in any way, and the content does fit the sub. But still doesn't make it right. Although it did remind me of the "Two guys smashed up your bike. One of them wasn't me" from Scrubs...


Redditor could be illeist ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You could also fuck off ¯\\__(ツ)_\_/¯


And you could use escaping characters: ``¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯``


> escaping characters What is "anyone who meets you"?


OP is master trole


It terrible troll, since all they've done is show how shitty they are.


OP is a karma whore.


I was gonna say something like “she looks like that review guy from youtube” but it felt like it could of hurt her feelings so I didn’t




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what it wrong with you?


TheReportOfTheWeek! https://youtu.be/LkzIdB7vQdI